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This report provides a performance evaluation of ten embedded key-value (K-V) store library options available to Java applications. It evaluates a range of small (99 MB) to large (152 GB) workloads that were easily stored in memory on server-grade hardware. The evaluation includes a variety of key types, value sizes, number of entries, key access patterns, iteration styles and implementation-specific configuration settings.


The benchmark was executed on 10 July 2016 using LmdbJava Benchmarks rev b643a1e with OpenHFT Chronicle Map 3.9.0, LmdbJava 0.0.1 (BB and DB), LMDBJNI 0.4.6 (JNI), Lightweight Java Game Library 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT (JGL), LevelDBJNI 1.8, MapDB 3.0.0-RC2, H2 MVStore 1.4.192, RocksDBJNI 4.5.1 and JetBrains Xodus 1.0.0. Those implementations that rely upon native code used the shared libraries bundled inside their JAR files.

The test server had 512 GB RAM and dual Intel Xeon E5-2667 v 3 CPUs. The /tmp directory (on a 256 GB tmpfs file system) was used as the work directory during each benchmark. The server was running Linux 4.6.3 (x86_64) with Java 1.8.0_92, and had its /etc/security/limits.conf configured with soft and hard nofile limits of 1,000,000.

All benchmarks were executed by the standard JMH creation of JVM forks with default JVM arguments. No custom garbage collection parameters were used.

The tests and graphs can be reproduced by checking out the previously-specified LmdbJava Benchmarks version on a Linux server with the required nofile configuration. Run mvn clean package; ./results/; mkdir -p results/date; mv out-* results/date; cd results/date; ../results/ The resulting graphs and data files can be found in the results/date directory.

The raw, unedited CSV, TXT, DAT, MD and PNG output files produced by the above commands are provided in the same GitHub directory as this README. The only edit was to remove Xodus from the out-6.csv file given its performance distorted the 6-*.png graphs. The original Xodus test 6 results remain in out-6.txt.


Six benchmarks are reported:

  • write: Bulk insert the entries into the store
  • readKey: Fetch each entry by presenting its key, sending each value to the JMH black hole
  • readSeq: Iterate over the key-ordered entries, sending each value to the JMH black hole
  • readRev: Same as readSeq, except iterating entries in reverse order
  • readCrc: Iterate over the key-ordered entries, computing a CRC32 of keys and values
  • readXxh64: Same as readCrc, except computing an XXH64 via Zero-Allocation-Hashing (ZAH XXH64 is currently the fastest JVM hasher, as separately benchmarked via Hash-Bench)

To make the graphs more concise, the follow terms are used:

  • Int/Integer: 32-bit signed integer (using the implementation's default byte ordering)
  • M: Million
  • Ms: Milliseconds
  • Rnd: Random data access (ie integers selected from a Mersenne Twister)
  • Sec: Seconds
  • Seq: Sequential data access (ie ordered integers from 0 to 1M/10M)
  • Str: 16 byte string containing a zero-padded integer (no length prefix or null terminator)

All storage sizes included in this report reflect the bytes actually consumed by the library's assigned work directory immediately after it closed. These values were provided by POSIX stat calls, and as such reflect the actual storage required (as opposed to the "apparent" size which would be reported by an ls command or File.length()).

The TXT files also include the size of each library's assigned work directory immediately prior to being asked to close, and in LMDB's case, the size of a MDB_CP_COMPACT-based copy of the environment. Neither of these latter two measurements differ materially from the post-close size, and therefore the post-close size is reported for simplicity.

Chronicle Map is only benchmarked for the readKey and write workloads. This is because Chronicle Map does not provide an ordered key iterator, and such an iterator is required for the remaining benchmark read methods (ie readSeq, readRev, readCrc and readXxh64).

Test 1: LMDB Implementation Settings

To ensure appropriate LMDB defaults are used for the remainder of the benchmark, several key LmdbJava and LMDB settings were benchmarked.

These benchmarks all used 1M sequential integer keys X 100 byte values.

Force Safe


LmdbJava supports several buffer types, including Agrona DirectBuffer and Java's ByteBuffer (BB). The BB can be used in a safe mode or an Unsafe-based mode. The latter is the default. The above graph illustrates a consistent penalty when forcing safe mode to be used, as would be expected. Unsafe BB is therefore used for LmdbJava in the remainder of the benchmark.



The above graph shows the impact of the LMDB Env MDB_NOSYNC flag. As expected, requiring a sync is consistently slower than not requiring it. Forced syncs are disabled for the remainder of the benchmark.

