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693 lines (535 loc) · 29.6 KB

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693 lines (535 loc) · 29.6 KB

Release Notes


Breaking changes

  • Renamed TraitBase.isValid to isImbued for symmetry with imbue/imbueTo methods. #815

  • Changed the host identifier, and removed the custom locale from the simpleResolver example as they did not follow best practice.

  • BatchElementErrorCallback moved from the top level openassetio namespace to the openassetio::hostApi::Manager namespace. #849

  • Removed the entityName and entityDisplayName methods in favour of resolvable traits to minimize API calls and allow industry specific flexibility. See OpenAssetIO-MediaCreation. #837

New features

  • Added TraitBase.isImbuedTo static/class method, giving a cheaper mechanism for testing whether a TraitsData is imbued with a trait. #815

  • Added resolve overloads for convenience, providing alternatives to the core callback-based workflow. Includes a more direct method for resolving a single entity reference, and exception vs. result object workflows. #849 #850


  • Improved the documentation for the simpleResolver example, to provide more context when using it as a starting point for an OpenAssetIO integration.

  • Made BatchElementError a copyable type in the C++ API. #849

  • Made the C++ codebase compliant with Clang-Tidy v15. Note that this is not yet enforced on CI. OpenAssetIO#874

Bug fixes

  • Removed nodiscard from TraitsData::getTraitProperty, and TraitBase::getTraitProperty, to allow "value or default" style use cases. #825


Breaking changes

  • Disabled the (nascent) C bindings by default. To enable, the OPENASSETIO_ENABLE_C CMake option must be explicitly set to ON.

New features

  • The FixtureAugmentedTestCase class of the openassetio.test.manager.harness can now be configured to create a new, uninitialized manager instance for each test case, by setting the shareManger class variable or derived classes to False. This facilitates testing of a manager's initialization behavior. BAL#26

Bug fixes

  • Ensured that the Python GIL is acquired within createPythonPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory, so that it is no longer necessary to acquire externally by the calling (host) thread. #797

  • Fixed use-after-free issue in hybrid C++/Python applications, where the Python interpreter is destroyed before OpenAssetIO objects are cleaned up. This could manifest as segfaults or hangs at program exit. #805


Breaking changes

  • The openassetio.traits module has been removed. OpenAssetIO itself no longer contains any trait definitions. Integrations of the API should use the established standards particular to the area of use. See OpenAssetIO-MediaCreation for traits previously included here. #717


Breaking changes

  • OpenAssetIO now has a soft dependency on the importlib_metadata Python package (>=3.6.0). If you have been installing the project manually by extending PYTHONPATH (instead of using pip) you may also need to additionally satisfy this dependency if you wish to make use of entry point based discovery of Python plugins. #762

  • The PythonPluginSystem no longer clears existing plugin registrations when scan is called. The PythonPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory has been updated to call reset itself, so this change only affects any direct use of the PythonPluginSystem by third party code. #703

  • The PythonPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory now checks fall-back environment variables during construction, rather than the first time plugins are queried. This means changes to the environment made after a factory has been created will not affect that factory. #762

  • Removed references to openassetio-traitgen from codebase, is now in own repository #715

  • Removed toml++ as vendored library. Is now an external dependency similar to other external dependencies.

  • Moved and pyproject.toml under the Python component's directory, i.e. src/openassetio-python. This means the minimum version of pip used to build wheels (or install from source) is now 21.3, where in-tree builds are the default. #728

  • Updated various Python method argument names to match their C++ equivalent. Specifically this affects Manager/ManagerInterface.managementPolicy, SeverityFilter.setSeverity, TraitsData.hasTrait / .addTrait / .addTraits / .setTraitProperty / .getTraitProperty / .traitPropertyKeys / copy-constructor. #743

New features

  • Added entry point based discovery of Python manager plugins. This allows pure Python manager plugins to be deployed and managed as Python packages, without the need to wrangle OPENASSETIO_PLUGIN_PATH. The openassetio.manager_plugin entry point should expose a module providing a top-level plugin variable, holding a ManagerPlugin derived class. This can be disabled by setting the OPENASSETIO_DISABLE_ENTRYPOINTS_PLUGINS env var to any value. #762


  • Added openassetio-build docker image. This is an extension of the already used ASFW CY22 docker image, but with the additional OpenAssetIO dependencies installed into it. As we have also installed test dependencies into this image, this unlocks out-of-the-box sandboxed testing workflows via docker. #716

  • Reorganized the directory structure to better reflect the fact that the project is split into distinct components, and that it is primarily a CMake-driven project with optional Python component. #655

