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An ever growing library of assertions for QUnit in Ember

Turns out it's impossible to effectively use Chai in QUnit! :(

Chai is only able to throw exceptions on failed Chai assertions. Those exceptions will fail QUnit tests with poor messages. But Chai is unable to report successful assertions to QUnit. If you compose a QUnit test entirely from Chai assertions, QUnit will fail due to no assertions.

This is really unfortunate because Chai has a decent assertions library, and QUnit's library is very basic and often not enough.

This Ember addon aims to provide a rich collection of assertions that let you stop longing for Chai.

Assertions themselves are properly unit-tested.

New in v1.0.0!✨ Creating new assertions and testing them is now effortless. See the Contributing section.

Work in progress

This addon is WIP and is being populated with assertions as they are needed.

Feel free to join. Find yourself doing clumsy stuff in tests? PR a custom assertion!


This addon depends on the following addons:

And plain npm packages:

If you find it not working due to something of the above missing, try installing that into your app. And file an issue here!


  1. Install ember-cli-custom-assertions and wrap your head around it.
  2. Install this addon: ember cli install ember-cli-custom-assertions-collection.
  3. If a test needs a custom assertion, configure it to use ember-cli-custom-assertions.
  4. Use any assertion from this collection, e. g. assert.isFalse(foo, 'foo should be false').

The assertions

  • isFalse

    isFalse( obj [, message] )

    Checks if obj is exactly false.

    assert.isFalse( false )   // pass
    assert.isFalse( 1 === 2 ) // pass
    assert.isFalse( null )    // fail
  • arrayContains

    arrayContains( arr, value [, message])

    Checks if array contains value

    assert.arrayContains(['foo', 'bar'], 'bar')  // pass
    assert.arrayContains(['foo', 'bar'], 'quux') // fail
  • arraysSameMembers

    arraysSameMembers( arr1, arr2 [, message] )

    Checks if both arrays have identical content, in any order.

    Members are compared via ===, so it's safe to compare Ember models: will not crash due to circular references like propEqual does.

    assert.arraysSameMembers( ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'foo'] ) // pass
    assert.arraysSameMembers( ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'baz'] ) // fail
    assert.arraysSameMembers( ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar']        ) // fail
  • arraysSameMembersOrdered

    arraysSameMembersOrdered( arr1, arr2 [, message] )

    Checks if both arrays identical content, in identical order. Members are compared via ===.

    assert.arraysSameMembersOrdered( ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'] ) // pass
    assert.arraysSameMembersOrdered( ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'foo'] ) // fail
    assert.arraysSameMembersOrdered( ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'baz'] ) // fail
    assert.arraysSameMembersOrdered( ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar']        ) // fail
  • numbersAlmostEqual

    numbersAlmostEqual( number1, number2 [, precision = 6] [, message] )

    You know how 1 - 0.9 === 0.1 is false in JS? That's because in JS float-point operations aren't precise.

    Use this to compare them loosely:

    assert.numbersAlmostEqual( 1 - 0.9, 1                     ) // pass
    assert.numbersAlmostEqual( 1 - 1/3, 2/3                   ) // pass
    assert.numbersAlmostEqual( 1,       0.00001               ) // fail
    assert.numbersAlmostEqual( 1,       0.00001, precision: 4 ) // pass

    This assertion uses a method suggested by MDN. Not sure whether it'll work correctly every time.

  • largerThan, largerThanOrEqual, smallerThan, smallerThanOrEqual

    largerThan(arg1, arg2 [, message])

    Compares the two arguments using >, >=, < and <= respectively.

    assert.smallerThan( 1, 2 ) // pass
  • datesEqual

    datesEqual(date1, date2 [, message])

    So dates are objects and two distinct objects aren't equal even if they represent identical dates.

    This assertion compares the two dates by converting them to unix timestamp integers and comparing those.

    assert.datesEqual( new Date('2015-01-01'), new Date('2015-01-01') ) // pass
  • stringsEqualNoWhitespace

    stringsEqualNoWhitespace(str1, str2 [, message])

    Compares strings with all whitespace removed.

    Useful for comparing jQuery().text().

    const html = "<div> <div>Foo</div> <div>Bar</div> </div>";
    assert.datesEqual( $(element).text(), "FooBar" ) // pass


Since v1.0.0, it's very easy to create new assertions with the pushAssertion helper and test them with testAssertion helpers.

Those helpers save you a ton of typing and non-trivial testing.

Note that the helpers assume that in your assertion you only want to do one .push() with only one message.

If you would like to push several reports per assertion or you want to customize the message depending on how the assertion failed, then you'll have to push and test manually.

Creating custom assertions

To create a custom assertion, you put it into


folder of this addon.


The pushAssertion helper accepts three arguments:

pushAssertion(testCallback, message [, doesTheAssertionAcceptAppContext])

testCallback should be a callback that is used to determine the success or failure of an assertion. It should accept one or more arguments and return a boolean.

Note that all arguments should be provided explicitly in the callback's footprint: neither arguments manipulation nor is allowed.

message is a string that is displayed when an assertion fails.

doesTheAssertionAcceptAppContext is a boolean used to indicate whether this assertion is used for acceptance testing and thus requires access to application from Ember's startApp helper.

Asserting a trivial thing

Let's start with something easy. Say, you want to replace this:

assert.equal(testee, null);

with a slightly more elegant assertion:


In this case, your test-support/assertions/is-null.js should look like this:

import pushAssertion from '../helpers/push-assertion';

export default pushAssertion(
  (testee) => testee === null,
  "Expected to be false."

All you need to do is to call the pushAssertion helper, passing a test callback and a failure message!

The resulting assertion will have the folling footprint:

assert.isNull(testee [, userMessage])

The userMessage, if provided, will be concatenated with the failure message provided to pushAssertion.

