The goal for this project is to provide a fully functional BOSH CPI. It will eventually allow to deploy any BOSH release to any Kubernetes cluster.
##Current status
- go cli can be used to bootstrap a director
- BOSH can be deployed with BOSH
- stemcell is currently taken from
A Pod
with a single container is used to represent a BOSH virtual machine.
Kubernetes currently only supports dynamic networks.
s are used to represent BOSH persistent disks.
- Start minikube with appropriate configuration
$ minikube start --cpus 3 --memory 4096 --disk-size 80g --vm-driver xhyve
- Prepare Kubernetes
$ kubectl create -f ./minikube/persistent-disks.yml (for bootstrap BOSH)
$ kubectl create -f ./minikube/persistent-disks.yml (for BOSH on BOSH)
$ kubectl create -f ./minikube/persistent-disks.yml (for any further deployment)
- Deploy an initial BOSH with the new go-cli using templates in bosh-deployment
$ mkdir -p ~/projects
$ cd ~/projects
$ git clone
$ mkdir -p ~/projects/bosh-on-k8s
$ cd bosh-on-k8s
$ bosh-go create-env ~/projects/bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
--state ./state.json \
-o ~/projects/bosh-deployment/kubernetes/cpi.yml \
-o ~/projects/bosh-deployment/local-dns.yml \
--vars-store ./creds.yml \
-v director_name=outer-bosh \
-v internal_ip=$(minikube ip) \
--var-file=client-cert=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r '.users[] | select(.name=="minikube") | .user."client-certificate"') \
--var-file=client-key=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r '.users[] | select(.name=="minikube") | .user."client-key"') \
-v host_ip=$(minikube ip) \
-v namespace=default \
-v port-blobstore=30250 \
-v port-bosh-init=30068 \
-v port-director=30555 \
-v port-nats=30422
- Upload stemcell and releases (PoC ignores stemcell, best you choose any lite stemcell from
$ bosh -e $(minikube ip):30555 \
--ca-cert <(bosh int ./creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca) \
alias-env outer-bosh
$ bosh-go -e outer-bosh \
upload-release \ \
--client admin \
--client-secret $(bosh-go int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password)
$ bosh-go -e outer-bosh \
upload-release \
../bosh-kubernetes-cpi.tgz \
--client admin \
--client-secret $(bosh-go int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password)
$ bosh-go -e outer-bosh \
upload-stemcell \ \
--client admin \
--client-secret $(bosh-go int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password)
$ bosh -e outer-bosh \
update-cloud-config ~/projects/bosh-deployment/kubernetes/cloud-config.yml \
--client admin \
--client-secret $(bosh int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password) \
-o ~/projects/bosh-deployment/kubernetes/bosh-cloud-config.yml \
-v port-blobstore=31250 \
-v port-director=31555 \
-v port-nats=31422
$ bosh-go -e outer-bosh \
deploy ~/projects/bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
-d bosh \
-o ~/projects/bosh-deployment/kubernetes/cpi.yml \
-o ~/projects/bosh-deployment/bosh-dev.yml \
-o ~/projects/bosh-deployment/kubernetes/cpi-inner.yml \
--client admin \
--client-secret $(bosh-go int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password) \
--vars-store ./inner-creds.yml \
-v internal_ip=$(minikube ip) \
--var-file=client-cert=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r '.users[] | select(.name=="minikube") | .user."client-certificate"') \
--var-file=client-key=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r '.users[] | select(.name=="minikube") | .user."client-key"')
- Only dynamic networks are supported, hence releases that require static IPs are out for now.
is implemented by deleting the Pod and creating a new one with the required persistent disk attached.- bosh agent requires to run in privileged containers