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Compiling a DNN model is the process of quantizing and converting the model into a format that can be inferred with TIDL. TIDL (and its open source front ends) provides utilities to compile models. The imported artifacts can then be used to run inference.

In addition to what is provided with TIDL, this repository provides igh level utilities for compiling DNN models. These tools include dataset loaders, pre-processing utilities, post-processing utilities and metric computation utilities.

Components of this repository

This repository is generic and can be used with a variety of runtimes and models supported by TIDL. This repository contains the following parts:

  • jai_benchmark: Core scritps for core model compilation, inference and accuracy benchmark scripts provided as a python package (that can be imported using: import jai_benchmark or using: from jai_benchmark import)
  • scripts: These are the top level scripts - to compile models, to infer and do accuracy & performance benchmark, to collect accuracy report and to package the generated artifacts.
  • configs: These are the actual configurations of to run the models in the model zoo. These configurations define the Dataset parameters, pre-processing, inference session parameters and post-processing.

Running inference / benchmark using pre-compiled model artifacts is the main script in this repository that does compilation of models and benchmark.

modelartifacts_path in the settings yaml file indicates the location where the artifacts are generated or expected. It currently points to work_dirs/modelartifacts/8bits. We have a symbolic link in this repository that points to the corresponding folder in edgeai-modelzoo.

If this is present, compilation will be skipped, those model artifacts will be downloaded automatically and inference/benchmark will be performed. can be used to run these model artifacts on device.

Compile models in the model zoo is the main script in this repository that does compilation of models and benchmark. However, there are a few things to note:

  • Model compilation, inference and benchmark can be run on PC (Simulation). However, the model compilation cannot be run on the target device (eg. EVM). So that model compilation has to be run on PC.
  • For the models in the model zoo, we have provided (link to) pre-compiled artifacts in the folder as explained above. If you like to do the compilation of these models yourself, you can either rename the folder work_dirs/modelartifacts or change the value of modelartifacts_path in settings_import_on_pc.yaml.
  • While running this script, compilation of models in the model zoo will be performed as the first step before the inference. But if the pre-compiled model artifacts are present, model compilation will be skipped. param.yaml file present in each model artifacts folder indicates that the model compilation is complete.
  • result.yaml file, if present in each model artifacts folder indicates that the model inference is complete. If result.yaml is present, inference is also skipped. Manually delete result.yaml if it is present (i.e. if you have done it once already) to do the inference - otherwise, the script will merely print the result information from result.yaml.

The imported artifacts can be used to run inference on the target device (eg. EVM):

  • If you have compiled models yourself and would like to run those model artifacts in the target device, run the script to package the artifacts for use in the target device.
  • These packaged artifacts can be copied to the device to run inference there.

Generate report

A CSV report containing all your benchmarking results is generated by running scripts/