Releases: kmgowda/SBK
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 5.3
This Release version 5.3 includes
- added the new option "-millisecsleep" for SBK and SBM to specify the number of milliseconds to sleep for SBK and SBM core engine in case no write and read response.
- added the new option "-sbmsleepms" for SBK-GEM command/application to specify the number of milliseconds to sleep for SBM core engine in case no write and read response.
- Documentation update
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.3.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.3.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk -out SystemLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
Atomicq, BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3,
ConcurrentQ, Conqueue, Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV,
Db2, Derby, Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, Linkedbq, MariaDB, Memcached,
MinIO, MongoDB, MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream,
Nsq, Null, OpenIO, PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar,
RabbitMQ, Redis, RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB,
SeaweedS3, SQLite, Syncq]
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-millisecsleep <arg> Idle sleep in milliseconds; default: 0 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [CSVLogger, GrpcLogger,
PrometheusLogger, Sl4jLogger, SystemLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not
otherwise, Maximum records per second by
writer(s); and/or
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are
set; default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS,
mcs:MICROSECONDS, ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.3.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.3.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-5.3.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-5.3.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm -out SbmPrometheusLogger
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write,
wr: write and read, wro: write but only read,
rw: read and write, rwo: read but only write],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-millisecsleep <arg> Idle sleep in milliseconds; default: 10 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-out <arg> logger driver class,
Available Drivers [SbmPrometheusLogger]
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS,
mcs:MICROSECONDS, ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-5.3.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-5.3.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem -out GemPrometheusLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
Atomicq, BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3,
ConcurrentQ, Conqueue, Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV,
Db2, Derby, Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, Linkedbq, MariaDB, Memcached,
MinIO, MongoDB, MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream,
Nsq, Null, OpenIO, PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar,
RabbitMQ, Redis, RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB,
SeaweedS3, SQLite, Syncq]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default:
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default:
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-millisecsleep <arg> Idle sleep in milliseconds; default: 0 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [GemPrometheusLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not
otherwise, Maximum records per second by
writer(s); and/or
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are
set; default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmport <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-sbmsleepms <arg> SBM idle milliseconds to sleep; default: 10 ms
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (defau...
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 5.2
This Release version 5.2 includes
- added the benchmarking of Sync queues, in house Atomic queues, linked blocking queue
- Bug fixes
- Documentation update
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk -out SystemLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
Atomicq, BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Conqueue, Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby,
Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File, FileStream,
FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc, Kafka, LevelDB,
Linkedbq, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB, MsSql,
MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite,
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [CSVLogger, GrpcLogger,
PrometheusLogger, Sl4jLogger, SystemLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-5.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-5.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm -out SbmPrometheusLogger
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write,
wr: write and read, wro: write but only read,
rw: read and write, rwo: read but only write],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the list
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-out <arg> logger driver class,
Available Drivers [SbmPrometheusLogger]
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-5.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-5.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem -out GemPrometheusLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, Couchbase, CouchDB,
CSV, Db2, Derby, Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default: true
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default:
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [GemPrometheusLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmPort <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-yal-5.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-yal-5.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM-YAL directory/> /bin/sbk-gem-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-Group Execution Monitor-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK-GEM YAML file, default: ./sbk-gem.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK-GEM Options Help Text
Please report issues at
SBK Docker Images
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 5.1
This Release version 5.1 includes
- Bug fixes
- Documentation update
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk -out SystemLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, Couchbase, CouchDB,
CSV, Db2, Derby, Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [CSVLogger, GrpcLogger,
PrometheusLogger, Sl4jLogger, SystemLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-5.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-5.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm -out SbmPrometheusLogger
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write,
wr: write and read, wro: write but only read,
rw: read and write, rwo: read but only write],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the list
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-out <arg> logger driver class,
Available Drivers [SbmPrometheusLogger]
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-5.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-5.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem -out GemPrometheusLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, Couchbase, CouchDB,
CSV, Db2, Derby, Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default: true
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default:
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [GemPrometheusLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmPort <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-yal-5.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-yal-5.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM-YAL directory/> /bin/sbk-gem-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-Group Execution Monitor-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK-GEM YAML file, default: ./sbk-gem.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK-GEM Options Help Text
Please report issues at
SBK Docker Images
SBK Git hub packages
SBK in Jit Pack
[SBK in Maven Central](
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 5.0
This Release version 5.0 includes
- Add the new option "-out" to choose output logger for SBK, SBK-YAL, SBM, SBK-GEM and SBK-GEM-YAL performance results
- move all sbk drivers to new folder drivers
- API updates
- Documentation update
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk -out SystemLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, Couchbase, CouchDB,
CSV, Db2, Derby, Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [CSVLogger, GrpcLogger,
PrometheusLogger, Sl4jLogger, SystemLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-5.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-5.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm -out SbmPrometheusLogger
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write,
wr: write and read, wro: write but only read,
rw: read and write, rwo: read but only write],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the list
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-out <arg> logger driver class,
Available Drivers [SbmPrometheusLogger]
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-5.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-5.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem -out GemPrometheusLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, Couchbase, CouchDB,
CSV, Db2, Derby, Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default: true
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default:
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [GemPrometheusLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmPort <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-yal-5.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-yal-5.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM-YAL directory/> /bin/sbk-gem-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-Group Execution Monitor-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK-GEM YAML file, default: ./sbk-gem.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK-GEM Options Help Text
Please report issues at
SBK Docker Images
[SBK Git hu...