Write Map


LMDB also supports a MDB_WRITEMAP flag, which enables a writable memory map. Enabling the write map (shown as (wm) above) results in improved write latencies. It remains enabled for the remainder of the benchmark.

Test 2: Determine ~2/4/8/16 KB Byte Values

Some of the later tests require larger value sizes in order to explore the behaviour at higher memory workloads. This second test was therefore focused on finding reasonable byte values around 2, 4, 8 and 16 KB. Only the native implementations were benchmarked.

This benchmark wrote 1M randomly-ordered integer keys, with value sizes as indicated on the horizontal axis.


As shown, LevelDB and RocksDB achieve consistent storage of these 1M entries. There are small increases in storage requirements that are commensurate with the additional bytes in each value.

On the other hand, LMDB requires more storage for all value sizes and shows degradation if entry sizes are not well-aligned with LMDB's page size. The graphs show that exceeding the entry size by a single byte will require an additional page. For example, moving from 2,026 byte values (so a 2,030 byte entry including the 4 byte integer key) to a 2,027 byte value increased the on-disk size from 2,745,884,672 to 4,128,489,472 bytes. If storage space is an issue, it is important that entry sizes reflect LMDB's page sizing requirements. In summary its optimal entry sizes are (in bytes) 2,030, 4,084, 8,180, 12,276 and so on in 4,096 byte increments.

Given there is no disadvantage to LevelDB or RocksDB by using entry sizes that align well with LMDB's page sizes, these will be used in later tests. Ensuring overall storage requirements are similar also enables a more reasonable comparison of each library's performance (as distinct from storage) trade-offs.

Test 3: LevelDB, RocksDB and Xodus Batch Sizes


LevelDB, RocksDB and Xodus are all LSM-based stores and benefit from inserting data in batches. Early testing of Xodus with large value sizes and large batch sizes rapidly led to Java out of memory exceptions. As such, a static write batch size of 1,000 was always used for Xodus.

LevelDB and RocksDB both handled large value sizes with a variety of very large batch sizes. The above graph illustrates the batch size impact when writing 10M sequential integer keys X 8,176 byte values.

As shown, LevelDB write latency is lowest when the batch size was 10M, whereas RocksDB worked better with a batch size of 1M. Given RocksDB with 1M offered the fastest performance of the four tested LSM combinations above, 1M will be used as the batch size in later tests.

While on the issue of LSM batch sizes, our original tests found that RocksDB failed with insufficient file handles when using large batch sizes. This was overcome with the nofile adjustment mentioned earlier. It is therefore important to consider the impact of LSM-based implementations on servers with file handle constraints. Such constraints may be related to memory, competing uses (eg network connections) or security policies (eg a shared server with lower per-user file handle limits).

One limitation of this report is it only measures the time taken for the client thread to complete a given read or write workload. The LSM-based implementations also use a separate "compaction thread" to rewrite the data. This thread overhead is therefore not measured by the benchmark and not reported here. Given the compaction thread remains very busy during sustained write operations, the LSM-based implementations reduce the availability of a second core for end user application workloads. This may be of concern on CPU-constrained servers (and in particular low cost cloud deployments with limited VM cores per instance).

Finally, LSM-based implementations typically offer considerable tuning options. Users are expected to tune the store based on their workload type, storage type and file system configuration (block size, parity etc). Such extensive tuning was not conducted in this benchmark because the workload was very comfortably memory-bound and an effort had already been made to determine reasonable batch sizes. A production LSM deployment will need to tune these parameters carefully. A key feature of the non-LSM implementations is they do not require such tuning.

Test 4: 1 Million X 100 Byte Values

Now that appropriate settings have been verified, this is the first test of all implementations. In all of these benchmarks we are inserting 1M entries. The vertical (y) axis of each performance graph uses a log scale.

Storage Use


Implementation Bytes Overhead %
(Flat Array) 104,000,000
LevelDB 107,036,672 2.91
RocksDB 107,057,152 2.93
MVStore 108,937,216 4.74
Chronicle 116,801,536 12.30
MapDB 118,489,088 13.93
LMDB DB 171,601,920 65.00
LMDB JNI 171,896,832 65.28
LMDB BB 172,040,192 65.42
LMDB BB 172,314,624 65.68
Xodus 473,067,520 354.87

We begin by reviewing the storage space required by each implementation's memory-mapped files. We can see that LevelDB and RocksDB are very efficient, requiring less than 3% overhead to store the data. LMDB requires around 65% more bytes than the size of a flat array, due to its B+ tree layout and copy-on-write page allocation approach. These collectively provide higher read performance and LMDB's MVCC ACID transactional support. As we will see later, this overhead reduces as the value sizes are increased. It is unclear why Xodus produces an output directory 4.5 times larger than a flat array.

