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Setting up for Ubuntu Development

The following is a short guide to getting set up for Ubuntu development.


You must have a Launchpad ID. To get an ID:


$ sudo apt update && \
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y && \
sudo apt install -y \
    apt-cacher-ng \
    autopkgtest \
    build-essential \
    debconf-utils \
    debmake \
    devscripts \
    dh-make \
    dpkg-dev \
    git-buildpackage \
    libvirt-clients \
    libvirt-daemon \
    libvirt-daemon-system \
    net-tools \
    ovmf \
    pastebinit \
    piuparts \
    pkg-config \
    qemu \
    qemu-kvm \
    quilt \
    sbuild \
    snapcraft \
    ubuntu-dev-tools \
    uvtool \
    virtinst && \
sudo snap install lxd && \
sudo snap install --classic ustriage && \
sudo snap install --classic --edge git-ubuntu && \
sudo snap install --classic --beta multipass

Caching packages

Package downloading can be a bottleneck, so it helps to set up a local cache:

echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy "";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01acng



Your user should be a member of the following groups:

  • adm

  • kvm

  • libvirt

  • lxd

  • sbuild

  • sudo

    $ groups my_user my_user : my_user root adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin

    $ sudo groupadd lxc $ sudo groupadd sbuild $ sudo groupadd libvirt


Your .profile should include entries for DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL:

export DEBFULLNAME="Your Full Name"

A fix for "clear-sign failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device":

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

If you're operating from a GUI, this can be useful:

eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax`

Software: GnuPG

Install and set up GPG normally. List the keys and make sure the email you want for publishing is associated.

$ gpg --list-secret-key
sec   rsa4096 2018-08-15 [SC]
uid           [ultimate] Karl Stenerud <>
ssb   rsa4096 2018-08-15 [E]

In this case, my canonical address isn't in there, so I need to add it:

$ gpg --edit-key 7C177302572849D84A5048349E9C224744EF2A5A
gpg> adduid
Real name: Karl Stenerud
Email address:
You selected this USER-ID:
    "Karl Stenerud <>"

Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? o

Then save and quit:

gpg> save

And push to the keyserver:

$ gpg --keyserver --send-keys 7C177302572849D84A5048349E9C224744EF2A5A

Make sure to note the key strength of your gpg key. In this case its rsa4096, but if you have an older key it may be a weaker 2048-bit or 1024-bit key. If so, create a new 4096-bit one and deprecate the old one in Launchpad, github, etc.

Software: Git

Installing git-ubuntu will modify your .gitconfig. Make sure it got your launchpad username correct:

    lpuser = your-launchpad-username

You must also ensure that the [user] section has your name and email:

    name = Your Full Name
    email =

You may also want to add the following to your .gitconfig:

    decorate = short
    verbose = true
    summary = true
    stat = true
    whitespace = trailing-space,space-before-tab

[diff "ruby"]
    funcname = "^ *\\(\\(def\\) .*\\)"
[diff "image"]
    textconv = identify

[url "git+ssh://"]
    insteadof = lp:

Software: Quilt

Quilt is a CLI used to manage patch stacks.

A working .quiltrc:

d=. ; while [ ! -d $d/debian -a `readlink -e $d` != / ]; do d=$d/..; done
if [ -d $d/debian ] && [ -z $QUILT_PATCHES ]; then
    # if in Debian packaging tree with unset $QUILT_PATCHES
    QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index --color=auto"
    QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index"
    if ! [ -d $d/debian/patches ]; then mkdir $d/debian/patches; fi

This configures quilt for use with Debian packages, with default settings that conform to standard Debian practices.

Software: DPut

dput is used to upload a software package to the Ubuntu repository, or to a personal package archive (PPA).

A working

default_host_main = unspecified

incoming = /

fqdn            =
method          = ftp
incoming        = ~%(ppa)s/ubuntu

This configures dput for safety, such that if you accidentally forget to specify a destination, it'll default to doing nothing.

Software: SBuild

Assuming user my_user. Replace with your username where appropriate.

Make mount points:

mkdir -p ~/schroot/build
mkdir -p ~/schroot/logs

Set up scratch dir (replace my_user user with your own):

mkdir -p ~/schroot/scratch
echo "/home/my_user/schroot/scratch  /scratch          none  rw,bind  0  0" >> /etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab

Optionally, you can mount your homedir inside the container:

echo "/home/my_user  /home/my_user          none  rw,bind  0  0" >> /etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab

A template .sbuildrc:

Replace the following:

  • $maintainer_name='Your Full Name <>';
  • $build_dir='/home/my_user/schroot/build';
  • $log_dir="/home/my_user/schroot/logs";


# Name to use as override in .changes files for the Maintainer: field
# (mandatory, no default!).
$maintainer_name='Your Full Name <>';

# Default distribution to build.
$distribution = "bionic";
# Build arch-all by default.
$build_arch_all = 1;

# When to purge the build directory afterwards; possible values are 'never',
# 'successful', and 'always'.  'always' is the default. It can be helpful
# to preserve failing builds for debugging purposes.  Switch these comments
# if you want to preserve even successful builds, and then use
# 'schroot -e --all-sessions' to clean them up manually.
$purge_build_directory = 'successful';
$purge_session = 'successful';
$purge_build_deps = 'successful';
# $purge_build_directory = 'never';
# $purge_session = 'never';
# $purge_build_deps = 'never';

# Directory for chroot symlinks and sbuild logs.  Defaults to the
# current directory if unspecified.

# Directory for writing build logs to

# don't remove this, Perl needs it:

A working .mk-sbuild.rc:

# you will want to undo the below for stable releases, read `man mk-sbuild` for details
# during the development cycle, these pockets are not used, but will contain important
# updates after each release of Ubuntu
# if you have e.g. apt-cacher-ng around

Configure GnuPG for sbuild:

sbuild-update --keygen

More Info:

Software: LXD

LXD is a powerful container system similar in concept to Dropbox and other container software.

Install and setup LXD using the standard installation directions.

Create some helper aliases for common LXD tasks:

lxc alias add ls 'list -c ns4,user.comment:comment'

lxc alias add login 'exec @ARGS@ --mode interactive -- bash -xac $@my_user - exec /bin/login -p -f '

(The trailing space after the -f is important). Replace 'my_user' with 'ubuntu' or whatever username you use in your containers.

More Info: