- This should only take a few seconds, for support visit sparta.lt.hn
The data shown here comes from your local data, accurate to the point in time you have synced;
-Advanced users can "pop off" blocks from their local chain to see the work at particular heights
-Statistic | +Value | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.status' | translate}} | +{{ info.status }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.height' | translate}} | +{{ info.height | number }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.start_time' | translate}} | +{{info.start_time * 1000 | amTimeAgo }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.target_height' | translate}} | +{{info.target_height }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.top_height' | translate}} | ++ |
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.white_peerlist_size' | translate}} | +{{info.white_peerlist_size }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.grey_peerlist_size' | translate}} | +{{info.grey_peerlist_size }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.difficulty' | translate}} | +{{info.difficulty | hashrate }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.cumulative_difficulty' | translate}} | +{{info.cumulative_difficulty | hashrate }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.incoming_connections_count' | translate}} | +{{info.incoming_connections_count }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.tx_count' | translate}} | +{{info.tx_count }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.tx_pool_size' | translate}} | +{{info.tx_pool_size }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.testnet' | translate}} | +{{info.testnet }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.outgoing_connections_count' | translate}} | +{{info.outgoing_connections_count }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.target' | translate}} | +{{info.target }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.alt_blocks_count' | translate}} | +{{info.alt_blocks_count }} | +
{{ 'app.lthn.chain.words.block_size_limit' | translate}} | +{{info.block_size_limit }} | +