  • Improved documentation for users that wish to build/release OpenAssetIO. #624 #716 #749

  • Improved support for consumption of OpenAssetIO by downstream CMake projects. OpenAssetIOConfig.cmake provides variables for locating the installation location of binaries and Python sources. When used as a CMake subproject, namespaced ALIAS targets match the exported targets, and the build-tree has RPATH support. #675

Bug fixes

  • Fixed various broken URLs in markdown docs. #744

  • Fixed unnecessary link dependencies on Python and pybind11 when building and linking to the openassetio-python-bridge library. #675

  • Fixed the file extension for Windows debug builds of the _openassetio Python extension module. #675

  • Fixed .pdb debug symbol files installation location on Windows. #675


Breaking changes

  • Renamed the Trait Python class to TraitBase for consistency with other classes. #703

  • Renamed the openassetio-codegen tool to openassetio-traitgen to avoid ambiguity. #646

  • The BasicAssetLibrary test-harness manager plugin has been extracted into its own repository to simplify its ongoing development and version management. #672


  • Added compatibility with Python 3.7. #660


Breaking changes

  • Added [[nodiscard]] attribute to various make factory functions, may generate additional compiler warnings in your project.

  • Removed predownload of test dependencies, meaning contributors must reuse their python environments in order to run tests offline. #629

  • Changed location of python virtual environment created by openassetio-python-venv CMake build target to be outside of the CMake install tree. This target is executed during test runs if OPENASSETIO_ENABLE_PYTHON_TEST_VENV is enabled. #629

  • Changed --install-folder location of conan install in bootstrap scripts from $CONAN_USER_HOME to $WORKSPACE/.conan. Users who have been using the bootstrap scripts directly may need to update their toolchain CMake arguments.

New Features

  • Added example host (under resources/examples), that provides a basic CLI to resolve Entity References for a supplied Trait Set.

  • Added CMake option OPENASSETIO_ENABLE_PYTHON_TEST_VENV, allowing the user to configure whether a python virtual environment is automatically created during ctest execution, along with a new CMake preset test-custom-python-env that disables this option.


  • Added Python sources to the CMake install tree (rather than requiring a separate pip install for the pure Python component), effectively creating a complete bundle that can be used directly or packaged. #629

  • Updated to build the Python extension module. Assuming CMake's find_package can locate dependencies, then pip install . is all that is needed to build and install OpenAssetIO into a Python environment. #630

  • Added 'unstable' warning to docs to notify of python api that has not yet been updated for the C++ api, and is thus inherently unstable. #600

  • Changed CMake configuration so that openassetio-python-venv target now automatically installs python dependencies of enabled components. #629

  • Added convenience methods debugApi, debug, info, progress, warning, error, critical to LoggerInterface to log messages of the respective severity.

  • Added OPENASSETIO_CONAN_SKIP_CPYTHON environment variable to prevent conan installing its own python version. This is to support workflows where the user is bringing their own python environment, and does not want python installations to conflict. #653

  • Bleeding edge python wheels are now downloadable as artifacts from the Build wheels github actions workflow. #653


Breaking changes

  • Added checks to the test.manager.apiComplianceSuite to ensure the correct handling of malformed references.

  • Reordered BatchElementError.ErrorCode constants to allow grouping of entity-related errors. #587

  • Migrated Manager.preflight and Manager.register to use the new callback based batch API. #587

  • Renamed apiComplianceSuite fixtures to disambiguate their use:

    • a_malformed_reference -> an_invalid_reference
    • a_malformed_entity_reference -> a_malformed_refrence #585
  • Renamed ResolveErrorCallback to BatchElementErrorCallback for use more widely in callback based API functions. #588

New Features

  • Added basic publishing support to the BasicAssetLibrary (BAL) example manager plugin. This allows rudimentary entity creation workflows to be explored. Initially, support is limited to the simple in-memory creation/update of entities, with verbatim store/recall of the supplied traits data. #585

  • Added the $OPENASSETIO_DEFAULT_CONFIG mechanism, that allows the API to be bootstrapped from a simple TOML file referenced by this env var. Presently, this is exposed via the ManagerFactory.createDefaultManagerForInterface method, which reads the manager identifier/settings from this file and returns a suitably configured instance of that manager. #494


  • Added new BatchElementError.ErrorCode constants:

    • kMalformedEntityReference When an entity reference is valid, but malformed for the calling context and target entity.
    • kEntityAccessError When the supplied context's access is the specific cause of the error. #587
  • Added (protected) ManagerInterface.createEntityReference method to facilitate the creation of EntityReference values as required by a manager's implementation. #549

