Add Convex full text search feature details to
Update link placements in for better readability
Remove myPresenceData prop from GenericSharedCursors component
Update README and code comments, refactor GenericCursors and enhance …
Add collaborative documents feature and update search UI and function…
Refactor code to improve AI functionality and readability
Refactor document presence handling and add user profile images to Fa…
Add optional chaining to prevent error when othersPresence is undefined
Update editor.tsx to make myPresenceData and othersPresence optional
Refactor search page, generic cursors, editor, and new editor modal f…
Update getById query to handle optional documentId as a temporary mea…
Add email validation and editor removal functionality to NewEditorMod…
Refactor presence indicators and improve real-time content collaborat…
Add full-text search functionality to document search feature
Built muiliplayer base and implemented presence
Add AI tools for language translation, text synthesis, and thought co…
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