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This file introduces the user to the DeepStack codebase. After an initial overview of the codebase, it walks the user through a series of examples meant to illustrate the internal structure of DeepStack. If you are interested only in how to run DeepStack itself, you may skip to @{|here}.

Code Structure

DeepStack is written in Lua using the torch scientific computing framework. The code files are in the Source/ directory, divided into subdirectories based on purpose. All of the code uses relative paths, and thus will only work if you run torch from the Source/ directory.

The Source/Game/ and Source/TerminalEquity/ directories contain modules that implement aspects of poker games (e.g. handling private and public cards, evaluating terminal states).

The Source/Tree/ directory contains modules that build a tree representing all or part of a Leduc Hold'em game.

The Source/Lookahead/ directory uses a public tree to build a Lookahead, the primary game representation DeepStack uses for solving and playing games. A Lookahead efficiently stores data at the node and action level using torch tensors. When possible, tensors will be stored on the GPU, which will be used for computation.

The Source/DataGeneration/ directory contains code which solves random poker situations using Lookaheads and saves the results to disk. The code in Source/Training/ uses this data to train a neural net. The code for directly interacting with the neural net is contained in Source/Nn/.

The Source/Player/ directory contains the code that implements the continual re-solving algorith during gameplay, as well as the DeepStack player object which connects to the server and runs the main DeepStack loop. Communication with the server is handled by the code in Source/ACPC/.

The Data/Models/ contains trained neural networks to be used during the continual resolving

The Data/Dot/ is where the images of trees are stored when you want to visualise them


Tree is the simplest game representation used throughout the code. It can be used to visualise simple strategies, compute exploitabilities etc. The re-solving lookahead is also using tree.

Building a Simple Tree

Let's start with a simple tree for the second round of Leduc. The following code builds a game tree rooted at the first node of Leduc's second betting round, after the King of Spades has been dealt as a public card. Each player has committed 300 chips to the pot in the first betting round - note that the actual first round actions are not needed, and thus aren't specified.

local builder = PokerTreeBuilder()

local params = {}

params.root_node = {}
params.root_node.board = card_to_string:string_to_board('Ks')
params.root_node.street = 2
params.root_node.current_player = constants.players.P1
params.root_node.bets = arguments.Tensor{300, 300}

local tree = builder:build_tree(params)

you can find the full example in Source/Tree/Test/test_tree_builder.lua. To run the example, you need to run torch from the Source/ directory.

th Tree/Tests/test_tree_builder.lua

If the code runs correctly, no output will be produced; it simply creates the tree and then exits. To look at the structure of the tree, we will need to use it to produce a visualisation.

Visualising a Tree

First, make sure you have graphviz installed - if it is installed correctly, you will be able to run dot -V from a terminal.

Once you have built a tree, you may print it into a file for further inspection.

local visualiser = TreeVisualiser()
visualiser:graphviz(tree, "tree1")


You can find the full example in Source/Tree/Test/test_tree_visualiser.lua. To run the example, you need to run torch from the Source/ directory.

th Tree/Tests/test_tree_visualiser.lua

The resulting image (in Data/Dot/tree1.svg shows the structure in the tree, such as current bets and the strategies in all of the nodes.

Bet Sizing

The tree that you just produced only contains fold, call, pot bet and all-in actions. To change what bet sizes are used in the tree, open Source/Settings/arguments.lua. The file contains multiple arguments you can change, including params.bet_sizing = {1} which specifies the allowed bet sizes. Try changing it into params.bet_sizing = {1, 2} to allow not only pot-sized bets, but also bets of twice the pot size. To see the results, run

th Tree/Tests/test_tree_visualiser.lua


These bet sizes will limit the options the agent considers when making an action during the game. Note that this does not limit the agent from understanding any other bet size the opponent can make. This is a key property of the DeepStack algorithm (continual re-solving), where the re-solving starts in the exact game node (thus DeepStack perfectly understands the pot size, possible hands, etc.).

Solving a Tree

When we build a simple tree, the strategy in each node is random.

