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Object Detection and Spatial Relation

This project aims to build a Computer Vision system able to describe the spatial relationship between objects on the same image. The steps involved for fulfill this task are object detection and classification, computation of the position and spatial reasoning. An instance segmentation network is used to detect the objects and distinguish between different instances of the same class, which may happen in some images. This is needed for referring to the correct object when determine its position (center), which is obtained by computing the center of each previously detected object. Each object is then compared with other objects in the image in order to determine how many objects are on left,right,top,down.

The methodology we choose involves two main steps to produce our final output. A first offline preprocessing is done to all images in the dataset, in order to remove noise and provide all the informations needed to train and test the network for instance segmentation. Next we train and test the net on images, and do basic post-processing to get objects center.


The dataset used for this project is called Compositional Language and Elementary Visual Reasoning CLEVR . This dataset is designed with the explicit goal of enabling detailed analysis of visual reasoning. Its images depict simple 3D shapes like cubes cylinders and spheres of different colors and sizes, arranged in different positions and in different numbers for each image. The dataset is a 70:15:15 dataset with 70000 images in the training set, 15000 images in the validation set and 15000 in the test set. Objects depicted in the images are all been captured in gray background and they exhibit eight different colors: gray, blue, brown, yellow, red, green, purple, and cyan. Data as divided in two different conditions: • Condition A – Cubes are gray, blue, brown, or yellow – Cylinders are red, green, purple, or cyan – Spheres can have any color • Condition B – Cubes are red, green, purple, or cyan – Cylinders are gray, blue, brown, or yellow – Spheres can have any color


Preprocessing on Data

This offline preprocessing step is done in order to remove noise and prepare data to train the instance segmentation network. Extracted informations are a binary mask and a bounding box for each object in each image, used as ground truth for training. Since CLEVR do not provide such data, our goal is to retrieve them in a fully automatic manner. This includes three main steps:

• detect objects by their color;

• get a binary mask out of each selected object;

• get a bounding box out of each generated mask;

The first step is done by converting images in the HSV space, in which is simpler to retrieve pixel areas with specific colors; then, masks of pixels are obtained by selecting pixels whose values assume a specific range in the color space. Masks are retrieved for every color in the dataset (red, green, purple, cyan, gray, blue, brown, or yellow). Since the dataset provides sets of generated 3D images, there is very little presence of signal noise (e.g. Gaussian), which is typical in images acquired by ameras. Instead, images presents semantic noise expressed as reflection of objects, light and background on metal surfaces, and as shadows on the background due to light illumination. This kind of noise makes the above mentioned step difficult without any sort of preprocessing: if an object is reflected on a surface, that portion of surface will also be detected when searching for objects of the same color of the reflected one; moreover, the reflection surfaces are themselves colored, hence the colors blends with each other generating a reflection that could be detected when searching for other colors, as in the figure. Light reflection and shadows can also be sources of semantic noise: in figure, bright areas on the metal spheres are not detected by the color mask, but is instead detected a small shadow area between red 2 cylinder and the yellow cube. To cope with these problems a bilateral filter is applied to reduce reflection while keeping sharp edges, and to smooth shadows; then background removal along with image labeling is done with connected components. Image labeling is done in order to distiguish between masks of the same color. Once obtained all the color masks, we need to as�sociate them to the corresponing object for retrieve ground truth informations for training and testing: since the dataset provide it, the position (center) of each object is retrieved for associate it to the mask that has the center more close to it. Finally every mask get binarized and bounding boxes are retrieved out of each mask.



