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<iframe class=iframeReadMe src= width=100% height=500px >Iframes are not displayed on</iframe> _Spider gbXML Viewer ~ [Iframe Carousel]( ): display multiple interactive 3D models in a single space on any web page. Scroll zoom in display turned off so read me can scroll._
Welcome gbXML users!
Welcome Open Studio fans!
Welcome LinkedIn and viewers
Stable version: Spider gbXML Viewer 'Maevia'
Development version: Spider gbXML Viewer Dev
Pre-release fixer: Spider gbXML Fixer 'Atrax'
Spider gbXML Tools is a collection of free, open source modular JavaScript / WebGL / Three.js experiments hosted on GitHub for viewing, validating and editing gbXML files in 3D in your browser. gbXML is an industry supported file format for sharing building information between numerous building design software tools.
The scripts here started as a fork of the scripts at The scripts there are in the process of becoming long-term support only scripts. All significant current gbXML viewer development is occurring in this repository.
The intention is to provide a faster, simpler more effective user experience base on a simpler, more modular code base.
The impetus for this code arose from the request by the developers of OpenStudio for a viewer that can be embedded in their code. It became quickly evident that the new codebase offered significant advantages over the the previous codebase. And, thus, the majority of ongoing development efforts have been transferred to this project. Previous releases will be supported at least to the extent of fixing bugs that that are reported.
Concept / the desired pattern
Mission: knowledge embedded in gbXML files is viewable, analyzable and editable in real-time interactive 3D with free, open-source web apps
More detailed background in the 'Maevia' Read Me
Green Building XML (gbXML) as described by its authors:
gbXML allows disparate 3D building information models (BIM) and architectural/engineering analysis software to share information with each other
The current set of BIM authoring and CAD software tools for gbXML include various proprietary, closed-source applications that you must download and install.
GbXML being open source, it would also be nice to be able to view gbXML files in 3D in your browser with no fees and with open source code.
The Ladybug Tools/Spider gbXML Viewer scripts are first steps toward making gbXML viewers readily available.
gbXML Viewer is a collection of modular experiments for viewing, examining and validating gbXML files in 3D in your browser.
- Open and display files almost instantly
- Non-modal interface
- Fast effective workflow: get things done faster
- Fully interactive 3D
- Helping students, clients and non-AEC peeps gain access BIM data easily, quickly and freely
- Facilitating the transfer of data between design programs and analysis programs
- Files are no more than a few hundred lines
- Code is simple, plain-vanilla JavaScript
- Every JavaScript file has its own name space so you can quickly identify the location of variables and functions
- Every module has a descriptive read me file
- Every JavaScript file has an accompanying standalone HTML file for testing purposes
- All revisions are always available and runnable via GitHub pages with a click of a button
- Spider gbXML Viewer Previous Releases
- Load and run every release of the gbXML Viewer since the first commit
- Watch the development process of a project unfold
Links of interest
gbXML is an industry supported schema for sharing building information between disparate building design software tools.
Repositories for all things gbXML including the schema, validator source code, test cases, and a fork of the Spider gbXML Viewer
Schema GreenBuildingXML_Ver6.01.xsd / the core definition of gbXML in a format that is easier to read than the source code.
The Green Building XML schema (gbXML) is an open schema developed to facilitate transfer of building data stored in Building Information Models (BIM) to engineering analysis tools. gbXML is being integrated into a range of software CAD and engineering tools and supported by leading 3D BIM vendors. gbXML is streamlined to transfer building properties to and from engineering analysis tools to reduce the interoperability issues and eliminate plan take-off time.
- The gbXML open schema helps facilitate the transfer of building properties stored in 3D building information models (BIM) to engineering analysis tools.
- US Department of Energy
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
- OpenStudio
- OpenStudio is a cross-platform collection of software tools to support whole building energy modeling using EnergyPlus and advanced daylight analysis using Radiance.
gbXML is an industry supported file format for sharing building information between disparate building design software tools. The OpenStudio Application can import and export gbXML files through the File->Import and File->Export menus.
NREL include a very basic version of the Spider gbXML Viewer in current releases of OpenStudio. The Ladybug Tools / Spider team is proud to be included in the project and makes best efforts to support users.
Screen capture NREL tutorial on Spider gbXML Viewer running in OpenStudio
Access to gbXML files from a variety of sources either available by URL or availble to download or both
A work-in-progress
Create 3D building data in a variety of shapes parametrically and export in gbXML format
The goal of the scripts in this project is to enable you to transfer data from a CAD progran to an analysis program with as few steps of human intervention as possible.
To do / Change log
Every module has its own read me file with its own to do list
This list is for items that relates to the overall content management including the TooToo scripts
New home page based on tootoo cms v0.14.06
New home page based on tootoo cms r13