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Usage instructions for oqsprovider

This file documents information required to properly utilize oqsprovider after installation on a machine running openssl v3.

Beware that oqsprovider will not work on machines where an OpenSSL version below "3.0.0" is (the default) installed.

Baseline assumption

An openssl version >= 3.0.0 is available and set in the "PATH" environment variable such as that the command openssl version yields a result documenting this, e.g., as follows:

OpenSSL 3.2.0-dev  (Library: OpenSSL 3.2.0-dev )

Note on OpenSSL installation

If one does not have an OpenSSL version installed in a suitable version, care is advised installing such version such as not to damage a pre-installed/system-wide openssl installation.

In order to experiment with a local openssl version, we have made available a shell script creating a local, non-system wide installed openssl binary. By default, the current "master" branch is built by this script but it can be configured to build any release/tag by setting the OPENSSL_BRANCH environment variable.


Every OpenSSL provider needs to be activated for use. There are three main ways for this:

Explicit command line option


Most openssl commands permit passing the option -provider: The name after this command is that of the provider to be activated.

As an example: openssl list -signature-algorithms -provider oqsprovider outputs all quantum safe signature algorithms made available for openssl use.


All openssl commands accepting -provider also permit passing -provider-path as a possibility to reference the location in the local filesystem where the provider binary is located. This is of particular use if the provider did not (yet) get installed in the system location, which typically is in lib/ossl-modules in the main openssl installation tree.


If activation of oqsprovider should be hard-coded in a C program, use of the standard OSSL_PROVIDER_load API may be considered, e.g., as such:

OSSL_PROVIDER_load(OSSL_LIB_CTX_new(), "oqsprovider");

The provider (binary) search path may be set via the OSSL_PROVIDER_set_default_search_path API.

Static linking

If all code should be "baked" into one executable, be sure to statically build oqsprovider using the OQS_PROVIDER_BUILD_STATIC configuration option and use the integration code documented.

Configuration file

As an alternative to passing command line parameters or hard-coding C code, providers can be activated for general use by adding instructions to the openssl.cnf file. In the case of oqs-provider add these lines to achieve this:

default = default_sect
oqsprovider = oqsprovider_sect
activate = 1

module option

Next to the "activate" keyword, openssl also recognizes the "module" keyword which mirrors the functionality of -provider-path documented above: This way, a non-standard location for the oqsprovider shared library (.SO/.DYLIB/.DLL) can be registered for testing.

If this configuration variable is not set, the global environment variable "OPENSSL_MODULES" must point to a directory where the oqsprovider binary is to be found.

If the oqsprovider binary cannot be found, it simply (and silently) will not be available for use.

System wide installation

The system-wide openssl.cnf file is typically located at (operating system dependent):

  • /etc/ssl/ (UNIX/Linux)
  • /opt/homebrew/etc/openssl@3/ (MacOS Homebrew on Apple Silicon)
  • /usr/local/etc/openssl@3/ (MacOS Homebrew on Intel Silicon)
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\SSL\ (Windows)

Adding oqsprovider to this file will enable its seamless operation alongside other openssl providers. If successfully done, running, e.g., openssl list -providers should output something along these lines (version IDs variable of course):

    name: OpenSSL Default Provider
    version: 3.1.1
    status: active
    name: OpenSSL OQS Provider
    version: 0.5.0
    status: active

If this is the case, all openssl commands can be used as usual, extended by the option to use quantum safe cryptographic algorithms in addition/instead of classical crypto algorithms.

This configuration is the one used in all examples below.

Note: Be sure to always activate either the "default" or "fips" provider as these deliver functionality also needed by oqsprovider (e.g., for hashing or high quality random data during key generation).

Selecting TLS1.3 default groups

For activating specific KEMs, three options exist:

Command line parameter

All commands allowing pre-selecting KEMs for use permit this via the standard OpenSSL -groups command line option. See example commands below.


If activation of specific KEM groups should be hard-coded into a C program, use the standard OpenSSL SSL_set1_groups_list API, e.g., as such:

SSL_set1_groups_list(ssl, "kyber768:kyber1024");

Configuration parameter

The set of acceptable KEM groups can also be set in the openssl.cnf file as per this example:

ssl_conf = ssl_sect

system_default = system_default_sect

Groups = kyber768:kyber1024

Be sure to separate permissible KEM names by colon if specifying several.

Sample commands

The following section provides example commands for certain standard OpenSSL operations.

