- Support Azure Managed Identities, PR #106 (@zanecodes)
- Apply vm_tags to all resources in resource group PR #105 (@josh-hetland)
- Updating Azure SDK dependencies, PR #104 (@stuartpreston)
- Support tags at Resource Group level, PR #102 (@pgryzan-chefio)
- Pin azure_mgmt_resources to 0.18.0 to avoid issue retrieving IP address of node during kitchen create #99 (@stuartpreston)
- Support Shared Image Gallery (preview Azure feature) (@zanecodes)
- Adding capability to execute ARM template after VM deployment,
added (@sebastiankasprzak)
- Add
(default: false) property to allow contents of Azure Resource Group to be deleted rather than entire Resource Group, fixes #90
- Add
(default: false) property to allow reuse of specific Azure RG, fixes #85
- Support for soverign clouds with latest Azure SDK for Ruby, fixes #79
- Raise error when subscription_id is not available, fixes #74
- Update Azure SDK to latest version, upgrade to latest build tools
- Switch to new Microsoft telemetry system #73
- Adding
property to driver configuration
- Pinning to version 0.14.0 of Microsoft Azure SDK for Ruby, avoid namespace changes
- Fix issue with location of data_disks in internal.erb #67 (@ehanlon)
- Fix for undefined local variable when using pre_deployment_template #65
- Additional managed disks can be specified in configuration and left unformatted or formatted on Windows(@stuartpreston)
- Added
parameter (@stuartpreston)
- Pin to latest ARM SDK and constants #59 (@smurawski)
- Support for custom images (@elconas)
- Support for custom-data (Linux only) (@elconas)
- Support for custom OS sizes (@elconas)
- Support for Managed Disks enabled by default (@stuartpreston)
- Add
driver_config parameter (@stuartpreston)
- Support for AzureUSGovernment, AzureChina and AzureGermanCloud environments
- Add
driver_config parameter (@stuartpreston)
- Adding provider identifier tag to all created resources (@stuartpreston)
- Unattend.xml used instead of Custom Script Extension to inject WinRM configuration/AKA support proxy server configurations (@hbuckle)
- Public IP addresses can now be used to connect even if the VM is connected to an existing subnet (@vlesierse)
- Resource Tags can now be applied to the created VMsPR (@liamkirwan)
- Bug: When repeating a completed deployment, deployment would fail with a nil error on resource_name (@stuartpreston)
- Bug: WinRM is not enabled where the platform name does not contain 'nano' (@stuartpreston)
- Support creation of Windows Nano Server (ignoring automatic WinRM setting application) (@stuartpreston)
- Supports latest autogenerated resources from Azure SDK for Ruby (0.5.0) (@stuartpreston)
- Removes unnecessary direct depdendencies on older ms_rest libraries (@stuartpreston)
- ssh_key will be used in preference to password if both are supplied (@stuartpreston)
- Adding support for internal (e.g. ExpressRoute/VPN) access to created VM (@stuartpreston)
- Adding explicit depdendency on concurrent-ruby gem (@stuartpreston)
- Adding capability to execute ARM template prior to VM deployment,
added (@stuartpreston)
- Remove version pin on inifile gem dependency, compatible with newer ChefDK (@stuartpreston)
- Remove transport name restriction on SSH key upload (allow rsync support) (@stuartpreston)
- Support SSH public keys with newlines as generated by ssh-keygen (@stuartpreston)
- Additional diagnostics when Azure Resource Group fails to create successfully (@stuartpreston)
- Pinning ms_rest_azure dependencies to avoid errors when using latest ms_rest_azure library (@stuartpreston)
- Breaking: Linux machines are now created using a temporary sshkey (~/.ssh/id_kitchen-azurerm) instead of password (@stuartpreston)
- Real error message shown if credentials are incorrect (@stuartpreston)
- Support Premium Storage and Boot Diagnostics (@stuartpreston)
- If deployment fails, show the message from the failing operation (@stuartpreston)
- Updated Windows 2008 R2 example (@stuartpreston)
kitchen create
can now be executed multiple times, updating an existing deployment if an error occurs (@smurawski)
- Add an option for users to specify a custom script for WinRM (support Windows 2008 R2) (@andrewelizondo)
- Add azure_management_url parameter for Azure Stack support (@andrewelizondo)
- Pointing to updated Azure SDK for Ruby, supports Linux
- Logs should be sent to info, not stdout (@stuartpreston)
- Added WinRM support, enables WinRM and WinRM/s and configures server for Basic/Negotiate authentication (@stuartpreston)
- Store server_id earlier so it can be retrieved if resources fail to create in Azure (@stuartpreston)
- Support *nix by changing the driver name to lowercase 'azurerm', remove Chef references (@gadgetmg)
- Initial release, supports provision of all public image types in Azure (@stuartpreston)