  • Added TraitsData.traitPropertyKeys to return a set of the property keys for a given trait. #498

  • Migrated the preflight and register ManagerInterface methods to C++. #588

  • Migrated the preflight and register Manager methods to C++. #588

  • Reformatted the Python codebase using black, and added CI checks to enforce Python formatting going forward.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Manager.resolve success callback such that the trait data provided is compatible with C++ trait views. #605

  • Fixed the RetainPyArgs Python binding helper to work with functions that take shared_ptrs by const reference, as well as by value. This affected the Python bindings of createManagerForInterface, which would allow the Python objects given to it to go out of scope and be destroyed, despite the associated C++ objects remaining alive. #620



  • Added boolean comparison based on content to EntityReference types.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed calling Manager.resolve from C++, when the manager implementation is written in Python. #582


Breaking changes

  • Scoped Context constants for access and retention values under Context.Access and Context.Retention, respectively, rather than polluting the Context namespace with two distinct sets of unrelated constants. This uses the more modern enum class scoped enumeration type in C++. #568

  • Scoped LoggerInterface severity constants under LoggerInterface.Severity, for consistency with enumerated constants, e.g. Context and BatchElementError, where enums have their own child scope. This uses the more modern enum class scoped enumeration type in C++. #568

  • Changed resolve to use a callback-based API, rather than returning a list of results. #530

  • Removed the Manager/ManagerInterface prefetch method, which is redundant now the API is batch-first. #511

  • Added EntityReference type to encapsulate a validated string so it can be used with entity-related API methods. These should always be created with either Manager.createEntityReference or Manager.createEntityReferenceIfValid. Updated the signature of Manager and ManagerInterface methods to take EntityReference object arguments, rather than entity reference strings. #549

  • Renamed isEntityReference to isEntityReferenceString to avoid ambiguity when also working with the new EntityReference type. #549

  • Made isEntityReferenceString a non-batch method to simplify common usage, as it is always in-process. #549

  • Reversed the order of logging severity constants, such that the numerical value of the constant increases with the logical severity (i.e. kDebugApi is now 0 and kCritical is now 6). #516

  • Removed the logging abstraction in HostSession. The log method has been replaced with the logger accessor that provides the sessions LoggerInterface derived class directly. #531

  • Swapped the order of severity and message in the LoggerInterface::log method. #531

  • Removed the Session Python class in favour of the ManagerFactory C++/Python class. #430 #445 #331 #507 #510

  • Removed redundant ManagerIntefaceFactoryInterface methods managers and managerRegistered, whose functionality has been migrated to ManagerFactory. Removed instantiateUIDelegate until UI layer work is underway. #505

  • Redesigned the manager initialization workflow, such that ManagerInterface/Manager.setSettings and initialize are no longer independent calls. Specifically, setSettings is removed and initialize now takes settings as an argument. This also entailed renaming ManagerInterface/Manager.getSettings to settings. #503

  • Redesigned managementPolicy to return a TraitsData rather than a bitfield for specifying the policy of the manager for a given trait set. This deprecated the managementPolicy constants, which have been removed. #458

  • Removed thumbnail support from the core API and updated docs to make use of an imagined WantsThumbnailTrait policy trait, since this is an industry-specific feature. #458

  • Renamed the manager/host namespaces to managerApi and hostApi for consistency with the rest of the codebase. #457

  • Renamed both ManagerFactoryInterface as well as the subclass PluginSystemManagerFactory to ManagerImplementationFactoryInterface and PythonPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory, respectively, to avoid potential ambiguity. I.e. that they instantiate (Python) instances of ManagerInterface rather than Manager. For consistency and clarity, also prefixed other Python plugin system classes with PythonPluginSystem. #506 #508

  • Renamed the LoggerInterface constant kDebugAPI to kDebugApi. #457

  • Removed the LoggerInterface.progress() method as it requires some careful thought how best to implement, and in the meantime is unused and only complicates the C++ migration. #504

  • Split Specification class into SpecificationBase and TraitsData This properly defines the separation of the generic data container from the strongly typed views used to get/set well known traits and their properties. #348

  • Switched the C/C++ symbol namespace to use a separate ABI version. The version is defined by the major version component of the last release in which the ABI changed. #377

  • Renamed the following trait related types and variables to better align with the concepts of the API: #340

    • SpecificationBase.kTraitIds to kTraitSet.
    • TraitsData::TraitIds to TraitSet
    • TraitsData::traitIds() to traitSet()
  • Removed the Transactions API, including the ManagerInterface methods, and TransactionCoordinator helpers. #421

