Diese Seite informiert dich über unsere Richtlinien bezüglich der Sammlung,
+ Nutzung und Weitergabe persönlicher Informationen, die wir von Nutzern unserer
+ App erhalten (monerujo: Monero Wallet).
Mit der Nutzung der App stimmst du der Erfassung und Nutzung von Informationen in
+ Übereinstimmung mit dieser Erklärung zu.
Gesammelte Daten
Personenbezogene Daten sind jegliche Art von Daten, die eine Person identifizieren können.
Monero-Schlüssel und öffentliche Adressen werden von der App zum Zweck der Verarbeitung
+ von Transaktionen lokal gesammelt und verarbeitet und verschlüsselt in das Monero-Netzwerk übertragen.
Andere persönliche Daten werden von der App nicht gesammelt.
Wenn du den USD/EUR Umrechner (optional) nutzt fragt Monerujo
+ den aktuellen Kurs über die öffentliche Schnittstelle von kraken.com ab.
+ Siehe dir ihre Datenschutzerklärung unter https://www.kraken.com/legal/privacy für
+ Details darüber an, wie Daten in deinen Anfragen gesammelt werden (insbesondere der
+ Abschnitt "Information We Collect Automatically").
Wenn du die App zum Bezahlen an BTC-Adressen verwendest, verwendest du den Dienst XMR.TO.
+ Weitere Informationen findest du in den Datenschutzerklärung unter https://xmr.to/.
+ Monerujo schickt dem Anbieter die BTC Zieladresse und den Betrag.
+ Deine IP-Adresse kann dabei aufgezeichnet werden.
INTERNET : Verbinde zum Monero Netzwerk über eine Monero Daemon Node
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Liest die auf dem Gerät gespeicherten Wallet Dateien aus
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Schreibt Wallet Dateien auf dem Gerät
WAKE_LOCK : Halte das Gerät während der Synchronisation wach
CAMERA : Scanne QR-Codes um Monero zu erhalten
Änderungen an dieser Datenschutzerklärung
Wir können diese Datenschutzerklärung von Zeit zu Zeit aktualisieren.
+ Wir werden dich über jegliche Änderungen an der Datenschutzerklärung in der App und auf der
+ Website (www.monerujo.io) informieren.
+ Es wird empfohlen, diese Datenschutzerklärung regelmäßig auf Änderungen zu überprüfen.
Diese Datenschutzerklärung wurde zuletzt geändert am: 10. November 2017.
Wenn du Fragen zu unserer Datenschutzerklärung hast,
+ oder wie deine Daten gesammelt und verarbeitet werden,
+ schreibe bitte eine eMail an privacy@monerujo.io
+ ]]>
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-de/help.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-de/help.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf6ad07502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-de/help.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ Wallet erstellen - Neu
Falls du eine neue Monero Adresse benötigst!
Gib einen eindeutigen Wallet Namen und Passwort ein.
+ Das Passwort schützt deine Wallet Daten auf dem Gerät. Benutze ein starkes Passwort -
+ eine Passwortphrase ist sogar noch besser.
Notiere dir deinen mnemonischen Seed!
Auf dem folgenden Bildschirm findest du deinen 25-Wort \"Mnemonischen Seed\".
+ Dies sind die einzigen Daten die du benötigst um dein Wallet zu einem späteren
+ Zeitpunkt wiederherzustellen und vollen Zugriff auf deine Gelder zu erhalten.
+ Diese Daten geheim und sicher aufzubewahren ist sehr wichtig, da sie jedem
+ vollen Zugriff auf diese Gelder geben!
Falls du dein Passwort verlierst, kannst du immer noch das Wallet mit dem Mnemonischen Seed wiederherstellen.
Es gibt keine Möglichkeit den Mnemonischen Seed wiederherzustellen.
+ Wenn du ihn verlierst sind deine Gelder verloren!
+ Der Mnemonische Seed kann auch nicht geändert werden, und falls du ihn verlierst oder er anderweitig
+ kompromittiert wird musst du deine Gelder auf ein neues Wallet transferieren, inklusive neuem Mnemonischen Seed.
+ Deshalb ist es am besten wenn du deinen Mnemonischen Seed aufschreibst
+ und sicher und geheim an mehreren Orten aufbewahrst.
+ ]]>
+ Wallet erstellen - Seed
Falls du schon eine Monero Adresse besitzt und wieder Zugriff auf die Transaktionen auf der Blockchain haben willst!
Gib einen eindeutigen Walletnamen und Passwort ein. Das Passwort schützt deine Walletdaten auf dem Gerät.
+ Benutze ein starkes Passwort - noch besser ist eine Passwortphrase.
Trage deinen Seed in das Feld \"Mnemonischer Seed\" ein.
Falls du die Blocknummer der ersten Transaktion dieser Adresse kennst gib sie in das Feld
+ \"Restore Height\" ein - dieses Feld leer zu lassen bedeutet die gesamte Blockchain
+ nach Transaktionen zu und von dieser Adresse zu durchsuchen. Das dauert sehr lang.
+ ]]>
+ Wallet erstellen - Schlüssel
Falls du dein Wallet mit Schlüsseln wiederherstellen willst!
Gib einen eindeutigen Walletnamen und Passwort ein. Das Passwort schützt deine Walletdaten auf dem Gerät.
+ Benutze ein starkes Passwort - noch besser ist eine Passwortphrase.
Gib deine Monero Adresse im Feld \"Öffentliche Adresse\" ein und fülle die Felder \"View Key\" und \"Spend Key\" aus.
Falls du die Blocknummer der ersten Transaktion dieser Adresse kennst gib sie in das Feld
+ \"Restore Height\" ein - dieses Feld leer zu lassen bedeutet die gesamte Blockchain
+ nach Transaktionen zu und von dieser Adresse zu durchsuchen. Das dauert sehr lang.
+ ]]>
+ Wallet erstellen - View
Falls du nur eingehende Transaktionen auf diese Wallet überwachen willst!
Gib einen eindeutigen Walletnamen und Passwort ein. Das Passwort schützt deine Walletdaten auf dem Gerät.
+ Benutze ein starkes Passwort - noch besser ist eine Passwortphrase.
Gib deine Monero Adresse im Feld \"Öffentliche Adresse\" ein und fülle das Feld \"View Key\" aus.
Falls du die Blocknummer der ersten Transaktion dieser Adresse kennst gib sie in das Feld
+ \"Restore Height\" ein - dieses Feld leer zu lassen bedeutet die gesamte Blockchain
+ nach Transaktionen zu und von dieser Adresse zu durchsuchen. Das dauert sehr lang.
+ ]]>
+ Wallet Details
Öffentliche Adresse
+ Die öffentliche Adresse ist wie deine Kontonummer die du anderen Personen mitteilen kannst, ohne Angst zu haben dein Geld zu verlieren.
+ Andere Personen werden dir Monero an diese Adresse schicken.
Mnemonischer Seed
+ Dies sind die einzigen Daten die du benötigst um dein Wallet zu einem späteren
+ Zeitpunkt wiederherzustellen und vollen Zugriff auf deine Gelder zu erhalten.
+ Diese Daten geheim und sicher aufzubewahren ist sehr wichtig, da sie jedem
+ vollen Zugriff auf diese Gelder geben! Falls du ihn nicht an mehreren, sicheren Stellen aufgeschrieben hast mach dies bitte jetzt!
Walletdateien Wiederherstellungspasswort
+ Stelle sicher dieses Passwort aufzuschreiben. Falls du dein Gerät auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzt oder
+ die App deinstallierst brauchst du dieses Passwort um Zugriff auf dein Wallet zu erhalten.
+ Falls das hier angezeigte Passwort aus 52 alphanumerischen Zeichen in 4er Gruppen besteht - Glückwunsch!
+ Deine Walletdateien sind nun durch einen 256-Bit-Schlüssel gesichert, der durch Sicherheitsfeatures
+ deines Gerätes aus deiner Passwortphrase erstellt wurde (bei Erstellung oder Änderung der Passwortphrase).
+ Dies macht einen Hack der Walletdateien extrem schwierig!
+ Dieses Feature ist verpflichtend für alle neu erstellten Wallets.
+ Falls du hier deine Passwortphrase siehst sind deine Walletdateien nicht so gut gesichert wie
+ bei der Benutzung von CrAzYpass. Um dies zu beheben wähle einfach \"Passwortphrase ändern\" aus dem Menü.
+ Nachdem du eine neue Passwortphrase eingegeben hast (auch bei der gleichen wie zuvor) wird die App
+ ein neues CrAzYpass für dich erstellen und deine Walletdateien sichern. Schreibe es auf!
+ Falls du Monerujo jemals neu installieren musst (zum Beispiel nachdem du dein Gerät auf Werkseinstellungen zurückgesetzt hast
+ oder du ein neues Gerät besitzt) oder die Walletdateien auf einem anderen Gerät oder PC nutzen willst, dann
+ musst du dieses Wiederherstellungspasswort nutzen um Zugriff auf dein Wallet zu erhalten.
+ Durch die Auswahl \"Passwortphrase ändern\" aus dem Menü kannst du eine andere Passwortphrase wählen. Beachte
+ dass dies ein neues Wiederherstellungspasswort erzeugt. Schreibe es auf!
View key
+ Dein View Key kann benutzt werden um eingehende Transaktionen zu diesem Wallet zu überwachen ohne anderen
+ die Möglichkeit zu geben Gelder aus diesem Wallet auszugeben.
Spend Key
+ Der Spend Key ermöglicht jedem Monero aus diesem Wallet auszugeben, also bewahre diesen Spend Key genauso sicher
+ wie den Mnemomischen Seed auf.
+ ]]>
+ Walletliste
Monerujo benutzt eine Remote Node um mit dem Monero Netzwerk zu kommunizieren ohne
+ die gesamte Blockchain herunterladen zu müssen. Eine Liste bekannter Remote Nodes
+ oder eine Anleitung zum Betreiben einer eigenen Remote Node findest du unter https://moneroworld.com/
Monerujo besitzt einige voreingestellte Remote Nodes. Es erinnert sich an die letzten 5 benutzten Nodes.
Hier siehst du deine Wallets. Sie befinden sich im monerujo Ordner
+ im internen Speicher deines Geräts. Du kannst einen Datei-Explorer nutzen um sie zu finden.
+ Du solltest regelmäßig Backups von diesem Ordner machen und diese sicher aufbewahren für den Fall,
+ dass dein Gerät EXPLODIERT oder gestohlen wird.
Wähle ein Wallet um es zu öffnen oder tippe \"+\" um ein neues zu erstellen.
+ Oder wähle eine der folgenden Wallet Optionen:
Zeige die Walletdetails, Seed & Keys.
Generiere einen QR-Code um Moneroj zu empfangen.
Benenne die Wallet um. Backups werden nicht umbenannt.
Erstelle eine Kopie des Wallets im backups Ordner innerhalb des monerujo Ordners.
+ Eine bereits vorhandene Kopie wird überschrieben.
Erstellt ein Backup und löscht danach das Wallet. Die Kopie verbleibt im backups
+ Ordner. Falls du deine Backups nicht länger benötigst solltest du sie mit einem Datei-Explorer löschen oder
+ die App sauber und ordentlich deinstallieren
+ ]]>
+ Das Wallet
+ Weil Monero gerne Dinge geheim hält, wird nach jedem Öffnen einer Monerujo Wallet die Blockchain gescannt
+ um zu überprüfen ob neue Moneroj zu dieser Wallet gesendet wurden. Dies speichert ausschließlich Informationen
+ die zur Wallet auf diesem Gerät gehören. Manchmal kann dies etwas länger dauern, falls die letzte Synchronisierung
+ eine Weile her ist.
Das Saldo
Hilfe! Mein Wallet Saldo ist verschwunden oder ist unbestätigt!
+ Keine Panik! Wenn du Gelder von deiner Wallet sendest wird ein Teil deines Saldos kurzzeitig als unbestätigt angezeigt.
+ Dies geschieht aufgrund der zugrunde liegenden Technologie und wie Monero auf der Blockchain bewegt werden.
+ Lies mehr darüber auf https://getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/change.html
Eine Liste deiner Transaktionen. In View Wallets werden nur die eingehenden Transaktionen angezeigt.
+ ]]>
+ Transaktionsdetails
+ Dies ist die öffentliche Adresse des Wallets, zu dem du Moneroj gesendet hast.
+ Du kannst eine Zahlungs-ID benutzen um Zahlungen zu identifizieren. Dies ist optional und ist nicht öffentlich einsehbar.
+ Zum Beispiel kann ein Unternehmen damit Zahlungen und Verkäufe miteinander verbinden.
+ Dies ist deine Transaktions-ID die du benutzen kannst um verschleierte Transaktionen mit einem Monero
+ Blockchain-Explorer wie https://xmrchain.net/ zu identifizieren.
TX Schlüssel (Transaktionsschlüssel)
+ Dies ist dein geheimer Transaktionsschlüssel. Bewahre ihn sicher auf da er Dritten deine Signatur in einem Ring offenbart
+ und deshalb deine Transaktionen transparent macht.
+ Dies ist der Block der deine Transaktion beinhaltet.
+ ]]>
+ Senden
Dies ist die öffentliche Adresse des Wallets, an die du Moneroj sendest. Du kannst sie aus der Zwischenablage kopieren,
+ einen QR-Code scannen oder sie manuell eingeben. Vergewissere dich, dass es die richtige Adresse ist um
+ sicherzustellen die Moneroj nicht irrtümlich an eine falsche Adresse zu senden.
Zusätzlich zum Senden von XMR kannst du auch BTC mittels des XMR.TO Service versenden (siehe https://xmr.to
+ für Details). Siehe den Abschnitt über das Versenden von BTC unten.
Du kannst eine Zahlungs-ID benutzen um den Grund einer Transaktion zwischen zwei Parteien zu identifizieren. Dies ist optional
+ und nicht öffentlich einsehbar. Zum Beispiel kann ein Unternehmen damit Zahlungen und Verkäufe miteinander verbinden.
Es gibt verschiedene Ringgrößen in Monerujo aus denen du wählen kannst. Falls du ein neuer Nutzer bist
+ empfehlen wir bei der Standard Ringgröße zu bleiben (aktuell 7). Die Ringgröße zu erhöhen erhöht die Anzahl der Signaturen in einer Ring-Signatur,
+ was theoretisch das Erraten der richtigen Signatur erschwert. Eine höhere Ringgröße lässt eine Transaktion jedoch
+ auf der Blockchain auch herausstechen.
Diese Einstellung bestimmt wie zügig deine Transaktion in einem Block auf der Blockchain verarbeitet wird.
+ Eine höhere Priorität bedeutet eine höhere Transaktionsgebühr, eine niedrige Priorität bedeutet eine
+ niedrigere Transaktionsgebühr. Bitte bedenke, dass eine Transaktion mit einer niedrigen Priorität unter Umständen
+ eine Weile benötigt bis sie auf der Blockchain verarbeitet wird. Die Standard-Priorität
+ ist \"Mittel\".
BTC Senden
XMR.TO ist ein Drittanbieter-Service welcher als Wechselservice von Monero zu Bitcoin fungiert.
+ Wir nutzen die XMR.TO Schnittstelle um Bitcoin Zahlungen in Monerujo zu integrieren. Bitte schaue dir
+ https://xmr.to an und entscheide selbst, ob du diesen Service nutzen willst. Das Monerujo
+ Team gehört nicht zu XMR.TO und kann keinen Support für ihren Service bieten
XMR.TO Wechselkurs
Auf dem \"Menge\" Bildschirm siehst du die aktuellen Werte des XMR.TO Service. Diese beinhalten den aktuellen Tauschkurs
+ sowie die oberen und unteren BTC-Limits. Bitte bedenke, dass dieser Kurs zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht garantiert ist.
+ Außerdem siehst du den Wert bis zu dem eine BTC-Zahlung sofort ausgeführt wird
+ ohne auf XMR-Bestätigungen warten zu müssen (siehe die XMR.TO FAQ für mehr Details).
+ XMR.TO erhebt keine zusätzlichen Gebühren - wie cool ist das denn?
XMR.TO Auftrag
Auf dem \"Bestätigen\" Bildschirm siehst du das genaue XMR.TO-Angebot. Dieses Angebot gilt
+ für eine bestimmte Zeit - du siehst einen Countdown auf dem \"Ausgeben\" Button. Der Wechselkurs kann
+ sich von den vorherigen Angaben unterscheiden.
Geheimer XMR.TO Schlüssel
Da Monerujo nur den Monero-Teil deiner Transaktion verarbeitet kann dein geheimer XMR.TO Schlüssel
+ dazu benutzt werden den Bitcoin-Teil deines Auftrags auf der XMR.TO-Homepage zu verfolgen.
Dieser geheime Schlüssel ist für 24h nach Start der Transaktion gültig!
XMR.TO Countdown!
Wenn der Countdown 0 erreicht musst du ein neues Angebot von XMR.TO anfordern indem du zum vorherigen Schritt
+ zurückkehrst und wieder zum \"Bestätigen\"-Bildschirm zurückkommst.
+ ]]>
+ BTC senden
XXMR.TO ist ein Drittanbieter-Service, der als Wechselservice von Monero zu Bitcoin fungiert.
+ Wir verwenden die XMR.TO Schnittstelle, um Bitcoin-Zahlungen in Monerujo zu integrieren. Bitte sieh dir
+ https://xmr.to an und entscheide selbst, ob es etwas ist, was du verwenden möchtest. Das Monerujo
+ Team ist nicht mit XMR.TO verbunden und kann dir bei deren Service nicht helfen.
XMR.TO Wechselkurs
Auf dem Bildschirm \"Menge\" werden dir die aktuellen Parameter des XMR.TO-Dienstes angezeigt. Diese
+ beinhalten den aktuellen Wechselkurs sowie Ober- und Untergrenzen von BTC. Bitte beachte, dass diese Rate
+ zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht garantiert werden kann. Du siehst auch den Betrag, bis zu dem die BTC-Transaktion
+ sofort ausgeführt wird, ohne auf XMR-Bestätigungen zu warten (siehe XMR.TO FAQ für weitere Details).
+ Bitte beachte, dass XMR.TO keine zusätzlichen Gebühren berechnet - ist doch cool, oder?
XMR.TO Auftrag
Auf dem Bildschirm \"Bestätigen\" siehst du das aktuelle XMR.TO-Angebot. Dieses Angebot ist nur für eine
+ bestimmte Zeit gültig - du wirst vielleicht einen Countdown auf dem \"Ausgeben\"-Knopf sehen. Der Wechselkurs
+ kann sich von dem auf den vorherigen Bildschirmen angezeigten indikativen Wechselkurs unterscheiden.
Geheimer XMR.TO Schlüssel
Da Monerujo nur den Monero Teil deiner Transaktion bearbeitet, kann dein geheimer XMR.TO Schlüssel verwendet werden,
+ um den Bitcoin Teil der Bestellung auf der XMR.TO-Homepage zu verfolgen.
Bitte beachte, dass dieser geheime Schlüssel nur bis zu 24 Stunden nach Start der Transaktion gültig ist!
XMR.TO Countdown!
Sobald der Countdown Null erreicht hat, musst du ein neues Angebot von XMR.TO anfordern,
+ indem du zum vorherigen Schritt zurückgehst und dann zum Bildschirm "Bestätigen" zurückkehrst.
+ ]]>
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de7ed2f8a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ Wallet
+ Testnet
+ Über
+ Datenschutzerklärung
+ Teilen
+ Hilfe
+ Details
+ Empfangen
+ Umbenennen …
+ Archivieren
+ Backup
+ Passwortphrase ändern
+ Tippe weiter …
+ Hmmm …
+ Komm schon, das kannst du besser!
+ Fast da …
+ Yeah baby, h4x0r style!
+ Wallets
+ Credits
+ OK
+ Abbrechen
+ Schließen
+ Berühren für Detailinfos
+ Erfolgreich gesendet
+ Fertig
+ Berühren für QR-Code
+ Höhere Priorität = Höhere Gebühr
+ BTC Zahlung aktiviert, tippe für mehr Infos.
+ CrAzYpass aktiviert, tippe für mehr Infos.
+ Du hast eine BTC Adresse eingegeben.
+ Du wirst XMR versenden und der Empfänger durch den XMR.TO Service BTC erhalten.
+ ]]>
+ XMR.TO Auftrag
+ %1$s BTC
+ Bestätigung ausstehend
+ Bezahlung ausstehend
+ XMR.TO Fehler (%1$s)
+ BTC Gesendet!
+ Frage ab …
+ Du kannst %1$s — %2$s BTC senden.
+ XMR.TO gibt dir aktuell einen Wechselkurs von %3$s BTC.
+ ]]>
+ Beträge bis zu %1$s BTC werden sofort versendet!
+ ]]>
+ Saldo: %2$s BTC (%1$s XMR)
+ Zahlungs-ID integriert
+ Bereite deine Transaktion vor
+ Erstelle XMR.TO Auftrag
+ Frage XMR.TO Auftrag ab
+ Bereite Monero Transaktion vor
+ Frage XMR.TO Parameter ab
+ Code: %1$d
+ Berühre zum Wiederholen
+ Jetzt hängen wir hier fest!
+ Oh oh, XMR.TO scheint im Moment nicht verfügbar zu sein!
+ %1$s BTC = %2$s XMR
+ (Kurs: %1$s BTC/XMR)
+ Fortgeschritten:
+ Besuche XMR.TO für Support & Nachverfolgung
+ Geheimer Schlüssel\nXMR.TO
+ XMR.TO Geheimer Schlüssel
+ BTC Zieladresse
+ Menge
+ Transaktions-ID
+ Zieladresse
+ Zahlungs-ID
+ Notizen
+ Backup wird erstellt
+ Archivierung wird ausgeführt
+ Umbenennung wird ausgeführt
+ Daemon Verbindung wird getestet
+ Ändere Passwort
+ Fertigstellen …\nDies kann einen Moment dauern!
+ Backup fehlgeschlagen!
+ Archivierung fehlgeschlagen!
+ Umbenennen fehlgeschlagen!
+ Passwort ändern fehlgeschlagen!
+ Passwort geändert
+ Node
+ ([<user>:<pass>@]<daemon>[:<port>])
+ Lade Wallet …
+ Wallet gespeichert
+ Wallet Speicherung fehlgeschlagen!