If your callback footprint has more arguments:

export default pushAssertion(
  (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) => { /* ... */ },
  "Expected to be false."

Then the resulting assertion's footprint will match:

assert.myAssertion(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 [, userMessage])

If you want some arguments to be optional, don't forget to check whether the last argument is a string (for userMessage) or something different (your optional arg).

Delegating the assertion to Lodash or another library

You should be tempted to optimize the above code by using Lodash:

import _ from 'npm:lodash';
import pushAssertion from '../helpers/push-assertion';

export default pushAssertion(
  "Expected to be false."

Be carefull with that! That particular one should work fine, but you might run into a problem with other Lodash methods.

The problem is that the testAssertion helper examines the test callback's footprint to retrieve the number of arguments. And a Lodash method might have optional arguments, which will affect your assertion's footprint

For example, _.includes is documented to have the following footprint:

_.includes(collection, target, [fromIndex=0])

Thus, if you do this:

export default pushAssertion(
  "Expected the collection to include argument."

Then you should expect you assertion to have the following footprint:

assert.includes(collection, target [, fromIndex=0] [, message] )

And you'll end up using is like this:

assert.includes(importantArray, 1, null, "importantArray should contain 1!");

But that's not the case! Because _.includes footprint actually contains more arguments than documented:

function includes(collection, target, fromIndex, guard) {

And you'll end up using the assertion like this:

assert.includes(importantArray, 1, null, null, "importantArray should contain 1!");

To avoid that, don't define your assertions by passing Lodash functions directly. Instead, wrap it into a callback and explicitly define arguments:

export default pushAssertion(
  (arr, value) => _.includes(arr, value),
  "Expected the collection to include argument."

Exposing a complex testing callback to be used in code

The testing callback of your custom assertion can be useful not only in testing but also in your app's code too.

You can expose your testing callback to be imported without all the assertion crust. Consider this example:

import _ from 'npm:lodash';

import pushAssertion from '../helpers/push-assertion';

export function testArraysSameMembers(actual, expected) {
  return (
    actual.length === expected.length
    && _.every(actual, (value) => _.contains(expected, value))

export default pushAssertion(
  "Expected arrays to have same members."

If in your app's code you need to compare two arrays, you'll be able to do:

import Ember from 'ember';

import { testArraysSameMembers } from `my-app/tests/assertions/arrays-same-members';

export Ember.Object.extend({
  array1: null, // These two arrays
  array2: null, // will be populated externally
  arraysMatch: Ember.computed(function () {
    testArraysSameMembers(this.get('array1'), this.get('array2'));

Also, you'll be able to test the testing callback separately from the assertion stuff.

Testing your assertions



The testAssertion helper is used to automatically test your assertions.

It accepts the following arguments:

testAssertion(testCases, testingCallback, assertionPusher, message [, appContext])

testCases is an array of test case objects. Here's an example of a test case:

   args:       [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ], // (array) arguments that will be passed into the testing callback
   result:     true,                    // (boolean) what result to expect
   desc:       "testing three strings", // (string, optional) Lets similar-looking test cases appear different in test results
   argsLength: 4                        // (int, optional) To test optional arguments

testingCallback is your testing callback to be tested outside the assertion crust. If you did not expose the testing callback, pass null.

assertionPusher is what the pushAssertion helper returns when you build your custom assertion.

message is the failure message that your assertion should display in case of failure.

appContext (optional) is used for acceptance tests. That's the application object returned by the Ember's startApp callback.

Note that if you pass appContext, then it will be passed as the first argument to your testing callback. Update your callaback and its test cases accordingly:

(application, foo, bar, baz) => { return /* ... */ }
{ args: [ application, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ], result: true }

If your test callback has optional argument(s) and in your test case args contains fewer arguments that the callback's footprint, then you have to provide argsLength with a total number of arguments. See the numbers-almost-equal assertion and test for an example.

Testing a trivial assertion that does not have a testing callback exposed

import { module } from 'qunit';

// The magic helper!
import testAssertion from '../../helpers/test-assertion';

// Your assertion
import isFalse       from '../../assertions/is-false';

module('Unit | Assertion | isFalse');

const testCases = [
  { args: [ false ],     result: true },
  { args: [ null ],      result: false },
  /* ... */

  testCases,               // The array of test cases, defined above
  null,                    // We didn't expose a testing callback to test
  isFalse,                 // Your custom assertion
  "Expected to be false."  // What failure message it is supposed to display

Testing an assertion that has a testing callback exposed

import { module } from 'qunit';
import Ember      from 'ember';

// Science bitch!
import testAssertion                              from '../../helpers/test-assertion';

// Here's how you import your assertion and your testing callback.
import arraysSameMembers, {testArraysSameMembers} from '../../assertions/arrays-same-members';

module('Unit | Assertion | arraysSameMembers');

const obj = {};
const testCases = [
  { args: [ ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'] ], result: true },
  { args: [ ['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'baz'] ], result: false },
  { args: [ [obj],          [obj] ],          result: true,  desc: "Arrays contain the same object instance" },
  { args: [ [{}],           [{}] ],           result: false, desc: "Arrays contain different object instances" },

  testCases,                              // Pass the test cases array
  testArraysSameMembers,                  // Then pass the testing callback, it will be tested separately
  arraysSameMembers,                      // Then pass the assertion
  "Expected arrays to have same members." // Finally, the message

Note that in case of failure, the third and fourth test scenarios will produce identical QUnit output. In order to distinguish them, we're providing a description.

Testing an assertion that uses application context



If this thing catches up, we could document it with YUIDOC.

Any suggestion are welcome in issues or on the Ember Discord server. Don't be shy!

Oh, and don't forget to star the addon on Github! 🍻


Created in Firecracker.