diff --git a/doc/design/Benchmark/kubemark/kubemark-benchmarking.md b/doc/design/Benchmark/kubemark/kubemark-benchmarking.md
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+++ b/doc/design/Benchmark/kubemark/kubemark-benchmarking.md
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+Performance evaluation of KubeBatch scheduler. Kubemark will be used as a tool for benchmarking.
+Kubemark is a performance testing tool which we use to run simulated kubernetes clusters. The primary use case is scalability
+testing, as creating simulated clusters is faster and requires less resources than creating real ones.
+- Evaluating scheduler performance of kube-batch
+We assume that we want to benchmark a test T with kube-batch scheduler.
+For the benchmarking to be meaningful,these kube-batch should be running in a kubemark cluster and
+at scale (eg. run 100 nodes).
+At a high-level, the kubemark should:
+- *choose the set of runs* of tests T executed on environment using the kube-batch scheduler by setting "schedulerName: kube-batch" in the pod spec,
+- *obtain the relevant metrics (E2e Pod startup latencies)* for the runs chosen for comparison,
+- *compute the similarity* for metric, across both the samples,
+Final output of the tool will be the answer to the question performance of the kube-batch scheduler.
+### Choosing set of metrics to compare
+Kubermark give the following metrics
+- pod startup latency
+- api request serving latency (split by resource and verb)
+In our case we would requiring E2E Pod Starup Latency which would include
+ - The Latency for scheduling the pod (create to schedule)
+ - The Latency for binding the pod to node (schedule to run)
+## Changes to be done to the kubemark
+ 1) Modify the kube-mark startup script to bring up kube-batch scheduler along with the external kubernetes cluster.
+ Create CRDs for podgroup and queue.
+ 2) Run the density/latency test 3k pods on 100 (fake) nodes with batch scheduler.
+ For Batch scheduler test case : Modify the density/latency test case to create podgroup and add the podgroup name to the annotation along with "schedulerName: kube-batch" in the pod spec.
+ 3) Print out the metrics.