Baby Focus Book for My Son
Language : Python (Turtle Graphics)
Randomly generate N-polygon figures including circle
Can choose color mode and set border size
Other language candidates : Web, VBA, BASIC, ……
Functions to add
Randomly generate and eliminate figures
Improve figures : ex) star, butterfly, ……
Operate based on touch response
Black & White 1 - (2021.06.15)
Black & White 1 (2021.06.15)
from turtle import *
import random
import time
def drawFigures (bw = 0 , penSize = 0 ) :
# locate at random position
penup () # penup() = pu() = up() : move without drawing
posX = random .randint (- 250 , 250 )
posY = random .randint (- 150 , 50 )
setpos (posX , posY )
# set pen size
pensize (penSize )
# choose a random RGB color
if (bw == 0 ) :
hexNum1 = str (hex (random .randint (0 , pow (256 , 3 ) - 1 ))[2 :])
hexNum2 = str (hex (random .randint (0 , pow (256 , 3 ) - 1 ))[2 :])
col1 = '#' + '0' * (6 - len (hexNum1 )) + hexNum1
col2 = '#' + '0' * (6 - len (hexNum2 )) + hexNum2
color (col1 , col2 ) # color(pencolor, fillcolor)
elif (bw == 1 ) :
color ("white" , "black" )
else : # bw == 2 : black or white figures
if (random .randint (0 , 1 )) :
penColor = "white"
fillColor = "black"
else :
penColor = "black"
fillColor = "white"
color (penColor , fillColor )
# draw a random n-polygon figure
pendown () # pendown() = pd() = down() : move with drawing
begin_fill ()
size = random .randint (25 , 100 )
nPolygon = random .randint (1 ,10 )
if (nPolygon < 3 ) : # steps < 3 : draw just a line
circle (size )
else :
circle (size , steps = nPolygon )
end_fill ()
time .sleep (1 )
# main part
setup (width = 600 , height = 300 )
title ("My Baby Black & White Book 1" )
hideturtle () # hide turtle : make the moving speed faster
delay (0 ) # 0 : mostly faster
n = 0
while (True ) :
drawFigures (bw = 2 , penSize = 10 ) # bw : 0 - color (default), 1 - black, 2 - b/w
n += 1
if (n > 9 ) :
clearscreen ()
hideturtle () # clearscreen() initializes visibility of the turtle
n = 0
Output 1 : bw = 1, penSize = 0
Output 2 : bw = 0, penSize = 0
Output 3 : bw = 1, penSize = 5
Output 4 : bw = 2, penSize = 10