+ Verbinde …
+ Verbindung zum Node fehlgeschlagen!\nPrüfe Username/Passwort
+ Node Zeitüberschreitung!\nNochmal oder anderen Node versuchen.
+ Node ungültig!\nVersuche anderen.
+ Kann Node nicht erreichen!\nNochmal oder anderen Node versuchen.
+ Verbindung getrennt
+ Transaktion fehlgeschlagen: %1$s
+ Da hast du zu lange gewartet, mein Freund!
+ Ich bin noch mit deinem letzten Wallet beschäftigt …
+ Umbenennen %1$s
+ Neue Passwortphrase für %1$s
+ Passwortphrase für %1$s wiederholen
+ Passwort für %1$s
+ Fingerabdruck-Authentifizierung möglich.\nBitte Sensor berühren.
+ Passwort bestätigen
+ Fingerabdruck nicht erkannt. Nochmals versuchen.
+ Falsches Passwort!
+ Wallet existiert nicht!
+ Daemonadresse muss gesetzt sein!
+ Wallet entspricht nicht dem ausgewähltem Netz
+ (Watch Only)
+ Nehmen
+ Geben
+ + %1$s XMR unbestätigt
+ monerujo Service
+ Synchronisiert:
+ Blöcke verbleibend
+ Scanne:
+ Externer Speicher nicht beschreibbar! Panik!
+ Wir brauchen die Zugriffsrechte auf den externen Speicher wirklich!
+ Keine Kamera = Kein QR scannen!
+ View-Key
+ Öffentliche Adresse
+ XMR.TO Schlüssel
+ View-Key in Zwischenablage kopiert!
+ XMR.TO Schlüssel in Zwischenablage kopiert!
+ Wallet Adresse in Zwischenablage kopiert!
+ Transaktions-ID in Zwischenablage kopiert!
+ Kopieren aus Sicherheitsgründen deaktiviert!
+ Umtausch-Rate nicht verfügbar!\nNutze XMR/XMR oder versuche es noch einmal
+ Wallet erstellen
+ Wallet Name
+ Wallet Passwortphrase
+ Erlaubt das Öffnen des Wallets durch Fingerabdruck-Authentifizierung
+ Fingerabdruck-Authentifizierung
Mit aktivierter Fingerabdruck-Authentifizierung kannst du ohne Eingabe eines Passworts
+ das Wallet-Saldo einsehen sowie Gelder empfangen.
Aus Sicherheitsgründen wird Monerujo weiterhin dein Passwort abfragen,
+ wenn du Wallet-Details einsehen oder Gelder senden möchtest.
+ Sicherheits-Warnung
Bedenke bitte, dass jeder mit Zugriff auf deinen Fingerabdruck dein Wallet-Saldo einsehen kann.
Eine bösartige Person könnte dies zum Beispiel versuchen, während du schläfst.
+ Bist du sicher, dass du diese Funktion aktivieren willst?
+ ]]>
+ Passwortphrasen stimmen nicht überein
+ Passwortphrase darf nicht leer sein
+ Erstell mir jetzt endlich ein Wallet!
+ Ich habe den Mnemonischen Seed notiert!
+ Gib mir einen Namen!
+ Wallet existiert bereits!
+ Kann nicht mit einem . beginnen
+ Erstelle Wallet
+ Wallet erstellt
+ Walleterstellung fehlgeschlagen
+ Gib eine Nummer oder ein Datum (JJJJ-MM-TT) ein
+ Schlüssel
+ Neu
+ Seed
+ View
+ Öffentliche Adresse
+ View-Key
+ Spend-Key
+ 25-Wörter mnemonischer Seed
+ Wiederherstellungshöhe oder Datum (JJJJ-MM-TT)
+ Öffentliche Adresse
+ View-Key
+ Spend-Key
+ Mnemonischer Seed
+ Walletdateien Wiederherstellungspasswort
+ Gib einen gültigen Schlüssel ein
+ Gib eine gültige Adresse ein
+ Gib deine 25 Wörter Seed ein
+ %1$s (Anhaltswert)
+ Empfänger XMR oder BTC Adresse
+ Zahlungs-ID (optional)
+ 0.00
+ Private Notizen (optional)
+ Generieren
+ Scannen
+ Gib meine wertvollen Moneroj aus
+ Gib meine wertvollen Moneroj aus (%1$s)
+ Kein QR-Code
+ Kein gültiger Zahlungs-QR-Code
+ Keine gültige Adresse
+ Senden
+ Saldo: %1$s XMR
+ Adresse
+ Menge
+ Einstellungen
+ Bestätigen
+ Fertig
+ Menge
+ Gebühr (XMR)
+ Gebühr
+ Total (XMR)
+ Total
+ %1$s XMR
+ +%1$s Gebühr
+ Transaktionserstellungsfehler
+ - Gebühr %1$s
+ (%1$s)
+ fehlgeschlagen
+ - %1$s
+ + %1$s
+ Zeitstempel
+ TX-Schlüssel
+ Ziel
+ Ziel\n(BTC)
+ Zahlungs-ID
+ Block
+ Menge
+ Menge\n(BTC)
+ Gebühr
+ Transfers
+ Notizen
+ (optional)
+ Speichern
+ Notizen speichern fehlgeschlagen
+ Transaktionsdetails
+ Zahlungs-ID (optional)
+ Menge
+ Konnte Wallet nicht öffnen!
+ 16 oder 64 Hex-Zeichen (0–9,a–f)
+ Muss bei einer integrierten Adresse leer sein
+ Max. %1$s
+ Min. 0
+ XMR keine Nummer
+ Empfangen
+ Sensible Daten werden angezeigt.\nSchau über deine Schulter!
+ Ich bin sicher
+ Nein, doch nicht!
+ Details
+ Das Wallet wird archiviert und dann gelöscht!
+ Ja, mach das!
+ Nein, danke!
+ Priorität Standard
+ Priority Gering
+ Priority Mittel
+ Priority Hoch
+ Neues Wallet erstellen
+ View Only Wallet wiederherstellen
+ Wallet mit privaten Schlüsseln wiederherstellen
+ Wallet mit 25 Wörter Seed wiederherstellen
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-es/about.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-es/about.xml
index b8881c1e87..ddd25b0907 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-es/about.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-es/about.xml
@@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
- Acerca DeCerrarVersión %1$s (%2$d)
- \"¡Donad, bastardos ingratos!\"
- Donaciones
- Créditos
m2049r, baltsar777, anhdres, keejef,
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-es/help.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-es/help.xml
index 6408b1868c..d0d1c51e2a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-es/help.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-es/help.xml
@@ -74,6 +74,29 @@
completo a tus fondos.
¡Mantenerla segura y privada es muy importante, ya que permite a quien sea
acceso completo a tus fondos! Si no la anotaste en un lugar seguro aún, ¡por favor hazlo!
Wallet Files Recovery Password
+ Asegúrate de escribir esta contraseña. Si restablececes tu dispositivo o desinstalas esta
+ aplicación, vas a necesitarla para acceder a tu monedero otra vez.
+ Si la contraseña que se muestra consiste de 52 caracteres alfanuméricos en grupos de 4...
+ ¡felicitaciones!
+ Los archivos de tu monedero están asegurado con una clave de 256 bits, generada por tu
+ propio dispositivo basándose en la contraseña que elegiste (al crear el monedero o luego
+ cambiándola manualmente). ¡Esto hace a tus archivos extremadamente difíciles de hackear!
+ Esta opción es obligatoria en todos los monederos nuevos.
Contraseña Antigua
+ Si ves tu contraseña aquí, los archivos de tu billetera no están tan seguros que cuando
+ se usa una CrAzYpass. Para solucionar esto, simplemente elige \"Cambiar Contraseña\" en el
+ menú. Después de ingresar una nueva contraseña (aún si eliges la misma que antes) la
+ aplicación generará una CrAzYpass y asegurará los archivos de tu monedero con ella.
+ ¡Por favor anótala bien!
Monederos CrAzYpass
+ Si alguna vez necesitas reinstalar Monerujo (por ejemplo luego de restaurar tu teléfono
+ o cambiar a uno nuevo) o si necesitas abrir los archivos de tu monedero en otro dispositivo
+ o en una PC, vas a tener que usar esta Contraseña de Recuperación (CrAzYpass) para poder
+ acceder a tu monedero otra vez.
+ Seleccionando \"Cambiar Contraseña\" en el menú, pueder elegir otra contraseña.
+ Ten presente que esto generará una nueva Contraseña de Recuperación (CrAzYpass). ¡Anótala bien!
Clave de vista
Tu clave de vista puede usarse para monitorizar las transacciones entrantes de tu
monedero sin otorgar permiso para gastar los fondos guardados en ella.
@@ -161,8 +184,8 @@
negocio pueda asociar inequívocamente tu transacción con un producto que has comprado.
Tamaño del anillo
Hay varios tamaños de anillo (ring size) para elegir en Monerujo. Si eres un
- usuario principiante te recomendamos que simplemente utilices un tamaño de anillo de 5.
- Aumentar el tamaño de anillo por encima de 5 incrementa el número de firmantes en una firma
+ usuario principiante te recomendamos que simplemente utilices un tamaño de anillo de 7.
+ Aumentar el tamaño de anillo por encima de 7 incrementa el número de firmantes en una firma
de anillo, lo cual teóricamente proporciona una mayor negación plausible. Pero configurar
tamaños de anillo altos también puede provocar que tu transacción quede fuera de la
cadena de bloques.
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
index 29ddfc6af8..90654a887f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
Renombrar …ArchivarCopia de seguridad
+ Cambiar contraseñaSigue escribiendo …Mas o menos.
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
¡Bien ahí, hacker nivel 4!Monederos
- Donar
+ CréditosAceptarCancelarCerrar
@@ -46,24 +47,19 @@
Archivado en progresoCambio de nombre en progresoComprobando conexión con el daemon
+ Cambiando contraseña en progresoGuardando todo\n¡Puede llevar un tiempo!
- Copia de seguridad satisfactoria¡Copia de seguridad fallida!
- Archivado satisfactorio¡Archivado fallido!
- ¡Borrado fallido!¡Cambio de nombre fallido!
+ ¡Cambio de contraseña fallido!
+ Contraseña cambiadaNodo
- ([<user>:<pass>@]<daemon>[:<port>])
- Selección de Red
- TestNet
- MainNet
- Cargando lista de monederos
+ ([<usuario>:<contraseña>@]<daemon>[:<puerto>])Cargando monedero…
- Guardando monederoMonedero guardada¡Guardado de monedero fallido!Conectando…
@@ -72,50 +68,38 @@
¡Nodo inválido!\nInténtalo con otro.¡No se puede alcanzar el nodo!\nInténtalo de nuevo o prueba otro.
- Trabajando en ello …Desconectado
- ¡Transacción enviada!Transacción fallida: %1$s
- ¡No se pudo crear la transacción!
- Todavía estoy ocupado con tu última monedero …
+ Todavía estoy ocupado con tu último monedero …Renombrar %1$s
+ Nueva contraseña para %1$s
+ Repetir contraseña para %1$sContraseña para %1$s
+ Puedes poner tu dedo en el sensor para autorizar con tu huella.Confirmar Contraseña
+ Huella no reconocida. Inténtalo nuevamente.¡Contraseña incorrecta!¡El monedero no existe!
- ¡Esto no es un monedero!¡La dirección del daemon debe estar configurada!El monedero no coincide con la red seleccionada
- ¡No se puede conectar al daemon! Inténtalo de nuevo.
- ¡Algo ha sucedido!(Sólo Vista)RecibirEnviar
- Monto
- Fecha+ %1$s XMR sin confirmar
- Transacciones
- ¡Conectado al daemon!Servicio de monerujo
- Servicio de monerujo en ejecucion
- Servicio de monerujo detenido
- Servicio de monerujo
- Servicio de monerujo conectado
- Servicio de monerujo desconectadoSincronizado:bloques restantesEscaneando:
- Problemas¡No se puede escribir en el almacenamiento externo! ¡Pánico!¡De verdad necesitamos esos permisos para el almacenamiento externo!Sin cámara = ¡Sin escaneo de QR!
@@ -124,8 +108,6 @@
Dirección Pública¡Clave de vista copiada al portapapeles!¡Dirección del monedero copiada al portapapeles!
- ¡La selección de la semilla está desactivada por motivos de seguridad!
- ¡La selección de la clave de gasto está desactivada por motivos de seguridad!¡La copia está desactivada por motivos de seguridad!¡No se ha podido obtener la tasa de cambio!\nUsa XMR/XMR o inténtalo de nuevo
@@ -133,13 +115,23 @@
Crear monederoNombre del monederoFrase de Contraseña
+ Permitir abrir usando huella dactilar
+ Autenticación por huella
Con la autenticación por huella dactilar activada, puedes acceder al balance y recibir fondos
+ sin la necesidad de ingresar tu contraseña.
Sin embargo, por seguridad extra, Monerujo va a requerir tu contraseña para ver la información
+ sensible de tu monedero o enviar fondos.
+ Advertencia de seguridad
Si bien es cómodo, recuerda que cualquier persona que tenga acceso a tu huella dactilar
+ va a ser capaz de mirar el balance de tu monedero.
Por ejemplo, un actor malicioso cercano podría abrir tu monedero con tu dedo mientras duermes.
+ ¿Estás seguro de activar esta función?
+ ]]>
+ Contraseñas no coinciden
+ Contraseña no puede estar vacía¡Házme ya un monedero!
- Semilla Mnemotécnica
- ¡He apuntado estas 25 palabras!
- Copia de Seguridad
- Exportar Claves
+ ¡Ya anote todo!¡Dame un nombre!¡El monedero ya existe!
@@ -161,13 +153,11 @@
Semilla Mnemotécnica de 25 PalabrasAltura o Fecha (YYYY-MM-DD) de Restauración
- Monedero
- ContraseñaDirección PúblicaClave de VistaClave de GastoSemilla Mnemotécnica
- Altura de Restauración:
+ Contraseña de restauración para el archivo del monederoIntroduce una clave válidaIntroduce una dirección válida
@@ -177,17 +167,10 @@
ID de Pago (opcional)0.00Notas Privadas (opcional)
- Prioridad de Transacción
- Mezclar
- BarrerGenerarScan
- Preparar
- Disponer (Deshacer)
- Último Paso - ¡Confirma!No es un Código QR de moneroDirección de Monero inválida
- Preparando transacciónEnviarFondos disponibles: %1$s XMRDirección
@@ -195,24 +178,19 @@
- Resumen
- Monto > FondosMontoComisión
- PolvoTotalError creando la transacción
- incl. comisión de %1$s- Comisión %1$s(%1$s)fallido- %1$s+ %1$s
- DirecciónMarca de tiempoID de TransacciónClave de Transacción
@@ -223,29 +201,20 @@
- Copiar al Portapapeles
- Copiado al Portapapeles
- Detalles de la transacción(opcional)Guardar
- Notas guardadasEl guardado de las notas ha falladoDetalles de la TransacciónPENDIENTEFALLIDO
- Muéstrame el código QR
- GenerarID de Pago (opcional)Monto
- XMR¡No se ha podido abrir el monedero!16 o 64 caracteres hexadecimales (0–9,a–f)Debe estar vacío con una dirección integrada
- Debe ser > 0
- Introduce valorMax. %1$sMin. 0XMR no es un número
@@ -276,14 +245,7 @@
Ingresaste una dirección Bitcoin Vas a enviar XMR y el destinatario recibirá BTC usando el servicio XMR.TO.
- Enviando
- Estado:
- %1$s es %1$s (#%1$d)%1$s BTC
- Clave:
- Dirección:
- Estado:
- %1$s BTCConfirmación pendientePago pendienteError de XMR.TO (%1$s)
@@ -309,15 +271,11 @@
%1$s BTC = %2$s XMR(Cambio: %1$s BTC/XMR)Avanzado
- Click para más detallesVisita https://xmr.to para soporte y rastreo
- Mira en los datos de la TX para más detallesClave secreta\nXMR.TOClave secreta XMR.TODirección BTC destinoMonto
- Creando orden XMR.TO
- Toca para reintentarOye, esperaste demasiado!Clave XMR.TO¡Clave XMR.TO copiada al portapapeles!
@@ -329,14 +287,10 @@
Total (XMR)%1$s XMR+%1$s Comisión
- Estado
- TX ID\n(BTC)Destino\n(BTC)Monto\n(BTC)
- Debe quedar vacío con una dirección BitcoinSoy monerujoOrden XMR.TOPago en BTC activado, toca para más info.
- Backup To File
- Backup To NFC
+ CrAzYpass activado, toca para más info.
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/about.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/about.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0aca4e135f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/about.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ Fermer
+ Je suis monerujo
+ Version %1$s (%2$d)
+ Crédits
+ m2049r, baltsar777, anhdres, keejef,
+ rehrar, EarlOfEgo et al.
+ monerujo.io
+ ]]>
+ Politique de Confidentialité
Cette page vous informe de nos politiques en matière de collecte,
+ utilisation et divulgation des informations personnelles que nous
+ recevons des utilisateurs de notre application (monerujo: Monero Wallet).
En utilisant l’application, vous consentez à la collecte et à l’utilisation
+ d’informations en accord avec cette politique.
Données Collectées
Une donnée personnelle est tout type de donnée qui est succeptible
+ d’identifier un individu.
Les clefs et adresses publiques Monero collectées sont traitées localement par
+ l’application pour le besoin de traitement des transactions et transmises sur le
+ réseau Monero sous une forme chiffrée.
Aucune autre donnée personnelle n’est collectée par l’application.
Si vous utilisez la fonction (optionnelle) de change USD/EUR, monerujo récupère le
+ taux de change via l’API publique de kraken.com.
+ Consultez leur politique de confidentialité sur https://www.kraken.com/legal/privacy
+ pour des détails sur la façon dont les données de vos requêtes sont collectées
+ (particulièrement la rubrique "Information We Collect Automatically").
Si vous utilisez l’application pour payer à une adresse BTC, vous utiliserez
+ le service XMR.TO. Consultez leur politique de confidentialité sur https://xmr.to/
+ pour plus de détails. Monerujo leur transmet l’adresse de destination BTC et le
+ montant. Votre IP serait également collectable.
Permissions de l’application
INTERNET : Connection au réseau Monero via le démon d’un nœud Monero
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Lire les fichiers de portefeuille stockés sur l’appareil
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Écrire les fichiers de portefeuille stockés sur l’appareil
WAKE_LOCK : Garder l’appareil actif pendant la synchronisation
CAMERA : Scanner les QR Codes pour recevoir Monero
Changements à cette Politique de Confidentialité
Nous pourrions avoir besoin de mettre à jour cette politique de confidentialité
+ de temps en temps. Nous vous indiquerons tout changement en publiant la nouvelle
+ politique de confidentialité dans l’application et sur le site web (www.monerujo.io)
+ Il vous est conseillé de contrôler cette Politique de Confidentialité périodiquement
+ pour tout changement.
Cette Politique de Confidentialité é été mise à jour pour la dernière fois : le
+ 10 Novembre 2017.
Nous contacter
Si vous avez des questions à propos de notre politique de confidentialité,
+ ou si vos données ont été collectées et traitées,
+ merci d’envoyer un e-mail à privacy@monerujo.io.
+ ]]>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/help.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/help.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..386e51176e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/help.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ Créer un Portefeuille - Nouveau
Si vous avez besoin d’une nouvelle adresse Monero !
Entrez un nom et un mot de passe unique pour le portefeuille.
+ Le mot de passe permet de sécuriser les données de votre portefeuille sur votre appareil.
+ Utilisez un mot de passe fort - mieux, utilisez une phrase secrète.
Notez votre phrase Mnémonique !
Sur l’écran suivant vous trouverez les 25 mots de votre \"Phrase Mnémonique\".
+ C’est la seule donnée necessaire pour récupérer votre portefeuille ultérieurement
+ et obtenir l’accès à vos fonds.
+ Il est très imprtant de la garder sécurisée et confidentielle, car elle donne
+ à quiconque le contrôle total de vos fonds !
Si vous perdez le mot de passe de votre portefeuille, vous pouvez toujours récupérer votre
+ portefeuille avec la phrase Mnémonique.
Il n’y a aucun moyen de récupérer votre phrase Mnémonique, si vous la perdez tous vos fonds
+ seront perdus ! La phrase Mnémonique ne peut pas non plus être changée, et si elle est dérobée
+ ou compromise, vous devrez transférer vos fonds vers un nouveau portefeuille (avec une nouvelle
+ phrase Mnémonique). Par conséquent, il vaut mieux que vous sauvegardiez votre phrase Mnémonique
+ en l’écrivant et en la conservant à de multiples endroits sécurisés.
Si vous avez déjà une adresse Monero et que vus voulez reécupérer vos transactions depuis la chaïne de blocs !
Entrez un nom et un mot de passe unique pour le portefeuille.
+ Le mot de passe permet de sécuriser les données de votre portefeuille sur votre appareil.
+ Utilisez un mot de passe fort - mieux, utilisez une phrase secrète.
Entrez votre phrase Mnémonique dans le champ \"Phrase Mnémonique\".
Si vous connaissez le numéro du bloc de votre première transaction à cette adresse, entrez-le dans le
+ champ \"Hauteur de restauration\" - en le laissant vide la totalité de la chaîne de blocs sera scannée
+ à la recherche des transactions appartenant à votre adresse. Cela prend beaucoup de temps.
+ ]]>
+ Créer un Portefeuille - Clefs
Si vous récupérez votr portefeuille en utilisant vos clefs !
Entrez un nom et un mot de passe unique pour le portefeuille.
+ Le mot de passe permet de sécuriser les données de votre portefeuille sur votre appareil.
+ Utilisez un mot de passe fort - mieux, utilisez une phrase secrète.
Entrez votre adresse Monero dans le champ \"Adresse Publique\" et remplissez \"Clef d’Audit\" et \"Clef de dépense\".
Si vous connaissez le numéro du bloc de votre première transaction à cette adresse, entrez-le dans le
+ champ \"Hauteur de restauration\" - en le laissant vide la totalité de la chaîne de blocs sera scannée
+ à la recherche des transactions appartenant à votre adresse. Cela prend beaucoup de temps.
+ ]]>
+ Créer un Portefeuille d’Audit
Si vous voulez suveiller les transaction entrantes sur un portefeuille !