Checking provider version information

openssl list -providers -verbose

Checking quantum safe signature algorithms available for use

openssl list -signature-algorithms -provider oqsprovider

Checking quantum safe KEM algorithms available for use

openssl list -kem-algorithms -provider oqsprovider

Creating keys and certificates

This can be facilitated for example by using the usual openssl commands:

openssl req -x509 -new -newkey dilithium3 -keyout dilithium3_CA.key -out dilithium3_CA.crt -nodes -subj "/CN=test CA" -days 365 -config openssl/apps/openssl.cnf
openssl genpkey -algorithm dilithium3 -out dilithium3_srv.key
openssl req -new -newkey dilithium3 -keyout dilithium3_srv.key -out dilithium3_srv.csr -nodes -subj "/CN=test server" -config openssl/apps/openssl.cnf
openssl x509 -req -in dilithium3_srv.csr -out dilithium3_srv.crt -CA dilithium3_CA.crt -CAkey dilithium3_CA.key -CAcreateserial -days 365

These examples create QSC dilithium3 keys but the very same commands can be used to create QSC certificates replacing the key type "dilithium3" with any of the QSC signature algorithms supported. Of course, also any classic signature algorithm like "rsa" may be used.

Setting up a (quantum-safe) test server

Using keys and certificates as created above, a simple server utilizing a quantum-safe (QSC) KEM algorithm and certicate can be set up for example by running

openssl s_server -cert dilithium3_srv.crt -key dilithium3_srv.key -www -tls1_3 -groups kyber768:frodo640shake

Instead of "dilithium3" any QSC signature algorithm supported may be used as well as any classic crypto signature algorithm. Instead of "kyber768:frodo640shake" any combination of QSC KEM algorithm(s) and classic crypto KEM algorithm(s) may be specified.

Running a client to interact with (quantum-safe) KEM algorithms

This can be facilitated for example by running

openssl s_client -groups frodo640shake

By issuing the command GET / the quantum-safe crypto enabled OpenSSL3 server returns details about the established connection.

Any available quantum-safe KEM algorithm can be selected by passing it in the -groups option.

S/MIME message signing -- Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)

Also possible is the creation and verification of quantum-safe digital signatures using CMS.

Signing data

For creating signed data, two steps are required: One is the creation of a certificate using a QSC algorithm; the second is the use of this certificate (and its signature algorithm) to create the signed data:

Step 1: Create quantum-safe key pair and self-signed certificate:

openssl req -x509 -new -newkey dilithium3 -keyout qsc.key -out qsc.crt -nodes -subj "/CN=oqstest" -days 365 -config openssl/apps/openssl.cnf

By changing the -newkey parameter algorithm name any of the supported quantum-safe or hybrid algorithms can be utilized instead of the sample algorithm dilithium3.

Step 2: Sign data:

As the CMS standard requires the presence of a digest algorithm, while quantum-safe crypto does not, in difference to the QSC certificate creation command above, passing a message digest algorithm via the -md parameter is mandatory.

openssl cms -in inputfile -sign -signer qsc.crt -inkey qsc.key -nodetach -outform pem -binary -out signedfile -md sha512

Data to be signed is to be contained in the file named inputfile. The resultant CMS output is contained in file signedfile. The QSC algorithm used is the same signature algorithm utilized for signing the certificate qsc.crt.

Verifying data

Continuing the example above, the following command verifies the CMS file signedfile and outputs the outputfile. Its contents should be identical to the original data in inputfile above.

openssl cms -verify -CAfile qsc.crt -inform pem -in signedfile -crlfeol -out outputfile

Note that it is also possible to build proper QSC certificate chains using the standard OpenSSL calls. For sample code see scripts/

Support of dgst (and sign)

Also tested to operate OK is the openssl dgst command. Sample invocations building on the keys and certificate files in the examples above:


openssl dgst -sign qsc.key -out dgstsignfile inputfile


openssl dgst -signature dgstsignfile -verify qsc.pubkey inputfile

The public key can be extracted from the certificate using standard openssl command:

openssl x509 -in qsc.crt -pubkey -noout > qsc.pubkey

The dgst command is not tested for interoperability with oqs-openssl111.

Note on KEM Decapsulation API:

The OpenSSL EVP_PKEY_decapsulate API specifies an explicit return value for failure. For security reasons, most KEM algorithms available from liboqs do not return an error code if decapsulation failed. Successful decapsulation can instead be implicitly verified by comparing the original and the decapsulated message.

Supported OpenSSL parameters (OSSL_PARAM)

OpenSSL 3 comes with the OSSL_PARAM API. Through these [OSSL_PARAM] structures, oqs-provider can expose some useful information about a specific object.


Using the EVP_PKEY_get_params API, the following custom parameters are gettable:

  • OQS_HYBRID_PKEY_PARAM_CLASSICAL_PUB_KEY: points to the public key of the classical part of an hybrid key.
  • OQS_HYBRID_PKEY_PARAM_CLASSICAL_PRIV_KEY: points to the private key of the classical part of an hybrid key.
  • OQS_HYBRID_PKEY_PARAM_PQ_PUB_KEY: points to the public key of the quantum-resistant part of an hybrid key.
  • OQS_HYBRID_PKEY_PARAM_PQ_PRIV_KEY: points to the private key of the quantum-resistant part of an hybrid key.

In case of non hybrid keys, these parameters return NULL.

See the corresponding test for an example of how to use [EVP_PKEY_get_params] with custom oqs-provider parameters.