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Releases: launchdarkly/ios-client-sdk

[8.2.0] - 2023-08-02

02 Aug 19:17
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[8.1.0] - 2023-06-05

06 Jun 19:39
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  • Enforce TLS v1.2 as a required minimum.


  • Allow setting kind through trySet.

[8.0.1] - 2023-02-28

28 Feb 22:56
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  • Remove the extra privateAttributes meta field from the event payload. This extra field prevented LaunchDarkly services from accepting SDK events when private attributes were specified.

[8.0.0] - 2022-12-07

07 Dec 16:37
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The latest version of this SDK supports LaunchDarkly's new custom contexts feature. Contexts are an evolution of a previously-existing concept, "users." Contexts let you create targeting rules for feature flags based on a variety of different information, including attributes pertaining to users, organizations, devices, and more. You can even combine contexts to create "multi-contexts."

This feature is only available to members of LaunchDarkly's Early Access Program (EAP). If you're in the EAP, you can use contexts by updating your SDK to the latest version and, if applicable, updating your Relay Proxy. Outdated SDK versions do not support contexts, and will cause unpredictable flag evaluation behavior.

If you are not in the EAP, only use single contexts of kind "user", or continue to use the user type if available. If you try to create contexts, the context will be sent to LaunchDarkly, but any data not related to the user object will be ignored.

For detailed information about this version, please refer to the list below. For information on how to upgrade from the previous version, please read the migration guide for Swift or Objective-C.


  • The type LDContext defines the new context model.
  • For all SDK methods that took an LDUser parameter, there is now an overload that takes an LDContext.


  • The secondary attribute which existed in LDUser is no longer a supported feature. If you set an attribute with that name in LDContext, it will simply be a custom attribute like any other.
  • Analytics event data now uses a new JSON schema due to differences between the context model and the old user model.
  • The SDK no longer adds device and os values to the user attributes. Applications that wish to use device/OS information in feature flag rules must explicitly add such information.


  • Removed the secondary meta-attribute in LDUser.
  • The alias method no longer exists because alias events are not needed in the new context model.
  • The autoAliasingOptOut and inlineUsersInEvents options no longer exist because they are not relevant in the new context model.

[7.1.0] - 2022-11-08

08 Nov 16:36
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  • Added Objective C bindings for ApplicationInfo.

[7.0.0] - 2022-10-12

12 Oct 19:31
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  • Dropped support for older versions in accordance with the new Xcode 14 release.

[6.2.0] - 2022-09-01

02 Sep 13:54
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  • CI builds now include a cross-platform test suite implemented in This covers many test cases that are also implemented in unit tests, but may be extended in the future to ensure consistent behavior across SDKs in other areas.
  • Introduced ApplicationInfo, for configuration of application metadata that may be used in LaunchDarkly analytics or other product features. This does not affect feature flag evaluations.


  • Updated LDSwiftEventSource to 2.0.0. We no longer bind to a static product; rather, we let the build determine static vs dynamic linking.


  • Previously a deleted flag could be made available in the SDK if the deletion events were processed out of order. This is no longer the case.

[6.1.0] - 2022-05-17

17 May 16:30
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  • Added the LDUser.isAnonymousNullable property that allows treating the isAnonymous property as nullable.


  • Correctly track whether the LDUser.isAnonymous property was set explicitly (or by not specifying a key). The variation result for flag rules targeting the anonymous property can differ depending on whether the property is set explicitly.

[6.0.0] - 2022-05-04

04 May 18:46
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This major version has accompanying migration guides for Swift and Objective-C. Please see the guide for more information on updating to this version of the SDK, as the following is just a summary of the changes.

Note that Objective-C bridging types are prefixed by Objc, but that prefix is not exposed to code written in Objective-C. For example, changes listed to ObjcLDClient are changes to the class referred to as LDClient from within Objective-C.


  • Added the LDValue class to represent any data type that is allowed in JSON. This new type is used to provide more type safety when representing complex or non-statically determined data types. The SDK also provides the bridge types ObjcLDValue and ObjcLDValueType for Objective-C interoperability.
  • Added the UserAttribute class which provides a less error-prone way to refer to user attribute names in configuration.
  • Added the type specific variation functions, boolVariation, intVariation, doubleVariation, stringVariation, and jsonVariation, to LDClient.
  • Added the type specific detailed variation functions, boolVariationDetail, intVariationDetail, doubleVariationDetail, stringVariationDetail, and jsonVariationDetail, to LDClient.
  • Added jsonVariation and jsonVariationDetail to ObjcLDClient. These functions allow evaluating feature flags where the provided defaultValue and the resulting variation can be any valid JSON data type.
  • Added ObjcLDJSONEvaluationDetail for retrieving the detailed evaluation information of arbitrary type flag variations.
  • Added ObjcLDChangedFlagHandler type alias for new non-type specific Objective-C flag observers.