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 5.0-pre
This Release version 5.0-pre includes
- Add the new option "-out" to choose output logger for SBK, SBK-YAL, SBM, SBK-GEM and SBK-GEM-YAL performance results
- move all sbk drivers to new folder drivers
- API updates
- Documentation update
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.0-pre.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.0-pre.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk -out SystemLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, Couchbase, CouchDB,
CSV, Db2, Derby, Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [CSVLogger, GrpcLogger,
PrometheusLogger, Sl4jLogger, SystemLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-5.0-pre.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-5.0-pre.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-5.0-pre.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-5.0-pre.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write, wr: write and read, wro:
write but only read],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the list
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-5.0-pre.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-5.0-pre.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem -out GemPrometheusLogger
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, Couchbase, CouchDB,
CSV, Db2, Derby, Dynamodb, Exasol, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default: true
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default:
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-out <arg> Logger Driver Class,
Available Drivers [GemPrometheusLogger]
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmPort <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-yal-5.0-pre.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-yal-5.0-pre.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM-YAL directory/> /bin/sbk-gem-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-Group Execution Monitor-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK-GEM YAML file, default: ./sbk-gem.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK-GEM Options Help Text
Please report issues at
SBK Docker Images
SBK Git hub packages
SBK in Jit Pack
[SBK in Maven Central](https://se...
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 4.2
This Release version 4.2 includes
- dependency package update
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-4.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-4.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9718/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbm <arg> SBM host; 'no' disables this option, default: no
-sbmport <arg> SBM Port; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-4.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-4.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-4.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-4.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write, wr: write and read, wro:
write but only read],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the list
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-4.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-4.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default: true
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default: kmgs-MBP.Dlink
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmPort <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-yal-4.2.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-yal-4.2.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM-YAL directory/> /bin/sbk-gem-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-Group Execution Monitor-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK-GEM YAML file, default: ./sbk-gem.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK-GEM Options Help Text
Please report issues at
SBK Docker Images
SBK Git hub packages
SBK in Jit Pack
SBK in Maven Central
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 4.1
This Release version 4.1 includes
- Add the connection pooling option for pravega performance benchmarking
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-4.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-4.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9718/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbm <arg> SBM host; 'no' disables this option, default: no
-sbmport <arg> SBM Port; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-4.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-4.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-4.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-4.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write, wr: write and read, wro:
write but only read],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the list
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-4.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-4.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default: true
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default: kmgs-MBP.Dlink
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmPort <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-yal-4.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-yal-4.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM-YAL directory/> /bin/sbk-gem-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-Group Execution Monitor-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK-GEM YAML file, default: ./sbk-gem.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK-GEM Options Help Text
Please report issues at
SBK Docker Images
SBK Git hub packages
SBK in Jit Pack
SBK in Maven Central
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 4.0
This Release version 4.0 includes
- new metrics for write and reader to show how many times the readers and writers are "timed-out"
- Bug fixes
- documents update
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-4.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-4.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9718/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbm <arg> SBM host; 'no' disables this option, default: no
-sbmport <arg> SBM Port; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-4.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-4.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-4.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-4.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write, wr: write and read, wro:
write but only read],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the list
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-4.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-4.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default: true
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default: kmgs-MBP.Dlink
