asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-ext PDF THEME supports 3 ways to use.
Supports 5 Language Code:
tc : Traditional Chinese
sc : Simplified Chinese
hk : Hong Kong
jp : Japanese
kr : Korean
Every Language supports 3 fonts:
Noto Sans CJK
Noto Sans Mono CJK
Noto Serif CJK
Run Command , ./ xx
Please replace xx by your language code( EX: tc
$ ./ tc
It will install asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-ext THEME to downloaded-resources
folder under your user home directory,
or /home/YOUR-USERNAME/downloaded-resources
If you don’t have Maven installed, or don’t want to install asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-ext to your Maven Local Repo, you can choose this method.
Run Command , ./ xx
Please replace xx by your language code( EX: tc
$ ./ tc
It will install asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-ext THEME to libs
folder under your user home directory,
or /home/YOUR-USERNAME/libs
Your machine needs to have Maven installed.
Run Command , ./ xx
Please replace xx by your language code( EX: tc
$ ./ tc
It will install asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-ext THEME to your maven local repo.
or /home/YOUR-USERNAME/.m2
Please replace xx by your language code( EX: tc
configurations {
dependencies {
// * TC (Traditional Chinese)
asciidoctorExt "com.life888888.lab:pdf-ext-notoserif-cjk-tc:0.1.0"
asciidoctorExt "com.life888888.lab:pdf-ext-notosansmono-cjk-tc:0.1.0"
asciidoctorExt "com.life888888.lab:pdf-ext-notosans-cjk-tc:0.1.0"
asciidoctorj {
modules {
asciidoctorj {
configurations "asciidoctorExt"
<!-- tc (Traditional Chinese) -->
<!-- Font notoserif-cjk-tc -->
<!-- Font notosans-cjk-tc -->
<!-- Font notosansmono-cjk-tc -->