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679 lines (521 loc) · 19.2 KB

File metadata and controls

679 lines (521 loc) · 19.2 KB

for my sister who is an aspiring writer


Subject Detail Related Version Completion Date
Feature Open Idea Generator(main) and Dictionary sheets with the Run button v0.10 2022.05.18
Select the number of sentences generated v0.10 2022.05.18
Add postpositions and make able to choose if use them or not v0.11 2022.05.19
Add parameters validation (not in code, but in Excel sheet) v0.11 2022.05.19
Print a line as an integrated sentence v0.12 2022.05.20
Save sentences into a log file v0.20 2022.06.03
- Bug Fix : Save properly whatever the parameters are v0.21 2022.06.05
Use plural dictionaries (Coming) (Coming)
Generate a parapraph with KoGPT2 HyperCLOVA and so on (Coming) (Coming)
…… More feature improvement …… (Coming) (Coming)
Design Add title and rearrange the parameters' locations v0.20 2022.06.03
…… More design improvement …… (Coming) (Coming)
Refactoring Partition GenIdea() Procedure v0.22 2022.06.06
…… More architecture improvement …… (Coming) (Coming)


  • Refactoring : Partition GenIdea() Procedure

    • Change only codes except the external feature

    Idea Generator v0.22 Architecture

  • Code : IdeaGenerator_v0.22.bas

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub SetArea()
    ' Set Area : Zero Point and Using Area's Range / ★ Modify When the Sheet Design is Changed
    Private Sub SetArea( _
        ByRef paramZero As Range, _
        ByRef printZero As Range, _
        ByRef usingArea As Range _
        Set paramZero = Range("A3")
        Set printZero = Range("A5")
        Set usingArea = Range(printZero, printZero.Offset(10000, 5))
    End Sub
    Private Sub Clear()
    ' Clear Using Area
    Private Sub Clear(ByRef usingArea As Range)
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetParameters()
    ' Set Parameters
    Private Sub SetParameters( _
        ByRef paramZero As Range, _
        ByRef n As Integer, _
        ByRef postp As Integer, _
        ByRef integrated As Integer, _
        ByRef save As Integer, _
        ByRef usingArea As Range _
        n = paramZero.Value
        postp = paramZero.Offset(0, 1).Value
        integrated = paramZero.Offset(0, 2).Value
        save = paramZero.Offset(0, 3).Value
        If integrated = 1 Then
            paramZero.Offset(0, 1).Value = 1                                        ' an integrated sentence should contain postpositions
            postp = paramZero.Offset(0, 1).Value
            usingArea.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft                                  ' left alignment when the sentence is integrated
            usingArea.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter                                ' center alignment when the sentence is not integrated
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetPath()
    ' Set Log File Path
    Private Sub SetPath( _
        ByRef path As String, _
        ByRef timeInfo As String _
        Dim timeInfo1 As Date, _
            timeInfo2 As Date
        timeInfo1 = Date
        timeInfo2 = Time
        timeInfo = timeInfo1 & " " & timeInfo2
        path = ThisWorkbook.path & Application.PathSeparator & _
              "GenIdeaLog_" & timeInfo1 & ".txt"
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetRndNum()
    ' Get Random Number to Pick a Word
    Private Sub GetRndNum( _
        ByRef j As Integer, _
        ByRef pick As Integer _
        pick = Int(Rnd * Sheet1.Cells(1, j)) + 1                                    ' want to find the way better than 'Sheet1' ……
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetPhrase()
    ' Get a Phrase
    Private Sub GetPhrase( _
        ByRef phrase As String, _
        ByRef postp As Integer, _
        ByRef j As Integer, _
        ByRef pick As Integer _
        If postp = 1 Then
            ' Judge if Insert a Space or not
            If j = 5 Then
                phrase = Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j) & " " & Sheet1.Cells(2, j + 7)   ' Sheet1 / 2, 7 : depends on the dictionary sheet's structure
                phrase = Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j) & Sheet1.Cells(2, j + 7)         ' Sheet1
            End If
            phrase = Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j)                                      ' Sheet1
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetSentence()
    ' Get a Sentence
    Private Sub GetSentence( _
        ByRef phrase As String, _
        ByRef sentence As String _
        sentence = sentence & phrase & " "
    End Sub
    Private Sub PrintSentence()
    ' Print each Phrase or integrated Sentence
    Private Sub PrintSentence( _
        ByRef phrase As String, _
        ByRef sentence As String, _
        ByRef integrated As Integer, _
        ByRef printZero As Range, _
        ByRef i As Integer, _
        ByRef j As Integer, _
        ByRef pick As Integer _
        If integrated = 0 Then                                                          ' if not integrate, print phrase on each cell
            printZero.Offset(i - 1, j - 1).Value = phrase
            ' test
            ' printZero.Offset(i - 1, j - 1).Value = Str(pick + 2) & " " & Str(j + 7)   ' 2, 7 : depends on the dictionary sheet's structure
        Else                                                                            ' if intergrate, print the completed sentence only when j = 6
            If j = 6 And integrated = 1 Then
                printZero.Offset(i - 1, 0).Value = sentence
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub RecordLog()
    ' Save a Sentences into a Log File
    Private Sub RecordLog( _
        ByRef path As String, _
        ByRef timeInfo As String, _
        ByRef i As Integer, _
        ByRef sentence As String _
        Dim fn          As Integer
        fn = FreeFile
        Dim logSentence As String
        logSentence = i & " " & sentence
        Open path For Append As #fn
            If i = 1 Then                                                           ' add timeInfo when i = 1
                Print #fn, timeInfo
            End If
            Print #fn, logSentence
        Close #fn
    End Sub
    Private Sub GenIdea()
    ' Main Procedure
    Private Sub GenIdea()
        ' Set Area : Zero Point and Using Area's Range
        Dim paramZero   As Range, _
            printZero   As Range, _
            usingArea   As Range
        Call SetArea(paramZero, printZero, usingArea)
        ' Clear Using Area
        Call Clear(usingArea)
        ' Set Parameters
        Dim n           As Integer, _
            postp       As Integer, _
            integrated  As Integer, _
            save        As Integer
        Call SetParameters(paramZero, n, postp, integrated, save, usingArea)
        ' Set Log File Path
        If save = 1 Then                                                            ' if not save, path isn't needed
            Dim path    As String, _
                timeInfo As String
            Call SetPath(path, timeInfo)
        End If
        ' Loop for i, j
        Dim i           As Integer, _
            j           As Integer, _
            pick        As Integer                                                  ' i is recognized as Variant/Double when Dim i, j As Integer
        Dim sentence    As String, _
            phrase      As String
        For i = 1 To n
            sentence = ""                                                           ' initialize the sentence for each row
            For j = 1 To 6                                                          ' 6 from the dictionary that consists of 5W1H (dependent)
                phrase = ""                                                         ' initialize the phrase for each column
                ' Get Random Number to Pick a Word
                Call GetRndNum(j, pick)
                ' Get a Phrase
                Call GetPhrase(phrase, postp, j, pick)
                ' Get a Sentence
                Call GetSentence(phrase, sentence)                                  ' assemble sentence whenever integrate or not
                ' Print each Phrase or integrated Sentence
                Call PrintSentence(phrase, sentence, integrated, printZero, i, j, pick)
            Next j
            ' Save a Sentences into a Log File
            If save = 1 Then
                Call RecordLog(path, timeInfo, i, sentence)
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnRun_Click()
    ' Run button to call GenIdea()
    Private Sub btnRun_Click()
        Application.Calculation = xlManual
            Call GenIdea
        Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
    End Sub
  • Bug Fix : Save properly whatever the parameters are