99 MB Sequential Access (Integers)


We start with the most mechanically sympathetic workload. If you have integer keys and can insert them in sequential order, the above graphs illustrate the type of latencies achievable across the various implementations. LMDB is clearly the fastest option, even (surprisingly) including writes.

110 MB Sequential Access (String)


Here we simply run the same benchmark as before, but with string keys instead of integer keys. Our string keys are the same integers as our last benchmark, but this time they are recorded as a zero-padded string. LMDB continues to perform better than any alternative, including for writes. This confirms the previous result seen with sequentially-inserted integer keys.

99 MB Random Access (Integers)


Next up we farewell mechanical sympathy and apply some random workloads. Here we write the keys out in random order, and we read them back (the readKey benchmark) in that same random order. The remaining operations are all cursors over sequentially-ordered keys. The graphs show LMDB is consistently faster for all operations, even including writes.

110 MB Random Access (Strings)


This benchmark is the same as the previous, except with our zero-padded string keys. There are no surprises; we see similar results as previously reported.

Test 5: 10 Million X 2,026 Byte Values

In our fifth test we burden the implementations with a larger workload to see how they perform. We store 10M entries with 2,026 byte values, which is roughly 19 GB RAM before implementation overhead.

It was hoped that all implementations above could be benchmarked. However MVStore crashed with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Capacity: 2147483647.

Given test 4 showed the integer and string keys perform effectively the same, to reduce execution time this test only includes the integer keys. Similarly we reduce execution time by discontinuing the readRev, readCrc and readXxh64 sequential cursor benchmarks (we do retain readSeq to illustrate cursor performance though).

Storage Use


Implementation Bytes Overhead %
(Flat Array) 20,300,000,000
LevelDB 20,344,360,960 .21
RocksDB 20,344,381,440 .21
Chronicle 20,412,694,528 .55
MapDB 20,901,265,408 2.96
LMDB BB 27,439,894,528 35.17
LMDB JGL 27,441,250,304 35.17
LMDB DB 27,441,627,136 35.18
LMDB JNI 27,441,889,280 35.18
Xodus 28,929,896,448 42.51

As with test 4, we begin by reviewing the storage space required by the memory-mapped files. The above graph shows the larger, random ordered use case. All implementations offer much better storage efficiency now that the value sizes have increased (from 100 bytes in test 4 to 2,026 bytes in test 5).

19 GB Sequential Access


Starting with the most optimistic scenario of sequential keys, we see LMDB out-perform the alternatives for both read and write workloads. Chronicle Map's write performance is good, but it should be remembered that it is not an index suitable for ordered key iteration.

19 GB Random Access


LMDB easily remains the fastest with random reads. However, random writes involving these larger values are a different story, with the two native LSM implementations completing the write workloads much faster than LMDB. In the graph we see Chronicle Map coming in first (22 seconds), albeit without the overhead of maintaining sorted keys. RocksDB is the fastest sorting implementation (59 seconds), followed closely behind by LevelDB (86 seconds). LMDB required nearly 2.5 times as long as RocksDB (146 seconds). The sorting pure Java implementations are much slower (MapDB: 581 seconds, Xodus: 894 seconds).

Test 6: 10 Million X 4,080, 8,176 and 16,368 Byte Values

Test 6 explores much larger workloads (38 - 152 GB before overhead). Given the performance of the pure Java sorting implementations (particularly for writes), they are not included in test 6. The unsorted Chronicle Map continues to be included.

All results in test 6 are reported in seconds (not milliseconds), and there is no further reporting of sequential access patterns. This is because random access patterns are always slower for every implementation, so focusing on random access offers a realistic worst-case scenario.

38 GB Random Access of 4,080 Byte Values



Implementation Bytes Overhead %
(Flat Array) 40,840,000,000
LevelDB 40,888,750,080 .11
RocksDB 40,888,770,560 .11
Chronicle 40,952,766,464 .27
LMDB DB 41,279,459,328 1.07

With 4,080 byte values, storage efficiency is now excellent for all implementations. This efficiency continues to increase in later tests.



