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202 lines (154 loc) · 7.29 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (154 loc) · 7.29 KB


CLI support for tiny embedded project

Used on

  • tiny mcu like arm m0 and more advanced system like stm32f4


  • debugging
  • test automation
  • communication interface
  • field assistance
  • firmware upgrade


For the example we will use the default setting (.h) wich use password login.


uint8_t Cliwrite(uint8_t str){
      //write function here
      return 0;

uint8_t Cliexitfun(){
  //exit code here
  return 0;

eCliCtx eCli; //ctx

uint8_t eCliBuffer[32]; //rx buffer

uint8_t mypass[10]; //password

uint32_t LogOutTime = set your time for auto logout here;

eCliInit(&**eCli**,"name","nam2","help string",**cliCmdList**,eCliBuffer,sizeof(eCliBuffer),0,&**Cliwrite**,&**Cliexitfun**,mypass,sizeof(mypass),LogOutTime);

CLI commands definition (cliCmdList)

cmd definition (.h)

extern const eCliCmdList cliCmdList[];

uint8_t cli_ls(struct eCliCtx* ctx,int argc,void** argv);
uint8_t cli_reset(struct eCliCtx* ctx,int argc,void** argv);

implementation example(.c) {"cmdname for cli",&cmd,"help"}

const eCliCmdList cliCmdList[] = {
  {"ls",&cli_ls,"ls - list file on current directory\nls -l - list file on current directory verbose\nls -v - verbose output md5 sum can be used with -l"},
  {"cd",&cli_cd,"cd PATH - change directory"},
  {"reboot",&cli_reset,"reboot - sync disk and database, then reboot\nreboot disable on error - disable the reboot on error\n reboot enable on error - enable the reboot on error\nreboot force - reboot now warn: database may lost data if writing"},
  {"mount",&cli_mount,"mount - mount the file system"},
  {"tamper",&cli_tamper,"tamper - get tamper value\ntamper init - initialize the tamper"},

  {"mkfs.msdos",&cli_format,"format - inizialize the file system, and reset all memory db. all file are lost"},
  {"stack",&cli_stack,"stack - stack usage"},
  {"su",&cli_su,"nothing for now"},
  {"debug",&cli_debug,"debug - enable debug output\ndebug disable - disable debug"},

  {"read",&cli_read,"read rom|ram VALUESTART VALUESTOP - output hex from ram or rom"},
  {"write",&cli_write,"write rom|ram VALUESTART HEXBUFFER - write the hexbuffer to ram or rom"},
  {"fill",&cli_fill,"fill rom|ram VALUESTART VALUESTOP HEXBUFFER - fill ram or rom with hexbuffer pattern"},

  {"date",&cli_date,"date - output the current time unixtime format\ndate forcesync - force act system like the time is correct\ndate add SECONDS - add SECONDS ammount to the current datetime\ndate set SECONDS - set unixtime to the SECONDS amount\
    \ndate stop|start - disable|enable time update\ndate is SECONDS - show human readable unixtime from SECONDS\ndate rtc - output the current time unixtime format from rtc"},

  {"watchdog",&cli_watchdog,"watchdog - enable wathdog\nwatchdog wait - wait watchdog reset"},
  {"wd",&cli_watchdog,"wd - enable wathdog\nwd wait - wait watchdog reset"},

  {"cli",&cli_cli,"cli clear - disable the cli"},
  {"cmd",&cli_cmd,"cmd - disable cli & debug. enable serial command interface"},
  {"pin",&cli_pin,"pin init PXX in|out|an|af - initialize a pin PXX\npin clear PXX - clear a pin PXX and set back to tri-state mode\npin write PXX VALUE- write a value(0,1,analog) to pin PXX"},
  {"uart",&cli_uart,"uart clear 3|6 - clear the uart\nuart init 3|6 VALUESPEED - initialize the uart 3|6 with speed VALUESPEED\nuart write 3|6 HEXBUFFER - write hexbuffer to uart"},
  {"diagnostic",&cli_diagnostic,"diagnostic - output current diagnostic\ndiagnostic make - force send gw diagnostic to noc"},
  {"sdcard",&cli_sd,"sdcard disable cache - disable the sd card IO cache\nsdcard test - test sd card for errors"},

