Releases: locustio/locust
Releases Β· locustio/locust
What's Changed
- Fix typo by @cclauss in #2157
- Upgrade GitHub Actions by @cclauss in #2158
- Include worker_index in worker connection logging, and stop using the word "client" for what is actually a worker by @cyberw in #2159
- Allow multiple definitions of same user class name if they come from the same place by @cyberw in #2160
- Fix broken link in cpu warning message. by @conghuiw in #2164
- Fix custom message example in documentation by @aathan in #2165
- fix: edit load test missing the userclasses data by @alterhu2020 in #2171
- Use more clear wording in --run-time reached stopping log message. by @cyberw in #2172
New Contributors
- @conghuiw made their first contribution in #2164
- @aathan made their first contribution in #2165
- @alterhu2020 made their first contribution in #2171
Full Changelog: 2.11.0...2.11.1
What's Changed
- fix: Ensure new test starts with specified number of users after previous test has been stopped by @mboutet in #2152
- Pass multiple Locustfiles and allow selecting User and Shape class from the WebUI by @mikenester in #2137
- feat: add 'worker_index' to WorkerRunner by @gdm85 in #2155
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.10.2...2.11.0
What's Changed
- Escape user supplied data in html report (#2126) by @herrmanntom in #2127
- Replace the MD5 usage by SHA256 by @RenanGBarreto in #2130
- Fix escaping for exceptions in normal web ui (related to #2126) by @herrmanntom in #2131
- fix: Fix typo at user/ by @DmytroLitvinov in #2133
- Test Report: Implement table sorting by @Likqez in #2134
- Small documentation correction by @andybyrne in #2138
- Log a warning for failed attempts to connect to master by @gdm85 in #2136
- Minor edits to the documentation by @sosna in #2140
- Better error message when User.task is set instead of User.tasks by @cyberw in #2142
- style: add a report favicon by @Pactortester in #2145
- Fix for Flask 2.2.0 breaking changes by @mikenester in #2148
New Contributors
- @herrmanntom made their first contribution in #2127
- @RenanGBarreto made their first contribution in #2130
- @DmytroLitvinov made their first contribution in #2133
- @Likqez made their first contribution in #2134
- @andybyrne made their first contribution in #2138
- @gdm85 made their first contribution in #2136
- @sosna made their first contribution in #2140
- @Pactortester made their first contribution in #2145
- @mikenester made their first contribution in #2148
Full Changelog: 2.10.1...2.10.2
What's Changed
- Fix multiple resetting connection after RPCError by @Nosibb in #2096
- Stop client_listener from raising a KeyError when receiving a client_stopped message from unknown worker by @BirdLearn in #2102
- additional typing improvements by @mgor in #2106
- chore: Set permissions for GitHub actions by @naveensrinivasan in #2107
- Add ack for worker connection by @Nosibb in #2077
- fix: stopping state when running more than one worker node. by @renato-farias in #2116
- add support for custom SSLContext when using FastHttpUser by @renato-farias in #2113
- Update the link for reporting data to a database by @AlexMooney in #2119
- Convert url for getting tasks to relative by @5imun in #2121
- More robust handling of ZMQ/RPC errors by @solowalker27 in #2120
- Remove timeout parameter from FastHttpUser unit tests by @cyberw in #2123
New Contributors
- @Nosibb made their first contribution in #2096
- @BirdLearn made their first contribution in #2102
- @naveensrinivasan made their first contribution in #2107
- @renato-farias made their first contribution in #2116
- @AlexMooney made their first contribution in #2119
- @5imun made their first contribution in #2121
Full Changelog: 2.9.0...2.10.0
What's Changed
- Ensure
is run to completion on worker by @mboutet in #2072 - modernized build by @mgor in #2070
- Drop support for Python 3.6 by @cyberw in #2080
- Add table linkage, you can see the data of the three tables at the sa⦠by @helloNice in #2082
- uniform style of stats/report ascii tables by @mgor in #2084
- Move CSV stats printer gevent spawn up a few lines by @max-rocket-internet in #2085
- FastHttpUser improvements (including a rename of parameter "url" to "path") by @mgor in #2083
- print_stats table width fix for #2084 by @mgor in #2088
- Remove explicit version requirement for jinja2 by @cyberw in #2090
- dispatch: rebalance users with a fixed count by @andydunstall in #2093
- avoid using pyzmq 23. Fixes #2099 by @cyberw in #2100
New Contributors
- @helloNice made their first contribution in #2082
- @andydunstall made their first contribution in #2093
Full Changelog: 2.8.6...2.9.0
What's Changed
- Support sharing connection pools between users by @miedzinski in #2059
- Add cpu_warning event, so listeners can do some action when CPU usage is too high by @cyberw in #2067
New Contributors
- @miedzinski made their first contribution in #2060
- @kurtmckee made their first contribution in #2062
- @chalex2k made their first contribution in #2064
Full Changelog: 2.8.5...2.8.6
- Fix dependency: Dont use latest Jinja2 because it has breaking changes
What's Changed
- fix some typos by @cuishuang in #2052
New Contributors
- @cuishuang made their first contribution in #2052
Full Changelog: 2.8.4...2.8.5
What's Changed
- Add test_stopping event by @marcinh in #2033
- fixed load/users getting distributed to missing worker by @radhakrishnaakamat in #2010
- Bugfix/1947 locust does not stop all users by @marcinh in #2041
- fixing mypy errors with loosest rules by @mgor in #2040
- Add quit event, used for getting locust's exit code just before exit by @DennisKrone in #2049
New Contributors
- @marcinh made their first contribution in #2033
- @radhakrishnaakamat made their first contribution in #2010
- @mgor made their first contribution in #2040
Full Changelog: 2.8.3...2.8.4
What's Changed
- Bump minimum required gevent version to 20.12.1 by @cyberw in #2023
- Fix typos by @kianmeng in #2022
- Ensure users are distributed evently across hosts during ramp up by @cyberw in #2025
- Ran pyupgrade on the code base, removing various "Python2-isms". by @cyberw in #2032
Full Changelog: 2.8.2...2.8.3