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Concepts implemented in concepts.h

Basic types

Single tests

  • Void<T>: T is void or any cv-qualified variant of void
  • Null<T>: T is std::nullptr_t or any cv-qualified variant of std::nullptr_t
  • Integral<T>: T represents integers (all variants of int, internally: std::is_integral<T>)
  • FloatingPoint<T>: T represents floating point numbers (float or double, internally: std::is_floating_point<T>)
  • Array<T>: T is a C array (like int[] or char[32])
  • Enum<T>: T is an enum
  • Union<T>: T is an union
  • Class<T>: T is a class
  • Function<T>: T is a function: not a function pointer nor a callable object nor a lambda
  • Pointer<T>: T is a pointer (like int*`)
  • MemberObjectPointer<T>: T is a member pointer to an attribute
  • MemberFunctionPointer<T>: T is a member pointer to a member function

Compound tests

  • MemberPointer<T>: T is either a member pointer to an attribute or a member pointer to a member function
  • Unsigned<T>: T is an unsigned integer type (like unsigned int or unsigned char)
  • Signed<T>: T is a signed integer type (like int or long long int)
  • Fundamental<T>: T is a fundamental type (all variants of int, float, double, std::nullptr_t or void)
  • Compound<T>: T is a compound type, ie: not fundamental
  • Scalar<T>: T is a scalar type: either a variant of int, float, double, a pointer, a pointer to member, an enumeration or std::nullptr_t
  • Object<T>: T is an object type: everything that is not a function, a reference of void

Type comparisons

  • Same<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 are the same type (and not only mutually convertible)
  • Convertible<T1, T2>: T1 is convertible into T2
  • Compatible<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 are mutally convertible, ie: Convertible<T1, T2> and Convertible<T2, T1>
  • Common<Args...>: It exists a common type to every type of Args.... This type can be retrivied with CommonType<Args...> (ex: CommonType<int, float> -> float)

Type qualifiers

  • Const<T>: T is const (like const int)
  • Volatile<T>: T is volatile (like volatile float)
  • lValue<T>: T is a lvalue reference
  • rValue<T>: T is a rvalue reference
  • Reference<T>: T is a reference, either rvalue reference or lvalue reference (like int& or float&&)
  • ConstReference<T>: T is a const reference, either rvalue reference or lvalue reference (like const int& or const float&&)

Custom type information

  • Literal<T>: T is a literal type: manipulable by constexpr expressions
  • Empty<T>: T contains no attribute
  • POD<T> or PODType<T>: T is a POD (a C like struct: no constructor, no destructor, no operator=())
  • StandardLayout<T>: T has a standard memory layout: no attribute except for base classes
  • Polymorphic<T>: T has virtual methods
  • Abstract<T>: T does not implement every virtual functions of its parents
  • Derived<D, B>: D derives/inherits from B: B is the base of D`


  • Constructible<T, Args...>: T is constructible with Args... arguments
  • TriviallyConstructible<T, Args...>: T is trivially constructible with Args... arguments
  • NothrowConstructible<T, Args...>: T is constructible with Args... arguments and never throws exception
  • CopyConstructible<T>: T is copy constructible
  • TriviallyCopyConstructible<T>: T is trivially copy constructible (equivalent to memcopy)
  • NothrowCopyConstructible<T>: T is copy constructible and never throws exception
  • MoveConstructible<T>: T is move constructible
  • TriviallyMoveConstructible<T>: T is trivially move constructible (equivalent to memcopy)
  • NothrowMoveConstructible<T>: T is move constructible and never throws exception


  • Assignable<T, A>: T is assignable with rhs of type A
  • TriviallyAssignable<T, A>: T is trivially assignable with rhs of type A
  • NothrowAssignable<T, A>: T is assignable with rhs of type A and never throws exception
  • CopyAssignable<T>: T is copy assignable
  • TriviallyCopyAssignable<T>: T is trivially copy assignable (equivalent to memcopy)
  • NothrowCopyAssignable<T>: T is copy assignable and never throws exception
  • MoveAssignable<T>: T is move assignable
  • TriviallyMoveAssignable<T>: T is trivially move assignable (equivalent to memcopy)
  • NothrowMoveAssignable<T>: T is move assignable and never throws exception


  • Destructible<T>: T is destructible
  • TriviallyDestructible<T>: T is trivially destructible (equivalent to noop)
  • NothrowDestructible<T>: T is destructible and never throws exception
  • VirtualDestructor<T>: T has a virtual destructor

Language semantics

  • Trivial<T>: T is a trivial type: trivially constructible and trivially copyable
  • Copyable<T>: T is copyable (copy constructor + copy assignment)
  • TriviallyCopyable<T>: T is a trivially copyable (copy equivalent to memcopy)
  • NothrowCopyable<T>: T is a copyable and copy never throws exception
  • Moveable<T>: T is moveable (move constructor + move assignment)
  • TriviallyMoveable<T>: T is a trivially moveable (move equivalent to memcopy)
  • NothrowMoveable<T>: T is a moveable and move never throws exception
  • Swappable<T>: two elements of T can be swapped
  • Swappable<T1, T2>: T1 element can be swapped with T2 element
  • NothrowSwappable<T>: two elements of T can be swapped without exception