Entrez un nom et un mot de passe unique pour le portefeuille.
+ Le mot de passe permet de sécuriser les données de votre portefeuille sur votre appareil.
+ Utilisez un mot de passe fort - mieux, utilisez une phrase secrète.
Entrez votre adresse Monero dans le champ \"Adresse Publique\" et remplissez la \"Clef d’Audit\".
Si vous connaissez le numéro du bloc de votre première transaction à cette adresse, entrez-le dans le
+ champ \"Hauteur de restauration\" - en le laissant vide la totalité de la chaîne de blocs sera scannée
+ à la recherche des transactions appartenant à votre adresse. Cela prend beaucoup de temps.
+ ]]>
+ Détails du Portefeuille
Adresse Publique
+ Votre adresse publique est comme votre numéro de compte en banque, vous pouvez la partager avec n’importe qui sans
+ craindre de perdre vos Moneroj. On porra envoyer des Moneroj dans votre portefeuille en utilisant cette adresse.
Phrase Mnémonique
+ C’est la seule donée nécessaire pour récupérer votre portefeuille ultérieurement et obtenir l’accès à
+ vos fonds. Il est très imprtant de la garder sécurisée et confidentielle, car elle donne à quiconque
+ le contrôle total de vos Moneroj ! Si vous ne l’avez pas écrite à un emplacement sécurisé, faites-le !
Mdp de restauration des fichiers du Portefeuille
+ Assurez vous de noter ce mot de passe. Si vous réinitialisez votre appareil ou désinstallez l’application,
+ vous en aurez besoin pour accéder de nouveau à votre portefeuille.
+ Si le mot de passe affiché ici comporte 52 caractères alphanumériques par groupes de 4 - félicitations !
+ Vos fichiers de portefeuille sont sécurisé avec une clef 256 bits généré par les fonctionnalité de
+ sécurité de votre appareil sur la base de la phrase secrète que vous avez choisis (lors de la création
+ ou en l’ayant changée). Cela le rend êtrèmement difficile à pirater !
+ Cette fonctionnalité est obligatoire pour tous les nouveaux portefeuilles.
Mot de passe traditionnel
+ Si ici vous voyez votre phrase secrète, les fichiers de votre portefeuille ne sont pas aussi sécurisés qu’en
+ utilisant un CrAzYpass. Pour y remédier, choisissez simplement \"Changer la phrase secrète\" à partir du menu.
+ Après avoir renseigné une nouvelle phrase secrète (voire la même que précédemment) l’application va générer
+ un CrAzYpass pour vous et sécuriser les fichiers de votre portefeuille avec. Notez-le !
Portefeuilles CrAzYpass
+ Si vous avez un jour besoin de réinstaller Monerujo (par exemple après réinitialisation de votre téléphone, ou
+ remplacement de celui-ci) ou si vous voulez utiliser vos fichiers de portefeuille sur un appareil différent ou
+ un PC, vous devrez utiliser ce Mot de Passe de Restauration adin d’accéder de nouveau à votre portefeuille.
+ En choisissant \"Modifier Phrase Secrète\" à partir du menu, vous pouvez choisir une nouvelle phrase secrète.
+ Prenez garde, cela génèrera un nouveau Mot de Passe de Restauration. Notez-le !
Clef d’Audit
+ Votre clef d’Audit peut vous servir à surveiller les transactions entrantes sur votre portefeuille sans autoriser
+ la dépense de vos fonds dans votre portefeuille.
Clefs de dépense
+ Votre clef de dépense permet à quiconque de dépenser les Moneroj associés à votre portefeuille, alors ne la
+ communiquez à personne, gardez-la en sécurité comme votre phrase Mnémonique.
+ ]]>
+ Liste des Portefeuilles
Monerujo utilise un nœud distant pour communiquer avec le réseau Monero sans avoir à
+ télécharger et stocker une copie complète de la chaîne de bloc. vous pourrez trouver une
+ liste de nœud distant populaire ou apprendre comment faire fonctionner votre propre nœud
+ distant ici https://moneroworld.com/
Monerujo est fourni avec quelques Nœuds distants préenregistrés. Les cinq derniers nœuds utilisé sont sauvegardés.
Ici vous pouvez voir vos Portefeuilles. Ils se trouvent dans le dossier monerujo
+ du stockage interne de votre appareil. Vous pouvez utiliser une application d’explorateur
+ de fichiers pour les vois. Vous devriez faire des sauvegardes régulières de ce répertoire
+ sur un stockage externe au cas où votre appareil exploserait ou serait volé.
Sélectionnez un portefeuille à ouvrir ou appuyez sur \"+\" pour en créer un nouveau.
+ Ou choisissez l’une des opérations de portefeuille :
Affichez les détails du portefeuille, phrase mnémonique & Clefs.
Faites un QR code pour recevoir des Moneroj.
Renommez le portefeuille. Les sauvegardes ne sont pas renommées.
Faites une copie du portefeuille dans le sous-répertoire backups de monerujo
+ remplaçant les copies précédentes s’y trouvant.
Faites une sauvegarde du portefeuille suivi de sa suppression. La copie reste dans le répertoire
+ backups. Si vous n’avez plus besoin de vos sauvegardes, vous devriez les supprimer avec
+ une application d’explorateur de fichiers ou une application de suppression sécurisée.
+ ]]>
+ Le Portefeuille
+ Comme Monero aime garder les choses confidentielles, nous devons scanner la chaîne de blocs
+ chaque fois que vous ouvrez un portefeuille Monerujo pour voir si de nouveau Moneroj ont été
+ envoyés à votre portefeuille, cela ne stock sur votre appareil que les informations appartenant
+ à votre portefeuille. Parfois cela peut prendre un moment si vous n’avez pas synchronisé depuis
+ longtemps.
Le Solde
Au secours ! Le solde de mon portefeuille à disparu ou est non confirmé !
+ Ne paniquez pas ! lorsque vous envoyez des fonds sur votre portefeuille, une partie de votre
+ solde sera temporairement affichée comme non confirmée.
+ Cela se produit à cause de la façon dont Monero est échangé sur la chaîne de blocs et du
+ fonctionnement de la monnaie dans Monero. Aprenez-en plus à propos de la monnaie dans Monero
+ sur https://getmonero.org/fr/resources/moneropedia/change.html
Liste des Transactions
Une listes des transactions du portefeuille. Dans un portefeuille d’Audit, seules les
+ transactions entrantes sont affichées.
+ ]]>
+ Détails de la Transaction
+ C’est l’adresse publique du portefeuille auquel vous avez envoyé des Moneroj
ID de Paiement
+ Vous pouvez utiliser un ID de paiement pour identifier la raison pour laquelle vous avez
+ envoyé des Moneroj entre deux parties. C’est totallement privé et optionnel. Il permet par
+ exemple à une société de faire concorder votre transaction avec un article que vous avez
+ acheté.
+ C’est votre ID de transaction, vous pouvez l’utiliser pour identifier vos transaction masquées
+ sur un explorateur de la chaîne de blocs Monero comme https://xmrchain.net/
Clef TX (Clef de Transaction)
+ C’est la clef privée de votre transaction, conservez là en sécurité car la révéler à un
+ tiers révèlerait quelle signature est la votre dans un cercle, et donc rendrait votre
+ transaction transparente.
+ C’est le bloc dans lequel votre transaction a été insérée.
+ ]]>
+ Envoyer
Adresse de Destinataire
C’est l’adresse publique du portefeuille auquel vous allez envoyer des Moneroj, vous pouvez
+ la copier/coller, scanner un QR code ou la saisir manuellement. Vérifiez là bien trois fois
+ afin de vous assurer que vous n’envoyez pas de pièces à la mauvaise adresse.
En plus d’envoyer des XMR, vous pouvez envoyer des BTC via le service XMR.TO (voir https://xmr.to
+ pour plus de détails). Consultez la rubrique sur l’envoie de BTC ci-dessous.
ID de Paiement
Vous pouvez utiliser un ID de paiement pour identifier la raison pour laquelle vous avez
+ envoyé des Moneroj entre deux parties. C’est totallement privé et optionnel. Il permet par
+ exemple à une société de faire concorder votre transaction avec un article que vous avez
+ acheté.
Taille du Cercle (Ring Size)
Il y a une taill de cercle à choisir dans Monerujo. Si vous êtes un utilisateur novice
+ nous vous recommandons de rester à la taille de cercle de 7. Augmenter la taille de cerlce
+ au delà de 7 augmente le nombre de signataires dans la signature de cercle, fournissant
+ théoriquement une plus grande dénégation plausible. Cependant, configurer de grandes tailles
+ de cercle peut également faire ressortir votre transaction sur la chaîne de blocs.
Ce paramètre détermine la vitesse à laquelle votre transaction sera insérée dans la chaîne
+ de blocs. Une priorité plus élevée sera en lien direct avec des frais de transaction plus
+ élevés, et l’inverse est vrai pour une faible priorité. Veuillez noter que si vous configurez
+ une priorité faible, votre transaction pourrait mettre des heures pour être insérée sur la
+ chaîne de blocs. La priorité par défaut est \"Moyenne\".
Envoyer des BTC
XMR.TO est un service tierce-partie qui agit commme un change depuis Monero vers Bitcoin.
+ Nous utilisons l’API XMR.TO pour intégrer les paiements Bitcoin dans Monerujo. Veuillez
+ consulter https://xmr.to et décidez vous-même si vous souhaitez l’utiliser. L’équipe Monerujo
+ n’est pas affiliée à XMR.TO et ne peut pas vous aider concernant leurs services.
Taux de change XMR.TO
Sur l’écran \"Montant\" vous seront indiqué les paramètres actuels du serive XMR.TO. Cela
+ inclus le taux de change actuel, ainsi que les limites BTC hautes et basses. Notez que ce taux
+ n’est pas garantit à ce stade. Vous verrez également le montnt jusqu’auquel la transaction BTC
+ sera exécutée instantanément sans attendre de confirmation XMR (voir la FAQ XMR.TO pour plus de
+ détails). Veuillez noter que XMR.TO n’ajoute pas de frais additionnels - c’est pas cool ça ?
Ordre XMR.TO
Sur l’écran \"Confirmation\", vous verez l’ordre XMR.TO actuel. Cette ordre est valide pour
+ un temps limité - vous pouvez remarquer le compte à rebours sur le bouton \"Dépenser\". Ce taux
+ de change peut être différent du taux indicatif de l’écran précédent.
Clef Secrète XMR.TO
Comme Monerujo ne traite que le volet Monero de votre transaction, votre clef secrète
+ XMR.TO peut être utilisée pour suivre le volet Bitcoin de votre ordre sur la page d’accueil
+ de XMR.TO.
Veuillez noter que cette clef secrète est seulement valable 24h après le lancement de la
+ transaction !
Compte à Rebours XMR.TO !
Une fois que le compte à rebours atteint zéro, vous devrez obtenir un nouveau devis depuis
+ XMR.TO en retournant à l’étape précédente puis en revenant à l’écran \"Confirmation\".
+ ]]>
+ Envoyer des BTC
XMR.TO est un service tierce-partie qui agit commme un change depuis Monero vers Bitcoin.
+ Nous utilisons l’API XMR.TO pour intégrer les paiements Bitcoin dans Monerujo. Veuillez
+ consulter https://xmr.to et décidez vous-même si vous souhaitez l’utiliser. L’équipe Monerujo
+ n’est pas affiliée à XMR.TO et ne peut pas vous aider concernant leurs services.
Taux de change XMR.TO
Sur l’écran \"Montant\" vous seront indiqué les paramètres actuels du serive XMR.TO. Cela
+ inclus le taux de change actuel, ainsi que les limites BTC hautes et basses. Notez que ce taux
+ n’est pas garantit à ce stade. Vous verrez également le montnt jusqu’auquel la transaction BTC
+ sera exécutée instantanément sans attendre de confirmation XMR (voir la FAQ XMR.TO pour plus de
+ détails). Veuillez noter que XMR.TO n’ajoute pas de frais additionnels - c’est pas cool ça ?
Ordre XMR.TO
Sur l’écran \"Confirmation\", vous verez l’ordre XMR.TO actuel. Cette ordre est valide pour
+ un temps limité - vous pouvez remarquer le compte à rebours sur le bouton \"Dépenser\". Ce taux
+ de change peut être différent du taux indicatif de l’écran précédent.
Clef Secrète XMR.TO
Comme Monerujo ne traite que le volet Monero de votre transaction, votre clef secrète
+ XMR.TO peut être utilisée pour suivre le volet Bitcoin de votre ordre sur la page d’accueil
+ de XMR.TO.
Veuillez noter que cette clef secrète est seulement valable 24h après le lancement de la
+ transaction !
Compte à Rebours XMR.TO !
Une fois que le compte à rebours atteint zéro, vous devrez obtenir un nouveau devis depuis
+ XMR.TO en retournant à l’étape précédente puis en revenant à l’écran \"Confirmation\".
+ ]]>
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe9aa22e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ Portefeuille
+ Testnet
+ À Propos
+ Politique de Confidentialité
+ Partage
+ Aide
+ Détails
+ Recevoir
+ Renommer …
+ Archiver
+ Sauvegarder
+ Modifier Phrase secrète
+ Continuez de taper …
+ Bof …
+ Allez, vous pouvez mieux faire!
+ On y arrive …
+ Yeah baby, h4ck3r style !
+ Portefeuilles
+ Crédits
+ OK
+ Annuler
+ Fermer
+ Toucher pour plus d\'infos
+ Envoi réussi
+ Fait
+ Toucher pour le QR Code
+ Plus Prioritaire = Plus de Frais
+ Paiement BTC activé, tapez pour plus d\'infos.
+ CrAzYpass activé, tapez pour plus d\'infos.
+ Vous avez entré une adresse Bitcoin.
+ Vous envoyez des XMR et le destinataire recevra des BTC via le service XMR.TO.
+ ]]>
+ Ordres XMR.TO
+ %1$s BTC
+ En Attente de Confirmation
+ En Attente de Paiement
+ Erreur XMR.TO (%1$s)
+ BTC Envoyé !
+ Interrogation …
+ Vous pouvez envoyer %1$s — %2$s BTC.
+ XMR.TO vous donne un taux de change de %3$s BTCactuellement.
+ ]]>
+ Les montant n\'excédant pas %1$s BTC seront envoyés immédiatement!
+ ]]>
+ Solde : %2$s BTC (%1$s XMR)
+ ID de Paiement intégré
+ Préparation de votre transaction
+ Création de l\'ordre XMR.TO
+ Interrogation de l\'ordre XMR.TO
+ Préparation de la Transaction Monero
+ Interrogation des paramètres xmr.to
+ Code : %1$d
+ Touchez pour réessayer
+ Maintenant on est coincé ici !
+ Oh-oh, XMR.TO n\'a pas l\'air disponible pour le moment !
+ %1$s BTC = %2$s XMR
+ (Taux : %1$s BTC/XMR)
+ Avancé :
+ Visitez xmr.to pour l\'assistance & le suivi
+ Clef Secrète\nXMR.TO
+ Clef Secrète XMR.TO
+ Adresse BTC Destination
+ Montant
+ ID de Transaction
+ Adresse Destination
+ ID de Paiement
+ Notes
+ Sauvegarde en cours
+ Archivage en cours
+ Renommage en cours
+ Vérification de la connexion au démon
+ Modification du mot de passe en cours
+ Récapitulation …\nCela peut prendre un moment !
+ Sauvegarde Échouée !
+ Archivage Échouée !
+ Renommage Échoué !
+ Modification du mot de passe Échouée !
+ Modification du mot de passe réussie
+ Nœud
+ ([<utilisateur>:<mdp>@]<démon>[:<port>])
+ Chargement du Portefeuille …
+ Portefeuille Sauvegardé
+ Sauvegarde du Portefeuille Échouée !
+ Connexion …
+ Connexion au nœud échouée !\nVérifiez utilisateur/mot de passe
+ Connexion au nœud sans réponse !\nEssayez à nouveau ou un autre.
+ Nœud invalide !\nEssayez un autre.
+ Nœud injoignable !\nEssayez à nouveau ou un autre.
+ Déconnecté
+ Transaction échouée : %1$s
+ Vous avez attendu trop longtemps l\'ami !
+ Je suis toujours occupé avec votre dernier portefeuille …
+ Renommer %1$s
+ Nouvelle Phase secrète pour %1$s
+ Répéter la Phase secrète pour %1$s
+ Mot de passe pour %1$s
+ Vous pouvez également ouvrir le portefeuille avec votre empreinte digitale.\nMerci de toucher le capteur.
+ Confirmez le mot de passe
+ Empreinte digitale non reconnue. Résessayez.
+ Mot de passe incorrect !
+ Portefeuille inexistant !
+ L\'adresse du démon ne peut pas être configurée !
+ Portefeuille incompatible avec le réseau sélectionné
+ (Audit)
+ Recevoir
+ Envoyer
+ + %1$s XMR non confirmés
+ Service monerujo
+ Synchronisé :
+ Blocs restant
+ Analyse :
+ Stockage Externe non inscriptible ! Panique !
+ On a vraiment besoin de ces permissions de Stockage Externe !
+ Pas de camera = Pas de Scan QR !
+ Clef d\'Audit
+ Adresse Publique
+ Clef XMR.TO
+ Clef d\'audit copiée !
+ Clef XMR.TO copiée !
+ Adresse du Portefeuille copiée !
+ ID de Transaction copié !
+ Copie désactivée par sécurité !
+ Taux de change introuvable !\nUtilisez XMR/XMR ou essayez à nouveau
+ Créer un Portefeuille
+ Nom du Portefeuille
+ Mot de Passe du Portefeuille
+ Allow to open wallet using fingerprint
+ Authentification par empreinte dgitale
En activant l\'authentification par empreinte digitale, vous pouvez voir le solde de
+ votre portefeuille et recevoir des fonds sans entrer de mot de passe.
Mais pour plus de sécurité, monerujo continuera de vous demander votre mot de passe
+ lorsque vous afficherez les détails du portefeuille ou enverez des fonds.
+ Avertissement de Sécurité
Enfin, monerujo vous rappel que quiconque pouvant obtenir votre empreinte digitale
+ sera capable de jeter un coup d\'œil au solde de votre portefeuille.
Par exemple, un utilisateur malveillant à vos côtés pourrait ouvrir votre portefeuille
+ pendant votre sommeil.
+ Êtes vous certain de vouloir activer cette fonctionnalité ?
+ ]]>
+ Phrases secrètes non correspondantes
+ La Phrase secrète ne doit pas être vide
+ Faites moi un Portefeuille déjà !
+ J\'ai noté ces 25 mots !
+ Donnez-moi un nom !
+ Le Portefeuille existe !
+ Ne peut pas commencer par .
+ Création du Portefeuille
+ Portefeuille créé
+ Création du Portefeuille échouée
+ Entrer un nombre ou une date (YYYY-MM-DD)
+ Clefs
+ Nouveau
+ Phrase Mnémonique
+ Audit
+ Adresse Publique
+ Clef d\'audit
+ Clef de dépense
+ Phrase Mnémonique
+ Hauteur ou date de restauration (YYYY-MM-DD)
+ Adresse publique
+ Clef d\'audit
+ Clef de dépense
+ Phrase Mnémonique
+ Mdp de restauration des fichiers Portefeuille
+ Entrez une clef valide
+ Entrez une Adresse valide
+ Entrez votre phrase Mnémonique
+ %1$s (indicatif)
+ Adresse XMR ou BTC du Destinataire
+ ID de Paiement (optionnel)
+ 0.00
+ Notes Privées (optionnelles)
+ Générer
+ Scanner
+ Dépenser mes beaux Moneroj
+ Dépenser mes beaux Moneroj (%1$s)
+ QR Code invalide
+ QR code de paiement invalide
+ Adresse invalide
+ Envoi
+ Solde : %1$s XMR
+ Adresse
+ Montant
+ Paramètres
+ Confirmation
+ Terminé
+ Montant
+ Frais (XMR)
+ Frais
+ Total (XMR)
+ Total
+ %1$s XMR
+ +%1$s Frais
+ Erreur de Création de Transaction
+ - Frais %1$s
+ (%1$s)
+ Echoué
+ - %1$s
+ + %1$s
+ Horodatage
+ Clef TX
+ Destination
+ Destination\n(BTC)
+ ID de Paiement
+ Bloc
+ Montant
+ Montant\n(BTC)
+ Frais
+ Transferts
+ Notes
+ (optionnelles)
+ Sauvegarder
+ Sauvegarde de Notes échouée
+ Détails de la Transaction
+ ID de Paiement (optionnel)
+ Montant
+ Ouverture du portefeuille impossible !
+ 16 ou 64 caractères héxadécimaux (0–9,a–f)
+ Doit être vide avec une adresse intégrée
+ Max. %1$s
+ Min. 0
+ XMR pas un nombre
+ Recevoir
+ Des données sensible vont être affichées.\nRegardez autour de vous !
+ C\'est bon
+ Non merci !
+ Détails
+ Le portefeuille sera sauvegardé puis supprimé !
+ Oui, procéder !
+ Non merci !
+ Priority Défaut
+ Priority Faible
+ Priority Moyenne
+ Priority Élevée
+ Créer un nouveau portefeuille
+ Restaurer un portefeuille d\'audit
+ Restaurer un portefeuille depuis la clef privée
+ Restaurer un portefeuille depuis la phrase mnémonique
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-it/about.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-it/about.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3e1c5fbbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-it/about.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ Chiudi
+ Io sono monerujo
+ Versione %1$s (%2$d)
+ Crediti
+ m2049r, baltsar777, anhdres, keejef,
+ rehrar, EarlOfEgo et al.
Questa pagina ti informa sulla nostra politica riguardante la raccolta, l'utilizzo e la rivelazione di informazioni personali che riceviamo dagli utenti della nostra app (monerujo: Portafoglio Monero).
Usando questa app, acconsenti alla raccolta e all'utilizzo delle informazioni in accordo con questa politica.
Dati raccolti
Per "dato personale" si intende ogni tipo di dato grazie al quale è possibile identificare un individuo.
Le chiavi e gli indirizzi pubblici di Monero vengono raccolti e processati dall'app localmente con lo scopo di processare le transazioni e vengono trasmessi all'interno della rete Monero in modo cifrato.
