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Flow Control Chains

Flow Control Chains are a group of Chain subclasses in the ix.chains.routing module that handle flow control tasks. Flow control chains are designed to handle complex operations such as mapping and reducing data, iterating over lists, and so on. Each of these operations is encapsulated in a different chain subclass.


ChooseTool is a subclass of Chain that selects a subchain that can best respond to user_input. Each subchain requires a name and description. ChooseTool prompts the LLM to decide based on a comparison of user_input and the subchain descriptions.


from ix.chains.tool_chooser import ChooseTool
from import DAD_JOKESTER

    "class_path": "ix.chains.tool_chooser.ChooseTool",
    "node_type": "map",
    "config": {
        "llm": {
            "class_path": "langchain.chat_models.openai.ChatOpenAI",
        chains: [

chain = Chain.objects.create(
    name="Example ToolChooser",
    description="Chooses from subchains based on user input",

# create nodes, including two subchains
ChainNode.objects.create_from_config(chain, CHOOSE_TOOL_CONFIG, root=True)


MapSubchain is a subclass of Chain that runs a subchain for each element in a list input.


The input list is read from inputs using jsonpath set as map_input and mapped as input_variable map_input_to. map_input_to is automatically added to input_variables if not already present. Each iteration will receive the outputs of the previous iteration under the key outputs. Results are output as a list under output_key.

Class Attributes

  • chain: Instance of Chain
  • input_variables: List of input variable names as strings
  • map_input: String name of the map input
  • map_input_to: String name of the variable to map input to
  • output_key: String key for the output list

Creating a MapSubchain

This class method loads a MapSubchain instance from a configuration dictionary.

from ix.chains.routing import MapSubchain
from ix.chains.tests.mock_chain import MOCK_CHAIN_CONFIG

    'input_variables': ['input1'],
    'map_input': 'input1',
    'map_input_to': 'mock_chain_input',
    'output_key': 'output1'
    'chains': [MOCK_CHAIN_CONFIG],

# create nodes
chain = Chain.objects.create(
    name="Greeting chain",
    description="Chain used to greet the user",
node = ChainNode.objects.create_from_config(chain, EXAMPLE_CONFIG, root=True)

# load chain
langchain_chain = chain.load(mock_callback_manager)

# run chain
inputs = {"input1": ["test1", "test2", "test3"]}
output =**inputs)
assert output == ["test1", "test2", "test3"]

Selecting input with map_input

The map_input attribute uses a jsonpath expression to extract the required data from the input. This can either refer to a specific key directly or follow a path through the input structure to a key.

Jsonpath is a query language for JSON, similar to XPath for XML. It provides a simple way to extract specific data points from a complex JSON structure. In the context of the MapSubchain, the jsonpath expression set in map_input is used to navigate through the input and find the data that needs to be passed to the subchain.

For example, if our input is a nested structure and we need to map the input1 list located within the nested dictionary, we would set map_input to $.nested.input1.

inputs = {
    "nested": {
        "input1": ["test1", "test2", "test3"]

output =**inputs)
assert output == ["test1", "test2", "test3"]

You can also use the NodeChain to create an instance of MapSubchain: