The Auth service container requires the auth-admin
and auth-server
binaries. Build the binaries and save them to the auth-server directory:
$ GOOS=linux go build -a -o auth-server/auth-admin \
--ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' \
-tags netgo -installsuffix netgo \
$ GOOS=linux go build -a -o auth-server/auth-server \
--ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' \
-tags netgo -installsuffix netgo \
The Hello service container requires the hello-server
binary. Build the
binary and save it to the hello-server directory:
$ GOOS=linux go build -a -o hello-server/hello-server \
--ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' \
-tags netgo -installsuffix netgo \
Build the auth-server
Docker image:
$ docker build -f auth-server/Dockerfile \
-t kelseyhightower/auth-server:1.0.0 \
Upload the auth-server
image to a Docker registry:
$ docker push kelseyhightower/auth-server:1.0.0
Build the hello-server
Docker image:
$ docker build -f hello-server/Dockerfile \
-t kelseyhightower/hello-server:1.0.0 \
Upload the hello-server
image to a Docker registry:
$ docker push kelseyhightower/hello-server:1.0.0