- New module LarvalFish, for fish eggs hatching into larvae with swimming behaviour
- Sundby83 parameterisation of vertical diffusivity is now set to 0 below mixed layer depth (default 50m)
- Deprecating seed argument oiltype in favor of oil_type in OpenOil. Warning is issued, but later this will become an error
- Fixed problem with convolution of reader fields
- Fixed newly introduced bug with Leeway ascii output file
- Cleaned up some metadata output, and seeding arguments are written as list of GeoJSON strings to attribute seed_geojson
- seed_cone also accepts time as list with single element
- Min/max values are checked/masked also for ensemble data
- reader_netCDF_CF_generic now detects lon/lat arrays also if their variable name equals lon/lat or longitude/latitude
- Fixed bug related to derived_variables (e.g. calculating x_wind, y_wind from windspeed, winddirection)
- Fixed problem with double or missing logging output
- ShipDrift model now gives warning and not error if input parameter are outside bounds, and parameters are clipped to boundary values
- Fixed problem with multiprocessing/parallelization of lonlat2xy for unprojected readers
- OilLibrary updated to version 1.1.3. Slightly different weathering results, and * is removed from oil names starting with GENERIC
- Major restructuring of Basereader class. Readers now are sublasses of Structured, Unstructured or Continuous.
- Built in GUI is improved with posibillity to adjust all config settings.
- Some Leeway parameters are renamed from camelCase to camel_case, including:
- Renamed config setting
- Fixed bug in v1.4.1 that OpenOil and SedimentDrift had fallback_value of 0 for land_binary_mask, this shall be None.
- Built in GUI is improved with docstrings and less hardcoding, based on new config mechanism, including a new bool setting
. model.required_variables
is now a dictionary, which also includes the earlierfallback_values
. Instead of providing fallback values directly in a dictionary, these shall now be provided through the config mechanism:o.set_config('environment:fallback:<variable>', <value>)
. Correspondingly, config settingenvironment:constant:<variable>
may be used to specify constant values for the same variables (overriding any other readers).- seed_elements is simplified, by factoring out a new method seed_cone
- New internal config mechanism, and configobj package is no longer needed. The user API (
) is unchanged, but model developers must use the new mechanism to add configuration settings. - Added new reader for static 2D fields (
) - Xarray, Dask and Xhistogram are new requirements. New method
to open an output netCDF file lazily, with possibility to e.g. calculate density arrays/plots from datasets to large to fit in memory. - New model chemicaldrift
- New seed method
- New method
- Vertical mixing scheme is greatly simplified, and should be faster for large number of elements.
- Vertical mixing is now disabled by default in OceanDrift, but enabled in all submodules (PelagicEggDrift, SedimentDrift, RadionuclideDrift, OpenOil)
- Vertical diffusivity option zero is replaced with
, which means using the fallback value. - New config setting
, providing time-step independent diffusion, in contrast todrift:current_uncertainty
- Readers may be initialised from a JSON string, where reader is name of reader module, and other parameters are forwarded to reader constructor, e.g.: {"reader": "reader_cmems", "dataset": "global-analysis-forecast-phy-001-024-hourly-t-u-v-ssh"}
- CMEMS reader now obtains username/password from .netrc instead of environment variables. CMEMS-motuclient is added to environment.yml
- CMEMS reader now takes dataset name and not product name as input, and it is possible to provide variable mapping.
- NOAA ADIOS is now default (and only) option for oil weathering, as the "built in" oil weathering module ("basic") is removed.
- GUI is generalised, to be usable for any modules. This includes taking default seed options from config:seed: (e.g. m3_per_hour for OpenOil)
- Fixed
value for animations with density array - Fixed animation marker color for deactivated elements
- Introduced mechanism to store environment variables from previous time step
- New element property
, giving possibility to temporarily freeze elements, e.g. used for sedimentation and resuspension in SedimentDrift module - Improved robustness using Xarray in netCDF-readers. Xarray is still optional dependency, but is now tested on Travis
- nc-time-axis is new dependency, providing support for cftime axis in matplotlib
- NOAA oil weathering model is now default choice in OpenOil
- Bugfix in reader_netCDF_CF_generic for particles with negative longitudes combined with global datasets with longitudes from 0-360
- Added module
- Removed two options from OpenOil, with corresponding config parameters:
- Tkalich(2002) entrainment rate
- Exponential droplet size distribution
- Renamed two config settings:
- OceanDrift3D and OpenDrift3D have been merged into OceanDrift, and OpenOil3D has been merged into OpenOil. Thus OpenOil and OceanDrift are now 3D modules, but can still be configured for 2D drift.
- Seed from shapefile: GDAL (ogr / osr) changed coordinate order, updates dependencies and call.
- Victor de Aguiar: :mod:`Oil drift in sea ice <opendrift.models.openoil>` following Nordam et al., 2019, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.01.019 (Sponsored by the Fram Centre in Tromsø, through the MIKON/OSMICO project).
- OpenBerg module available from the GUI.
- A generic shape reader for landmasks (use polygons directly or convenience method using shp files).
- Drop rasterio dependency and include some significant thread-safety fixes for landmask-data.
- Specifying a positive time step with a negative duration is now an error. Duration should always be specified positive.
- Basemap reader and basemap plotting removed
- Minor improvements and bug fixes
- Example scripts are now available in online :doc:`gallery <gallery/index>`
- Only a single conda environment (named "opendrift"). Fresh :doc:`installation <install>` is recommended.
- Cartopy is used for plotting (with fast option only using raster, see :meth:`opendrift.models.basemap.plot`)
- GSHHS full is used for a dedicated landmask reader (using full resolution always, possibly to :mod:`only use mask <opendrift.readers.reader_global_landmask>` for faster simulations)
- New documentation at https://opendrift.github.io
- Conda packages at https://anaconda.org/OpenDrift/repo (see :ref:`miniconda_install`)
- Pypi packages (see :ref:`pip_install`)
- OilLibrary also ported to Python 3
- Python 2 support dropped (but may still work for a while)