diff --git a/python/lsst/drp/tasks/assemble_cell_coadd.py b/python/lsst/drp/tasks/assemble_cell_coadd.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d670849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/lsst/drp/tasks/assemble_cell_coadd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+# This file is part of drp_tasks.
+# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
+# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
+# (https://www.lsst.org).
+# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# for details of code ownership.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+__all__ = (
+ "AssembleCellCoaddTask",
+ "AssembleCellCoaddConfig",
+ "ConvertMultipleCellCoaddToExposureTask",
+import lsst.afw.image as afwImage
+import lsst.afw.math as afwMath
+import numpy as np
+from lsst.cell_coadds import (
+ CellIdentifiers,
+ CoaddUnits,
+ CommonComponents,
+ GridContainer,
+ MultipleCellCoadd,
+ OwnedImagePlanes,
+ PatchIdentifiers,
+ SingleCellCoadd,
+ UniformGrid,
+from lsst.meas.algorithms import AccumulatorMeanStack, CoaddPsf, CoaddPsfConfig
+from lsst.pex.config import ConfigField, ConfigurableField, Field, ListField, RangeField
+from lsst.pipe.base import NoWorkFound, PipelineTask, PipelineTaskConfig, PipelineTaskConnections, Struct
+from lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes import Input, Output
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase import makeSkyInfo
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder import CoaddInputRecorderTask
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.interpImage import InterpImageTask
+from lsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint import ScaleZeroPointTask
+from lsst.skymap import BaseSkyMap
+class AssembleCellCoaddConnections(
+ PipelineTaskConnections,
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "band", "skymap"),
+ defaultTemplates={"inputWarpName": "deep", "outputCoaddSuffix": "Cell"},
+ inputWarps = Input(
+ doc="Input warps",
+ name="{inputWarpName}Coadd_directWarp",
+ storageClass="ExposureF",
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "visit", "instrument"),
+ deferLoad=True,
+ multiple=True,
+ )
+ skyMap = Input(
+ doc="Input definition of geometry/bbox and projection/wcs. This must be cell-based.",
+ storageClass="SkyMap",
+ dimensions=("skymap",),
+ )
+ multipleCellCoadd = Output(
+ doc="Output multiple cell coadd",
+ name="{inputWarpName}Coadd{outputCoaddSuffix}",
+ storageClass="MultipleCellCoadd",
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "band", "skymap"),
+ )
+class AssembleCellCoaddConfig(PipelineTaskConfig, pipelineConnections=AssembleCellCoaddConnections):
+ do_interpolate_coadd = Field[bool](doc="Interpolate over pixels with NO_DATA mask set?", default=False)
+ interpolate_coadd = ConfigurableField(
+ target=InterpImageTask,
+ doc="Task to interpolate (and extrapolate) over pixels with NO_DATA mask on cell coadds",
+ )
+ scale_zero_point = ConfigurableField(
+ target=ScaleZeroPointTask,
+ doc="Task to scale warps to a common zero point",
+ )
+ bad_mask_planes = ListField[str](
+ doc="Mask planes that count towards the masked fraction within a cell.",
+ default=("BAD", "NO_DATA", "SAT"),
+ )
+ calc_error_from_input_variance = Field[bool](
+ doc="Calculate coadd variance from input variance by stacking "
+ "statistic. Passed to AccumulatorMeanStack.",
+ default=False,
+ )
+ max_maskfrac = RangeField[float](
+ doc="Maximum fraction of masked pixels in a cell. This is currently "
+ "just a placeholder and is not used now",
+ default=0.99,
+ min=0.0,
+ max=1.0,
+ inclusiveMin=True,
+ inclusiveMax=False,
+ )
+ # The following config options are specific to the CoaddPsf.
+ coadd_psf = ConfigField(
+ doc="Configuration for CoaddPsf",
+ dtype=CoaddPsfConfig,
+ )
+ input_recorder = ConfigurableField(
+ doc="Subtask that helps fill CoaddInputs catalogs added to the final Exposure",
+ target=CoaddInputRecorderTask,
+ )
+class AssembleCellCoaddTask(PipelineTask):
+ """Assemble a cell-based coadded image from a set of warps.
+ This task reads in the warp one at a time, and accumulates it in all the
+ cells that it completely overlaps with. This is the optimal I/O pattern but
+ this also implies that it is not possible to build one or only a few cells.
