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Knative prow

This directory contains prow configs hosted for Knative. This prow is bumped by knative-autobump-config.yaml which uses Kubernetes generic-autobumper.

  • Makefile Commands to interact with the Prow instance regarding configs and updates.
  • cluster/*.yaml Deployments of the Prow cluster.
  • jobs/generated Generated configuration of the Prow jobs.
  • jobs_config Input configuration for configgen tool.
  • jobs/ Convenience script to start a Prow job from command-line.
  • jobs/ Convenience script to start a Prow job on kind from command-line.
  • cluster/boskos Just Boskos resource definition and helper scripts; deployments in cluster/build/*.

Prow Clusters

  • Prow control plane cluster(default prow cluster)
    • Prow deployments, core configs, and plugins are hosted in this repo
    • Prow job configs are hosted in knative/test-infra repo
  • Build cluster
    • Build cluster deployments are hosted in this repo
    • Boskos resources are hosted in knative/test-infra repo
  • Trusted cluster
    • This is a small cluster with important secrets and runs sensitive prow jobs.

Manually Deploy

Manual deployments are defined as in Makefile, specifically:

  • make -C prow/knative deploy: deploys all yamls under cluster
  • make -C prow/knative deploy-build: deploys all yamls under cluster/build

Prow Secrets

Some of the prow secrets are managed by kubernetes external secrets, which allows prow cluster creating secrets based on values from google secret manager (Not necessarily the same GCP project where prow is located). Secrets are declared in this repositories:

Please make sure granting service account permission for accessing secret manager in the project(GCP allows setting permission on individual secret level) see more detailed instruction on how to do so at Prow Secret.