Computing Exploitability

Since the initial strategy in the tree is random, let's see how good the strategy actually is. To do that, we need to compute the exploitability of the strategy

local tree_values = TreeValues()

print('Exploitability: ' .. tree.exploitability .. ' [chips]')

you can find the full example in Source/Tree/Test/test_tree_values.lua. To run the example, you need to run torch from the Source/ directory.

th Tree/Tests/test_tree_values.lua

You should see an exploitability a bit over 175 chips. This means that a worst-case opponent can beat the random strategy for an average of 175 chips every hand; unsurprisingly, a random strategy is very bad.

Next, we will try to fill the tree with a better strategy.

Tree CFR

One way to compute a better strategy for the tree is to run Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR) on the tree. If the tree is small (like our example tree), we can efficiently run the algorithm directly on the tree. Let's do that.

local starting_ranges = arguments.Tensor(constants.players_count, constants.card_count)


local tree_cfr = TreeCFR()
tree_cfr:run_cfr(tree, starting_ranges)

you can find the full example in Source/Tree/Test/test_tree_cfr.lua To run the example, you need to run torch from the Source/ directory.

th Tree/Tests/test_tree_cfr.lua

After 1,000 iterations of CFR, the exploitability of the resulting strategy should be about 1.0 chips. This is much better than the random strategy! Note that you can change the number of iterations in Source/Settings/arguments.lua, look for the params.cfr_iters and params.cfr_skip_iters settings.

Continual Re-solving in Tree

While the CFR is a great algorithm that can solve very large trees, if the tree is huge (as in no-limit poker), we can't do even a single tree traversal. That's where DeepStack comes in with the continual re-solving and depth-limited search. While DeepStack can run on huge trees such as no-limit poker, we can also run it on our simple example tree to see what it does.

local filling = TreeStrategyFilling()

local range1 = card_tools:get_uniform_range(board)
local range2 = card_tools:get_uniform_range(board)

filling:fill_strategies(tree, 1, range1, range2)
filling:fill_strategies(tree, 2, range1, range2)

You can find the full example in Source/Tree/Test/test_tree_strategy_filling.lua.

th Tree/Tests/test_tree_strategy_filling.lua

You shold see a number around 1.37 chips. While this is slightly worse than running CFR for 1,000 iterations, DeepStack never traverses the entire tree when computing the strategy for any node! When re-solving nodes on the first street, we estimate the values at the end of the street using a neural network.

Note that we traverse the tree and in each node perform continual re-solving, first for the first player, and then for the second player. While re-solving the nodes on the first street, it internally uses a pre-computed neural network.

This is of course a very simple tree for which we can run DeepStack in every node of the tree and consequently compute DeepStack's exact strategy for the game. But since DeepStack does not traverse the full tree, we can run it on much much larger games than CFR.

To run DeepStack on the full game, we will need to actually play the game in a dynamic fashion (randomly dealt cards, two players each choosing actions depending on the current state), which requires the ACPC server.

ACPC Server

Now let's see how to play the game versus an opponent using the ACPC dealer and ACPC protocol. The latest ACPC software can be always found here, but we already included all you need to run Leduc in the ACPCServer/ directory. Open the directory and build the server executable by running


ACPC Dealer

The ACPC dealer is the program that the players talk to over the network using the ACPC protocol. It deals the cards, determines the winner, etc. - just like a real dealer does. To start the dealer to play 100 leduc hands and to listen for the players on ports 20000 and 20001, run

./dealer test 100 42 player1 player2 -p 20000,20001

in the ACPCServer/ directory.

You can get more details by running ./dealer with no arguments.

ACPC Example Player

Now let's connect a dummy player to the running dealer.

./example_player localhost 20001

Run this code in a separate process from the already running dealer.

The example player simply acts randomly. Connect annother example player to port 20000 (run ./example_player localhost 20000 in a third process) and look at the dealer's output. You should see 100 hands played, and at the end, the cumulative winnings of the players. Note that for both ./dealer and ./example_player we specified - this file defines that we are playing the game of Leduc hold'em. The ACPC dealer can run other poker games as well.

DeepStack Player

Now let's connect DeepStack as a player.