Altri dati personali non sono raccolti dall'app.
Se usi la funzionalità (opzionale) del cambio USD/EUR, monerujo recupera il tasso di cambio attraverso le API pubbliche di kraken.com.
+ Controlla la loro politica per la privacy (in lingua inglese) su https://www.kraken.com/legal/privacy per conoscere i dettagli su come vengono raccolti i dati nelle tue richieste (specialmente la sezione "Information We Collect Automatically" - "Informazioni che raccogliamo in modo automatico).
Se utilizzi l'app per effettuare pagamenti ad indirizzi BTC, stai usando il servizio XMR.TO.
+ Controlla la loro politica per la privacy (in lingua inglese) su https://xmr.to/ per conoscere i dettagli. Monerujo invia a loro l'indirizzo di destinazione BTC e l'ammontare della transazione. Anche il tuo IP potrebbe essere raccolto.
Permessi app
INTERNET : Connessione alla rete Monero attraverso un nodo
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Legge i file di portafoglio salvati all'interno del dispositivo
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Scrive i file di portafoglio salvati all'interno del dispositivo
WAKE_LOCK : Tiene il dispositivo sveglio durante la sincronizzazione
CAMERA : Scansione codici QR di indirizzi Monero
Modifica a questa Politica per la Privacy
Potremmo aggiorare questa politica per la privacy di volta in volta. Ti invieremo una notifica su ciò che è cambiato pubblicando la nuova politica per la privacy all'interno dell'app e sul sito (www.monerujo.io)
+ Sei invitato a rivedere periodicamente questa politica per la privacy per controllarne i cambiamenti.
Questa politica per la privacy è stata aggiornata il 10 novembre 2017.
Se hai dubbi o domande sulla nostra politica per la privacy, oppure su come i tuoi dati vengono raccolti e processati, contattaci all'indirizzo email privacy@monerujo.io.
+ ]]>
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-it/help.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-it/help.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f446dfaf30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-it/help.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ Crea un portafoglio - Nuovo
Se hai bisogno di un nuovo indirizzo Monero!
Inserisci nome e password del portafoglio.
+ La password viene usata per rendere sicuri i dati del portafoglio sul tuo dispositivo. Utilizza una password efficace - meglio se una passphrase.
Prendi nota del tuo Seed Mnemonico!
Sulla schermata successiva troverai il tuo \"Seed Mnemonico\" da 25 parole.
+ Questa è l'unica informazione necessaria per recuperare il tuo portafoglio d'ora in poi
+ e avere pieno accesso ai tuoi fondi.
+ E' molto importante mantenerlo privato e conservarlo in un luogo sicuro, poiché può concedere a chiunque
+ pieno accesso ai tuoi fondi!
Se perdi la password del tuo portafoglio, puoi ancora recuperare il tuo portafoglio mediante il Seed Mnemonico.
Non esiste alcun modo per recuperare il tuo Seed Mnemonico; se lo perdi, tutti i tuoi fondi andranno persi!
+ Inoltre, il Seed Mnemonico non può mai essere modificato, pertanto se viene rubato o compromesso in altro modo,
+ dovrai spostare i tuoi fondi su un nuovo portafoglio (dotato di un altro Seed Mnemonico). Pertanto, ti consigliamo caldamente di
+ annotare il tuo Seed Mnemonico e conservarlo in diversi posti sicuri.
+ ]]>
+ Crea un portafoglio - Seed
Se sei già in possesso di un indirizzo Monero e vuoi recuperare le transazioni dalla blockchain!
Inserisci nome e password del portafoglio.
+ La password viene usata per rendere sicuri i dati relativi al portafoglio sul tuo dispositivo. Utilizza una password efficace -
+ ancora meglio se una passphrase.
Inserisci il tuo Seed nel campo \"Seed Mnemonico\".
Se conosci il numero di blocco dove si trova la prima transazione utilizzata per questo indirizzo, inseriscilo nel campo \"Altezza di Recupero\" - se lasci il campo in bianco verrà scansionata l'intera blockchain alla ricerca di transazioni che appartengono al tuo indirizzo. Questo processo può richiedere parecchio tempo.
+ ]]>
+ Crea un portafoglio - Chiavi
Se stai recuperando il tuo portafoglio utilizzando le tue chiavi!
Inserisci nome e password del portafoglio.
+ La password viene usata per rendere sicuri i dati relativi al portafoglio sul tuo dispositivo. Utilizza una password efficace -
+ ancora meglio se una passphrase.
Inserisci il tuo indirizzo Monero nel campo \"Indirizzo Pubblico\" e riempi i campi \"Chiave di Visualizzazione\" e \"Chiave di Spesa\".
Se conosci il numero di blocco dove si trova la prima transazione utilizzata per questo indirizzo, inseriscilo nel campo \"Altezza di Recupero\" - se lasci il campo in bianco verrà scansionata l'intera blockchain alla ricerca di transazioni che appartengono al tuo indirizzo. Questo processo può richiedere parecchio tempo.
+ ]]>
+ Crea un portafoglio - Visualizzazione
Se vuoi solamente monitorare le transazioni in ingresso ad un portafoglio!
Inserisci nome e password del portafoglio.
+ La password viene usata per rendere sicuri i dati relativi al portafoglio sul tuo dispositivo. Utilizza una password efficace -
+ ancora meglio se una passphrase.
Inserisci il tuo indirizzo Monero nel campo \"Indirizzo Pubblico\" e riempi il campo \"Chiave di Visualizzazione\".
Se conosci il numero di blocco dove si trova la prima transazione utilizzata per questo indirizzo, inseriscilo nel campo \"Altezza di Recupero\" - se lasci il campo in bianco verrà scansionata l'intera blockchain alla ricerca di transazioni che appartengono al tuo indirizzo. Questo processo può richiedere parecchio tempo.
+ ]]>
+ Dettagli del Portafoglio
Indirizzo pubblico
+ Il tuo indirizzo pubblico Monero equivale al tuo IBAN. Puoi condividerlo con chiunque senza temere di perdere i tuoi Moneroj. I Moneroj verranno inviati al tuo portafoglio utilizzando questo indirizzo.
Seed Mnemonico
+ Questa è l'unica informazione necessaria per recuperare il tuo portafoglio in futuro
+ e avere pieno accesso ai tuoi fondi.
+ E' molto importante mantenerlo privato e conservarlo in un luogo sicuro, poiché può concedere a chiunque
+ pieno accesso ai tuoi Moneroj! Se non lo hai già fatto, annotati il Seed Mnemonico e conservalo in un luogo sicuro!
Password di ripristino dei file del portafoglio
+ Assicurati di aver salvato questa password. Se resetti il tuo dispositivo o disinstalli l'app
+ ne avrai bisogno per accedere di nuovo al tuo portafoglio.
+ Se la password visualizzata qui contiene 52 caratteri alfanumerici in gruppi di 4 - Congratulazioni!
+ I file del tuo portafoglio sono criptati con una chiave a 256-bit generata dal tuo dispositivo
+ e basata sulla passphrase che hai scelto (alla creazione o quando l'hai modificata). Questo la rende estremamente
+ difficile da hackerare!
+ Questa funzionalità è obbligatoria per tutti i nuovi portafogli.
Password precedente
+ Se vedi la tua passphrase qui, i file del tuo portaglio non sono così sicuri come
+ quelli criptati da CrAzYpass. Per adeguare la tua password semplicemente seleziona \"Cambia Passphrase\" dal menu.
+ Dopo aver inserito una nuova passphrase (eventualmente la stessa usata in precedenza) l'applicazione genererà
+ una CrAzYpass per te e la userà per mettere al sicuro i file del tuo wallet. Annotala!
Portafogli CrAzYpass
+ Se dovessi avere bisogno di reinstallare Monerujo (per esempio dopo aver resettato il tuo telefono
+ o dopo averlo sostituito) o vuoi usare i file del tuo portafoglio su un diverso dispositivo o PC, devi
+ usare questa password di recupero per poter accedere nuovamente al tuo portafoglio.
+ Selezionando \'Cambia Passphrase\' dal menu, potrai scegliere un'altra passphrase. Questa azione
+ creerà una nuova password di recupero. Ricordati di annotarla!
Chiave di Visualizzazione
+ La tua chiave di visualizzazione può essere usata per monitorare le transazioni in ingresso al tuo portafoglio senza concedere il permesso di spendere i fondi.
Chiave di Spesa
+ La tua chiave di spesa permette a chiunque di spendere i Moneroj contenuti nel tuo portafoglio, pertanto non rivelarla a nessuno e conservala in un luogo sicuro, come fai con il tuo Seed Mnemonico.
+ ]]>
+ Lista dei portafogli
Monerujo usa un nodo remoto per comunicare con la rete Monero senza dover scaricare e mantenere in memoria una copia della blockchain intera. Puoi trovare una lista di nodi remoti popolari o imparare come eseguire un tuo personale nodo remoto a questo sito: https://moneroworld.com/
Monerujo contiene già una lista di nodi remoti e tiene memoria degli ultimi cinque nodi utilizzati.
Qui trovi la lista dei portafogli. I portafogli sono fisicamente posizionati nella cartella monerujo nella memoria interna del tuo dispositivo. Puoi usare un'applicazione di file explorer per vederli.
+ E' buona regola effettuare dei backup periodici di questa cartella su un'unità di memoria esterna al tuo dispositivo nel caso in cui il tuo dispositivo esploda o venga rubato.
Seleziona un portafoglio per aprirlo o premere \"+\" per crearne uno nuovo.
+ Oppure seleziona una delle operazioni di portafoglio:
Mostra i dettagli del portafoglio, seed e chiavi.
Genera un codice QR per ricevere Moneroj.
Rinomina il portafoglio. Le copie di backup non vengono rinominate.
Fai una copia del portafoglio all'interno della cartella backups, a sua volta all'interno della cartella monerujo, sovrascrivendo eventuali copie precedenti.
Effettua un backup e successivamente elimina il portafoglio. La copia rimane nella cartella backups. Se non hai più bisogno dei backup, è meglio cancellare i file interessati utilizzando un'applicazione di tipo file explorer o un'applicazione di rimozione dati sicura.
+ ]]>
+ Il portafoglio
+ Dal momento che a Monero piace tenere le cose private, tutte le volte in cui apri un portafoglio Monerujo dobbiamo effettuare una scansione della blockchain per controllare se nuovi Moneroj sono stati inviati al tuo portafoglio. Questa procedura salva sul tuo telefono informazioni che riguardano il tuo portafoglio. A volte essa può risultare lenta perché la scansione non è stata fatta da parecchio tempo.
Il Saldo
Aiuto! Il saldo del mio portafoglio è scomparso o è non confermato!
+ Nessuna paura! Quando invii fondi dal tuo portafoglio, parte del tuo saldo viene temporaneamente visualizzato come non-confermato.
+ Questo è un effetto di come Monero viene scambiato sulla blockchain e di come funzionano i resti.
+ Ulteriori informazioni sui resti su
+ https://getmonero.org/it/resources/moneropedia/change.html
Lista delle transazioni
Una lista delle transazioni relative al portafoglio. Nei portafogli solo-visualizzazione, vengono visualizzate solo le transazioni in ingresso.
+ ]]>
+ Dettagli della transazione
+ Questo è l'indirizzo pubblico del portafoglio cui hai inviato Moneroj
ID Pagamento
+ Puoi usare un ID Pagamento per identificare la causale della transazione. Questa è un'informazione opzionale e privata. Ad esempio può aiutare un venditore ad associare una transazione ricevuta ad un bene da te acquistato.
TX ID (ID di Transazione)
+ Questo è l'ID della transazione che puoi usare per identificare la tua transazione offuscata su un explorer della blockchain Monero, ad esempio https://xmrchain.net/
TX KEY (Chiave di transazione)
+ Questa è la tua chiave privata della transazione. Conservala al sicuro poiché rivelare questa chiave a terze parti rivela quale firma in un anello è la tua, rendendo quindi la tua transazione trasparente.
+ Questo è il blocco nel quale la tua transazione è stata inclusa.
+ ]]>
+ Invia
Indirizzo del ricevente
Questo è l'indirizzo pubblico del portafoglio cui stai inviando Moneroj, puoi incollare qui un indirizzo che hai precededentemente copiato sul blocco appunti, scansionare un codice QR o inserire un indirizzo manualmente. Accertati più volte che sia l'indirizzo corretto e che tu non stia inviando Moneroj ad un indirizzo sbagliato.
Oltre ad inviare Moneroj (XMR), puoi anche inviare Bitcoin (BTC) attraverso il servizio XMR.TO (vedi https://xmr.to
+ per ulteriori dettagli). Controlla la sezione sull'invio di BTC più avanti.
ID Pagamento
Puoi usare un ID Pagamento per identificare la causale della transazione. Questa è un'informazione opzionale e privata. Ad esempio può aiutare un venditore ad associare una transazione ricevuta ad un bene da te acquistato.
Dimensione dell'anello (ring size)
Monerujo dà la possibilità di scegliere la dimensione dell'anello (ring size) da utilizzare in una transazione. Se sei un utente poco esperto, ti raccomandiamo di utilizzare una dimensione dell'anello pari a 7. Un numero più alto rispetto a 7 aumenta il numero di firmatari nella firma ad anello così come, teoricamente, la negabilità plausibile. Considera però che selezionare una dimensione dell'anello elevata rischia di mettere in risalto la tua transazione sulla blockchain.
Questa impostazione determina la velocità con la quale la tua transazione verrà inclusa nella blockchain. Un'alta priorità si correla ad una commissione di transazione più alta, così come una priorità bassa si correla ad una commissione di transazione più bassa. Considera che se imposti una priorità bassa alla tua transazione, potrebbero trascorrere ore prima che essa sia inserita all'interno della blockchain. La priorità di default è
+ \"Media\".
Inviare BTC
XMR.TO è un servizio di terze parti che funziona come cambiavaluta da Monero a Bitcoin.
+ Utilizziamo le API XMR.TO per integrare pagamenti Bitcoin all'interno di Monerujo. Controlla https://xmr.to e decidi tu stesso se questa è una funzionalità che vuoi usare. Il team Monerujo non è associato in alcun modo con XMR.TO e non è in grado di aiutarti con il servizio da loro offerto.
Tasso di cambio XMR.TO
Sulla schermata \"Ammontare\" ti verranno mostrati i parametri attuali del servizio XMR.TO. Questi parametri includono il tasso di cambio attuale oltre ai limiti massimo e minimo di BTC. Considera che il tasso che ti viene mostrato non è ancora garantito in questa fase. Vedrai inoltre l'ammontare fino al quale la transazione BTC verrà eseguita istantaneamente senza attendere conferme XMR (vedi le FAQ XMR.TO per maggiori informazioni). Considera inoltre che il servizio XMR.TO non aggiunge commissioni extra - bello vero?
Ordine XMR.TO
Sulla schermata \"Conferma\", troverai il vero ordine XMR.TO. Questo ordine è valido per un tempo limitato - potresti notare un conto alla rovescia sul pulsante \"Spendi\". Il tasso di cambio potrebbe essere diverso da quello indicativo mostrato nelle schermate precedenti.
Chiave segreta XMR.TO
Dal momento che Monerujo gestisce soltanto il versante Monero della tua transazione, può essere usata la chiave segreta XMR.TO per tracciare il versante Bitcoin del tuo ordine sulla homepage XMR.TO.
Considera che questa chiave segreta è valida solamente per 24 ore dall'inizio della transazione!
Conto alla rovescia XMR.TO!
Non appena il conto alla rovescia arriva a zero, è necessario richiedere una nuova quotazione a XMR.TO tornando indietro al passo precedente e tornando poi di nuovo alla schermata \"Conferma\".
+ ]]>
+ Inviare BTC
XMR.TO è un servizio di terze parti che funziona come cambiavaluta da Monero a Bitcoin.
+ Utilizziamo le API XMR.TO per integrare pagamenti Bitcoin all'interno di Monerujo. Controlla https://xmr.to e decidi tu stesso se questa è una funzionalità che vuoi usare. Il team Monerujo non è associato in alcun modo con XMR.TO e non è in grado di aiutarti con il servizio da loro offerto.
Tasso di cambio XMR.TO
Sulla schermata \"Ammontare\" ti verranno mostrati i parametri attuali del servizio XMR.TO. Questi parametri includono il tasso di cambio attuale oltre ai limiti massimo e minimo di BTC. Considera che il tasso che ti viene mostrato non è ancora garantito in questa fase. Vedrai inoltre l'ammontare fino al quale la transazione BTC verrà eseguita istantaneamente senza attendere conferme XMR (vedi le FAQ XMR.TO per maggiori informazioni). Considera inoltre che il servizio XMR.TO non aggiunge commissioni extra - bello vero?
XMR.TO Order
Sulla schermata \"Conferma\", troverai il vero ordine XMR.TO. Questo ordine è valido per un tempo limitato - potresti notare un conto alla rovescia sul pulsante \"Spendi\". Il tasso di cambio potrebbe essere diverso da quello indicativo mostrato nelle schermate precedenti.
Chiave segreta XMR.TO
Dal momento che Monerujo gestisce soltanto il versante Monero della tua transazione, può essere usata la chiave segreta XMR.TO per tracciare il versante Bitcoin del tuo ordine sulla homepage XMR.TO.
Considera che questa chiave segreta è valida solamente per 24 ore dall'inizio della transazione!
Conto alla rovescia XMR.TO!
Non appena il conto alla rovescia arriva a zero, è necessario richiedere una nuova quotazione a XMR.TO tornando indietro al passo precedente e tornando poi di nuovo alla schermata \"Conferma\".
+ ]]>
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e7b2ee8b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+ Portafoglio
+ Testnet
+ Informazioni
+ Politiche Privacy
+ Condividi
+ Aiuto
+ Dettagli
+ Ricevi
+ Rinomina …
+ Archivia
+ Backup
+ Cambia passphrase
+ Continua a scrivere …
+ Mah …
+ Suvvia, puoi fare di meglio!
+ Ci siamo quasi …
+ Yeah baby, come un h4ck3r!
+ Portafogli
+ Crediti
+ OK
+ Cancella
+ Chiudi
+ Tocca per informazioni dettagliate
+ Invio riuscito
+ Fatto
+ Tocca per il codice QR
+ Priorità più alta = Commissioni più alte
+ Pagamento BTC abilitato, tocca per maggiori informazioni.
+ CrAzYpass abilitato, tocca per maggiori informazioni.
+ Hai inserito un indirizzo Bitcoin.
+ Invierai XMR e il destinatario riceverà BTC tramite il servizio XMR.TO.
+ ]]>
+ Ordine XMR.TO
+ %1$s BTC
+ In attesa di conferma
+ In attesa del pagamento
+ Errore XMR.TO (%1$s)
+ BTC Inviati!
+ Richiedendo …
+ Puoi inviare %1$s — %2$s BTC.
+ XMR.TO ti sta attualmente concedendo un tasso di cambio di %3$s BTC.
+ ]]>
+ Ammontare fino a %1$s BTC inviati istantaneamente!
+ ]]>
+ Saldo: %2$s BTC (%1$s XMR)
+ ID pagamento integrato
+ Preparando la tua transazione
+ Creando l\'ordine XMR.TO
+ Richiedendo l\'ordine XMR.TO
+ Preparando la transazione Monero
+ Richiedendo i parametri XMR.TO
+ Codice: %1$d
+ Tocca per riprovare
+ Ora siamo bloccati qui!!
+ Oh Oh, XMR.TO sembra non essere disponibile in questo momento!
+ %1$s BTC = %2$s XMR
+ (Tasso: %1$s BTC/XMR)
+ Avanzate:
+ Visita xmr.to per supporto e tracciamento
+ Chiave segreta\nXMR.TO
+ Chiave segreta XMR.TO
+ Indirizzo BTC di destinazione
+ Ammontare
+ ID Transazione
+ Indirizzo di Destinazione
+ ID Pagamento
+ Note
+ Backup in corso
+ Archiviazione in corso
+ Rinomina in corso
+ Controllando connessione con daemon
+ Modifica password in corso
+ Rimettendo le cose a posto …\nPuò richiedere del tempo!
+ Backup fallito!
+ Archiviazione fallita!
+ Rinomina fallita!
+ Modifica password fallita!
+ Password cambiata
+ Nodo
+ ([<utente>:<password>@]<daemon>[:<porta>])
+ Caricando portafoglio …
+ Portafoglio salvato
+ Salvataggio portafoglio fallito!
+ In connessione …
+ Connessione con il nodo fallita!\nControlla username/password
+ Connessione con il nodo scaduta!\nProva di nuovo o provane un altro.
+ Nodo invalido!\nProvane un altro.
+ Impossibile raggiungere il nodo!\nProva di nuovo o provane un altro.
+ Disconnesso
+ Transazione fallita: %1$s
+ Amico/a, hai aspettato troppo a lungo!
+ Sono ancora occupato con il tuo ultimo portafoglio …
+ Rinomina %1$s
+ Nuova passphrase per %1$s
+ Ripeti passphrase per %1$s
+ Password per %1$s
+ Puoi aprire il portafoglio anche usando la tua impronta digitale./nTocca il sensore.
+ Conferma Password
+ Impronta digitale non riconosciuta. Prova di nuovo.
+ Password errata!
+ Il portafoglio non esiste!
+ Deve essere impostato l\'indirizzo del Daemon!
+ Il portafoglio non si abbina con la rete selezionata
+ (solo-visualizzazione)
+ Ricevi
+ Invia
+ + %1$s XMR non confermati
+ Servizio monerujo
+ Sincronizzati:
+ Blocchi rimanenti
+ Scansionando:
+ L\'unità di memoria esterna non è scrivibile! Aiuto!
+ Abbiamo veramente bisogno di questi permessi sull\'unità di memoria esterna!
+ Nessuna telecamera = Nessuna scansione QR!
+ Chiave di visualizzazione
+ Indirizzo pubblico
+ Chiave XMR.TO
+ Chiave di visualizzazione copiata negli appunti!
+ Chiave XMR.TO copiata negli appunti!
+ Indirizzo del portafoglio copiato negli appunti!
+ ID transazione copiato negli appunti!
+ Copia disabilitata per ragioni di sicurezza!