  • Added createContext, createChildContext, persistenceTokenForContext and contextFromPersistenceToken methods to the Manager class to facilitate context creation and the serialization of a manager's state for persistence or distribution. #421, #430 #452

  • Renamed the ManagerInterface methods freezeState and thawState to persistenceTokenForState and stateFromPersistenceToken to better describe their behavior. #452

  • Marked Host class as final in both Python and C++ and so it cannot be subclassed. #331

  • Removed Context.managerOptions. #291

  • Renamed Context.managerInterfaceState to Context.managerState. #291

  • Changed Context.kOther to kUnknown, and changed the default context access to kUnknown. This better describes its use, and encourages hosts to properly configure the context before use.

  • Changed Context access and retention constants to enums in C++ that are bound to Python as opaque instances (via pybind11::enum_), rather than strings and integers, respectively. #291

  • Split ManagerInterface::createState into createState and createChildState to more explicitly state intent, and simplify language bindings. #445

  • Amended the behaviour of ManagerInterface such that derived classes who implement the createState method must also implement createChildState, persistenceTokenForState and stateFromPersistenceToken. Checks have been added to the openassetio.test.manager apiComplianceSuite to validate manager implementations against this requirement.

  • Made the constructors of the following classes private: Context, Host, HostSession, Manager, TraitsData. The static make methods should be used to construct new instances. #481

  • Removed the makeShared pointer factory. The per-class static make methods should be used instead. #481


  • Added openassetio-codegen tool to auto-generate Trait and Specification classes from simple YAML descriptions. #415


  • Added kEntityResolutionError and kInvalidEntityReference batch element error codes, to mirror the EntityResolutionError and InvalidEntityReference exception classes, respectively. #530

  • Added openassetio-python C++-to-Python bridge library, providing a createPythonPluginSystemManagerImplementationFactory function, which allows a C++ host to load managers using the Python plugin system. #508

  • Made LogggerInterface::log non-const.

  • Added MangerFactory as a new, simpler, mechanism for querying for and instantiating available managers, intended to replace Session. #507

  • Added ManagerInterfaceState abstract base class, that should be used as a base for all instances returned from ManagerInterface::createState(). #291

  • Added short-form macros for C API symbols, so that, for example, oa_symbolName can be used instead of wrapping every reference in the namespacing macro, i.e. OPENASSETIO_NS(symbolName). #370

  • Migrated the following classes to C++: Context, Host, HostInterface, HostSession and LoggerInterface, ConsoleLogger SeverityFilter and ManagerImplementationFactoryInterface. Debug and audit functionality is left for future work. #291 #331 #455 #504 #507

  • Migrated the following ManagerInterface methods to C++ initialize, managementPolicy, createState, createChildState, persistenceTokenForState, stateFromPersistenceToken, isEntityReferenceString, resolve. #455 #458 #445 #549 #530

  • Migrated the following Manager methods to C++ initialize managementPolicy, createContext, createChildContext, persistenceTokenForContext, contextFromPersistenceToken, isEntityReferenceString, resolve. #455 #458 #445 #549 #530

  • Switched to preferring un-versioned clang-tidy executables when the OPENASSETIO_ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY build option is enabled. We currently target LLVM v12, earlier or later versions may yield new or false-positive warnings. #392

  • Added CMake presets for development and testing. #315

  • Added OPENASSETIO_PYTHON_PIP_TIMEOUT CMake cache variable to allow customising pip install socket timeout. Useful if working offline with dependencies already downloaded. #407

  • Updated the machine image bootstrap scripts in resources/build to use the $WORKSPACE env var instead of $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to determine the root of a checkout when configuring the environment.

  • Added resources/build/requirements.txt covering build toolchain requirements.

  • Bumped conan version installed by bootstrap scripts to 1.48.1 #401

  • Updated the Ubuntu bootstrap script to ensure clang-format and clang-tidy use the v12 alternatives.

  • Added support for customisable managementPolicy responses to the BasicAssetLibrary example/test manager. See: resources/examples/manager/BasicAssetLibrary/schema.json #459

Bug fixes

  • Python objects that inherit from a C++ base class, and are held by a C++ object as a C++ base class pointer, will no longer be destroyed prematurely. See pybind/1333. #523

  • The CMake clean target no longer breaks subsequent builds, including offline builds. #311

  • C headers are now C99 compliant. In particular, they no longer #include C++-specific headers. #337


Initial alpha release.