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Angular Component Authoring Exercise

Exercise 1: Blog Post Management App

In this exercise, you will create a simple blog post management application. It will allow the user to view all the blog posts, and create new ones, or delete existing ones.

Step 1: Define the Post Interface

  • Create a models folder, and in it create the file: post.model.ts
  • Create a Post interface with the following readonly properties: id, title, content, and date.

Step 2: Create the PostComponent

Create a PostComponent that will display an individual post. The component should have a post input property, and it should display the title, content, and date of the post. In addition, the component should calculate and display the word count of the content.


  1. The wordCount property is computed from other inputs, so you need to calculate it once when the component is created and again every time the post inut changes.
  2. You can achieve this either with lifecycle hooks or using a getter
  3. String has a split method which seperates it into parts according to a provided seperator. You can use it to calculate the number of words.

Step 3: Create the PostListComponent

Create a PostListComponent that will display a list of posts. The component should have a posts input property and a deletePost output event. The PostListComponent should use the PostComponent to display each post in the posts list. It should also have a button for each post that, when clicked, emits the deletePost event.

Note The component does not perform the actual deletion. It recieves an array as input but it does not modify it by itself. Instead, it throws an event when the user "asks" to delete a post and allow the parent component to do the actual deleting.

Step 4: Create the CreatePostComponent

Create a CreatePostComponent that allows the user to create a new post. The component should have a newPost output event. It should include input fields for the title and content of the post, and it should have a button that, when clicked, creates a new Post object with the entered title and content and the current date, and emits this new post on the newPost event.

Note again, this component is not doing the actual new post creation. It only collects information from the user and then emits an event. This is yet another example of a Presentational component. The parent component is the one performing the logical operations.

Step 5: Implement the Parent Component

Implement a parent component that uses the PostListComponent and the CreatePostComponent. The parent component should contain an array of Post objects. It should pass this array as an input to the PostListComponent, and it should handle the deletePost event from the PostListComponent and the newPost event from the CreatePostComponent to update the array of Post objects.

Exercise 2: Memory Game App

The goal of this exercise is to create a simple memory game. The game will have two players who take turns to find matching pairs of cards. Each player will accumulate the pairs they've found.


You can find the code to this exercise here. Also, you can find a video demonstrating the solution here


  1. Before you start coding, download some images and store them in the assets folder.

    • Add another image for the back side of the card. This is the image that will be displayed when the card is flipped
  2. Define two interfaces:

    • Player: should have properties for name, and an array of collectedPairs. You can initialize the names to Player 1 and Player 2
    • Card: should have properties for id and image
  3. Create four Angular components:

    • CardComponent: displays a card. (Presentational)

      • This component should take a Card as input and
      • Should take a flipped: boolean input
      • It should emit an event when the button is clicked
      • Should present an image according to the card image and flipped inputs. If it is flipped it should present the image of the card. If not, it should present a card background image. Part of the logic of this component is to calculate the correct path to the image source file
    • PlayerComponent: displays a player's info (Presentational)

      • This component should take a Player as input.
      • Should display name, the number of pairs they've collected, and the cards of the collected pairs.
    • BoardComponent: displays the board (Presentational)

      • This component should take the list of Card | nulls as input. (the nulls are for cards that were picked by one of the players and are missing from the pile)
      • It should hold a list of "flipped" cards.
        • It should present the cards in a grid
        • It should populate the "flipped" input according to the array of flipped cards (use the includes method to check if array contains value)
      • It should respond to the "flipped" event of the card component by actually flipping it (adding it to the list of flipped ids)
        • When the number of flipped cards is 2, it should "freeze" and not allow to flip any more
        • When it is "frozen" it should present a message, either "match" or "miss" and allow the user to click 'OK'
        • when the user clicks 'OK' it should emit an event according to the flipped cards
        • If they are matched, it should emit a (match) event and pass the array of cards as payload
        • If they are not matched, it should emit a (miss) event;
        • In addition to emitting the event, it should empty the "flipped" array, which will cause all cards to appear face down again.
    • AppComponent (Parent Component): displays two PlayerComponents and one BoardComponent. It also includes a "New Game" button to reset the game.

      • Respond to the BoardComponent (miss) and (match) events by changing the state of the game
      • Send the proper inputs to all the other components
  4. Game Logic:

    • The game starts with the first player.
    • When a player flips a pair of matching cards, those cards are added to the player's collectedPairs.
    • Players take turns flipping cards. A turn consists of flipping two cards.
    • The game continues until all pairs are found.
    • The "New Game" button should reset the game state.


  • To generate the list of cards, consider creating a list of images, duplicating that list, and then concatinating them. Each card should be assigned a unique id.
  • The following function suffles an array
function shuffleArray(array) {
    for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
  • To duplicate an array use:
const newArray = [...sourceArray];
  • To concatinate two arrays use:
const resultArray = [...array1, ...array2];