+ Impossibile recuperare il tasso di cambio!\nUsa XMR/XMR o prova di nuovo
+ Crea portafoglio
+ Nome del portafoglio
+ Passphrase del portafoglio
+ Permetti di aprire il portafoglio usando la tua impronta digitale
+ [Autenticazione tramite impronta digitale
Abilitando l'autenticazione tramite impronta digitale, puoi visualizzare il tuo bilancio e ricevere fondi
+ senza inserire la password.
Per sicurezza aggiuntiva, Monerujo richiederà comunque di inserire la password per visualizzare i dettagli
+ del tuo portafoglio o inviare denaro.
+ Avviso di sicurezza
Infine, monerujo vuole ricordati che chiunque sia in grado di procurarsi la tua impronta digitale
+ sarà in grado di sbirciare il bilancio del tuo portafoglio.
Per esempio, un utente malevolo potrebbe aprire il tuo portafoglio mentre dormi.
+ Sei sicuro/a di voler abilitare questa funzione?
+ ]]>]
+ Le passphrase non corrispondono
+ La passphrase potrebbe non essere vuota
+ Fammi subito un portafoglio!
+ Ho annotato le informazioni qui sopra!
+ Dammi un nome!
+ Il portafoglio esiste!
+ Non può iniziare con .
+ Portafoglio in creazione
+ Portafoglio creato
+ Creazione del portafoglio fallita
+ Inserisci un numero o una data (AAAA-MM-GG)
+ Chiavi
+ Nuovo
+ Seed
+ Visualizzazione
+ Indirizzo pubblico
+ Chiave di visualizzazione
+ Chiave di spesa
+ Seed mnemonico da 25 parole
+ Altezza o data (AAAA-MM-GG) di ripristino
+ Indirizzo pubblico
+ Chiave di visualizzazione
+ Chiave di spesa
+ Seed mnemonico
+ Password di ripristino dei file del portafoglio
+ Inserisci una chiave valida
+ Inserisci un indirizzo valido
+ Inserisci il tuo seed di 25 parole
+ %1$s (indicativo)
+ Indirizzo XMR o BTC del ricevente
+ ID pagamento (opzionale)
+ 0,00
+ Note private (opzionali)
+ Genera
+ Scansiona
+ Spendi i miei bei Moneroj
+ Spendi i miei bei Moneroj (%1$s)
+ Non è un codice QR
+ Non è un codice QR pagamento valido
+ Non è un indirizzo valido
+ Invia
+ Saldo: %1$s XMR
+ Indirizzo
+ Ammontare
+ Impostazioni
+ Conferma
+ Fatto
+ Ammontare
+ Commissione (XMR)
+ Commissione
+ Totale (XMR)
+ Totale
+ %1$s XMR
+ +%1$s di commissione
+ Errore nella creazione della transazione
+ - Commissione %1$s
+ (%1$s)
+ fallita
+ - %1$s
+ + %1$s
+ Timestamp
+ Chiave TX
+ Destinazione
+ Destinazione\n(BTC)
+ ID Pagamento
+ Blocco
+ Ammontare
+ Ammontare\n(BTC)
+ Commissione
+ Trasferimenti
+ Note
+ (opzionale)
+ Salva
+ Salvataggio note fallito
+ Dettagli della transazione
+ ID pagamento (opzionale)
+ Ammontare
+ Impossibile aprire il portafoglio!
+ 16 o 64 caratteri esadecimali (0–9,a–f)
+ Deve essere vuoto con un indirizzo integrato
+ Max. %1$s
+ Min. 0
+ XMR non è un numero
+ Ricevi
+ Verranno ora mostrati dati sensibili.\nGuardati alle spalle!
+ Sono al sicuro
+ Torna indietro!
+ Dettagli
+ Il portafoglio verrà archiviato e poi eliminato!
+ Sì, procedi!
+ No grazie!
+ Priority Default
+ Priority Bassa
+ Priority Media
+ Priority Alta
+ Crea un nuovo portafoglio
+ Recupera un portafoglio solo-visualizzazione
+ Recupera un portafoglio dalle chiavi private
+ Recupera un portafoglio da un seed di 25 parole
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-nb/about.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-nb/about.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c7a357aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-nb/about.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ Lukk
+ Jeg er monerujo
+ Versjon %1$s (%2$d)
+ Credits
+ m2049r, baltsar777, anhdres, keejef,
+ rehrar, EarlOfEgo og andre.
This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection,
+ use and disclosure of personal information we receive from users of our
+ app (monerujo: Monero Wallet).
By using the app, you agree to the collection and use of information in
+ accordance with this policy.
Data Collected
Personal data is any kind of data that could identify an individual.
Monero keys and public addresses are collected and processed by the app locally
+ for the purpose of processing transactions and transmitted into the Monero Network
+ in encrypted form.
Other personal data is not collected by the app.
If you use the USD/EUR exchange (optional) functionality, monerujo fetches the exchange
+ rate through the public API of kraken.com.
+ See their privacy policy at https://www.kraken.com/legal/privacy for
+ details on how data in your requests is collected (especially the
+ section "Information We Collect Automatically").
If you use the app to pay to BTC addresses, you will be using the XMR.TO service.
+ See their privacy policy at https://xmr.to/ for details. Monerujo send them the BTC
+ destination address and amount. Your IP will also be collectable.
App Permissions
INTERNET : Connect to the Monero Network via a Monero Daemon Node
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Read wallet files stored on the device
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Write wallet files stored on the device
WAKE_LOCK : Keep device awake while syncing
CAMERA : Scan QR Codes for receiving Monero
Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify
+ you of any changes by posting the new privacy policy in the app and on the
+ website (www.monerujo.io)
+ You are advised to review this privacy policy periodically for any changes.
This Privacy Policy was last updated: 10th November, 2017.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our privacy policy,
+ or how your data is being collected and processed,
+ please e-mail privacy@monerujo.io.
+ ]]>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-nb/help.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-nb/help.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..226efa940a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-nb/help.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ Lage lommebok - Ny
Hvis du trenger en ny Monero addresse!
Skriv inn et unikt lommebok navn og passord.
+ Passordet blir brukt til å sikre lommebokdataene på enheten. Bruk et sterkt passord -
+ helst en passordfrase.
Noter ditt mnemoniske seed!
På neste side vil du finne ditt 25 ord lange \"Mnemonisk Seed\".
+ Dette er den eneste dataen du trenger for å gjenopprette lommeboken din senere,
+ og få tilgang til alle pengene dine.
+ Det er veldig viktig å holde dette sikkert, siden det gir hvem som helst
+ full tilgang på pengene dine!
Hvis du mister lommebokpassordet ditt, kan du fortsatt gjenoprette lommeboka med den mnemoniske seeden din.
Det finnes ingen måte å gjennoprette ditt mnemoniske seed, så hvis du mister det er alle pengene dine tapt.
+ Det mnemoniske seedet kan heller aldri forandres, og hvis det blir stjelt eller har blitt kompromittert,
+ må du flytte pengene dine til en ny lommebok (med et ny mnemonisk seed). Derfor er det best
+ at du backer opp ditt mnemoniske seed, ved å skrive det ned og lagre det i flere trygge
+ og sikre plasser.
+ ]]>
+ Lage lommebook - Seed
Hvis du allerede har en Monero addresse og vil gjennoprette transaksjonene fra blokkjeden!
Skriv inn et unikt lommebok navn og passord. Passordet er brukt for å sikre lommebokdataene på denne enheten.
+ Bruk et sterkt passord, helst en passordfrase.
Skriv inn seedet ditt i feltet \"Mnemonisk Seed\".
Hvis du kjenner til blokkhøyden til den første transaksjonen til denne addressen,
+ skriv det inn i feltet \"Gjenopprettelseshøyde\" - hvis det er tomt vil hele blokkjeden skannes etter
+ transaksjoner som hører til denne addressen. Dette tar veldig lang tid.
+ ]]>
+ Lage lommebok - Nøkler
Hvis du gjenoppretter lommeboka di ved hjelp av nøkler!
Skriv inn et unikt lommebok navn og passord. Passordet er brukt for å sikre lommebokdataene på denne enheten.
+ Bruk et sterkt passord, helst en passordfrase.
Skriv inn Monero-addressen din i feltet \"Offentlig Addresse\" og fyll ut \"View Key\" and \"Spend Key\".
Hvis du kjenner til blokkhøyden til den første transaksjonen til denne addressen,
+ skriv det inn i feltet \"Gjenopprettelseshøyde\" - hvis det er tomt vil hele blokkjeden skannes etter
+ transaksjoner som hører til denne addressen. Dette tar veldig lang tid.<
+ ]]>
+ Lage lommebok - View
Hvis du bare vil følge med på innkommende transaksjoner til en lommebok!
Skriv inn et unikt lommebok navn og passord. Passordet er brukt for å sikre lommebokdataene på denne enheten.
+ Bruk et sterkt passord, helst en passordfrase.
Skriv inn Monero-addressen din i feltet \"Offentlig Addresse\" og fyll ut \"View-nøkkel\".
Hvis du kjenner til blokkhøyden til den første transaksjonen til denne addressen,
+ skriv det inn i feltet \"Gjenopprettelseshøyde\" - hvis det er tomt vil hele blokkjeden skannes etter
+ transaksjoner som hører til denne addressen. Dette tar veldig lang tid.
+ ]]>
+ Lommebokdetaljer
Offentlig nøkkel
+ Den offentlige addressen din er som bankkontonummeret ditt, som du kan dele med folk
+ uten å være redd for å miste penger. Det er denne folk sender Monero til.
Mnemonisk Seed
+ Dette er den eneste dataen du trenger for å gjenoprette lommeboka di senere,
+ og få full tilgang til pengene dine. Å holde denne privat er veldig viktig, siden den gir hvem som helst full
+ tilgang til dine moneroj! Hvis du ikke har skrevet den ned, vær så snill og gjør det!
Lommebokfiler gjenoprettelsespassord
+ Vær sikker på at du skriver ned dette passordet. Hvis du nullstiller enheten eller avinstallerer appen, vil
+ du trenge tilgang til lommeboka di igjen.
+ Hvis passordet vist her er 52 alfanunmeriske karakterer i grupper av 4 - gratulerer!
+ Lommebokfilene dine er sikret med en 256-bit nøkkel generert av enheten din sine sikkerhetsfunksjoner
+ basert på passordet du valgte (når du lagde det eller forandra det) og dette gjør det
+ utrolig vanskelig å hacke!
+ Denne funksjonen er obligatorisk for nye lommebøker.
Eldre passord
+ Hvis du ser passordet ditt her, er ikke lommebokfilene dine så sikre som de er ved bruk av
+ CrAzYpass. For å fikse dette, trykk på \"Change Passphrase\" fra menyen. Etter å ha skrivd inn
+ ett nytt passord (kanskje til og med det samme som før) vil appen generere et CrAzYpass for
+ deg og sikre lommebokfilene dine med det. Skriv det ned!
CrAzYpass lommebøker
+ Hvis du noen gang trenger å reinstallere monerujo (for eksempel etter å ha nullstilt enheten eller bytta
+ til en ny en) eller du vil bruke lommebokfilene dine på en annen enhet eller PC, må du bruke
+ dette gjenoppretelsespassordet for å få tilgang til lommeboka di igjen.
+ Ved å velge \"Change Passphrase\" fra menyen, kan du velge et annet passord. Vær oppmerksom
+ på at dette vil generere et nytt gjenoppretelsespassord. Skriv det ned!
+ View-nøkkelen din gir andre tilgang til å se innkommende transaksjoner, uten å gi dem
+ tilgang til å bruke penger.
+ Spend-nøkkelen gir alle tillatelse til å bruke moneroene dine, så hold den like
+ trygt som det mnemoniske seedet ditt!
+ ]]>
+ Lommebokliste
Monerujo bruker en ekstern node for å kommunisere med Monero-nettverket, uten å måtte
+ laste ned og oppbevare en kopi av blokkjeden selv. Du kan finne en liste over populære
+ eksterne noder eller lære hvordan du driver din egen eksterne node her: https://moneroworld.com/
Monerujo kommer med noen eksterne noder lagt inn. Den husker de fem siste nodene du har brukt.
Her ser du lommebøkene dine. De ligger i monerujo mappa
+ på den interne lagringa for enheten din. Du kan bruke en filutforsker for å se dem.
+ Du burde ta backup av denne mappa en gang i blant til en ekstern enhet i tilfelle
+ enheten din eksploderer eller blir stjelt.
Velg en lommebok for å åpne den, eller trykk \"+\" for å lage en ny en.
+ Eller velg en av disse lommebokoperasjonene:
Viser lommebokdetaljene, seed og nøkler.
Lag en QR-kode for å motta Monero.
Gi nytt navn
Gi nytt navn til lommeboka. Backuper blir ikke omgjort.
Lag en kopi av lommeboka til backups mappa inni monerujo
+ og overskriv tidligere kopier.
Lag en backup og slett lommeboka etterpå. Kopien blir igjen i backups
+ mappa. Hvis du ikke lenger trenger backupsene, burde du slette dem med en filutforsker
+ eller en sikker sletteapp.
+ ]]>
+ Lommeboka
+ Fordi Monero liker å holde ting privat, må vi hver gang du åpner en lommebok i Monerujo
+ skanne blokkjeden for å se om noen nye moneroj har blitt sendt til lommeboka di, som bare
+ lagrer informasjon til telefonen din som tilhører lommeboka. Noen ganger kan det ta litt
+ tid fordi du ikke har synkronisert på en stund.
Hjelp! Kontosaldoen min har blitt borte, eller noe er ubekrefta!
+ Ikke få panikk! Når du sender penger fra lommeboka di, vil noe av saldoen din bli
+ vist som ubekrefta en liten periode.
+ Dette er et resultat av hvordan Monero veksles på blokkjeden og hvordan vekslepenger funker.
+ Les mer om vekslepenger på https://getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/change.html
En liste over lommeboktransaksjonene. In view lommebøker, kan man bare se innkommende transaksjoner.
+ ]]>
+ Transaksjonsdetaljer
+ Dette er den offentlige adressen til lommeboka du sendte Monero til.
+ Du kan bruke betalings-ID til å identifisere hvorfor du sendte Monero mellom to parter. Dette er
+ helt frivillig og privat. For eksempel lar det en bedrift tilknytte transaksjonen din med
+ en vare du har kjøpt.
+ Dette er transaksjons-IDen din, som du kan bruke til å identifisere transaksjonen din på den obfuskerte Monero blokkjeden, ved å bruke en
+ blokkjedeutforsker som https://xmrchain.net/
TX-nøkkel (Transaksjonsnøkkel)
+ Dette er din private transaksjonsnøkkel. Hold den privat, siden å gi den til en tredjepart
+ avslører hvilken signatur i ringen som er din, og gjør derfor transaksjonen din gjennomsiktig.
+ Dette er blokka som transaksjonen din ligger i.
+ ]]>
+ Send
Mottakers adresse
Dette er den offentlige adressen til lommeboka du skal sende moneroj til, som du kan
+ kopiere fra utklippstavla, skanne fra en QR-kode eller skrive inn manuellt. Vær sikker på at du trippelsjekker dette
+ for å forsikre deg om at du ikke sender moneroj til feil adresse.
I tillegg til å sende XMR, kan du sende BTC gjennom XMR.TO tjenesten (se https://xmr.to
+ for detaljer). Se seksjonen på å sende BTC under.
Du kan bruke betalings-ID til å identifisere hvorfor du sendte Monero mellom to parter. Dette er
+ helt frivillig og privat. For eksempel lar det en bedrift tilknytte transaksjonen din med
+ en vare du har kjøpt.
Det er noen ringstørrelser å velge mellom i monerujo. Hvis du er en begynner
+ anbefaler vi å holde seg til en ringstørrelse av 7. Å øke størrelsen over 7 øker antallet
+ signaturer i en ringsignatur, som teoretisk sett gir mer "plausible deniability".
+ Derimot vil en større ringstørrelse gjøre at transaksjonen din blir mer synlig
+ på blokkjeden.
Denne innstillingen bestemmer hvor raskt transaksjonen din skal bli inkludert i blokkjeden.
+ En høy transaksjonsprioritet er direkte tilknytta en høy transaksjonsavgift
+ og det motsatte er sant for lav prioritet. Vær oppmerksom på at hvis du setter prioriteten
+ til lav kan det ta timer før den blir inkludert, basert på nettverkstrafikk. Standard prioritet er
+ \"Middels\".
Å sende BTC
XMR.TO er en tredjepartstjeneste som lar deg veksle Monero til Bitcoin.
+ Vi bruker XMR.TO-APIen til å integrere BTC-betalinger i Monerujo. Sjekk ut
+ https://xmr.to og bestem for deg selv om dette er noe du vil bruke. Monerujo-utviklerne
+ er ikke assosierte med XMR.TO og kan ikke hjelpe deg med deres tjeneste.
XMR.TO vekslingskurs
På \"Mengde\" skjermen vil du bli vist de nåværende parametrene til XMR.TO-tjenesten. Disse
+ inkluderer den nåværende vekslingskursen så vel som nedre og øvre BTC-grenser. Vær oppmerksom på at
+ kursen ikke er garantert på dette punktet. Du vil også se
+ den øvre grensa for at BTC-transaksjonen skal gå igjennom uten å vente på
+ XMR-bekreftelser (se XMR.TO-FAQen for fler detaljer). Legg merke til at XMR.TO
+ ikke har noen ekstra avgifter - hvor kult er ikke det?
XMR.TO ordre
På \"Bekreft\" skjermen, vil du se den faktiske XMR.TO ordren. Denne ordren er gyldig for
+ en begrensa tid - du legger kanskje til en nedtelling på \"Bruk\" knappen. Veklingskursen kan være
+ enn den veiledende kursen vist på de tidligere skjermene.
XMR.TO hemmelig nøkkel
Fordi Monerujo bare håndterer XMR delen av transaksjonen din, kan din XMR.TO hemmelige nøkkel
+ bli brukt til å spore BTC-transaksjonen på XMR.TO sine hjemmesider.
Vær oppmerksom på at denne nøkkelen kun er tilgjengelig for 24-timer etter transaksjonen
+ har blitt utført!
XMR.TO nedtelling!
Når nedtellinga når null, må du få en ny kvote fra XMR.TO ved å gå tilbake til
+ det tidligere steget og komme tilbake til \"Bekreft\" skjermen.
+ ]]>
+ Å sende BTC
XMR.TO er en tredjepartstjeneste som lar deg veksle Monero til Bitcoin.
+ Vi bruker XMR.TO-APIen til å integrere BTC-betalinger i Monerujo. Sjekk ut
+ https://xmr.to og bestem for deg selv om dette er noe du vil bruke. Monerujo-utviklerne
+ er ikke assosierte med XMR.TO og kan ikke hjelpe deg med deres tjeneste.
XMR.TO vekslingskurs
På \"Mengde\" skjermen vil du bli vist de nåværende parametrene til XMR.TO-tjenesten. Disse
+ inkluderer den nåværende vekslingskursen så vel som nedre og øvre BTC-grenser. Vær oppmerksom på at
+ kursen ikke er garantert på dette punktet. Du vil også se
+ den øvre grensa for at BTC-transaksjonen skal gå igjennom uten å vente på
+ XMR-bekreftelser (se XMR.TO-FAQen for fler detaljer). Legg merke til at XMR.TO
+ ikke har noen ekstra avgifter - hvor kult er ikke det?
XMR.TO ordre
På \"Bekreft\" skjermen, vil du se den faktiske XMR.TO ordren. Denne ordren er gyldig for
+ en begrensa tid - du legger kanskje til en nedtelling på \"Bruk\" knappen. Veklingskursen kan være
+ enn den veiledende kursen vist på de tidligere skjermene.
XMR.TO hemmelig nøkkel
Fordi Monerujo bare håndterer XMR delen av transaksjonen din, kan din XMR.TO hemmelige nøkkel
+ bli brukt til å spore BTC-transaksjonen på XMR.TO sine hjemmesider.
Vær oppmerksom på at denne nøkkelen kun er tilgjengelig for 24-timer etter transaksjonen
+ har blitt utført!
XMR.TO nedtelling!
Når nedtellinga når null, må du få en ny kvote fra XMR.TO ved å gå tilbake til
+ det tidligere steget og komme tilbake til \"Bekreft\" skjermen.
+ ]]>
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29f48de300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-nb/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+ Lommebok
+ Testnett
+ Om
+ Personvernserklæring
+ Del
+ Hjelp
+ Detaljer
+ Motta
+ Gi nytt navn …
+ Arkiver
+ Backup
+ [Forandre passord]
+ Fortsett å skrive …
+ Meh …
+ Kom igjen, du kan gjøre det bedre!
+ Nesten der …
+ Å ja, h4x0r stil!
+ Lommebøker
+ Credits
+ OK
+ Avbryt
+ Lukk
+ Trykk for detaljert informasjon
+ Sendt suksessfullt!
+ Ferdig
+ Trykk for QR kode
+ Høyere prioritet = høyere avgifter
+ BTC betaling tilgjengelig, trykk for mer info.
+ CrAzYpass tilgjengelig, trykk for mer info.
+ Du skrev inn en Bitcoin addresse.
+ Du vil sende XMR og mottakeren vil få BTC gjennom XMR.TO tjenesten.
+ ]]>
+ XMR.TO Ordre
+ %1$s BTC
+ Bekreftelse venter
+ Betaling venter
+ XMR.TO error (%1$s)
+ BTC sendt!
+ Spør …
+ Du kan sende %1$s — %2$s BTC.
+ XMR.TO gir deg en vekslingskurs på %3$s BTCakkurat nå.
+ ]]>
+ Mengder opp til %1$s BTC vil bli sendt umiddelbart!
+ ]]>
+ Saldo: %2$s BTC (%1$s XMR)
+ Betalings ID integrert
+ Forbereder din transaksjon
+ Lager XMR.TO ordre
+ Spør etter XMR.TO ordre
+ Forbereder Monero transaksjon
+ Spør etter xmr.to parametre
+ Kode: %1$d
+ Trykk for å prøve igjen
+ Nå sitter vi fast her!
+ Ops, det ser ikke ut til at XMR.TO er tilgjengelig for øyeblikket!