    Idea Generator v0.21

  • Code : IdeaGenerator_v0.21.bas

    Mainly changed parts
    Private Sub GenIdea()
        ' Loop for i, j
        Dim sentence As String, phrase As String
        For i = 1 To n
            sentence = ""                                                       ' initialize the sentence for each row
            For j = 1 To 6
                phrase = ""                                                     ' initialize the phrase for each column
                ' Get a phrase
                If postp = 1 Then
                    ' Judge if insert spaces or not
                    If j = 5 Then
                        phrase = Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j) & " " & Sheet1.Cells(2, j + 7)
                        phrase = Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j) & Sheet1.Cells(2, j + 7)
                    End If
                    phrase = Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j)
                End If
                ' Assemble sentence whenever integrate or not
                sentence = sentence & phrase & " "
                ' Print each phrase or integrated sentence
                ' If not integrate, print phrase on each cell
                If integrated = 0 Then
                    Cells(i + 4, j).Value = phrase
                    ' test
                    ' Cells(i + 4, j).Value = Str(pick + 2) & " " & Str(j + 7)
                ' If intergrate, print the completed sentence only when j = 6
                    If j = 6 And integrated = 1 Then
                        Cells(i + 4, 1).Value = sentence
                    End If
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    End Sub
  • Output : GenIdeaLog_2022-06-05.txt

    Before (EUC-KR)
    2022-06-05 오후 9:56:30
    After (EUC-KR)
    2022-06-05 오후 11:30:44
    1 오크 이번주 던전 길드마스터 복수 기습 
    2 엘프 이번주 도구점 국왕 레벨업 휴식 
    10 엘프 이번주 바다 몬스터 아이템 획득 포획 
  • Add Feature : Can save sentences into a log file and choose if do it or not

  • Improve Design(?) : add title and rearrange the parameters' locations

  • Further Discussion about Technical Issues raised here:
      - ByRef vs ByVal (2022.06.05)
      - Declare Plural Variable (2022.06.04)