We can see the larger value sizes are starting to equal out the write speeds. Chronicle Map continues to write the fastest, completing the 10M writes in just 37 seconds. The fastest sorting implementation is RocksDB at 116 seconds, soon followed by LevelDB (147 seconds) and LMDB (159 seconds). LMDB offers the fastest read performance.

76 GB Random Access of 8,176 Byte Values



Implementation Bytes Overhead %
(Flat Array) 81,800,000,000
LevelDB 81,857,499,136 .07
RocksDB 81,857,519,616 .07
Chronicle 81,912,651,776 .13
LMDB DB 82,241,519,616 .53

The trend toward better storage efficiency with larger values has continued.



Now that much larger values are in use, we start to see the LSM implementations slowed down by write amplification. With 8,176 byte values, LMDB actually completes the write workload faster than the other sorted implementations in 182 seconds. RocksDB comes in next at 192 seconds, and finally LevelDB at 268 seconds. As usual, LMDB offers the fastest reads.

152 GB Random Access of 16,368 Byte Values



Implementation Bytes Overhead %
(Flat Array) 163,720,000,000
LevelDB 163,795,005,440 .04
RocksDB 163,795,025,920 .04
Chronicle 163,832,737,792 .06
LMDB DB 164,160,393,216 .26

In our final storage evaluation for this report, we see all implementations offering very good storage space efficiency compared with a flat array. LMDB continues to be the most inefficient at around one quarter of one percent overhead, but this is unlikely to be an issue for most applications.



The write amplification issue seen with the earlier 8,176 byte benchmark continues, with the LSM implementations further slowing down. LMDB completes the write workload in 214 seconds, versus RocksDB in 358 and LevelDB in 500.


After testing many workloads from 99 MB to 152 GB, we have seen a number of important differences between the implementations.

Before discussing the ordered key implementations, it is noted that Chronicle Map offers a good option for unordered keys. It's consistently fast for both reads and writes, plus storage space efficient. Chronicle Map also offers a different scope than the other embedded key-value stores in this report. For example, it lacks transactions but does offer replication.

Ordered key implementations were the focus of this report. Those use cases which can employ ordered keys will always achieve much better read performance by iterating over a cursor. We saw this regardless of entry size, original write ordering, or even implementation. It is worth devising a key structure that enables ordered iteration whenever possible.

All pure Java sorting implementations struggled as the workloads grew. MVStore performed well in early tests, but ran out of memory when presented a 19 GB workload. MapDB and Xodus both supported larger workloads, but their performance was suboptimal compared with Chroncile Map, LMDB, RocksDB and LevelDB. GC tuning may improve these results.

LMDB was always the fastest implementation for every read workload. This is unsurprising given its B+ Tree and copy-on-write design. LMDB's excellent read performance is sustained regardless of entry size or access pattern.

Write workloads show more variation in the results. Small value sizes (ie 100 bytes) were written more quickly by LMDB than any other sorted key implementation. As value sizes increased toward 2 KB, this situation reversed and LMDB became much slower than RocksDB and LevelDB. However, once value sizes reached the 4 KB region, the differences between LMDB, LevelDB and RocksDB diminished significantly. At 8 KB and beyond, LMDB was materially faster for writes. This finding is readily explained by the write amplification necessary in LSM-based implementations.

All implementations became more storage space efficient as the value sizes increased. LMDB was relatively inefficient at small value sizes (65% overhead with 100 byte values) but the overhead became immaterial (<=1%) by the time values reached 4 KB. Modern Java compression libraries such as LZ4-Java (for general-purpose cases) and JavaFastPFOR (for integers) may also provide enhanced storage efficiency by packing related data into chunked, compressed values. This may also improve performance in the case of IO bottlenecks, as the CPU can decompress while waiting on further IO.

In terms of broader efficiency, LMDB operates in the same thread as its caller and therefore the performance reported above is a total indication of LMDB cost. On the other hand, RocksDB and LevelDB use a second thread for write compaction. This second thread may compete with application workloads on busy servers. We also see a similar efficiency concern around operating system file handle consumption. While LMDB only requires two open files, RocksDB and LevelDB both require tens to hundreds of thousands of open files to operate.

The qualitative dimensions of each implementation should also be considered. For example, consider recovery time from dirty shutdown (eg process/OS/server crash), ACID transaction guarantees, inter-process usage flexibility, runtime monitoring requirements, hot backup support and ongoing configuration effort. In these situations LMDB delivers a very strong solution. For more information, see the LMDB Feature Comparison Chart and LmdbJava features list.