A project to provide open source way to play with Elite: Dangerous market data, ships and mod locations and ideally create a meta-platform that will be easy to use and re-use for all developers, so they can just focus on writing the app of their dreams, and not waste time on redoing what already was done. If time allows I also want to write a simple website to do provide users with simple web interface to common functions like finding commodity, traderoute, ships etc.
This of course is far road away, but certainly reachable within a reasonable timeframe. In the end, it's just data and representing it in REST way that is easy to extend and deploy + writing integration with existing sources.
Live version of master branch of this code can be found at http://elite.x20x.co.uk/. Anonymous users have read access and so far write access is restricted to registered users.
- [Python 3.4 or newer] (https://www.python.org/download/releases/3.4.0/)
- [PIP] (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip)
- [GIT] (http://git-scm.com/)
- Some form of SQL database (using SQLite is highly not recommended)
- Copy settings.py.template as settings.py and make sure to input your SQL details in approperiate place. I highly advise against running db on the same, tiny, vagrant box.
- Command to buid and provision the box is
vagrant up
- When it is done the service should be reachable at your localhost on port 9191, if it isn't - it will be on the virtual boxes IP (depends on how is network configured on your end).
- Populate the database with commands
vagrant ssh -c "python3 /opt/elite-backend/manage.py migrate"
andvagrant ssh -c "python3 /opt/elite-backend/manage.py refreshdata"
. This WILL take a while, how longexactly depends primarily on performance of your SQL server (very insert-heavy operation).
- Install python dependencies by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Copy settings.py.template as settings.py and make sure to input your SQL details in approperiate place.
- Run database migration with command
python manage.py migrate
- Populate the database with command
python manage.py refreshdata
. This WILL take a while, how long exactly depends primarily on performance of your SQL server (this is very insert-heavy operation). - Optionally you can also run tests, to do so use command
python manage.py test
Once everything is set up and shining, then all left to do is to type python manage.py runserver
and it's alive!
When you steer to the bound ip and port, you will find that at /api there is a neat web-interface that allows
for easy browsing of the API structure and data. You can also manipulate it from django admin (/admin).
Master branch points at latest release point. If you want most recent version then feel free to pull from dev branch, which is copied over to master when milestone is reached.
manage.py urltest [options]
is command for testing all generated urls (including dynamically generated). Options:
- allows for quick testing urls. Command will return exit-code 2 after first encounter dead url-t
- allows to specify how many times potentially broken url will be re-checked before considered dead.-m
- allows to choose model from which urls for testing will be generated
Please leave them at github or contact me by email.
I always give credit where it's due, so it's worth to mention couple projects.
- [Frontier Development] (http://frontier.co.uk/) - for making Elite: Dangerous
- [Elide dangerous wiki] (http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Elite_Dangerous_Wiki) - for collecting this mountain of data
- [E:D Shipyard] (http://www.edshipyard.com/) - for collecting all the module stats, even the hidden ones!
- [eddb] (http://eddb.io/) - for the easy-to-access export of their data which we so happily use :)
- [Leffe] (http://www.leffe.com/en) - do I have to say more?