This is a high-level outline of Bifrost development plans. Unless otherwise stated, the items on this page have not yet been developed.
- Single-pulse search algorithms
- Baseline removal, peak finding
- Pulsar search algorithms
- Harmonic summing, folding
- Calibration and imaging algorithms
- Gridding/degridding, compressive sensing, CLEAN
- I/O (source/sink) blocks for additional astronomy/audio/generic file formats
- Method of sending data between different servers
- Remote control mechanisms
- Pipeline status and performance monitoring
- Streaming data visualisation
- Improved packet capture/transmission framework
- Support for InfiniBand verbs
- CPU backends for existing CUDA-only algorithms
- Support for inter-process shared memory rings
- Optimisations for low-latency applications
- Python 2.x will no longer be supported after the end of 2022.