Running the Player

The script that runs the player is in Source/Player/deepstack.lua. To connect DeepStack as one of the players to the dealer, open Source/Settings/arguments.lua and set acpc_server = "localhost" and acpc_server_port = 20000. Then you can run the player

th Player/deepstack.lua

How it Works

DeepStack can also serve as an ACPC player. It's important to understand the high-level idea and structure of the code. DeepStack computes the strategy via continual re-solving with a depth limited search. As we saw for the simple tree, we can run the DeepStack algorithm in a tree by traversing all of the paths. When playing via ACPC, we re-solve on the path that is being played. The node we are currently in as well as the actions that led to the node are included in the ACPC protocol. The API for continual re-solving can be found in Source/Lookahead/resolving.lua. This API is used both while traversing a simple tree (Source/Tree/tree_strategy_filling.lua) and when running the DeepStack algorithm during the ACPC gameplay (Source/Player/continual_resolving.lua).

GPU Support

The solver Source/Lookahead/lookahead.lua internally uses torch tensors, and can do all of the computation on the GPU. First, you need to install cutorch. Important! This code is written for version 1.0 so please install with

luarocks install cutorch 1.0-0

Once installed, you can make DeepStack run on gpu by setting params.gpu = true in Source/Settings/arguments.lua.

If you try to run DeepStack for Leduc on a GPU, it will actually run slower than it does on a CPU. This is because Leduc is such a small game; for Texas hold'em, there are more than 1,000 hands in each range vector, so the corresponding tensors are much larger, which allows the GPU to perform efficient parallel computation. On the other hand, Leduc has only 6 possible hands in each range vector. Note that the solver is written in a GPU-friendly manner, and for large games, the solver runs much faster on a GPU.

Creating Your Own Models

If you followed this tutorial, you played deepstack using a neural net model included in the repository. There is also code for you to train your own neural network, so let's do that now.

Data Generation

First, you need to generate and solve random poker situations that will form the data set for training. Generating more training data is the easiest way to get better performance from the neural network (the pretrained network that we included for you was trained on 1,000,000 data points).

The script that handles data generation can be found in Source/DataGeneration/main_data_generation.lua. You should see something like

data_generation:generate_data(arguments.train_data_count, arguments.valid_data_count)

Again, you can set these in Source/Settings/arguments.lua. Let's start small and generate 100 training and 100 validation examples. Set the corresponding arguments and then run the script.

th DataGeneration/main_data_generation.lua

Once the script finishes, you will find your data in Data/TrainSamples/PotBet.

Note that the betting abstraction used for the data generation is the same as the one DeepStack uses during play (defined by the params.bet_sizing argument that we discussed earlier). So you can easily generate data using different betting abstractions, which is another way to potentially improve neural net performance.

Training Your Model

Now let's train your neural network model on the data you just generated. First, check the neural net architecture defined as in Source/Settings/arguments.lua. You should see something like: = '{nn.Linear(input_size, 50), nn.PReLU(), nn.Linear(50, output_size)}'

This defines a net with two hidden layers, each of which contains 50 neurons. Between the layers is a parameteric rectified linear unit transfer function.

The pre-trained net also had 50 neurons per layer, but had 5 hidden layers. The more data you generate, the bigger your net will probably need to be to accurately learn the data.

Further training parameters can also be found in the arguments (e.g. learning rate).

Now, the script that runs the training is Source/Training/main_train.lua so try running it.

th Training/main_train.lua

You should see output with training and validation loss after each epoch. The models are saved in Data/Models/PotBet. The frequency of saving depends on the params.save_epoch argument in Source/Settings/arguments.lua.

Using Your Model in DeepStack

Now you have your model, you know the validation error, and you wonder how well it actually plays. Simply open Source/Settings/arguments.lua and change params.value_net_name from 'final' to the name of the model you want to use, such as 'epoch_10'.

That's it! Now you can run again

th Tree/Tests/test_tree_strategy_filling.lua

to re-solve the small tree and see the exploitability of your new model.

Moving a Model between CPU and GPU

If you trained your model on the GPU, but want to run DeepStack on a machine that has no GPU, you need to convert the model. There is a simple script Source/Nn/cpu_gpu_model_converter.lua that does exactly that. It also contains a function for converting from a CPU model to a GPU model, if you need to do the conversion the other way.