All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
GetDeploymentFrequencyChart | Get /api/v2/engineering-insights/charts/deployments/frequency | Get deployment frequency chart data |
GetFlagStatusChart | Get /api/v2/engineering-insights/charts/flags/status | Get flag status chart data |
GetLeadTimeChart | Get /api/v2/engineering-insights/charts/lead-time | Get lead time chart data |
GetReleaseFrequencyChart | Get /api/v2/engineering-insights/charts/releases/frequency | Get release frequency chart data |
GetStaleFlagsChart | Get /api/v2/engineering-insights/charts/flags/stale | Get stale flags chart data |
InsightsChart GetDeploymentFrequencyChart(ctx).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).From(from).To(to).BucketType(bucketType).BucketMs(bucketMs).GroupBy(groupBy).Expand(expand).Execute()
Get deployment frequency chart data
package main
import (
openapiclient "./openapi"
func main() {
projectKey := "projectKey_example" // string | The project key (optional)
environmentKey := "environmentKey_example" // string | The environment key (optional)
applicationKey := "applicationKey_example" // string | Comma separated list of application keys (optional)
from := time.Now() // time.Time | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is 7 days ago. (optional)
to := time.Now() // time.Time | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is now. (optional)
bucketType := "bucketType_example" // string | Specify type of bucket. Options: `rolling`, `hour`, `day`. Default: `rolling`. (optional)
bucketMs := int64(789) // int64 | Duration of intervals for x-axis in milliseconds. Default value is one day (`86400000` milliseconds). (optional)
groupBy := "groupBy_example" // string | Options: `application`, `kind` (optional)
expand := "expand_example" // string | Options: `metrics` (optional)
configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
resp, r, err := apiClient.InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetDeploymentFrequencyChart(context.Background()).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).From(from).To(to).BucketType(bucketType).BucketMs(bucketMs).GroupBy(groupBy).Expand(expand).Execute()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetDeploymentFrequencyChart``: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `GetDeploymentFrequencyChart`: InsightsChart
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetDeploymentFrequencyChart`: %v\n", resp)
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetDeploymentFrequencyChartRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
projectKey | string | The project key | |
environmentKey | string | The environment key | |
applicationKey | string | Comma separated list of application keys | |
from | time.Time | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is 7 days ago. | |
to | time.Time | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is now. | |
bucketType | string | Specify type of bucket. Options: `rolling`, `hour`, `day`. Default: `rolling`. | |
bucketMs | int64 | Duration of intervals for x-axis in milliseconds. Default value is one day (`86400000` milliseconds). | |
groupBy | string | Options: `application`, `kind` | |
expand | string | Options: `metrics` |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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InsightsChart GetFlagStatusChart(ctx).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).Execute()
Get flag status chart data
package main
import (
openapiclient "./openapi"
func main() {
projectKey := "projectKey_example" // string | The project key
environmentKey := "environmentKey_example" // string | The environment key
applicationKey := "applicationKey_example" // string | Comma separated list of application keys (optional)
configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
resp, r, err := apiClient.InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetFlagStatusChart(context.Background()).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).Execute()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetFlagStatusChart``: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `GetFlagStatusChart`: InsightsChart
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetFlagStatusChart`: %v\n", resp)
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetFlagStatusChartRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
projectKey | string | The project key | |
environmentKey | string | The environment key | |
applicationKey | string | Comma separated list of application keys |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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InsightsChart GetLeadTimeChart(ctx).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).From(from).To(to).BucketType(bucketType).BucketMs(bucketMs).GroupBy(groupBy).Expand(expand).Execute()
Get lead time chart data
package main
import (
openapiclient "./openapi"
func main() {
projectKey := "projectKey_example" // string | The project key
environmentKey := "environmentKey_example" // string | The environment key (optional)
applicationKey := "applicationKey_example" // string | Comma separated list of application keys (optional)
from := int64(789) // int64 | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is 7 days ago. (optional)
to := int64(789) // int64 | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is now. (optional)
bucketType := "bucketType_example" // string | Specify type of bucket. Options: `rolling`, `hour`, `day`. Default: `rolling`. (optional)
bucketMs := int64(789) // int64 | Duration of intervals for x-axis in milliseconds. Default value is one day (`86400000` milliseconds). (optional)
groupBy := "groupBy_example" // string | Options: `application`, `stage`. Default: `stage`. (optional)
expand := "expand_example" // string | Options: `metrics`, `percentiles`. (optional)
configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
resp, r, err := apiClient.InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetLeadTimeChart(context.Background()).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).From(from).To(to).BucketType(bucketType).BucketMs(bucketMs).GroupBy(groupBy).Expand(expand).Execute()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetLeadTimeChart``: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `GetLeadTimeChart`: InsightsChart
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetLeadTimeChart`: %v\n", resp)
