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Fall 2014 Assignments

Lauren McCarthy edited this page Dec 13, 2018 · 113 revisions

Assignment 1

  1. Sign up for the google group mailing list (1 min)
  2. Sign up Amazon Mechanical Turk (as a worker). (5 min)
  3. Read NYT: excuse me, may I have your seat? (10 min)
  4. Read p11-16 from the glitch moment(um) (15 min)
  5. Recreate I will talk with anyone with some of your personal flavor. Add documentation of your recreation below.


Assignment 2

  1. Read Objects of intense feeling: the case of the Twitter API
  2. Read Art and the API
  3. Complete one of the following projects and add documentation of your work below:
    • Create an HPI (human programming interface) that allows others to control some aspect of your life. You must run it for one day on yourself.
    • Creatively misuse an existing API in order to reveal something about the service.


Assignment 3

  1. Read All technology is assistive
  2. Create an extension for someone else (a specific person). Two options:
    • Build a browser extension.
    • Create a physical apparatus/accessory that extends their capabilities or experience in some way.


Assignment 4

Hack or surveil someone for the purpose of improving your relationship with them in some way.


Assignment 5

This assignment is will be presented during the final class (12/3).

In pairs of two, create an experience or performance for the class to participate in. It can be whatever duration you like, but a good target is 10 minutes. Things to think about:

  • Thinking back to week one, what are the social expectations, rituals, patterns, rules we have in this space and situation? What roles do we play? What happens when these things are broken, misinterpreted, changed?
  • How we might automate and control each other or the services we use in here?
  • How could we customize this experience? What are our individual needs or preferences in here?
  • Can you hack this class?
  • What are alternatives ways we might communicate or interact?
  • How can we automate understanding? What might we learn from computers looking at us?
  • What is the role of the audience members? What is the relationship between you as the leaders of the experience/performance and the rest of us?

For next week (11/26), post a link to a short writeup of what you're going to do. If you want to keep it a surprise, email it to us instead. These will be presented during class in two weeks (12/3).

Writeup of plan for final assignment