+ %1$s BTC = %2$s XMR
+ (Rate: %1$s BTC/XMR)
+ Avansert:
+ Besøk xmr.to for støtte og sporing
+ Hemmelig nøkkel\nXMR.TO
+ XMR.TO Hemmelig nøkkel
+ BTC destinasjonsadresse
+ Mengde
+ Transaksjons-ID
+ Destinasjonsadresse
+ Betalings-ID
+ Notater
+ Backup pågår
+ Arkivering pågår
+ Nytt navn gis
+ Sjekker daemon-tilkobling
+ [Passordforandring i gang]
+ Gjør ting ferdig …\nDette kan ta si tid!
+ Backup feila!
+ Arkivering feila!
+ Kunne ikke gi nytt navn!
+ [Passordforandring feila!]
+ [Passord forandra]
+ Node
+ ([<bruker>:<pass>@]<daemon>[:<port>])
+ Laster lommebok …
+ Lommebok lagra
+ Lommeboklagring feila!
+ Kobler til …
+ Node-tiklobling feila!\nSjekk brukernavn/passord
+ Node-tilkobling tok for lang tid!\nPrøv på nytt eller med en annen.
+ Noden er ugyldig!\nPrøv en annen.
+ Kan ikke nå node!\nPrøv på nytt eller med en annen.
+ Kobla fra
+ Transaksjon feila: %1$s
+ Du venta for lenge, min venn!
+ Jeg er fortsatt opptatt med din forrige lommebok …
+ Gi nytt navn til %1$s
+ [Nytt passord for %1$s]
+ [Gjenta passord for %1$s]
+ Passord for %1$s
+ [You can also open wallet using fingerprint.\nPlease touch sensor.]
+ Bekreft passord
+ [Fingerprint not recognized. Try again.]
+ Feil passord!
+ Lommebok eksisterer ikke!
+ Daemon-adresse må være gitt!
+ Lommebok matcher ikke valgt nett
+ (Bare se)
+ Motta
+ Gi
+ + %1$s XMR ubekrefta
+ monerujo tjeneste
+ Synkronisert:
+ Gjenværende blokker
+ Skanner:
+ Ekstern lagring er ikke skrivbar! Panikk!
+ Vi trenger virkelig de eksternlagrings-rettighetene!
+ Ikke noe kamera = ikke noe QR-skanning!
+ View-nøkkel
+ Offentlig adresse
+ XMR.TO nøkkel
+ View-nøkkel kopiert til utklippstavle!
+ XMR.TO-nøkkel kopiert til utklippstavle!
+ Lommebokadresse kopiert til utklippstavle!
+ Transaksjons-ID kopiert til utklippstavle!
+ Kopiering skrudd av for sikkerhetsgrunner!
+ Kan ikke hente vekslingskurs!\nBruk XMR/XMR eller prøv igjen
+ Lag lommebok
+ Lommeboknavn
+ Lommebokpassord
+ [Allow to open wallet using fingerprint]
+ [Fingerprint Authentication
With fingerprint authentication enabled, you can view wallet balance and receive funds
+ without entering password.
But for additional security, monerujo will still require you to enter password when
+ viewing wallet details or sending funds.
+ Security Warning
Finally, monerujo wants to remind you that anyone who can get your fingerprint will be
+ able to peep into your wallet balance.
For instance, a malicious user around you can open your wallet when you are asleep.
+ Are you sure to enable this function?
+ ]]>]
+ [Passordene stemmer ikke overens]
+ [Passord kan ikke være tomt]
+ Lag meg en lommebok!
+ Jeg har notert informasjonen ovenfor!
+ Gi meg et navn!
+ Lommebok eksisterer!
+ Kan ikke begynne med .
+ Lager lommebok
+ Lommebok lagd
+ Klarte ikke å lage lommebok
+ Skriv inn nummer eller dato (ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD)
+ Nøkler
+ Ny
+ Seed
+ View
+ Offentlig adresse
+ View-nøkkel
+ Spend-nøkkel
+ 25-ord mnemonisk seed
+ Gjenopprettelseshøyde- eller dato (ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD)
+ Offentlig adresse
+ View-nøkkel
+ Spend-nøkkel
+ Mnemonisk seed
+ [Lommebokfiler gjenopprettelsespassord]
+ Skriv inn gyldig nøkkel
+ Skriv inn gyldig adresse
+ Skriv inn ditt 25-ord lange seed
+ %1$s (veiledende)
+ Mottakers BTC eller XMR adresse
+ Betalings-ID (valgfritt)
+ 0,00
+ Privat notat (valgfritt)
+ Generer
+ Skann
+ Bruk mine søte moneroj
+ Bruk mine søte moneroj (%1$s)
+ Ikke en QR-kode
+ Ikke en gyldig betalings-QR-kode
+ Ikke en gyldig adresse
+ Send
+ Saldo: %1$s XMR
+ Adresse
+ Mengde
+ Innstillinger
+ Bekreft
+ Ferdig
+ Antall
+ Avgift (XMR)
+ Avgift
+ Totalt (XMR)
+ Totalt
+ %1$s XMR
+ +%1$s avgift
+ Error med å lage transaksjon
+ - Avgift %1$s
+ (%1$s)
+ feila
+ - %1$s
+ + %1$s
+ Tidsstempel
+ TX-nøkkel
+ Destinasjon
+ Destinasjon\n(BTC)
+ Betalings-ID
+ Blokk
+ Mengde
+ Mengde\n(BTC)
+ Avgift
+ Overføringer
+ Notater
+ (valgfritt)
+ Lagre
+ Lagra notater feila
+ Transaksjonsdetaljer
+ Betalings-ID (valgfritt)
+ Mengde
+ Kunne ikke åpne lommebok!
+ 16 eller 64 heks-karakterer (0–9,a–f)
+ Må være tom med integrert adresse
+ Maks. %1$s
+ Min. 0
+ XMR ikke et tall
+ Motta
+ Sensitive data vil nå bli vist.\nSe over skulderen din!
+ Jeg er trygg
+ Ta meg tilbake!
+ Detaljer
+ Lommeboka vil bli backa opp og så sletta!
+ Ja, gjør det!
+ Nei takk!
+ Prioritet Standard
+ Prioritet Lav
+ Prioritet Middels
+ Prioritet Høy
+ Lag ny lommebok
+ Gjenoprett bare-se lommebok
+ Gjenoprett lommebok fra private nøkler
+ Gjenoprett lommebok fra 25-ord seed
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/about.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/about.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9457bf4f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/about.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ 關閉
+ I am monerujo
+ 版本 %1$s (%2$d)
+ 致謝
+ m2049r, baltsar777, anhdres, keejef,
+ rehrar, EarlOfEgo et al.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
Enter a unique wallet name and password.
The password is used for securing your wallet data on the device. Use a strong password -
even better use a passphrase.
Note your Mnemonic Seed!
Note your Mnemonic Seed!
On the following screen you will find your 25-word \"Mnemonic Seed\".
This is the only data needed to recover your wallet at a later point
and gain full access to your funds.
@@ -62,6 +62,26 @@
This is the only data needed to recover your wallet at a later point and gain full access to
your funds. Keeping this private and secure is very important, as it gives anyone full
access to your Monero! If you haven’t written this down somewhere safe please do!
Wallet Files Recovery Password
+ Make sure you write this password down. If you reset your device or uninstall the app, you
+ will need it to access your wallet again.
+ If the password displayed here is 52 alphanumeric characters in groups of 4 - congratulations!
+ Your wallet files are secured with a 256-bit key generated by your device's security
+ features based on the passphrase you chose (on creation or by changing it). This makes it
+ extremenly difficult to hack!
+ This feature is mandatory for all newly created wallets.
Legacy Password
+ If you see your passphrase here, your wallet files are not as secure as when using
+ a CrAzYpass. To fix this, simply select \"Change Passphrase\" from the menu. After entering
+ a new passphrase (maybe even the same one as before) the app will generate a CrAzYpass for
+ you and secure your wallet files with it. Write it down!
CrAzYpass wallets
+ If you ever need to reinstall Monerujo (for example after resetting your phone or switching
+ to a new one) or you want to use your wallet files on a different device or PC, you have to
+ use this Recovery Password in order to access your wallet again.
+ By selecting \"Change Passphrase\" from the menu, you can choose another passphrase. Beware
+ that this will generate a new Recovery Password. Write it down!
View key
Your view key can be used to monitor incoming transactions to your wallet without giving
permission to spend the funds inside your wallet.
@@ -148,7 +168,7 @@
transaction with an item you bought.
Ring size
There are a number of ring sizes to choose from in Monerujo. If you are a beginner user
- we recommend you stick with a ring size of 5. Increasing the ring size above 5 increases
+ we recommend you stick with a ring size of 7. Increasing the ring size above 7 increases
the amount of signers in a ring signature, theoretically providing increased plausible
deniability. However setting high ring sizes can also make your transaction stand out on
the blockchain.
@@ -213,4 +233,4 @@
previous step and then coming back to the \"Confirm\" screen.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/integers.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/integers.xml
index 68bd3b3308..a6b3daec93 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/integers.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/integers.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
- 200
- 1000
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
index bd59b93a2f..57d6f572f8 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- monerujoWalletTestnet
@@ -14,8 +13,8 @@
Rename …ArchiveBackup
+ Change PassphraseBackup To NFC
Continue typing …Meh …C\'mon, you can do better!
@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@
Yeah baby, h4x0r style!Wallets
- Donate
+ CreditsOKCancelClose
@@ -37,6 +36,8 @@
BTC payment enabled, tap for more info.
+ CrAzYpass enabled, tap for more info.
You entered a Bitcoin address. You'll send XMR and the receiver will get BTC using the XMR.TO service.
@@ -44,15 +45,7 @@
XMR.TO Order
- Sending
- Status:%1$s BTC
- %1$s is %1$s (#%1$d)
- Key:
- Address:
- Status:
- %1$s BTCConfirmation Pending
@@ -92,16 +85,11 @@
- Click for more detailsVisit xmr.to for support & tracking
- See TX details for more detailsSecret Key\nXMR.TOXMR.TO Secret KeyDestination BTC AddressAmount
- Creating XMR.TO Order
- Touch to retryTransaction IDDestination Address
@@ -112,24 +100,22 @@
Archive in progressRename in progressChecking daemon connection
+ Change Password in progressWrapping things up …\nThis can take a while!
- Backup successfulBackup failed!
- Archive successfulArchive failed!
- Delete failed!Rename failed!
+ Change Password failed!
+ Password changedNode([<user>:<pass>@]<daemon>[:<port>])
- Net Selection
- TestNet
- MainNet
- Loading Wallet List
+ Stagenet
+ Testnet
+ MainnetLoading Wallet …
- Saving WalletWallet savedWallet save failed!Connecting …
@@ -138,53 +124,40 @@
Node invalid!\nTry another.Cannot reach node!\nTry again or another.
- Working on it …Disconnected
- Transaction sent!Transaction failed: %1$s
- Could not create transaction!
- Dude, you waited too long!
+ You waited too long my friend!I am still busy with your last wallet …Rename %1$s
+ New Passphrase for %1$s
+ Repeat Passphrase for %1$sPassword for %1$s
+ You can also open wallet using fingerprint.\nPlease touch sensor.Confirm Password
+ Fingerprint not recognized. Try again.Incorrect password!Wallet does not exist!
- This is not a wallet!Daemon address must be set!Wallet does not match selected net
- Cannot connect to daemon! Try again.
- Something\'s wrong!(Watch Only)ReceiveGive
- Amount
- Date+ %1$s XMR unconfirmed
- Transactions
- Daemon connected!monerujo Service
- monerujo Service Running
- monerujo Service Stopped
- monerujo Service
- monerujo Service Connected
- monerujo Service DisconnectedSynced:Blocks remainingScanning:
- ProblemsExternal Storage is not writable! Panic!We really need those External Storage permissions!No camera = No QR scanning!
@@ -196,8 +169,6 @@
XMR.TO Key copied to clipboard!Wallet Address copied to clipboard!Transaction ID copied to clipboard!
- Selecting seed disabled for security reasons!
- Selecting spend key disabled for security reasons!Copy disabled for security reasons!Cannot get exchange rate!\nUse XMR/XMR or try again
@@ -205,13 +176,23 @@
Create WalletWallet NameWallet Passphrase
+ Allow to open wallet using fingerprint
+ Fingerprint Authentication
With fingerprint authentication enabled, you can view wallet balance and receive funds
+ without entering password.
But for additional security, monerujo will still require you to enter password when
+ viewing wallet details or sending funds.
+ Security Warning
Finally, monerujo wants to remind you that anyone who can get your fingerprint will be
+ able to peep into your wallet balance.
For instance, a malicious user around you can open your wallet when you are asleep.
+ Are you sure to enable this function?
+ ]]>
+ Passphrases do not match
+ Passphrase may not be emptyMake me a wallet already!
- Mnemonic Seed
- I have noted these 25 words!
- Backup
- Export Keys
+ I have noted the mnemonic seedGive me a name!Wallet exists!
@@ -233,13 +214,11 @@
25-Word Mnemonic SeedRestore Height or Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- Wallet
- PasswordPublic AddressView KeySpend KeyMnemonic Seed
- Restore Height:
+ Wallet Files Restore PasswordEnter valid KeyEnter valid Address
@@ -251,20 +230,13 @@
Payment ID (optional)0.00Private Notes (optional)
- Tx Priority
- Mixin
- SweepGenerateScan
- Prepare
- Dispose (Undo)Spend my sweet MonerojSpend my sweet Moneroj (%1$s)
- Last Step - Confirm!Not a QR CodeNot a valid payment QR codeNot a valid address
- Preparing transactionSendBalance: %1$s XMRAddress
@@ -272,13 +244,10 @@
- Summary
- Amount > FundsAmountFee (XMR)Fee
- DustTotal (XMR)Total
@@ -287,18 +256,14 @@
Create Transaction Error
- incl. %1$s fee- Fee %1$s(%1$s)failed- %1$s+ %1$s
- Status
- AddressTimestampTX ID
- TX ID\n(BTC)TX KeyDestinationDestination\n(BTC)
@@ -309,30 +274,20 @@
- Copy to Clipboard
- Copied to Clipboard
- Transaction Details(optional)Save
- Notes savedNotes saved failedTransaction DetailsPENDINGFAILED
- Show me the QR Code
- GeneratePayment ID (optional)Amount
- XMRCould not open wallet!16 or 64 Hex characters (0–9,a–f)Must be empty with integrated address
- Must be empty with bitcoin address
- Must be > 0
- Enter valueMax. %1$sMin. 0XMR not a number
@@ -349,8 +304,8 @@
No thanks!
- Ringsize 5
- Ringsize 8
+ Ringsize 7
+ Ringsize 10Ringsize 13Ringsize 26
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index b338480083..2cdd145a00 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ buildscript {
dependencies {
- classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.1'
- classpath files('external-libs/gradle-witness.jar')
- // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
- // in the individual module build.gradle files
+ classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.2'
@@ -27,8 +24,9 @@ task clean(type: Delete) {
ext {
+ apkName = 'monerujo'
okHttpVersion = '3.9.0'
junitVersion = '4.12'
mockitoVersion = '1.10.19'
- timberVersion = '4.6.0'
+ timberVersion = '4.7.0'
diff --git a/doc/BUILDING-external-libs.md b/doc/BUILDING-external-libs.md
index 1fe2f3b33b..7cdbfad21c 100644
--- a/doc/BUILDING-external-libs.md
+++ b/doc/BUILDING-external-libs.md
@@ -4,27 +4,35 @@ Based on https://forum.getmonero.org/5/support/87643/building-monero-v0-10-3-1-f
Do not follow this blindly.
+These instructions are tailored to building ```wallep_api```.
These instructions build all supported architectures: ```'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64'```.
Yes, lots of copy&paste here. TODO: Script this.
## Prepare Ubuntu environment
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake tofrodos libtool-bin
sudo mkdir /opt/android
sudo chown $LOGNAME /opt/android
## Install Android NDK
cd /opt/android
-wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r15c-linux-x86_64.zip
-unzip android-ndk-r15c-linux-x86_64.zip
-android-ndk-r15c/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --api 21 --stl=libc++ --arch arm --install-dir /opt/android/tool32
-android-ndk-r15c/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --api 21 --stl=libc++ --arch arm64 --install-dir /opt/android/tool64
-android-ndk-r15c/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --api 21 --stl=libc++ --arch x86 --install-dir /opt/android/toolx86
-android-ndk-r15c/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --api 21 --stl=libc++ --arch x86_64 --install-dir /opt/android/toolx86_64
+wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r16b-linux-x86_64.zip
+unzip android-ndk-r16b-linux-x86_64.zip
+ln -s android-ndk-r16b ndk
+ndk/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --api 21 --stl=libc++ --arch arm --install-dir /opt/android/tool/arm
+ndk/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --api 21 --stl=libc++ --arch arm64 --install-dir /opt/android/tool/arm64
+ndk/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --api 21 --stl=libc++ --arch x86 --install-dir /opt/android/tool/x86
+ndk/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --api 21 --stl=libc++ --arch x86_64 --install-dir /opt/android/tool/x86_64
+## Prepare output
+mkdir -p /opt/android/build
## Build OpenSSL
@@ -32,131 +40,81 @@ Best is to compile openssl from sources. Copying from your phone or elsewhere (d
If you don't want to build for all architectures, edit ```build-all-arch.sh``` before running it (Line 12).
cd /opt/android
git clone https://github.com/m2049r/android-openssl.git
wget https://github.com/openssl/openssl/archive/OpenSSL_1_0_2l.tar.gz
cd android-openssl
tar xfz ../OpenSSL_1_0_2l.tar.gz
-export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/opt/android/android-ndk-r15c
+ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/opt/android/ndk ./build-all-arch.sh
-### Make symlinks
+### Install & make symlinks
+mkdir -p /opt/android/build/openssl/{arm,arm64,x86,x86_64}
+cp -a /opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/armeabi /opt/android/build/openssl/arm/lib
+cp -a /opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/arm64-v8a /opt/android/build/openssl/arm64/lib
+cp -a /opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/x86 /opt/android/build/openssl/x86/lib
+cp -a /opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/x86_64 /opt/android/build/openssl/x86_64/lib
+cp -aL /opt/android/android-openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_0_2l/include/openssl/ /opt/android/build/openssl/include
+ln -s /opt/android/build/openssl/include /opt/android/build/openssl/arm/include
+ln -s /opt/android/build/openssl/include /opt/android/build/openssl/arm64/include
+ln -s /opt/android/build/openssl/include /opt/android/build/openssl/x86/include
+ln -s /opt/android/build/openssl/include /opt/android/build/openssl/x86_64/include
-cd /opt/android/tool32/sysroot/usr/include
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_0_2l/include/openssl/
-cd /opt/android/tool32/sysroot/usr/lib
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/prebuilt/armeabi/libssl.so
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/prebuilt/armeabi/libcrypto.so
-cd /opt/android/tool64/sysroot/usr/include
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_0_2l/include/openssl/
-cd /opt/android/tool64/sysroot/usr/lib
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/prebuilt/arm64-v8a/libssl.so
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/prebuilt/arm64-v8a/libcrypto.so
-cd /opt/android/toolx86/sysroot/usr/include
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_0_2l/include/openssl/
-cd /opt/android/toolx86/sysroot/usr/lib
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/prebuilt/x86/libssl.so
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/prebuilt/x86/libcrypto.so
-cd /opt/android/toolx86_64/sysroot/usr/include
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_0_2l/include/openssl/
-cd /opt/android/toolx86_64/sysroot/usr/lib
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/prebuilt/x86_64/libssl.so
-ln -s ../../../../android-openssl/prebuilt/x86_64/libcrypto.so
+ln -sf /opt/android/build/openssl/include /opt/android/tool/arm/sysroot/usr/include/openssl
+ln -sf /opt/android/build/openssl/arm/lib/*.so /opt/android/tool/arm/sysroot/usr/lib
+ln -sf /opt/android/build/openssl/include /opt/android/tool/arm64/sysroot/usr/include/openssl
+ln -sf /opt/android/build/openssl/arm64/lib/*.so /opt/android/tool/arm64/sysroot/usr/lib
+ln -sf /opt/android/build/openssl/include /opt/android/tool/x86/sysroot/usr/include/openssl
+ln -sf /opt/android/build/openssl/x86/lib/*.so /opt/android/tool/x86/sysroot/usr/lib
+ln -sf /opt/android/build/openssl/include /opt/android/tool/x86_64/sysroot/usr/include/openssl
+ln -sf /opt/android/build/openssl/x86_64/lib/*.so /opt/android/tool/x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib64
## Build Boost
cd /opt/android
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.58.0/boost_1_58_0.tar.gz/download -O boost_1_58_0.tar.gz
tar xfz boost_1_58_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_58_0
-The NDK r15c above gives errors about fsetpos and fgetpos not found(!?!), so we "just" comment them out in the include file:
-* `vi /opt/android/tool32/include/c++/4.9.x/cstdio` (`//using ::fgetpos`, `//using ::fsetpos`)
-* `vi /opt/android/tool64/include/c++/4.9.x/cstdio` (`//using ::fgetpos`, `//using ::fsetpos`)
-* `vi /opt/android/toolx86/include/c++/4.9.x/cstdio` (`//using ::fgetpos`, `//using ::fsetpos`)
-* `vi /opt/android/toolx86_64/include/c++/4.9.x/cstdio` (`//using ::fgetpos`, `//using ::fsetpos`)
+Comment out ```using ::fgetpos;``` & ```using ::fsetpos;``` in ```cstdio```.
