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199 lines (157 loc) · 6.4 KB

title: Deprecating infrastructure "int" domains abbrev: Infrastructure .int domains docname: draft-davies-int-historic-05 stand_alone: true ipr: trust200902 kw: Internet-Draft cat: info updates: 1528, 1706 pi: sortrefs: yes symrefs: yes author:

ins: K. Davies
name: Kim Davies
org: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
abbrev: IANA
    - 12025 Waterfront Drive
city: Los Angeles
code: 90094
country: United States of America
  • ins: A. Baber name: Amanda Baber org: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority abbrev: IANA street: - PTI/ICANN - 12025 Waterfront Drive city: Los Angeles code: 90094 country: United States of America email: informative: RFC1035: RFC1528: RFC1591: RFC1706: RFC3172: RFC4159: ISO10747: title: "Protocol for exchange of inter-domain routeing information among intermediate systems to support forwarding of ISO 8473 PDUs" target: date: 1994-10 seriesinfo: ISO/IEC: 10747:1994 ANS: title: "ATM Name Service Specification Version 1.0" target: date: 1996-11 seriesinfo: "ATM Forum": AF-SAA-0069.000

--- abstract

The document deprecates the use of any "int" domain names that were designated for infrastructure purposes by the IETF, and identifies them for removal from the "int" top-level domain. Any implementation that involves these domains should be considered deprecated. This document also requests moving the status of RFC 1528 and RFC 1706 to historic.

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The "int" top-level domain {{RFC1591}} is a specialized domain designated for intergovernmental organizations, which are organizations established by international treaties between or among national governments.

Historically, the "int" domain was also used for Internet infrastructure related purposes. This practice ended in 2001 when the "arpa" domain was declared the appropriate home for infrastructural identifier spaces {{RFC3172}}. In conjunction with this change, the eligibility for "int" domains was limited to only intergovernmental treaty organizations.

The documented uses of infrastructural identifiers in the "int" domain were largely experimental and are now in practice obsolete. This document requests moving the related specifications to historic status, along with removing any associated delegations from the "int" zone in the domain name system.

Historical infrastructural uses

The following domains were used for infrastructural identifier purposes that are now considered historic. Although each of these names was either delegated or documented at one time, the parties administering them have long since stopped using them.

The domain was experimentally defined to implement address lookups for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), including ATM End System Addresses (AESAs). {{ANS}}

The domain was described as providing an alternative to domain for mapping host IPv4 addresses to host names. The domain zone continues to be administered for this purpose {{RFC1035}}.

The domain was originally delegated for mapping host IPv6 addresses to host names. It was subsequently removed from the "int" zone, having been replaced by for this purpose {{RFC4159}}.

The domain name was specified to experimentally map Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Network Service Access Points to domain names {{RFC1706}}.

The domain name experimentally mapped OSI Inter-Domain Routing Protocol's Routing Domain Identifiers {{ISO10747}} to the domain name system.

The domain name hosted an experimental mechanism for publishing IANA registration values in the domain name system.

The domain name hosted an experimental remote printing service that served as a gateway between Internet mail and facsimile transmission {{RFC1528}}.

Updates to other RFC Series documents

RFC 1528

The specification for {{RFC1528}} should be deemed historic as it no longer functions as described in the document.

RFC 1706

The specification for {{RFC1706}} should be deemed historic as it no longer functions as described in the document.

IANA Considerations

The IANA shall coordinate the removal of any of the historical "int" domains discussed in this document that are still delegated in the "int" zone.

Security Considerations

Some old systems might have one or more subdomains of these names hardwired and expect a positive response for at least the second-level domain. This is, of course, true for any name in the DNS and should not be the sole basis to retain obsolete names.

Existing applications should eliminate any reliance upon these zones for their historic purpose. The operator of the "int" domain should be cautious about any potential re-use of these domains for intergovernmental treaty organizations.

Additional Information

This document is the result of an comprehensive inventory conducted by the IANA team of .int domains to accurately establish and record their purpose based on historical documentation. As part of this inventory, the domains delegated for infrastructure identifier related purposes were studied. Query patterns in the DNS for these domains were analyzed and judged to be insignificant, and preliminary outreach was conducted to the contacts for the associated domains. The assessment concluded that these domains are highly likely to be obsolete and this document is intended to formalize that assessment.

There are a small number of existing "int" domains nominally for "international databases" that are not defined by any standards documentation, and are assigned to entities rather than for an identifier purpose. While they would not qualify for a "int" domain under current criteria, their disposition is beyond the scope of this memo.

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Notes (for removal before publication)


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This document was compiled with help from Ted Hardie and Michelle Cotton, with additional input from Jari Arkko, John Klensin, Warren Kumari, Pete Resnick, George Michaelson and Toerless Eckert.