+ Each cell coadds is guaranteed to have a well-defined PSF. This is done by
+ 1) excluding warps that only partially overlap a cell from that cell coadd;
+ 2) interpolating bad pixels in the warps rather than excluding them;
+ 3) by computing the coadd as a weighted mean of the warps without clipping;
+ 4) by computing the coadd PSF as the weighted mean of the PSF of the warps
+ with the same weights.
+ The cells are (and must be) defined in the skymap, and cannot be configured
+ or redefined here. The cells are assumed to be small enough that the PSF is
+ assumed to be spatially constant within a cell.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ NoWorkFound
+ Raised if no input warps are provided.
+ RuntimeError
+ Raised if the skymap is not cell-based.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This is not yet a part of the standard DRP pipeline. As such, the Task and
+ especially its Config and Connections are experimental and subject to
+ change any time without a formal RFC or standard deprecation procedures
+ until it is included in the DRP pipeline.
+ """
+ ConfigClass = AssembleCellCoaddConfig
+ _DefaultName = "assembleCellCoadd"
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.makeSubtask("input_recorder")
+ self.makeSubtask("interpolate_coadd")
+ self.makeSubtask("scale_zero_point")
+ def runQuantum(self, butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs):
+ # Docstring inherited.
+ inputData = butlerQC.get(inputRefs)
+ if not inputData["inputWarps"]:
+ raise NoWorkFound("No input warps provided for co-addition")
+ self.log.info("Found %d input warps", len(inputData["inputWarps"]))
+ # Construct skyInfo expected by run
+ # Do not remove skyMap from inputData in case _makeSupplementaryData
+ # needs it
+ skyMap = inputData["skyMap"]
+ if not skyMap.config.tractBuilder.name == "cells":
+ raise RuntimeError("AssembleCellCoaddTask requires a cell-based skymap.")
+ outputDataId = butlerQC.quantum.dataId
+ inputData["skyInfo"] = makeSkyInfo(
+ skyMap, tractId=outputDataId["tract"], patchId=outputDataId["patch"]
+ )
+ self.common = CommonComponents(
+ units=CoaddUnits.legacy, # until the ScaleZeroPointTask can scale it to nJy.
+ wcs=inputData["skyInfo"].patchInfo.wcs,
+ band=outputDataId.get("band", None),
+ identifiers=PatchIdentifiers.from_data_id(outputDataId),
+ )
+ returnStruct = self.run(**inputData)
+ butlerQC.put(returnStruct, outputRefs)
+ return returnStruct
+ @staticmethod
+ def _compute_weight(maskedImage, statsCtrl):
+ """Compute a weight for a masked image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ maskedImage : `~lsst.afw.image.MaskedImage`
+ The masked image to compute the weight.
+ statsCtrl : `~lsst.afw.math.StatisticsControl`
+ A control (config-like) object for StatisticsStack.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ weight : `float`
+ Inverse of the clipped mean variance of the masked image.
+ """
+ statObj = afwMath.makeStatistics(
+ maskedImage.getVariance(), maskedImage.getMask(), afwMath.MEANCLIP, statsCtrl
+ )
+ meanVar, _ = statObj.getResult(afwMath.MEANCLIP)
+ weight = 1.0 / float(meanVar)
+ return weight
+ @staticmethod
+ def _construct_grid(skyInfo):
+ """Construct a UniformGrid object from a SkyInfo struct.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ skyInfo : `~lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
+ A Struct object
+ Returns
+ -------
+ grid : `~lsst.cell_coadds.UniformGrid`
+ A UniformGrid object.
+ """
+ # grid has no notion about border or inner/outer boundaries.
+ # So we have to clip the outermost border when constructing the grid.
+ grid_bbox = skyInfo.patchInfo.outer_bbox.erodedBy(skyInfo.patchInfo.getCellBorder())
+ grid = UniformGrid.from_bbox_cell_size(grid_bbox, skyInfo.patchInfo.getCellInnerDimensions())
+ return grid
+ def _construct_grid_container(self, skyInfo, statsCtrl):
+ """Construct a grid of AccumulatorMeanStack instances.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ skyInfo : `~lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
+ A Struct object
+ statsCtrl : `~lsst.afw.math.StatisticsControl`
+ A control (config-like) object for StatisticsStack.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ gc : `~lsst.cell_coadds.GridContainer`
+ A GridContainer object container one AccumulatorMeanStack per cell.
