In a PowerShell with Administrator privileges run:
cd C:\
cmd /c '"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x'
Since we are not caching the Windows Containers images to be used for this demo, you'll need to build them on every Windows node, as follows:
There is no need to build an image since the official redis:3.0-nanoserver
will be used.
cd C:\kubernetes-ovn-heterogeneous-cluster-master\demo\docker\redis-slave\
docker build -t redis-slave:3.0-nanoserver .
cd C:\kubernetes-ovn-heterogeneous-cluster-master\demo\docker\guestbook\
docker build -t guestbook:v0.3-nanoserver .
Deployment may happen anywhere for as long as there's access to the Kubernetes API, as follows:
cd ~/kubernetes-ovn-heterogeneous-cluster/demo/deploy
Create the services:
kubectl create -f redis-master-svc.yaml
kubectl create -f redis-slave-svc.yaml
kubectl create -f guestbook-svc.yaml
Now, run the Redis master instance:
kubectl create -f redis-master-deployment.yaml
kubectl get pods # until status is Running
kubectl logs <pod-name> # verify Redis started successfully
On your Windows worker node, docker ps
should now show a running redis:3.0-nanoserver
Wait until Redis master is running, then run the Redis slave instances:
kubectl create -f redis-slave-deployment.yaml
Lastly, run the guestbook app instances:
kubectl create -f guestbook-deployment.yaml