-PATH=/opt/android/tool32/arm-linux-androideabi/bin:/opt/android/tool32/bin:$PATH ./b2 --build-type=minimal link=static runtime-link=static --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-serialization --with-system --with-thread --build-dir=android32 --stagedir=android32 toolset=clang threading=multi threadapi=pthread target-os=android stage
-PATH=/opt/android/tool64/aarch64-linux-android/bin:/opt/android/tool64/bin:$PATH ./b2 --build-type=minimal link=static runtime-link=static --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-serialization --with-system --with-thread --build-dir=android64 --stagedir=android64 toolset=clang threading=multi threadapi=pthread target-os=android stage
-PATH=/opt/android/toolx86/i686-linux-android/bin:/opt/android/toolx86/bin:$PATH ./b2 --build-type=minimal link=static runtime-link=static --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-serialization --with-system --with-thread --build-dir=androidx86 --stagedir=androidx86 toolset=clang threading=multi threadapi=pthread target-os=android stage
-PATH=/opt/android/toolx86_64/x86_64-linux-android/bin:/opt/android/toolx86_64/bin:$PATH ./b2 --build-type=minimal link=static runtime-link=static --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-serialization --with-system --with-thread --build-dir=androidx86_64 --stagedir=androidx86_64 toolset=clang threading=multi threadapi=pthread target-os=android stage
+Then build & install to ```/opt/android/build/boost``` with
+PATH=/opt/android/tool/arm/arm-linux-androideabi/bin:/opt/android/tool/arm/bin:$PATH ./b2 --build-type=minimal link=static runtime-link=static --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-serialization --with-system --with-thread --build-dir=android-arm --prefix=/opt/android/build/boost/arm --includedir=/opt/android/build/boost/include toolset=clang threading=multi threadapi=pthread target-os=android install
+ln -sf ../include /opt/android/build/boost/arm
+PATH=/opt/android/tool/arm64/aarch64-linux-android/bin:/opt/android/tool/arm64/bin:$PATH ./b2 --build-type=minimal link=static runtime-link=static --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-serialization --with-system --with-thread --build-dir=android-arm64 --prefix=/opt/android/build/boost/arm64 --includedir=/opt/android/build/boost/include toolset=clang threading=multi threadapi=pthread target-os=android install
+ln -sf ../include /opt/android/build/boost/arm64
+PATH=/opt/android/tool/x86/i686-linux-android/bin:/opt/android/tool/x86/bin:$PATH ./b2 --build-type=minimal link=static runtime-link=static --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-serialization --with-system --with-thread --build-dir=android-x86 --prefix=/opt/android/build/boost/x86 --includedir=/opt/android/build/boost/include toolset=clang threading=multi threadapi=pthread target-os=android install
+ln -sf ../include /opt/android/build/boost/x86
+PATH=/opt/android/tool/x86_64/x86_64-linux-android/bin:/opt/android/tool/x86_64/bin:$PATH ./b2 --build-type=minimal link=static runtime-link=static --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-serialization --with-system --with-thread --build-dir=android-x86_64 --prefix=/opt/android/build/boost/x86_64 --includedir=/opt/android/build/boost/include toolset=clang threading=multi threadapi=pthread target-os=android install
+ln -sf ../include /opt/android/build/boost/x86_64
## And finally: Build Monero
cd /opt/android
git clone https://github.com/m2049r/monero.git
-cd /opt/android/monero
-mkdir -p build/release.android32
-cd build/release.android32
-PATH=/opt/android/tool32/arm-linux-androideabi/bin:/opt/android/tool32/bin:$PATH CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D ARCH="armv7-a" -D STATIC=ON -D BUILD_64=OFF -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -D ANDROID=true -D BUILD_TAG="android" -D BOOST_ROOT=/opt/android/boost_1_58_0 -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/opt/android/boost_1_58_0/android32/lib -D OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/opt/android/android-openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_0_2l -D OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=/opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/armeabi/libcrypto.so -D OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY=/opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/armeabi/libssl.so -D CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE:BOOL=true ../..
-find . -name '*.a' -exec cp '{}' lib \;
-cd /opt/android/monero
-mkdir -p build/release.android64
-cd build/release.android64
-PATH=/opt/android/tool64/aarch64-linux-android/bin:/opt/android/tool64/bin:$PATH CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D ARCH="armv8-a" -D STATIC=ON -D BUILD_64=ON -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -D ANDROID=true -D BUILD_TAG="android" -D BOOST_ROOT=/opt/android/boost_1_58_0 -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/opt/android/boost_1_58_0/android64/lib -D OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/opt/android/android-openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_0_2l -D OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=/opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/arm64-v8a/libcrypto.so -D OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY=/opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/arm64-v8a/libssl.so -D CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE:BOOL=true ../..
-find . -name '*.a' -exec cp '{}' lib \;
-cd /opt/android/monero
-mkdir -p build/release.androidx86
-cd build/release.androidx86
-PATH=/opt/android/toolx86/i686-linux-android/bin:/opt/android/toolx86/bin:$PATH CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D ARCH="i686" -D STATIC=ON -D BUILD_64=OFF -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -D ANDROID=true -D BUILD_TAG="android" -D BOOST_ROOT=/opt/android/boost_1_58_0 -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/opt/android/boost_1_58_0/androidx86/lib -D OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/opt/android/android-openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_0_2l -D OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=/opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/x86/libcrypto.so -D OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY=/opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/x86/libssl.so -D CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE:BOOL=true ../..
-find . -name '*.a' -exec cp '{}' lib \;
-cd /opt/android/monero
-mkdir -p build/release.androidx86_64
-cd build/release.androidx86_64
-PATH=/opt/android/toolx86_64/x86_64-linux-android/bin:/opt/android/toolx86_64/bin:$PATH CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D ARCH="x86-64" -D STATIC=ON -D BUILD_64=ON -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -D ANDROID=true -D BUILD_TAG="android" -D BOOST_ROOT=/opt/android/boost_1_58_0 -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/opt/android/boost_1_58_0/androidx86_64/lib -D OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/opt/android/android-openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_0_2l -D OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=/opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/x86_64/libcrypto.so -D OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY=/opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/x86_64/libssl.so -D CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE:BOOL=true ../..
-find . -name '*.a' -exec cp '{}' lib \;
+cd /opt/android/monero/build
-Ignore the warning from ```find``` - all monero static libraries are now in `lib`.
# Bringing it all together
- Copy all .a libraries into the appropriate `external-libs` folders.
-- Copy `/opt/android/monero/src/wallet/wallet2_api.h` into `external-libs/monero/include`
+- Copy `/opt/android/monero/src/wallet/api/wallet2_api.h` into `external-libs/monero/include`
If using default locations, this would mean:
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a
-cp -a /opt/android/boost_1_58_0/android32/lib/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a
-cp -a /opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/armeabi/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a
-cp -a /opt/android/monero/build/release.android32/lib/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a
-cp -a /opt/android/boost_1_58_0/android64/lib/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a
-cp -a /opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/arm64-v8a/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a
-cp -a /opt/android/monero/build/release.android64/lib/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/boost/lib/x86
-cp -a /opt/android/boost_1_58_0/androidx86/lib/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/boost/lib/x86
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86
-cp -a /opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/x86/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/monero/lib/x86
-cp -a /opt/android/monero/build/release.androidx86/lib/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/monero/lib/x86
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64
-cp -a /opt/android/boost_1_58_0/androidx86_64/lib/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64
-cp -a /opt/android/android-openssl/prebuilt/x86_64/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64
-mkdir -p ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64
-cp -a /opt/android/monero/build/release.androidx86_64/lib/*.a ~/StudioProjects/xmrwallet/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64
+cd /external-libs
+# remove old stuff
+find . -name "*.a" -or -name "*.h" -type f -delete
diff --git a/doc/FAQ.md b/doc/FAQ.md
index 799529dd50..f7ee9ca797 100644
--- a/doc/FAQ.md
+++ b/doc/FAQ.md
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
## What is it?
-- A Monero lightwallet for Android. You get to choose what remote node you want to connect to. No need to download the blockchain.
+- A **Monero** lightwallet for Android. You get to choose what remote node you want to connect to. No need to download the blockchain.
## What features does it have?
- Seamless XMR.TO integration - instantly pay BTC with XMR using third-party XMR.TO service
- Speaks spanish
-- Uses Monero v0.11.1.0
-- Support for Android >= 5.0 with ARM processor
+- Uses Monero v0.12
+- Support for Android >= 5.0
- Testnet and Mainnet
- Generate new wallets
- Recover wallets from mnemonic seed or from keys
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
- Archive (=Backup and delete)
- 3 Default nodes + History of last 5 used nodes
+## The app always crashes as soon as I open a wallet!
+Users of Zenfone MAX & Zenfone 2 Laser (possibly others) **MUST** use the armeabi-v7a APK as the arm64-v8a build uses hardware AES
+functionality these models don't have. If this does not help, please report the problem.
## I am having problems with my BTC transaction
Please contact the friendly people over at http://xmr.to for support - you will need your XMR.TO Secret Key.
@@ -80,3 +84,6 @@ This depends on your installation - you could search for them in your home direc
### What if don't have these files?
Keep calm and make a new wallet.
+## Why does it make a 'monero' folder?
+This is a new feature of monero core to share certain key images with other monero forks.
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/.gitignore b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_chrono.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_chrono.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b7b44db5..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_chrono.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_date_time.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_date_time.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 2651ba4e65..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_date_time.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_filesystem.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_filesystem.a
deleted file mode 100644
index fc58f1d23f..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_filesystem.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_program_options.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_program_options.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa263b12e..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_program_options.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_regex.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_regex.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 9837e237b7..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_regex.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_serialization.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_serialization.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 05882a4e3f..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_serialization.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_system.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_system.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 38dbd71dcd..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_system.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_thread.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_thread.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 48da8184a9..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_thread.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_wserialization.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_wserialization.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee6a55ae7..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/arm64-v8a/libboost_wserialization.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/.gitignore b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_chrono.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_chrono.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 932f6b6418..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_chrono.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_date_time.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_date_time.a
deleted file mode 100644
index e62a5e8c07..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_date_time.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_filesystem.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_filesystem.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 95d7617079..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_filesystem.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_program_options.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_program_options.a
deleted file mode 100644
index e879b2a583..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_program_options.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_regex.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_regex.a
deleted file mode 100644
index c674b31d7d..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_regex.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_serialization.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_serialization.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 956aec801f..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_serialization.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_system.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_system.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 04305bd95a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_system.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_thread.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_thread.a
deleted file mode 100644
index cf16faeee2..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_thread.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_wserialization.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_wserialization.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 0325cc4862..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/armeabi-v7a/libboost_wserialization.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/.gitignore b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_chrono.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_chrono.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c6eb5e2d8..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_chrono.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_date_time.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_date_time.a
deleted file mode 100644
index b21277bbab..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_date_time.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_filesystem.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_filesystem.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 1212b5c55a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_filesystem.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_program_options.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_program_options.a
deleted file mode 100644
index cecd498f14..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_program_options.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_regex.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_regex.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 919f874768..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_regex.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_serialization.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_serialization.a
deleted file mode 100644
index c1a1a6101a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_serialization.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_system.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_system.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 057450f9cc..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_system.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_thread.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_thread.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 667238da03..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_thread.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_wserialization.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_wserialization.a
deleted file mode 100644
index c42596dd71..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86/libboost_wserialization.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/.gitignore b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_chrono.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_chrono.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 507b33047d..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_chrono.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_date_time.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_date_time.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 48b68f83ba..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_date_time.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_filesystem.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_filesystem.a
deleted file mode 100644
index b11bc89e9a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_filesystem.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_program_options.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_program_options.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 44e6cae284..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_program_options.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_regex.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_regex.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 7778561119..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_regex.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_serialization.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_serialization.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 1316ea81c0..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_serialization.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_system.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_system.a
deleted file mode 100644
index d99c97c9e6..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_system.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_thread.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_thread.a
deleted file mode 100644
index fa3741d7c5..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_thread.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_wserialization.a b/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_wserialization.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c299ec7c0..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/boost/lib/x86_64/libboost_wserialization.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/collect.sh b/external-libs/collect.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..36f11bf5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/collect.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# -D BOOST_ROOT=/opt/android/boost_1_58_0
+set -e
+packages=(boost openssl monero)
+archs=(arm arm64 x86 x86_64)
+for arch in ${archs[@]}; do
+ case ${arch} in
+ "arm")
+ xarch="armeabi-v7a"
+ ;;
+ "arm64")
+ xarch="arm64-v8a"
+ ;;
+ "x86")
+ xarch="x86"
+ ;;
+ "x86_64")
+ xarch="x86_64"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exit 16
+ ;;
+ esac
+ for package in ${packages[@]}; do
+ OUTPUT_DIR=`pwd`/$package/lib/$xarch
+ mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
+ rm -f $OUTPUT_DIR/*.a
+ cp -a /opt/android/build/$package/$arch/lib/*.a $OUTPUT_DIR
+ if [ $package = "monero" -a -d "/opt/android/build/$package/include" ]; then
+ rm -rf $OUTPUT_DIR/../../include
+ cp -a /opt/android/build/$package/include $OUTPUT_DIR/../..
+ fi
+ done
+exit 0
diff --git a/external-libs/gradle-witness.jar b/external-libs/gradle-witness.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index a82cb01f92..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/gradle-witness.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/include/wallet2_api.h b/external-libs/monero/include/wallet2_api.h
index fc2131f3ab..617b6035a7 100644
--- a/external-libs/monero/include/wallet2_api.h
+++ b/external-libs/monero/include/wallet2_api.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The Monero Project
+// Copyright (c) 2014-2018, The Monero Project
// All rights reserved.
@@ -33,14 +33,23 @@
// Public interface for libwallet library
namespace Monero {
+enum NetworkType : uint8_t {
+ MAINNET = 0,
namespace Utils {
bool isAddressLocal(const std::string &hostaddr);
+ void onStartup();
@@ -68,6 +77,7 @@ struct PendingTransaction
enum Priority {
+ Priority_Default = 0,
Priority_Low = 1,
Priority_Medium = 2,
Priority_High = 3,
@@ -88,6 +98,8 @@ struct PendingTransaction
* \return
virtual uint64_t txCount() const = 0;
+ virtual std::vector subaddrAccount() const = 0;
+ virtual std::vector> subaddrIndices() const = 0;
@@ -101,13 +113,6 @@ struct UnsignedTransaction
- enum Priority {
- Priority_Low = 1,
- Priority_Medium = 2,
- Priority_High = 3,
- Priority_Last
- };
virtual ~UnsignedTransaction() = 0;
virtual int status() const = 0;
virtual std::string errorString() const = 0;
@@ -155,6 +160,9 @@ struct TransactionInfo
virtual uint64_t amount() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t fee() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t blockHeight() const = 0;
+ virtual std::set subaddrIndex() const = 0;
+ virtual uint32_t subaddrAccount() const = 0;
+ virtual std::string label() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t confirmations() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t unlockTime() const = 0;
//! transaction_id
@@ -223,6 +231,66 @@ struct AddressBook
virtual int lookupPaymentID(const std::string &payment_id) const = 0;
+struct SubaddressRow {
+ SubaddressRow(std::size_t _rowId, const std::string &_address, const std::string &_label):
+ m_rowId(_rowId),
+ m_address(_address),
+ m_label(_label) {}
+ std::size_t m_rowId;
+ std::string m_address;
+ std::string m_label;
+ std::string extra;
+ std::string getAddress() const {return m_address;}
+ std::string getLabel() const {return m_label;}
+ std::size_t getRowId() const {return m_rowId;}
+struct Subaddress
+ virtual ~Subaddress() = 0;
+ virtual std::vector getAll() const = 0;
+ virtual void addRow(uint32_t accountIndex, const std::string &label) = 0;
+ virtual void setLabel(uint32_t accountIndex, uint32_t addressIndex, const std::string &label) = 0;
+ virtual void refresh(uint32_t accountIndex) = 0;
+struct SubaddressAccountRow {
+ SubaddressAccountRow(std::size_t _rowId, const std::string &_address, const std::string &_label, const std::string &_balance, const std::string &_unlockedBalance):
+ m_rowId(_rowId),
+ m_address(_address),
+ m_label(_label),
+ m_balance(_balance),
+ m_unlockedBalance(_unlockedBalance) {}
+ std::size_t m_rowId;
+ std::string m_address;
+ std::string m_label;
+ std::string m_balance;
+ std::string m_unlockedBalance;
+ std::string extra;
+ std::string getAddress() const {return m_address;}
+ std::string getLabel() const {return m_label;}
+ std::string getBalance() const {return m_balance;}
+ std::string getUnlockedBalance() const {return m_unlockedBalance;}
+ std::size_t getRowId() const {return m_rowId;}
+struct SubaddressAccount
+ virtual ~SubaddressAccount() = 0;
+ virtual std::vector getAll() const = 0;
+ virtual void addRow(const std::string &label) = 0;
+ virtual void setLabel(uint32_t accountIndex, const std::string &label) = 0;
+ virtual void refresh() = 0;
struct WalletListener
virtual ~WalletListener() = 0;
@@ -294,9 +362,13 @@ struct Wallet
//! in case error status, returns error string
virtual std::string errorString() const = 0;
virtual bool setPassword(const std::string &password) = 0;
- virtual std::string address() const = 0;
+ virtual std::string address(uint32_t accountIndex = 0, uint32_t addressIndex = 0) const = 0;
+ std::string mainAddress() const { return address(0, 0); }
virtual std::string path() const = 0;
- virtual bool testnet() const = 0;
+ virtual NetworkType nettype() const = 0;
+ bool mainnet() const { return nettype() == MAINNET; }
+ bool testnet() const { return nettype() == TESTNET; }
+ bool stagenet() const { return nettype() == STAGENET; }
//! returns current hard fork info
virtual void hardForkInfo(uint8_t &version, uint64_t &earliest_height) const = 0;
//! check if hard fork rules should be used
@@ -360,9 +432,12 @@ struct Wallet
* \param daemon_address - daemon address in "hostname:port" format
* \param upper_transaction_size_limit
+ * \param daemon_username
+ * \param daemon_password
+ * \param lightWallet - start wallet in light mode, connect to a openmonero compatible server.
* \return - true on success
- virtual bool init(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit, const std::string &daemon_username = "", const std::string &daemon_password = "") = 0;
+ virtual bool init(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit = 0, const std::string &daemon_username = "", const std::string &daemon_password = "", bool use_ssl = false, bool lightWallet = false) = 0;
* \brief createWatchOnly - Creates a watch only wallet
@@ -406,8 +481,20 @@ struct Wallet
virtual ConnectionStatus connected() const = 0;
virtual void setTrustedDaemon(bool arg) = 0;
virtual bool trustedDaemon() const = 0;
- virtual uint64_t balance() const = 0;
- virtual uint64_t unlockedBalance() const = 0;
+ virtual uint64_t balance(uint32_t accountIndex = 0) const = 0;
+ uint64_t balanceAll() const {
+ uint64_t result = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numSubaddressAccounts(); ++i)
+ result += balance(i);
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual uint64_t unlockedBalance(uint32_t accountIndex = 0) const = 0;
+ uint64_t unlockedBalanceAll() const {
+ uint64_t result = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numSubaddressAccounts(); ++i)
+ result += unlockedBalance(i);
+ return result;
+ }
* @brief watchOnly - checks if wallet is watch only
@@ -452,13 +539,28 @@ struct Wallet
static uint64_t amountFromDouble(double amount);
static std::string genPaymentId();
static bool paymentIdValid(const std::string &paiment_id);
- static bool addressValid(const std::string &str, bool testnet);
- static bool keyValid(const std::string &secret_key_string, const std::string &address_string, bool isViewKey, bool testnet, std::string &error);
- static std::string paymentIdFromAddress(const std::string &str, bool testnet);
+ static bool addressValid(const std::string &str, NetworkType nettype);
+ static bool addressValid(const std::string &str, bool testnet) // deprecated
+ {
+ return addressValid(str, testnet ? TESTNET : MAINNET);
+ }
+ static bool keyValid(const std::string &secret_key_string, const std::string &address_string, bool isViewKey, NetworkType nettype, std::string &error);
+ static bool keyValid(const std::string &secret_key_string, const std::string &address_string, bool isViewKey, bool testnet, std::string &error) // deprecated
+ {
+ return keyValid(secret_key_string, address_string, isViewKey, testnet ? TESTNET : MAINNET, error);
+ }
+ static std::string paymentIdFromAddress(const std::string &str, NetworkType nettype);
+ static std::string paymentIdFromAddress(const std::string &str, bool testnet) // deprecated
+ {
+ return paymentIdFromAddress(str, testnet ? TESTNET : MAINNET);
+ }
static uint64_t maximumAllowedAmount();
// Easylogger wrapper
static void init(const char *argv0, const char *default_log_base_name);
- static void debug(const std::string &str);
+ static void debug(const std::string &category, const std::string &str);
+ static void info(const std::string &category, const std::string &str);
+ static void warning(const std::string &category, const std::string &str);
+ static void error(const std::string &category, const std::string &str);
* @brief StartRefresh - Start/resume refresh thread (refresh every 10 seconds)
@@ -492,6 +594,39 @@ struct Wallet
virtual int autoRefreshInterval() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief addSubaddressAccount - appends a new subaddress account at the end of the last major index of existing subaddress accounts
+ * @param label - the label for the new account (which is the as the label of the primary address (accountIndex,0))
+ */
+ virtual void addSubaddressAccount(const std::string& label) = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief numSubaddressAccounts - returns the number of existing subaddress accounts
+ */
+ virtual size_t numSubaddressAccounts() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief numSubaddresses - returns the number of existing subaddresses associated with the specified subaddress account
+ * @param accountIndex - the major index specifying the subaddress account
+ */
+ virtual size_t numSubaddresses(uint32_t accountIndex) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief addSubaddress - appends a new subaddress at the end of the last minor index of the specified subaddress account
+ * @param accountIndex - the major index specifying the subaddress account
+ * @param label - the label for the new subaddress
+ */
+ virtual void addSubaddress(uint32_t accountIndex, const std::string& label) = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief getSubaddressLabel - gets the label of the specified subaddress
+ * @param accountIndex - the major index specifying the subaddress account
+ * @param addressIndex - the minor index specifying the subaddress
+ */
+ virtual std::string getSubaddressLabel(uint32_t accountIndex, uint32_t addressIndex) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief setSubaddressLabel - sets the label of the specified subaddress
+ * @param accountIndex - the major index specifying the subaddress account
+ * @param addressIndex - the minor index specifying the subaddress
+ * @param label - the new label for the specified subaddress
+ */
+ virtual void setSubaddressLabel(uint32_t accountIndex, uint32_t addressIndex, const std::string &label) = 0;
* \brief createTransaction creates transaction. if dst_addr is an integrated address, payment_id is ignored
@@ -499,6 +634,8 @@ struct Wallet
* \param payment_id optional payment_id, can be empty string
* \param amount amount
* \param mixin_count mixin count. if 0 passed, wallet will use default value
+ * \param subaddr_account subaddress account from which the input funds are taken
+ * \param subaddr_indices set of subaddress indices to use for transfer or sweeping. if set empty, all are chosen when sweeping, and one or more are automatically chosen when transferring. after execution, returns the set of actually used indices
* \param priority
* \return PendingTransaction object. caller is responsible to check PendingTransaction::status()
* after object returned
@@ -506,7 +643,9 @@ struct Wallet
virtual PendingTransaction * createTransaction(const std::string &dst_addr, const std::string &payment_id,
optional amount, uint32_t mixin_count,
- PendingTransaction::Priority = PendingTransaction::Priority_Low) = 0;
+ PendingTransaction::Priority = PendingTransaction::Priority_Low,
+ uint32_t subaddr_account = 0,
+ std::set subaddr_indices = {}) = 0;
* \brief createSweepUnmixableTransaction creates transaction with unmixable outputs.