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmPort <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-yal-4.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-yal-4.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM-YAL directory/> /bin/sbk-gem-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-Group Execution Monitor-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK-GEM YAML file, default: ./sbk-gem.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK-GEM Options Help Text
Please report issues at
SBK Docker Images
SBK Git hub packages
SBK in Jit Pack
SBK in Maven Central
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 3.1
This Release version 3.1 includes
- Update the gradle version to 8.1
- Bug fixes
- documents update
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-3.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-3.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9718/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbm <arg> SBM host; 'no' disables this option, default: no
-sbmport <arg> SBM Port; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-3.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-3.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-3.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-3.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write, wr: write and read, wro:
write but only read],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the list
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-3.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-3.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default: true
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default: kmgs-MBP.Dlink
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmPort <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-yal-3.1.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-yal-3.1.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM-YAL directory/> /bin/sbk-gem-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-Group Execution Monitor-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK-GEM YAML file, default: ./sbk-gem.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK-GEM Options Help Text
Please report issues at
SBK Docker Images
SBK Git hub packages
SBK in Jit Pack
SBK in Maven Central
Storage Benchmark Kit Version 3.0
This Release version 3.0 includes
- Updates SBP (Storage Benchmark Protocol)
- Updates SBM (Storage Benchmark Monitor)
- Add the new parameter '-rq' to benchmark the read requests
- Add the new parameter '-wq' to benchmark the write requests
- Prints the pending writes and reads
- documents update
How to Use SBK:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-3.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-3.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk
Storage Benchmark Kit
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9718/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbm <arg> SBM host; 'no' disables this option, default: no
-sbmport <arg> SBM Port; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-3.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-3.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK directory/> /bin/sbk-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK YAML file, default: ./sbk.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK Options Help Text
Please report issues at
How to Use SBM:
unzip (untar) the file sbm-3.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbm-3.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBM directory/> /bin/sbm"
below is the help output:
usage: sbm
Storage Benchmark Monitor
-action <arg> action [r: read, w: write, wr: write and read, wro:
write but only read],
default: r
-class <arg> storage class name; run 'sbk -help' to see the list
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-help Help message
-max <arg> Maximum number of connections; default: 1000
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-port <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-3.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-3.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM directory/> /bin/sbk-gem"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem
Storage Benchmark Kit - Group Execution Monitor
-class <arg> Storage Driver Class,
Available Drivers [Activemq, Artemis, AsyncFile,
BookKeeper, Cassandra, CephS3, ConcurrentQ,
Couchbase, CouchDB, CSV, Db2, Derby, FdbRecord, File,
FileStream, FoundationDB, H2, HDFS, Hive, Jdbc,
Kafka, LevelDB, MariaDB, Memcached, MinIO, MongoDB,
MsSql, MySQL, Nats, NatsStream, Nsq, Null, OpenIO,
PostgreSQL, Pravega, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis,
RedPanda, RocketMQ, RocksDB, SeaweedS3, SQLite]
-context <arg> Prometheus Metric context;
'no' disables this option; default: 9719/metrics
-copy <arg> Copy the SBK package to remote hosts; default: true
-csvfile <arg> CSV file to record results;
'no' disables this option, default: no
-delete <arg> Delete SBK package after benchmark; default: true
-gempass <arg> ssh user password of the remote hosts, default:
-gemport <arg> ssh port of the remote hosts, default: 22
-gemuser <arg> ssh user name of the remote hosts, default: user
-help Help message
-localhost <arg> this local SBM host name, default: kmgs-MBP.Dlink
-maxlatency <arg> Maximum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:180000 ms
-minlatency <arg> Minimum latency;
use '-time' for time unit; default:0 ms
-nodes <arg> remote hostnames separated by ',';
-readers <arg> Number of readers
-records <arg> Number of records(events) if 'seconds' not specified;
otherwise, Maximum records per second by writer(s);
Number of records per second by reader(s)
-ro <arg> Readonly Benchmarking,
Applicable only if both writers and readers are set;
default: false
-rq <arg> Benchmark Reade Requests; default: false
-rsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for readers, default: 0
-rstep <arg> Number of readers/step, default: 1
-sbkcommand <arg> remote sbk command; command path is relative to
'sbkdir', default: bin/sbk
-sbkdir <arg> directory path of sbk application, default:
-sbmPort <arg> SBM port number; default: 9717
-seconds <arg> Number of seconds to run
if not specified, runs forever
-size <arg> Size of each message (event or record)
-sync <arg> Each Writer calls flush/sync after writing <arg>
number of of events(records); and/or
<arg> number of events(records) per Write or Read
-throughput <arg> If > 0, throughput in MB/s
If 0, writes/reads 'records'
If -1, get the maximum throughput (default: -1)
-time <arg> Latency Time Unit [ms:MILLISECONDS, mcs:MICROSECONDS,
ns:NANOSECONDS]; default: ms
-wq <arg> Benchmark Write Requests; default: false
-writers <arg> Number of writers
-wsec <arg> Number of seconds/step for writers, default: 0
-wstep <arg> Number of writers/step, default: 1
Please report issues at
How to Use SBK-GEM-YAL:
unzip (untar) the file sbk-gem-yal-3.0.tar
For example : tar -xvf sbk-gem-yal-3.0.tar -C ./ -
For performance bench-marking use this extracted binary file : "</SBK-GEM-YAL directory/> /bin/sbk-gem-yal"
below is the help output:
usage: sbk-gem-yal
Storage Benchmark Kit-Group Execution Monitor-YML Arguments Loader
-f <arg> SBK-GEM YAML file, default: ./sbk-gem.yml
-help Help message
-p Print SBK-GEM Options Help Text
Please report issues at