Changed (API)

  • LDClient.track(key: data: metricValue:) no longer throws.
  • The type of the data parameter of LDClient.track(key: data: metricValue:) has changed from Any? to LDValue?.
  • ObjcLDClient.track(key: data:) and ObjcLDClient.track(key: data: metricValue:) no longer throws. In Objective-C this change means that the track functions no longer accept a error: parameter.
  • The type of the data parameter of ObjcLDClient.track(key: data:) and ObjcLDClient.track(key: data: metricValue) has changed from Any? to ObjLDValue?. In Objective-C this would be a change from id _Nullable to LDValue * _Nullable.
  • LDClient.allFlags now has the type [LDFlagKey: LDValue]? rather than [LDFlagKey: Any]?.
  • ObjcLDClient.allFlags now has the type [String: ObjcLDValue]? rather than [String: Any]?. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSDictionary<NSString*, id> * _Nullable to NSDictionary<NSString*, LDValue*> * _Nullable.
  • The type of the LDUser.custom dictionary, and the corresponding LDUser.init parameter has been changed from [String: Any]? to [String: LDValue].
  • The type of the ObjcLDUser.custom property has been changed from [String: Any]? to [String: ObjcLDValue]. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSDictionary<NSString*, id> * _Nullable to NSDictionary<NSString*, LDValue*> * _Nonnull.
  • The type of the LDUser.privateAttributes property, and the corresponding LDUser.init parameter, have been changed from [String]? to [UserAttribute].
  • The type of the ObjcLDUser.privateAttributes property has been changed from [String]? to [String]. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSArray<NSString*> * _Nullable to NSArray<NSString*> * _Nonnull.
  • The types of the properties LDChangedFlag.oldValue and LDChangedFlag.newValue have been changed from Any? to LDValue.
  • The type of the LDConfig.privateUserAttributes property has been changed from [String]? to [UserAttribute].
  • ObjcLDConfig.privateUserAttributes now has the non-optional type [String] rather than [String]?. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSArray<NSString*> * _Nullable to NSArray<NSString*> * _Nonnull.
  • The type of the LDEvaluationDetail.reason property has been changed from [String: Any] to [String: LDValue].
  • The type of the reason property of ObjcLDBoolEvaluationDetail, ObjcLDIntegerEvaluationDetail, ObjcLDDoubleEvaluationDetail, and ObjcLDStringEvaluationDetail has been changed from [String: Any]? to [String: ObjcLDValue]?. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSDictionary<NSString*, id> * _Nullable to NSDictionary<NSString*, LDValue*> * _Nullable.

Changed (behavioral)

  • The Equatable instance for LDUser has been changed to compare all user properties, rather than just the key property.
  • Using "custom" as a private attribute name in LDConfig.privateUserAttributes or LDUser.privateAttributes will no longer set all LDUser custom attributes private.
  • The automatically set device and operatingSystem custom attributes can now be set private.
  • SDK versions from 4.0.0 and less than 6.0.0 supported migration of cached flag data from any SDK version of at least 2.3.3. The 6.0.0 release only supports migration of cached flag data from SDK versions of at least 4.0.0.


  • Removed LDClient.variation(forKey: defaultValue:) and LDClient.variationDetail(forKey: defaultValue:) functions. Please use the new type-specific variation functions instead (e.g. LDClient.boolVariation(forKey: defaultValue:)).
  • Removed the LDFlagValueConvertible protocol which was previously used to constrain the parameters and return types of the variation functions.
  • LDErrorHandler and LDClient.observeError(owner: handler:) have been removed. Please use ConnectionInformation instead.
  • Removed the LDUser.init(userDictionary: ) and ObjcLDUser.init(userDictionary: ) initializers, please use the explicit initializers instead.
  • Removed LDUser.CodingKeys. To refer to user attributes, please use UserAttribute instead.
  • Removed LDUser.privatizableAttributes and ObjcLDUser.privatizableAttributes.
  • Removed ObjcLDUser.attributeCustom.
  • The LDUser.device and LDUser.operatingSystem properties, and the corresponding LDUser.init parameters have been removed. These fields will be included in the LDUser.custom dictionary.
  • The ObjcLDUser.device and ObjcLDUser.operatingSystem properties have been removed. These fields will be included in the ObjcLDUser.custom dictionary.
  • The ObjcLDClient functions, arrayVariation, arrayVariationDetail, dictionaryVariation, and dictionaryVariationDetail, have been removed. Please use ObjcLDClient.jsonVariation and ObjcLDClient.jsonVariationDetail instead.
  • The per-type instances of ObjcLDChangedFlag have been removed. Please use the base class ObjcLDChangedFlag, which now provides oldValue and newValue ObjcLDValue properties. The removed classes are ObjcLDBoolChangedFlag, ObjcLDIntegerChangedFlag, ObjcLDDoubleChangedFlag, ObjcLDStringChangedFlag, ObjcLDArrayChangedFlag, and ObjcLDDictionaryChangedFlag.
  • The classes ObjcLDArrayEvaluationDetail and ObjcLDDictionaryEvaluationDetail have been removed. Please use ObjcLDJSONEvaluationDetail instead.
  • The type aliases, ObjcLDBoolChangedFlagHandler, ObjcLDIntegerChangedFlagHandler, ObjcLDDoubleChangedFlagHandler, ObjcLDStringChangedFlagHandler, ObjcLDArrayChangedFlagHandler, and ObjcLDDictionaryChangedFlagHandler, have been removed. Please use ObjcLDChangedFlagHandler instead.
  • The ObjcLDClient functions, observeBool, observeInteger, observeDouble, observeString, observeArray, and observeDictionary, have been removed. Please use the non-type specific ObjcLDClient.observe(key: owner: handler:) instead.

[5.4.5] - 2022-03-11

11 Mar 22:03
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  • Fixed race condition in LDSwiftEventSource that could cause a crash if the stream is explicitly stopped (such as when identify is called) while the stream is waiting to reconnect.