@@ -551,8 +690,10 @@ struct Wallet
virtual bool importKeyImages(const std::string &filename) = 0;
- virtual TransactionHistory * history() const = 0;
- virtual AddressBook * addressBook() const = 0;
+ virtual TransactionHistory * history() = 0;
+ virtual AddressBook * addressBook() = 0;
+ virtual Subaddress * subaddress() = 0;
+ virtual SubaddressAccount * subaddressAccount() = 0;
virtual void setListener(WalletListener *) = 0;
* \brief defaultMixin - returns number of mixins used in transactions
@@ -569,7 +710,7 @@ struct Wallet
* \brief setUserNote - attach an arbitrary string note to a txid
* \param txid - the transaction id to attach the note to
* \param note - the note
- * \return true if succesful, false otherwise
+ * \return true if successful, false otherwise
virtual bool setUserNote(const std::string &txid, const std::string ¬e) = 0;
@@ -579,6 +720,17 @@ struct Wallet
virtual std::string getUserNote(const std::string &txid) const = 0;
virtual std::string getTxKey(const std::string &txid) const = 0;
+ virtual bool checkTxKey(const std::string &txid, std::string tx_key, const std::string &address, uint64_t &received, bool &in_pool, uint64_t &confirmations) = 0;
+ virtual std::string getTxProof(const std::string &txid, const std::string &address, const std::string &message) const = 0;
+ virtual bool checkTxProof(const std::string &txid, const std::string &address, const std::string &message, const std::string &signature, bool &good, uint64_t &received, bool &in_pool, uint64_t &confirmations) = 0;
+ virtual std::string getSpendProof(const std::string &txid, const std::string &message) const = 0;
+ virtual bool checkSpendProof(const std::string &txid, const std::string &message, const std::string &signature, bool &good) const = 0;
+ /*!
+ * \brief getReserveProof - Generates a proof that proves the reserve of unspent funds
+ * Parameters `account_index` and `amount` are ignored when `all` is true
+ */
+ virtual std::string getReserveProof(bool all, uint32_t account_index, uint64_t amount, const std::string &message) const = 0;
+ virtual bool checkReserveProof(const std::string &address, const std::string &message, const std::string &signature, bool &good, uint64_t &total, uint64_t &spent) const = 0;
* \brief signMessage - sign a message with the spend private key
@@ -604,6 +756,36 @@ struct Wallet
* \return true on success
virtual bool rescanSpent() = 0;
+ //! blackballs a set of outputs
+ virtual bool blackballOutputs(const std::vector &pubkeys, bool add) = 0;
+ //! unblackballs an output
+ virtual bool unblackballOutput(const std::string &pubkey) = 0;
+ //! gets the ring used for a key image, if any
+ virtual bool getRing(const std::string &key_image, std::vector &ring) const = 0;
+ //! gets the rings used for a txid, if any
+ virtual bool getRings(const std::string &txid, std::vector>> &rings) const = 0;
+ //! sets the ring used for a key image
+ virtual bool setRing(const std::string &key_image, const std::vector &ring, bool relative) = 0;
+ //! sets whether pre-fork outs are to be segregated
+ virtual void segregatePreForkOutputs(bool segregate) = 0;
+ //! sets the height where segregation should occur
+ virtual void segregationHeight(uint64_t height) = 0;
+ //! secondary key reuse mitigation
+ virtual void keyReuseMitigation2(bool mitigation) = 0;
+ //! Light wallet authenticate and login
+ virtual bool lightWalletLogin(bool &isNewWallet) const = 0;
+ //! Initiates a light wallet import wallet request
+ virtual bool lightWalletImportWalletRequest(std::string &payment_id, uint64_t &fee, bool &new_request, bool &request_fulfilled, std::string &payment_address, std::string &status) = 0;
@@ -616,84 +798,125 @@ struct WalletManager
* \brief Creates new wallet
* \param path Name of wallet file
* \param password Password of wallet file
- * \param language Language to be used to generate electrum seed memo
+ * \param language Language to be used to generate electrum seed mnemonic
+ * \param nettype Network type
* \return Wallet instance (Wallet::status() needs to be called to check if created successfully)
- virtual Wallet * createWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &password, const std::string &language, bool testnet = false) = 0;
+ virtual Wallet * createWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &password, const std::string &language, NetworkType nettype) = 0;
+ Wallet * createWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &password, const std::string &language, bool testnet = false) // deprecated
+ {
+ return createWallet(path, password, language, testnet ? TESTNET : MAINNET);
+ }
* \brief Opens existing wallet
* \param path Name of wallet file
* \param password Password of wallet file
+ * \param nettype Network type
* \return Wallet instance (Wallet::status() needs to be called to check if opened successfully)
- virtual Wallet * openWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &password, bool testnet = false) = 0;
+ virtual Wallet * openWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &password, NetworkType nettype) = 0;
+ Wallet * openWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &password, bool testnet = false) // deprecated
+ {
+ return openWallet(path, password, testnet ? TESTNET : MAINNET);
+ }
- * \brief recovers existing wallet using memo (electrum seed)
+ * \brief recovers existing wallet using mnemonic (electrum seed)
* \param path Name of wallet file to be created
* \param password Password of wallet file
- * \param memo memo (25 words electrum seed)
- * \param testnet testnet
+ * \param mnemonic mnemonic (25 words electrum seed)
+ * \param nettype Network type
* \param restoreHeight restore from start height
* \return Wallet instance (Wallet::status() needs to be called to check if recovered successfully)
- virtual Wallet * recoveryWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &password, const std::string &memo, bool testnet = false, uint64_t restoreHeight = 0) = 0;
+ virtual Wallet * recoveryWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &password, const std::string &mnemonic,
+ NetworkType nettype = MAINNET, uint64_t restoreHeight = 0) = 0;
+ Wallet * recoveryWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &password, const std::string &mnemonic,
+ bool testnet = false, uint64_t restoreHeight = 0) // deprecated
+ {
+ return recoveryWallet(path, password, mnemonic, testnet ? TESTNET : MAINNET, restoreHeight);
+ }
- * \deprecated this method creates a wallet WITHOUT a psssphrase, use the alternate recoverWallet() method
- * \brief recovers existing wallet using memo (electrum seed)
+ * \deprecated this method creates a wallet WITHOUT a passphrase, use the alternate recoverWallet() method
+ * \brief recovers existing wallet using mnemonic (electrum seed)
* \param path Name of wallet file to be created
- * \param memo memo (25 words electrum seed)
- * \param testnet testnet
+ * \param mnemonic mnemonic (25 words electrum seed)
+ * \param nettype Network type
* \param restoreHeight restore from start height
* \return Wallet instance (Wallet::status() needs to be called to check if recovered successfully)
- virtual Wallet * recoveryWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &memo, bool testnet = false, uint64_t restoreHeight = 0) = 0;
+ virtual Wallet * recoveryWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &mnemonic, NetworkType nettype, uint64_t restoreHeight = 0) = 0;
+ Wallet * recoveryWallet(const std::string &path, const std::string &mnemonic, bool testnet = false, uint64_t restoreHeight = 0) // deprecated
+ {
+ return recoveryWallet(path, mnemonic, testnet ? TESTNET : MAINNET, restoreHeight);
+ }
* \brief recovers existing wallet using keys. Creates a view only wallet if spend key is omitted
* \param path Name of wallet file to be created
* \param password Password of wallet file
* \param language language
- * \param testnet testnet
+ * \param nettype Network type
* \param restoreHeight restore from start height
* \param addressString public address
* \param viewKeyString view key
* \param spendKeyString spend key (optional)
* \return Wallet instance (Wallet::status() needs to be called to check if recovered successfully)
- virtual Wallet * createWalletWithKeys(const std::string &path,
+ virtual Wallet * createWalletFromKeys(const std::string &path,
const std::string &password,
const std::string &language,
- bool testnet,
+ NetworkType nettype,
uint64_t restoreHeight,
const std::string &addressString,
const std::string &viewKeyString,
const std::string &spendKeyString = "") = 0;
+ Wallet * createWalletFromKeys(const std::string &path,
+ const std::string &password,
+ const std::string &language,
+ bool testnet,
+ uint64_t restoreHeight,
+ const std::string &addressString,
+ const std::string &viewKeyString,
+ const std::string &spendKeyString = "") // deprecated
+ {
+ return createWalletFromKeys(path, password, language, testnet ? TESTNET : MAINNET, restoreHeight, addressString, viewKeyString, spendKeyString);
+ }
- /*!
- * \deprecated this method creates a wallet WITHOUT a psssphrase, use createWalletWithKeys() instead
- * \brief recovers existing wallet using keys. Creates a view only wallet if spend key is omitted
- * \param path Name of wallet file to be created
- * \param language language
- * \param testnet testnet
- * \param restoreHeight restore from start height
- * \param addressString public address
- * \param viewKeyString view key
- * \param spendKeyString spend key (optional)
- * \return Wallet instance (Wallet::status() needs to be called to check if recovered successfully)
- */
- virtual Wallet * createWalletFromKeys(const std::string &path,
+ /*!
+ * \deprecated this method creates a wallet WITHOUT a passphrase, use createWalletFromKeys(..., password, ...) instead
+ * \brief recovers existing wallet using keys. Creates a view only wallet if spend key is omitted
+ * \param path Name of wallet file to be created
+ * \param language language
+ * \param nettype Network type
+ * \param restoreHeight restore from start height
+ * \param addressString public address
+ * \param viewKeyString view key
+ * \param spendKeyString spend key (optional)
+ * \return Wallet instance (Wallet::status() needs to be called to check if recovered successfully)
+ */
+ virtual Wallet * createWalletFromKeys(const std::string &path,
const std::string &language,
- bool testnet,
+ NetworkType nettype,
uint64_t restoreHeight,
const std::string &addressString,
const std::string &viewKeyString,
const std::string &spendKeyString = "") = 0;
+ Wallet * createWalletFromKeys(const std::string &path,
+ const std::string &language,
+ bool testnet,
+ uint64_t restoreHeight,
+ const std::string &addressString,
+ const std::string &viewKeyString,
+ const std::string &spendKeyString = "") // deprecated
+ {
+ return createWalletFromKeys(path, language, testnet ? TESTNET : MAINNET, restoreHeight, addressString, viewKeyString, spendKeyString);
+ }
- * \brief Closes wallet. In case operation succeded, wallet object deleted. in case operation failed, wallet object not deleted
+ * \brief Closes wallet. In case operation succeeded, wallet object deleted. in case operation failed, wallet object not deleted
* \param wallet previously opened / created wallet instance
* \return None
@@ -714,10 +937,10 @@ struct WalletManager
* @brief verifyWalletPassword - check if the given filename is the wallet
* @param keys_file_name - location of keys file
* @param password - password to verify
- * @param watch_only - verify only view keys?
+ * @param no_spend_key - verify only view keys?
* @return - true if password is correct
- virtual bool verifyWalletPassword(const std::string &keys_file_name, const std::string &password, bool watch_only) const = 0;
+ virtual bool verifyWalletPassword(const std::string &keys_file_name, const std::string &password, bool no_spend_key) const = 0;
* \brief findWallets - searches for the wallet files by given path name recursively
@@ -726,19 +949,6 @@ struct WalletManager
virtual std::vector findWallets(const std::string &path) = 0;
- /*!
- * \brief checkPayment - checks a payment was made using a txkey
- * \param address - the address the payment was sent to
- * \param txid - the transaction id for that payment
- * \param txkey - the transaction's secret key
- * \param daemon_address - the address (host and port) to the daemon to request transaction data
- * \param received - if succesful, will hold the amount of monero received
- * \param height - if succesful, will hold the height of the transaction (0 if only in the pool)
- * \param error - if unsuccesful, will hold an error string with more information about the error
- * \return - true is succesful, false otherwise
- */
- virtual bool checkPayment(const std::string &address, const std::string &txid, const std::string &txkey, const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t &received, uint64_t &height, std::string &error) const = 0;
//! returns verbose error string regarding last error;
virtual std::string errorString() const = 0;
@@ -746,25 +956,25 @@ struct WalletManager
virtual void setDaemonAddress(const std::string &address) = 0;
//! returns whether the daemon can be reached, and its version number
- virtual bool connected(uint32_t *version = NULL) const = 0;
+ virtual bool connected(uint32_t *version = NULL) = 0;
//! returns current blockchain height
- virtual uint64_t blockchainHeight() const = 0;
+ virtual uint64_t blockchainHeight() = 0;
//! returns current blockchain target height
- virtual uint64_t blockchainTargetHeight() const = 0;
+ virtual uint64_t blockchainTargetHeight() = 0;
//! returns current network difficulty
- virtual uint64_t networkDifficulty() const = 0;
+ virtual uint64_t networkDifficulty() = 0;
//! returns current mining hash rate (0 if not mining)
- virtual double miningHashRate() const = 0;
+ virtual double miningHashRate() = 0;
//! returns current block target
- virtual uint64_t blockTarget() const = 0;
+ virtual uint64_t blockTarget() = 0;
//! returns true iff mining
- virtual bool isMining() const = 0;
+ virtual bool isMining() = 0;
//! starts mining with the set number of threads
virtual bool startMining(const std::string &address, uint32_t threads = 1, bool background_mining = false, bool ignore_battery = true) = 0;
@@ -776,7 +986,7 @@ struct WalletManager
virtual std::string resolveOpenAlias(const std::string &address, bool &dnssec_valid) const = 0;
//! checks for an update and returns version, hash and url
- static std::tuple checkUpdates(const std::string &software, const std::string &subdir);
+ static std::tuple checkUpdates(const std::string &software, std::string subdir);
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/.gitignore b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libblockchain_db.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libblockchain_db.a
deleted file mode 100644
index e333cba684..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libblockchain_db.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libblocks.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libblocks.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bedd4fe87..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libblocks.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcncrypto.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcncrypto.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 20f89f21d5..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcncrypto.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcommon.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcommon.a
deleted file mode 100644
index a067bc9635..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcommon.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcryptonote_basic.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcryptonote_basic.a
deleted file mode 100644
index a0e3501a9a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcryptonote_basic.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcryptonote_core.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcryptonote_core.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 9877d5cfd0..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcryptonote_core.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcryptonote_protocol.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcryptonote_protocol.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 007c3883c8..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libcryptonote_protocol.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libdaemonizer.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libdaemonizer.a
deleted file mode 100644
index b71e895144..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libdaemonizer.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libeasylogging.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libeasylogging.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 77d5c1db3a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libeasylogging.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libepee.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libepee.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 666d120dd7..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libepee.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/liblmdb.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/liblmdb.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 30e0bb97c3..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/liblmdb.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libminiupnpc.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libminiupnpc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 24366314d6..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libminiupnpc.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libmnemonics.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libmnemonics.a
deleted file mode 100644
index f1a51b02d8..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libmnemonics.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libp2p.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libp2p.a
deleted file mode 100644
index d8d3e163e7..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libp2p.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libringct.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libringct.a
deleted file mode 100644
index f32fe91dd1..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libringct.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/librpc.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/librpc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 957cad73c2..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/librpc.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libunbound.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libunbound.a
deleted file mode 100644
index fa0ab4865c..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libunbound.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libwallet.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libwallet.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dc12b3f18..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/arm64-v8a/libwallet.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/.gitignore b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libblockchain_db.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libblockchain_db.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 39ba2b3485..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libblockchain_db.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libblocks.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libblocks.a
deleted file mode 100644
index b53eeabe29..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libblocks.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcncrypto.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcncrypto.a
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c75f5f09..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcncrypto.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcommon.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcommon.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 73694e078e..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcommon.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcryptonote_basic.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcryptonote_basic.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a198b79dd..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcryptonote_basic.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcryptonote_core.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcryptonote_core.a
deleted file mode 100644
index c56cb7a332..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcryptonote_core.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcryptonote_protocol.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcryptonote_protocol.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ccfe49f1f..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcryptonote_protocol.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libdaemonizer.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libdaemonizer.a
deleted file mode 100644
index fc507227d2..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libdaemonizer.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libeasylogging.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libeasylogging.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 62d93dfc48..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libeasylogging.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libepee.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libepee.a
deleted file mode 100644
index e0f0b85abf..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libepee.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/liblmdb.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/liblmdb.a
deleted file mode 100644
index dc9f5134a3..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/liblmdb.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libminiupnpc.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libminiupnpc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index fb5500549a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libminiupnpc.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libmnemonics.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libmnemonics.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 322ec0d3ad..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libmnemonics.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libp2p.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libp2p.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 64dfb04435..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libp2p.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libringct.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libringct.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 19875c71c8..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libringct.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/librpc.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/librpc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 6929d365a5..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/librpc.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libunbound.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libunbound.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b74c6df1e..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libunbound.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libwallet.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libwallet.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 34d6f8736e..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/armeabi-v7a/libwallet.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/.gitignore b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libblockchain_db.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libblockchain_db.a
deleted file mode 100644
index d612d771b8..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libblockchain_db.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libblocks.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libblocks.a
deleted file mode 100644
index a3b372f424..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libblocks.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcncrypto.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcncrypto.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd2f72fb6..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcncrypto.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcommon.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcommon.a
deleted file mode 100644
index eb85d0f9f5..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcommon.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcryptonote_basic.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcryptonote_basic.a
deleted file mode 100644
index c04c7d2e9e..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcryptonote_basic.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcryptonote_core.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcryptonote_core.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 1855dc2b35..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcryptonote_core.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcryptonote_protocol.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcryptonote_protocol.a
deleted file mode 100644
index f94dc8c0c8..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libcryptonote_protocol.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libdaemonizer.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libdaemonizer.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 48eeaa5392..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libdaemonizer.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libeasylogging.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libeasylogging.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c891d140c..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libeasylogging.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libepee.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libepee.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eac2a5656..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libepee.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/liblmdb.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/liblmdb.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 65c6d988ed..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/liblmdb.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libminiupnpc.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libminiupnpc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 0afddfa7bd..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libminiupnpc.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libmnemonics.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libmnemonics.a
deleted file mode 100644
index b7e20b557b..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libmnemonics.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libp2p.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libp2p.a
deleted file mode 100644
index dbbf1a7d9d..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libp2p.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libringct.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libringct.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 42a11ac3fc..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libringct.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/librpc.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/librpc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index c1f19246bd..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/librpc.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libunbound.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libunbound.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 6706b06787..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libunbound.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libwallet.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libwallet.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 67da0302b8..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86/libwallet.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/.gitignore b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libblockchain_db.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libblockchain_db.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e0cb6350c..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libblockchain_db.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libblocks.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libblocks.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bd74ad62a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libblocks.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcncrypto.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcncrypto.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c364141f5..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcncrypto.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcommon.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcommon.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e3b7037f9..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcommon.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcryptonote_basic.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcryptonote_basic.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 030f06f5ea..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcryptonote_basic.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcryptonote_core.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcryptonote_core.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 48c8f29da5..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcryptonote_core.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcryptonote_protocol.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcryptonote_protocol.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df4e5d4e7..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libcryptonote_protocol.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libdaemonizer.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libdaemonizer.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d1e3f2d40..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libdaemonizer.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libeasylogging.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libeasylogging.a
deleted file mode 100644
index bc0ce8c2bd..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libeasylogging.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libepee.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libepee.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a290fa52..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libepee.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/liblmdb.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/liblmdb.a
deleted file mode 100644
index a18f679f22..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/liblmdb.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libminiupnpc.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libminiupnpc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index d4e509494e..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libminiupnpc.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libmnemonics.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libmnemonics.a
deleted file mode 100644
index db636395dd..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libmnemonics.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libp2p.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libp2p.a
deleted file mode 100644
index d7e2c8a90a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libp2p.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libringct.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libringct.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 3826c8589b..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libringct.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/librpc.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/librpc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae210e316..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/librpc.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libunbound.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libunbound.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 84d925f4bc..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libunbound.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libwallet.a b/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libwallet.a
deleted file mode 100644
index aedf5d7b2e..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/monero/lib/x86_64/libwallet.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a/.gitignore b/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a/libcrypto.a b/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a/libcrypto.a
deleted file mode 100644
index a4d01f013c..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a/libcrypto.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a/libssl.a b/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a/libssl.a
deleted file mode 100644
index c4834180b0..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/openssl/lib/arm64-v8a/libssl.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a/.gitignore b/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcrypto.a b/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcrypto.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 8042fd9d92..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a/libcrypto.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a/libssl.a b/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a/libssl.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f59043e2f..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/openssl/lib/armeabi-v7a/libssl.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86/.gitignore b/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86/libcrypto.a b/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86/libcrypto.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a4ddff5cb..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86/libcrypto.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86/libssl.a b/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86/libssl.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 1487ee34d1..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86/libssl.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64/.gitignore b/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7d2734cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64/libcrypto.a b/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64/libcrypto.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a8d04fb5a..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64/libcrypto.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64/libssl.a b/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64/libssl.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b3c48d271..0000000000
Binary files a/external-libs/openssl/lib/x86_64/libssl.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/gradle.properties b/gradle.properties
index aac7c9b461..d658914d0f 100644
--- a/gradle.properties
+++ b/gradle.properties
@@ -15,3 +15,6 @@ org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536m
# This option should only be used with decoupled projects. More details, visit
# http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/multi_project_builds.html#sec:decoupled_projects
# org.gradle.parallel=true
+# keep build timestamps in APK
+android.keepTimestampsInApk = true
diff --git a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties b/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
index 30a223c5c1..24a0504816 100644
--- a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
+++ b/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#Wed Oct 25 23:06:49 CEST 2017
+#Mon Apr 09 08:52:01 CEST 2018