    Idea Generator v0.20

  • Code : IdeaGenerator_v0.20.bas

    Mainly changed parts
    Private Sub GenIdea()
        ' Parameters
        Dim n As Integer, postp As Integer, integrated As Integer, pick As Integer, save As Integer
        save = Range("D3")
        ' Loop for i, j
        Dim i As Integer, j As Integer                                          ' i is recognized as Variant/Double when Dim i, j As Integer
        Dim sentence As String
        For i = 1 To n
            ' Call RecordLog() for Saving into a separated log file
            If save = 1 Then
                Call RecordLog(i, sentence)
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub
    ' Save sentences into a log file
    Private Sub RecordLog(ByRef i As Integer, ByRef sentence As String)
        ' Set log file name
        Dim path As String, timeInfo As String, logSentence As String
        Dim timeInfo1 As Date, timeInfo2 As Date
        timeInfo1 = Date
        timeInfo2 = Time
        timeInfo = timeInfo1 & " " & timeInfo2
        path = ThisWorkbook.path & Application.PathSeparator & "GenIdeaLog_" & timeInfo1 & ".txt"
        Dim fn As Integer
        fn = FreeFile
        ' Record the sentences
        logSentence = i & " " & sentence
        Open path For Append As #fn
            If i = 1 Then                                                       ' when the log file should be initialized
                Print #fn, timeInfo
            End If
            Print #fn, logSentence
        Close #fn
    End Sub
  • Output : GenIdeaLog_2022-06-04.txt

    2022-06-04 오후 11:39:05
    1 오크이/가 이번주 도구점에서 병사을/를 아이템 획득 때문에/위하여 마법공격하다 
    2 드루이드이/가 지난주 대장간에서 몬스터을/를 토벌 때문에/위하여 치료하다 
    10 도적이/가 이번주 여관에서 병사을/를 의뢰 때문에/위하여 포획하다 
  • Can print a line as an integrated sentence (suggested from my friend 2071)
      - Can choose if integrate or not
      - Contain postpositions automatically when choose to integrate
      - Change alignment automatically (left / center)
      - Add spaces more naturally when choose to integrate

    Idea Generator v0.12

  • Code : IdeaGenerator_v0.12.bas

    Mainly changed parts
    Option Explicit
        ' Parameters
        Dim n, postp, integrated, pick As Integer
        integrated = Range("D2")
        If integrated = 1 Then
            Range("B2").Value = 1                                               ' an integrated sentence should contain postpositions
            postp = Range("B2")
            Range("A4:F10000").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft                     ' left alignment when the sentence is integrated
            Range("A4:F10000").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter                   ' center alignment when the sentence is not integrated
        End If
        ' Loop for i, j
        Dim i, j As Integer
        Dim sentence As String
        For i = 1 To n
            sentence = ""                                                       ' initialize the sentence for each row
            For j = 1 To 6
                ' Get a word randomly
                ' Integrated sentences
                If integrated = 1 Then
                    ' Judge where insert spaces
                    If j = 5 Then
                        sentence = sentence & Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j) & " " & Sheet1.Cells(2, j + 7) & " "
                        sentence = sentence & Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j) & Sheet1.Cells(2, j + 7) & " "
                    End If
                    ' Print the completed sentence
                    If j = 6 Then
                        Cells(i + 3, 1).Value = sentence
                    End If
                ' Not integrated but contain postpositions
                ElseIf postp = 1 Then
                ' Neither integrated nor contain postpositions
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
  • Add postpositions and make able to choose if use them or not

  • Add parameters validation (not in code, but in Excel sheet)

    Idea Generator v0.11
    Idea Generator v0.11

  • Code : IdeaGenerator_v0.11.bas

    Mainly changed parts
    'Option Explicit                                                            ' Cause an error : i, j are not declared strictly
        Dim n, postp, pick As Integer
        postp = Range("B2")
                If postp = 1 Then
    '               Cells(i + 3, j).Value = Str(pick + 2) & " " & Str(j + 7)    ' test
                    Cells(i + 3, j).Value = Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j) & " " & Sheet1.Cells(2, j + 7)
                    Cells(i + 3, j).Value = Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j)
                End If
  • Initialize : open Idea Generator(main) and Dictionary sheets with the Run button

  • Can select the number of sentences generated

  • Test : Ok

    Idea Generator v0.10
    Idea Generator v0.10

  • Code : IdeaGenerator_v0.10.bas

    Sub GenIdea()
    Sub GenIdea()
        Dim n, pick As Integer
        n = Range("B1")
        For i = 1 To n
            For j = 1 To 6
                pick = Int(Rnd * Sheet1.Cells(1, j)) + 1
    '            Cells(i + 3, j).Value = Str(pick + 1) & " " & Str(j)   ' test
                Cells(i + 3, j).Value = Sheet1.Cells(pick + 2, j)
            Next j
        Next i
    End Sub
    Private Sub btnRun_Click()
    Private Sub btnRun_Click()
        Application.Calculation = xlManual
            Call GenIdea
        Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
    End Sub