+ """
+ grid = self._construct_grid(skyInfo)
+ # Initialize the grid container with AccumulatorMeanStacks
+ gc = GridContainer[AccumulatorMeanStack](grid.shape)
+ for cellInfo in skyInfo.patchInfo:
+ stacker = AccumulatorMeanStack(
+ # The shape is for the numpy arrays, hence transposed.
+ shape=(cellInfo.outer_bbox.height, cellInfo.outer_bbox.width),
+ bit_mask_value=afwImage.Mask.getPlaneBitMask(self.config.bad_mask_planes),
+ calc_error_from_input_variance=self.config.calc_error_from_input_variance,
+ compute_n_image=False,
+ )
+ gc[cellInfo.index] = stacker
+ return gc
+ def _construct_stats_control(self):
+ statsCtrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
+ statsCtrl.setAndMask(afwImage.Mask.getPlaneBitMask(self.config.bad_mask_planes))
+ statsCtrl.setNanSafe(True)
+ return statsCtrl
+ def run(self, inputWarps, skyInfo, **kwargs):
+ statsCtrl = self._construct_stats_control()
+ gc = self._construct_grid_container(skyInfo, statsCtrl)
+ coadd_inputs_gc = GridContainer(gc.shape)
+ for cellInfo in skyInfo.patchInfo:
+ coadd_inputs = self.input_recorder.makeCoaddInputs()
+ # Reserve the absolute maximum of how many ccds, visits
+ # we could potentially have.
+ coadd_inputs.ccds.reserve(len(inputWarps))
+ coadd_inputs.visits.reserve(len(inputWarps))
+ coadd_inputs_gc[cellInfo.index] = coadd_inputs
+ # Read in one warp at a time, and accumulate it in all the cells that
+ # it completely overlaps.
+ for warpRef in inputWarps:
+ warp = warpRef.get()
+ # Pre-process the warp before coadding.
+ # Each Warp that goes into a coadd will typically have an
+ # independent photometric zero-point. Therefore, we must scale each
+ # Warp to set it to a common photometric zeropoint.
+ self.scale_zero_point.run(exposure=warp, dataRef=warpRef)
+ # Coadd the warp onto the cells it completely overlaps.
+ edge = afwImage.Mask.getPlaneBitMask("EDGE")
+ for cellInfo in skyInfo.patchInfo:
+ bbox = cellInfo.outer_bbox
+ stacker = gc[cellInfo.index]
+ mi = warp[bbox].getMaskedImage()
+ if (mi.getMask().array & edge).any():
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Skipping %s in cell %s because it has an EDGE", warpRef.dataId, cellInfo.index
+ )
+ continue
+ weight = self._compute_weight(mi, statsCtrl)
+ if not np.isfinite(weight):
+ # Log at the debug level, because this can be quite common.
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Non-finite weight for %s in cell %s: skipping", warpRef.dataId, cellInfo.index
+ )
+ continue
+ stacker.add_masked_image(mi, weight=weight)
+ coadd_inputs = coadd_inputs_gc[cellInfo.index]
+ self.input_recorder.addVisitToCoadd(coadd_inputs, warp[bbox], weight)
+ del warp
+ cells: list[SingleCellCoadd] = []
+ for cellInfo in skyInfo.patchInfo:
+ stacker = gc[cellInfo.index]
+ cell_masked_image = afwImage.MaskedImageF(cellInfo.outer_bbox)
+ stacker.fill_stacked_masked_image(cell_masked_image)
+ # Post-process the coadd before converting to new data structures.
+ if self.config.do_interpolate_coadd:
+ self.interpolate_coadd.run(cell_masked_image, planeName="NO_DATA")
+ # The variance must be positive; work around for DM-3201.
+ varArray = cell_masked_image.variance.array
+ with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
+ varArray[:] = np.where(varArray > 0, varArray, np.inf)
+ # Finalize the PSF on the cell coadds.