Object detection and segmentation is done with a very known network: MaskRCNN. The model is implemented in PyTorch, with ResNet�50 as backbone for feature extraction and classification, and a Region Proposal Network (RPN) used for propose Region of Interests (ROI) which will feed the rest of the architecture in order to generate bounding boxes and class for detection, and masks for segmentation. Backbone weights are pre-trained with ImageNet data, while the rest is fine-tuned by training on CLEVR data. The network takes images of size 320×480×3 as input, and outputs a score for each object in the scene, the corresponing mask and bounding box. The network combine 5 losses in a single one:

• Negative Log Likelyhood (NLL): used by the classifier. This is a typical loss for multiclass classification tasks. The main objective is to find a set of model parameters θ, that maximizes the likelyhood of observing data: by calling D our dataset, the goal is to find the maximum likelyhood P(D|θ) = Q|D| i=1 yˆi where yˆi = σ(f(θ; xi)) is the output of the classifier f(θ; xi) passed through a softmax function σ(zi) = P exp(zi) C−1 j=0 exp(zj ) used to feed the loss with probability scores. Applying logarithm and passing from a maximization to a minimization problem, the maximum likelyhood becomes: log(P(D|θ)) = − P|D| i=1 log( ˆyi)

• SmoothL1: used for bounding box generation and RPN. It creates a criterion that uses a squared term if the absolute element-wise error of falls below 1, a L1 term otherwise. It is less sensitive to outliers than the Mean Squared Error (MSE). It is formulated as follows: smoothL1loss(zi) = 1 N P i zi where zi = ( 1 2 (yi − yˆi) 2 if |yi − yˆi | < 1 |yi − yˆi | − 1 2 otherwise

• BinaryCrossEntropy: used for objectness (recognizing objects from background) and mask generation. It is a measure of how close two distributions are, and it is widely used to binary classification problems H = − 1 N PN i=1(yi log( ˆyi) + (1 − yi) log(1 − yˆi)) The network combine this five losses in one single loss during training: loss = nllclassif ier + smoothL1bb + smoothL1rpn + Hobjectness + Hmask


Spatial Reasoning

The goal is to calculate the number of objects at the right, left, above, below for each object of the image. For each object detected by the network calculate the center (x, y), then take one object and compare its center with centers of other objects. Considering O as the set of objects in the image, for each i ∈ O fixed object, and for each j ∈ O{i} other object in the image: • if xi < xj : j is on the right of i • if xi > xj : j is on the left of i • if yi < yj : j is above i • if yi > yj : j is below i



The offline preprocessing is applied to both train and test set, in order to obtain ground truth masks and bounding boxes for training and testing. Some adjustments are needed in the mask generation process: if two or more objects are close enough such that one partially occlude the others, and if they are of the same materials, the resulting mask of each of these object will cover the same area and will have the same position of the other masks; this happens because the objects are not far enough to generate two or more distinct masks (distiguished with connected components) to associate to their relative objects, but there will a single mask to associate to all of these objects. So in this scenario, two objects with same color, same material and close to each other will have two identical masks covering the same pixel area corresponding to the area of both objects. Since these are supposed to be ground truth data, they are not acceptable for training and testing and for this reason all this kind of images are removed from the train and test sets.


We trained the network to detect and classify only shapes of objects, so the classification task became a detection and segmentation of 3 shapes in total: cube, sphere, cylinder. The network has been trained with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) technique with a learning rate of 0.005, momentum of 0.9 and weight decay of 0.005.


Since the dataset does not give crucial information to retrieve ground truth data of the test set, we opted to generate our test set with Blender, the same software used to generate the entire CLEVR dataset; the generated set is then preprocessed to retrieve ground truth data. In order to properly test the network only the shape along with object centers are recovered; then both ground truth and predicted data ( labels, bounding boxes, scores ) are sorted by the position of the corresponding object from left to righ, and finally metrics are calculated. The metric used to test the net is the Mean Average Precision (MAP), a standard metric used for object detection. MAP values for all 743 images of the test set were leveraged, obtaining the result of 0.8168 MAP.

Full pipeline

Since the network classify only shapes, we retrieve the actual class of the objects by retrieving also the color for each detected shape: each predicted mask is overlapped with the original image, generating a new image with a mask that has the original color of the object. For each color (gray, blue, brown, yellow, red, green, purple, cyan) new masks are generated out of the overlapped image, and is taken the color that generate the mask that has maximum Intersection Over Union with the predicted one. So for each image, the MaskRCNN network de�tect shapes of objects, for each detected shape the actual class is retrieved by getting the color that the object in question had; finally centers of predicted masks are calculated and compared in order to count the number of objects to the left, right, above , below of each detected object in the image.