Custom semantics


  • Callable<T, Args...>: T elements can be called with Args... arguments (like a regular function)
  • FunctionObject<T, Args...>: T is callable with Args... and is an object
  • Predicate<T, Args...>: T is callable with Args... and result is a boolean
  • UnaryPredicate<T, A1>: T is a predicate with one argument
  • BinaryPredicate<T, A1, A2>: T is a predicate with one argument
  • Operator<T, Args...>: T is callable with Args... and result is not void
  • UnaryOperator<T, A1>: T is a predicate with one argument
  • BinaryOperator<T, A1, A2>: T is a predicate with one argument


  • EqualityComparable<T>: two elements of T can be compared with == operator
  • EqualityComparable<T1, T2>: a T1 element and a T2 element can be compared with == operator
  • Comparable<T>: two elements of T can be compared with == or != operators
  • Comparable<T1, T2>: a T1 element and a T2 element can be compared with == or != operators
  • LessThanComparable<T>: two elements of T can be compared with < operator
  • LessThanComparable<T1, T2>: a T1 element and a T2 element can be compared with < operator
  • WeaklyOrdered<T>: two elements of T can be compared with <, <=, > or >= operators
  • WeaklyOrdered<T1, T2>: a T1 element and a T2 element can be compared with <, <=, > or >= operators
  • Ordered<T>: T is both WeaklyOrdered and Comparable
  • Ordered<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 are both WeaklyOrdered and Comparable


  • ArithmeticAdd<T>: T implements +, -, += and -= operators
  • ArithmeticAdd<T1, T2>: +, -, += and -= operators are available with (T1, T1), (T2, T2), (T1, T2), (T2, T1) types
  • CompatibleArithmeticAdd<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 implements ArithmeticAdd. T1+T2 and T1+=T2 are implemented but not T2+T1 nor T2+=T1
  • ArithmeticMul<T>: T implements *, /, *= and /= operators
  • ArithmeticMul<T1, T2>: *, /, *= and /= operators are available with (T1, T1), (T2, T2), (T1, T2), (T2, T1) types
  • CompatibleArithmeticMul<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 implements ArithmeticAdd. T1T2 and T1=T2 are implemented but not T2T1 nor T2=T1
  • Arithmetic<T>: T is ArithmeticAdd and ArithmeticMul
  • CompatibleArithmetic<T>: T is CompatibleArithmeticAdd and CompatibleArithmeticMul
  • Arithmetic<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 are ArithmeticAdd and ArithmeticMul
  • CompatibleArithmetic<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 are CompatibleArithmeticAdd and CompatibleArithmeticMul

Integer arithmetic

  • PreIncrementable<T>: a t element of type T can be preincremented: ++t
  • PostIncrementable<T>: a t element of type T can be postincremented: t++
  • Incrementable<T>: T is both PreIncrementable and PostIncrementable
  • PreDecrementable<T>: a t element of type T can be predecremented: ++t
  • PostDecrementable<T>: a t element of type T can be postdecremented: t++
  • Decrementable<T>: T is both PreDecrementable and PostDecrementable
  • Bitmask<T>: T implements |, &, ^, |=, &= and ^= operators
  • Bitmask<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 implement |, &, ^, |=, &= and ^= operators
  • ShiftableBitmask<T>: T implements |, &, ^, |=, &=, ^=, <<, >>, <<= and >>= operators


  • Dereferenceable<T>: T implements * operator and this operator returns a reference
  • ValueSwappable<T>: T is Dereferenceable and the referenced type is Swappable
  • ValueSwappable<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 are Dereferenceable and the referenced types are Swappable
  • NothrowValueSwappable<T>: T is Dereferenceable and the referenced type is NothrowSwappable
  • NothrowValueSwappable<T1, T2>: T1 and T2 are Dereferenceable and the referenced types are NothrowSwappable
  • Iterator<T>: T is an object (constructible, copyable, destructible and sappable) that is dereferenceable and preincrementable
  • MutableIterator<T>: the value referenced by the iterator T is assignable
  • ConstIterator<T>: the value referenced by the iterator T is not assignable
  • InputIterator<T>: T is an Iterator that is also incrementable
  • MutableInputIterator<T>: the value referenced by the InputIterator T is assignable
  • ConstInputIterator<T>: the value referenced by the InputIterator T is not assignable
  • ForwardIterator<T>: T is an InputIterator that is also comparable
  • MutableForwardIterator<T>: the value referenced by the ForwardIterator T is assignable
  • ConstForwardIterator<T>: the value referenced by the ForwardIterator T is not assignable
  • BidirectionnalIterator<T>: T is a ForwardIterator that is also Decrementable
  • MutableBidirectionnalIterator<T>: the value referenced by the BidirectionnalIterator T is assignable
  • ConstBidirectionnalIterator<T>: the value referenced by the BidirectionnalIterator T is not assignable
  • RandomAccessIterator<T>: T is a BidirectionnalIterator that implements +, - and [] and is Ordered
  • MutableRandomAccessIterator<T>: the value referenced by the RandomAccessIterator T is assignable
  • ConstRandomAccessIterator<T>: the value referenced by the RandomAccessIterator T is not assignable


  • Container<T>: T is an object (default constructible, copyable, destructible, comparable, swappable) that implements .size(), .empty(), .begin(), .cbegin(), .end() and .cend()
  • ReversibleContainer<T>: T is a Container that implements .rbegin(), .crbegin(), .rend() and .crend()


  • Boolean<T>: T is useable in boolean context (conditions)
  • Allocator<T>: T is an allocator
  • Hash<T>: T is a callable that can be used as a hash function