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Cloud Run developmnet


In this Solutions Builder, we use skaffold to deploy for both backend microservices and frontend application. The same steps apply for deploying to GKE and Cloud Run.

Deploy to Cloud Run with default domain

Run the following to deploy Cloud Run with default Cloud Run URL:

export PROJECT_ID=<my-gcp-project-id>
export SERVICE_NAME=<service-name> # e.g. sample-service or frontend-angular

skaffold run -p cloudrun$PROJECT_ID -m $SERVICE_NAME

Once deployed, you will see the output like below:

Starting deploy...
 - configmap/env-vars-<hash> created
 - service/frontend-angular created
 - deployment.apps/frontend-angular created
Waiting for deployments to stabilize...
 - deployment/frontend-angular is ready.
Deployments stabilized in 1.932 second
You can also run [skaffold run --tail] to get the logs

Display the URL for the deployed Cloud Run services:

gcloud run services describe $SERVICE_NAME --region=$REGION
  • This will display the following output:
    ✔ Service frontend-angular in region us-central1
    URL:     https://frontend-angular-<random-hash>
    Ingress: all
      100% LATEST (currently frontend-angular-<hash>)
  • You can also list all deployed Cloud Run services:
    gcloud run services list --region=us-central1 --format="value(name,status.url)"
  • Skaffold uses the <project_number> Service Account for Cloud Run deployment. To run with a different service account, check out the Optional: Manually deploy Microservices to CloudRun section below.

Open up the URL like in a browser to check out the frontend app.

  • By default, Cloud Run services require authentication (e.g. Service Account) to access the services.
  • To allow all users to access the frontend application from the Internet, follow the Allowing public (unauthenticated) access to a Cloud Run service section to allow public access.

Deploy with live-reload for debugging

Run the following to build and deploy to Cloud Run with port forwarding to test via localhost:

export REGION=us-central1
skaffold dev -p cloudrun$PROJECT_ID -m $SERVICE_NAME --port-forward

Once deployed, you will see the output like below:

frontend-angular: Service starting: Deploying Revision. Waiting on revision frontend-angular-kmwth.
Cloud Run Service frontend-angular finished: Service started. 0/1 deployment(s) still pending
Forwarding service projects/solutions-builder-develop/locations/us-central1/services/frontend-angular to local port 9001
Listing files to watch...
- frontend-angular
Press Ctrl+C to exit
Watching for changes...

Open the link or http://localhost:9001 in a browser to see the service.

  • If you are deploying the microservice, open http://localhost:9001/sample_service/docs for the API swagger documentation.
  • At this point, every changes in local files will trigger files hot-swap and update to the remote instance automatically. See Skaffold File Sync for more details.
  • When clicked Ctrl+C, it will remove the Cloud Run service.

Allowing public (unauthenticated) access to a Cloud Run service

You can allow unauthenticated access to either the microservice or the frontend application.

Run the following commands to update Organization policies:

export ORGANIZATION_ID=$(gcloud organizations list --format="value(name)" | head -n 1)
gcloud resource-manager org-policies delete constraints/iam.allowedPolicyMemberDomains --organization=$ORGANIZATION_ID

Re-login to gcloud to refresh the auth:

gcloud auth application-default login

Run the following to allow unauthenticated users:

gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding $SERVICE_NAME \
--region="$REGION" \
--member="allUsers" \

Optional: Manually deploy Microservices to CloudRun

Build common image

cd common
gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions=\

Build a service image

gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions=\

Deploy a microservice to CloudRun with public endpoint:

gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding $SERVICE_NAME \
--region="$REGION" \
--member="allUsers" \

Delete Cloud Run Services

To delete a specific Cloud Run service:

export SERVICE_NAME=sample-service
gcloud run services delete $SERVICE_NAME