In L4T version 23.5, all Jetson Nano versions have the ability to move boot flow partitions to qspi. We use this to run any possible EFI-enabled Linux distributions, but Nvidia Jetson from BSP package has kernel, dtb and u-boot very different from vanilla versions. We have to change them to vanilla to be able to run vanilla kernel based operating systems like EVE.
- Jetson nano developer's kit with 4GB of ram. [p3450-0000]
- make
- bc
- curl
- bison
- flex
- python3
- python3-dev
- swig
./get-bsp 210
We can set u-boot and kernel dtb versions.
./make-u-boot v2021.04
./make-kernel-dtbs 5.10.7
For example jetson nano 4GB.
- Connect FC REC pin with GND pin.
- Switch power supply to micro usb. (We need open J48 Jumper)
- Connect Jetson nano micro usb to PC usb port. (Pay attention to the power supply on the USB port of the computer)
- Enter lsusb command on PC. We must see NVIDIA Corp. APX device, example:
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0955:7f21 NVIDIA Corp. APX
jetson nano example.
cd BSP/t210/Linux_for_Tegra/
sudo ./ jetson-nano-qspi mmcblk0p1
After flash make clean