  {"db",&cli_db,"db mount - mount|create gw database\ndb check DBNUM - check db for errors and attempt repair\ndb load DBNUM FILE - load the db DBNUM with the value from FILE\ndb read DB KEY POSITION - position is optional, key is hex key index on db\ndb insert DB KEY VALUE - insert VALUE into DB using the key KEY"},
  {"cat",&cli_cat,"cat s/string | h/hex FILE - output file, s/h is optional and force output to string or hex. default cat check file first char for string or hex mode"},
  {"rm",&cli_rm,"rm FILE - remove file"},
  {"echo",&cli_echo,"echo FILE \"STRING\" - write a string to file"},


uint8_t cli_reset(struct eCliCtx* ctx,int argc,void** argv){
    if (CLI_ARGV(1,"disable on error") || CLI_ARGV(1,"disable error")){
        GW_REBOOT_ON_ERROR = 0;
        return 0;

    if (CLI_ARGV(1,"enable on error") || CLI_ARGV(1,"enable error")){
        GW_REBOOT_ON_ERROR = 1;
        return 0;

    if (CLI_ARGV(1,"force")){
        while (1) { //expect WD
         WatchDogEnable(3); // force enable
         SdCard_WaitLastOp(); //sync disk
         SystemReset(); //reset
        return 0;

    EPRINTF("timer %u",CallBackTimed(reset_timed_callback , 0, Millis(1000)));
    return 0;
uint8_t cli_ls(struct eCliCtx* ctx,int argc,void** argv){
 FRESULT ret = f_findfirst(&fsdirectory, &fno, ctx->path, "*");
 if (ret == FR_NO_FILE) return 0;
 if (ret != 0) {

 uint8_t verbose = 0;
 uint8_t md5 = 0;
 uint8_t md5sum[17];
 md5sum[16] = 0;
 if (CLI_ARGV(1,"-l") || CLI_ARGV(1,"l")){
    verbose = 1;
 if (CLI_ARGV(2,"-l") || CLI_ARGV(2,"l")){
    verbose = 1;
 if (CLI_ARGV(2,"verbose") || CLI_ARGV(2,"v") || CLI_ARGV(2,"-v")){
    md5 = 1;
 if (CLI_ARGV(1,"verbose") || CLI_ARGV(1,"v") || CLI_ARGV(1,"-v")){
    md5 = 1;

while (ret == FR_OK && fno.fname[0]) {         /* Repeat while an item is found */
#if _USE_LFN
        EPRINTF("%-12s  %s", fno.fname, fno.lfname);
        EPRINTF("%s", fno.fname);

        if (verbose){
            uint8_t out[80];
            EPRINTF(" - %s",ls_format_size(fno.fsize,out));

        if (md5){
            uint8_t namepath[255];
            #if _USE_LFN
            sprintf(namepath,"%s/%-12s %s",ctx->path,fno.fname,fno.lfname);
            uint8_t ret = f_md5path(namepath,md5sum);
            if (ret == 0){
                EPRINTFBUFF(" - md5: ",md5sum,16);
                EPRINTF(" - md5: %s","error open/read");


        ret = f_findnext(&fsdirectory, &fno);               /* Search for next item */

 return 0;

Main loop

//example manage function ->
uint8_t CliManage(){

    /*manage time cli*/
    if (GetSysTickDMs() > eCliSysTick)
        **eCliManage(&eCli,GetSysTickDMs() - eCliSysTick);**
    eCliSysTick = GetSysTickDMs();

    if (uartByteAvailable(DEBUG_UART_DEF) && SERIAL_CLI_ACTIVE){

    return 0;