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetLeadTimeChartRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
projectKey | string | The project key | |
environmentKey | string | The environment key | |
applicationKey | string | Comma separated list of application keys | |
from | int64 | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is 7 days ago. | |
to | int64 | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is now. | |
bucketType | string | Specify type of bucket. Options: `rolling`, `hour`, `day`. Default: `rolling`. | |
bucketMs | int64 | Duration of intervals for x-axis in milliseconds. Default value is one day (`86400000` milliseconds). | |
groupBy | string | Options: `application`, `stage`. Default: `stage`. | |
expand | string | Options: `metrics`, `percentiles`. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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InsightsChart GetReleaseFrequencyChart(ctx).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).HasExperiments(hasExperiments).Global(global).GroupBy(groupBy).From(from).To(to).BucketType(bucketType).BucketMs(bucketMs).Expand(expand).Execute()
Get release frequency chart data
package main
import (
openapiclient "./openapi"
func main() {
projectKey := "projectKey_example" // string | The project key
environmentKey := "environmentKey_example" // string | The environment key
applicationKey := "applicationKey_example" // string | Comma separated list of application keys (optional)
hasExperiments := true // bool | Filter events to those associated with an experiment (`true`) or without an experiment (`false`) (optional)
global := "global_example" // string | Filter to include or exclude global events. Default value is `include`. Options: `include`, `exclude` (optional)
groupBy := "groupBy_example" // string | Property to group results by. Options: `impact` (optional)
from := time.Now() // time.Time | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is 7 days ago. (optional)
to := time.Now() // time.Time | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is now. (optional)
bucketType := "bucketType_example" // string | Specify type of bucket. Options: `rolling`, `hour`, `day`. Default: `rolling`. (optional)
bucketMs := int64(789) // int64 | Duration of intervals for x-axis in milliseconds. Default value is one day (`86400000` milliseconds). (optional)
expand := "expand_example" // string | Options: `metrics` (optional)
configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
resp, r, err := apiClient.InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetReleaseFrequencyChart(context.Background()).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).HasExperiments(hasExperiments).Global(global).GroupBy(groupBy).From(from).To(to).BucketType(bucketType).BucketMs(bucketMs).Expand(expand).Execute()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetReleaseFrequencyChart``: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `GetReleaseFrequencyChart`: InsightsChart
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetReleaseFrequencyChart`: %v\n", resp)
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetReleaseFrequencyChartRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
projectKey | string | The project key | |
environmentKey | string | The environment key | |
applicationKey | string | Comma separated list of application keys | |
hasExperiments | bool | Filter events to those associated with an experiment (`true`) or without an experiment (`false`) | |
global | string | Filter to include or exclude global events. Default value is `include`. Options: `include`, `exclude` | |
groupBy | string | Property to group results by. Options: `impact` | |
from | time.Time | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is 7 days ago. | |
to | time.Time | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is now. | |
bucketType | string | Specify type of bucket. Options: `rolling`, `hour`, `day`. Default: `rolling`. | |
bucketMs | int64 | Duration of intervals for x-axis in milliseconds. Default value is one day (`86400000` milliseconds). | |
expand | string | Options: `metrics` |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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InsightsChart GetStaleFlagsChart(ctx).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).GroupBy(groupBy).MaintainerId(maintainerId).MaintainerTeamKey(maintainerTeamKey).Expand(expand).Execute()
Get stale flags chart data
package main
import (
openapiclient "./openapi"
func main() {
projectKey := "projectKey_example" // string | The project key
environmentKey := "environmentKey_example" // string | The environment key
applicationKey := "applicationKey_example" // string | Comma separated list of application keys (optional)
groupBy := "groupBy_example" // string | Property to group results by. Options: `maintainer` (optional)
maintainerId := "maintainerId_example" // string | Comma-separated list of individual maintainers to filter results. (optional)
maintainerTeamKey := "maintainerTeamKey_example" // string | Comma-separated list of team maintainer keys to filter results. (optional)
expand := "expand_example" // string | Options: `metrics` (optional)
configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
resp, r, err := apiClient.InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetStaleFlagsChart(context.Background()).ProjectKey(projectKey).EnvironmentKey(environmentKey).ApplicationKey(applicationKey).GroupBy(groupBy).MaintainerId(maintainerId).MaintainerTeamKey(maintainerTeamKey).Expand(expand).Execute()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetStaleFlagsChart``: %v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `GetStaleFlagsChart`: InsightsChart
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `InsightsChartsBetaApi.GetStaleFlagsChart`: %v\n", resp)
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiGetStaleFlagsChartRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
projectKey | string | The project key | |
environmentKey | string | The environment key | |
applicationKey | string | Comma separated list of application keys | |
groupBy | string | Property to group results by. Options: `maintainer` | |
maintainerId | string | Comma-separated list of individual maintainers to filter results. | |
maintainerTeamKey | string | Comma-separated list of team maintainer keys to filter results. | |
expand | string | Options: `metrics` |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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