+ coadd_inputs = coadd_inputs_gc[cellInfo.index]
+ coadd_inputs.ccds.sort()
+ coadd_inputs.visits.sort()
+ cell_coadd_psf = CoaddPsf(coadd_inputs.ccds, skyInfo.wcs, self.config.coadd_psf.makeControl())
+ image_planes = OwnedImagePlanes.from_masked_image(cell_masked_image)
+ identifiers = CellIdentifiers(
+ cell=cellInfo.index,
+ skymap=self.common.identifiers.skymap,
+ tract=self.common.identifiers.tract,
+ patch=self.common.identifiers.patch,
+ band=self.common.identifiers.band,
+ )
+ singleCellCoadd = SingleCellCoadd(
+ outer=image_planes,
+ psf=cell_coadd_psf.computeKernelImage(cell_coadd_psf.getAveragePosition()),
+ inner_bbox=cellInfo.inner_bbox,
+ inputs=None, # TODO
+ common=self.common,
+ identifiers=identifiers,
+ )
+ # TODO: Attach transmission curve when they become available.
+ cells.append(singleCellCoadd)
+ grid = self._construct_grid(skyInfo)
+ multipleCellCoadd = MultipleCellCoadd(
+ cells,
+ grid=grid,
+ outer_cell_size=cellInfo.outer_bbox.getDimensions(),
+ inner_bbox=None,
+ common=self.common,
+ psf_image_size=cells[0].psf_image.getDimensions(),
+ )
+ return Struct(
+ multipleCellCoadd=multipleCellCoadd,
+ )
+class ConvertMulipleCellCoaddToExposureConnections(
+ PipelineTaskConnections,
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "band", "skymap"),
+ defaultTemplates={"inputCoaddName": "deep", "inputCoaddSuffix": "Cell"},
+ cellCoaddExposure = Input(
+ doc="Output coadded exposure, produced by stacking input warps",
+ name="{inputCoaddName}Coadd{inputCoaddSuffix}",
+ storageClass="MultipleCellCoadd",
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "band"),
+ )
+ stitchedCoaddExposure = Output(
+ doc="Output stitched coadded exposure, produced by stacking input warps",
+ name="{inputCoaddName}Coadd{inputCoaddSuffix}_stitched",
+ storageClass="ExposureF",
+ dimensions=("tract", "patch", "skymap", "band"),
+ )
+class ConvertMultipleCellCoaddToExposureConfig(
+ PipelineTaskConfig, pipelineConnections=ConvertMulipleCellCoaddToExposureConnections
+ """A trivial PipelineTaskConfig class for
+ ConvertMultipleCellCoaddToExposureTask.
+ """
+ pass
+class ConvertMultipleCellCoaddToExposureTask(PipelineTask):
+ """An after burner PipelineTask that converts a cell-based coadd from
+ `MultipleCellCoadd` format to `ExposureF` format.
+ The run method stitches the cell-based coadd into contiguous exposure and
+ returns it in as an `Exposure` object. This is lossy as it preserves only
+ the pixels in the inner bounding box of the cells and discards the values
+ in the buffer region.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This task has no configurable parameters.
+ """
+ ConfigClass = ConvertMultipleCellCoaddToExposureConfig
+ _DefaultName = "convertMultipleCellCoaddToExposure"
+ def runQuantum(self, butlerQC, inputRefs, outputRefs):
+ inputData = butlerQC.get(inputRefs)
+ returnStruct = self.run(**inputData)
+ butlerQC.put(returnStruct, outputRefs)
+ def run(self, cellCoaddExposure):
+ return Struct(
+ stitchedCoaddExposure=cellCoaddExposure.stitch().asExposure(),
+ )
diff --git a/tests/assemble_coadd_test_utils.py b/tests/assemble_coadd_test_utils.py
index 1a55e5c6..a9c06c29 100644
--- a/tests/assemble_coadd_test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/assemble_coadd_test_utils.py
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
from lsst.meas.algorithms.testUtils import plantSources
from lsst.obs.base import MakeRawVisitInfoViaObsInfo
from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder import CoaddInputRecorderConfig, CoaddInputRecorderTask
+from lsst.skymap import Index2D, PatchInfo
__all__ = ["makeMockSkyInfo", "MockCoaddTestData"]
@@ -59,10 +60,15 @@ def makeMockSkyInfo(bbox, wcs, patch):
Patch geometry information.
