Respond to item changes in a DynamoDB table by subscribing a Lambda function to DynamoDB Streams
- Provisions a stack named "st(d)ream-reader" for the workload consisting of a DynamoDB table with streams enabled, and a Lambda function subscribed to the stream
- Another stack "test-function" provisions a test fixture with Scheduled CloudWatch Event Rules that invoke a Lambda function at intervals to put new items in the table
- Also includes a
task to put multiple items into the table
- Provision the workload (using this SAM transform)
# Assuming "my-artifacts-bucket" is the S3 bucket used when packaging and deploying the SAM transform
stdream-reader $ sam package --s3-bucket my-artifacts-bucket --template-file template.yaml --output-file output-template.yaml
stdream-reader $ sam deploy --template-file output-template.yaml --stack-name stdream-reader-test --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- Test putting some items in the table
# Get table name
stdream-reader $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name stdream-reader-test --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue" --output text
# Use the rake task to put items
stdream-reader $ rake -D put_item
rake put_item[table,region,item_count]
Put multiple items in DynamoDB table (upto a maximum of 25) using batch_write_item
# Assuming table name is "my-table" in region "us-east-1", run rake task as follows
stdream-reader $ rake put_item["my-table", "us-east-1", 20]
- Provision the test fixture (using this SAM transform)
stdream-reader $ cd test-function
test-function $ sam package --s3-bucket my-artifacts-bucket --template-file template.yaml --output-file output-template.yaml
test-function $ sam deploy --template-file output-template.yaml --stack-name write-function-test --parameter-overrides StackName=stdream-reader-test --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- Illustrate responding to different kinds of changes
- Implement TTL and process deleted items
- Provision a CloudWatch dashboard for monitoring
- Elaborate on batch size, iterator age and other aspects of stream processing