1.1. Create a new RapidPro instance (we recomend using TextIt.in)
1.2. Setup the channels that you want to use to send and recieve SMSs
1.3. Locate the API key
- click on the org:
- then about half way down the administrator UI you will fine the API token:
1.4. Make a copy of the rapidpro_config.json file and replace the API key with the one you've just copied from RapidPro. Keep a note of the path to this json file.
2.1. Register at cloud.goole.com and enable billing.
2.2. Install the gcloud
and gsutil
tools via installing the Google Cloud SDK
2.3. Run the following on a bash-like terminal replacing the text as appropriate to create the authentication setup:
gsutil -mb -p $KK_PROJECT gs://$KK_PROJECT-rapidpro-credentials
gsutil cp __PATH_TO_THE_CONFIG_FILE__ gs://$KK_PROJECT-rapidpro-credentials
is the path to the rapidpro_config.json
file you copied and edited earlier.
2.4. Create a service account (this will store the crypto token fro the service account in ~/local_crypto_tokens, if you want it to be somewhere else, replace the string below and keep a note of where, you'll need it later)
gcloud iam service-accounts create $KK_PROJECT --project=$KK_PROJECT --description="katikati-open service account" --display-name="Katikati Open SA"
mkdir ~/local_crypto_tokens
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/local_crypto_tokens/$KK_PROJECT.json --iam-account $KK_PROJECT@$KK_PROJECT.iam.gserviceaccount.com
2.5. Assign rights for the service account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $KK_PROJECT --member="serviceAccount:$KK_PROJECT@$KK_PROJECT.iam.gserviceaccount.com" --role="roles/firebase.admin"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $KK_PROJECT --member="serviceAccount:$KK_PROJECT@$KK_PROJECT.iam.gserviceaccount.com" --role="roles/pubsub.admin"
2.6. Enable APIs for the project
gcloud services enable --project $KK_PROJECT pubsub.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable --project $KK_PROJECT cloudbuild.googleapis.com
3.1. Go to console.firebase.google.com
3.2. Click "Add project"
3.3. Select the Google Cloud project you created earlier
3.4. Select the 'pay as you go' plan
3.5. Google Analytics is optional for Katikati projects, it's up to you whether to include it or not
3.6. Click 'Add Firebase' and wait for the indicator that Firebase is ready.
3.6. Click on 'Cloud Firestore' > 'Create database' > 'Start in production mode' > set the location to be a 'multi-region' as close to where your users of Nook will be. We typically we use 'eur3 (europe-west)'
3.7. Click 'Enable'
4.1. Make a copy of the rapidpro_sync_token file and change the time in the file to the start of the project. Keep a note of the path to this file.
4.2. Navigate to nook-open-infrastructure/sms_connector
4.3. run
pipenv --three
pipenv update
pipenv shell
python pubsub_handler_cli.py ~/local_crypto_tokens/$KK_PROJECT.json
and in another terminal window run
pipenv shell
python rapidpro_adapter_cli.py --crypto-token-file ~/local_crypto_tokens/$KK_PROJECT.json --project-name $KK_PROJECT --credentials-bucket-name $KK_PROJECT-rapidpro-credentials --last-update-token-path __PATH_TO_THE_SYNC_TOKEN_FILE__
is the path to the rapidpro_sync_token
file you copied and edited earlier.
5.1. Clone the Nook repo: https://github.com/larksystems/nook
5.2. Copy the firebase_constants.json file under nook/webapp/web/assets/ on your disk
5.3. Log in to https://console.firebase.google.com/
5.4. Add the support email if needed
5.5. Add a web project to the Firebase instance
5.6. Setup authentication to use the Google Authentication provider (Firebase Console -> Authentication - Sign In method - Google - Enable)
5.7. Switch to the config view in the Firebase SDK and copy the listed contents into the file that you cloned in step (5.2). Note that the configuration in firebase needs the key-names double-quoting in order to be valid JSON. Update the three URLs at the end of the firebase_constants.json
file with the name of your firebase instance instead of "katikati-open".
5.8. Navigate to nook/tool
5.9. Run ./deploy_webapp.sh ../webapp/web/assets/firebase_constants.json ~/local_crypto_tokens/$KK_PROJECT.json
5.10. Check that Nook is now serving correctly by visiting the line associated with 'authDomain' in the config file. You should be able to log in, however when you do you'll reach a page that says that you don't have permission to access the dataset.
6.1. Add yourself as a user to Nook (TODO: Replace this with the configurator) (Firebase Console -> Firestore -> Add collection (users) -> add document (ID == your email address)
6.2. Setup the shard map for the conversations (Firebase Console -> Firestore -> nook_conversation_shards -> shard-0 -> Add field 'num_shards' : 1 (number)
You should now be able to load Nook and see the conversations!