- def getIndex():
- return patch
- patchInfo = pipeBase.Struct(getIndex=getIndex)
+ patchInfo = PatchInfo(
+ index=Index2D(0, 0),
+ sequentialIndex=patch,
+ innerBBox=bbox,
+ outerBBox=bbox,
+ tractWcs=wcs,
+ numCellsPerPatchInner=1,
+ cellInnerDimensions=(bbox.width, bbox.height),
+ )
skyInfo = pipeBase.Struct(bbox=bbox, wcs=wcs, patchInfo=patchInfo)
return skyInfo
diff --git a/tests/test_assemble_cell_coadd.py b/tests/test_assemble_cell_coadd.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6e74ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_assemble_cell_coadd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# This file is part of drp_tasks.
+# LSST Data Management System
+# This product includes software developed by the
+# LSST Project (http://www.lsst.org/).
+# See COPYRIGHT file at the top of the source tree.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the LSST License Statement and
+# the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
+# see .
+import unittest
+import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
+import lsst.utils.tests
+from assemble_coadd_test_utils import MockCoaddTestData, makeMockSkyInfo
+from lsst.drp.tasks.assemble_cell_coadd import AssembleCellCoaddConfig, AssembleCellCoaddTask
+__all__ = (
+ "MockAssembleCellCoaddConfig",
+ "MockAssembleCellCoaddTask",
+class MockAssembleCellCoaddConfig(AssembleCellCoaddConfig):
+ pass
+class MockAssembleCellCoaddTask(AssembleCellCoaddTask):
+ """Lightly modified version of `AssembleCellCoaddTask` for unit tests.
+ The modifications bypass the usual middleware for loading data and setting
+ up the Task, and instead supply in-memory mock data references to the `run`
+ method so that the coaddition algorithms can be tested without a Butler.
+ """
+ ConfigClass = MockAssembleCellCoaddConfig
+ def runQuantum(self, mockSkyInfo, warpRefList):
+ """Modified interface for testing coaddition algorithms without a
+ Butler.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mockSkyInfo : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
+ A simple container that supplies a bounding box and WCS in the
+ same format as the output of
+ `lsst.pipe.tasks.CoaddBaseTask.getSkyInfo`
+ warpRefList : `list` of `lsst.pipe.tasks.MockExposureReference`
+ Data references to the test exposures that will be coadded,
+ using the Gen 3 API.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ retStruct : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
+ The coadded exposure and associated metadata.
+ """
+ self.common = pipeBase.Struct(
+ units=None,
+ wcs=mockSkyInfo.wcs,
+ band="i",
+ identifiers=pipeBase.Struct(skymap=None, tract=0, patch=42, band="i"),
+ )
+ retStruct = self.run(
+ warpRefList,
+ mockSkyInfo,
+ )
+ return retStruct
+class AssembleCellCoaddTestCase(lsst.utils.tests.TestCase):
+ """Tests of AssembleCellCoaddTask.
+ These tests bypass the middleware used for accessing data and managing Task
+ execution.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ patch = 42
+ tract = 0
+ testData = MockCoaddTestData(fluxRange=1e4)
+ exposures = {}
+ matchedExposures = {}
+ for expId in range(100, 110):
+ exposures[expId], matchedExposures[expId] = testData.makeTestImage(expId)
+ self.dataRefList = testData.makeDataRefList(
+ exposures, matchedExposures, "direct", patch=patch, tract=tract
+ )
+ self.skyInfo = makeMockSkyInfo(testData.bbox, testData.wcs, patch=patch)
+ def checkRun(self, assembleTask):
+ """Check that the task runs successfully."""
+ result = assembleTask.runQuantum(self.skyInfo, self.dataRefList)
+ # Check that we produced an exposure.
+ self.assertTrue(result.multipleCellCoadd is not None)
+ def testAssembleBasic(self):
+ """Test that AssembleCellCoaddTask runs successfully without errors.
+ This test does not check the correctness of the coaddition algorithms.
+ This is intended to prevent the code from bit rotting.
+ """
+ config = MockAssembleCellCoaddConfig()
+ assembleTask = MockAssembleCellCoaddTask(config=config)
+ self.checkRun(assembleTask)
+class MyMemoryTestCase(lsst.utils.tests.MemoryTestCase):
+ pass
+def setup_module(module):
+ lsst.utils.tests.init()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ lsst.utils.tests.init()
+ unittest.main()