This example demonstrates how to modify projects by adding new modules and how to make smaller modifications, such as updating project budgets.
Adding a New Module
Navigate to the terraform deployments directory.
Open either qserv or science platform. Then go into env directory.
Modify the .tfvars file for production, intergration or dev with the new module from the modules directory.
For example, to add a GCS Bucket use the bucket module:
+ module "storage_bucket" {
+ source = "./"
+ project_id = "rubin-shared-services-71ec"
+ names = ["first","second"]
+ prefix = "a-unique-suffix"
+ versioning = {
+ first = true
+ second = false
+ }
+ force_destroy = {
+ first = true
+ second = false
+ }
+ labels = {
+ environment = "test"
+ application = "shared_services"
+ }
Perform a pull request to a new branch to edit the project tfvars file.
Commit and push the changes onto the main branch.
Save and check in the file to GitHub. An automated GitHub Action will now run to perform a terraform plan to check syntax and formatting of the change.
Navigate to the Actions to watch that status.Once the GitHub Action worklow runs successfully approve the pull request. The same GitHub Action will now run with terraform apply.
Changing Project Budget Amount
Navigate to the terraform deployments directory.
Open either qserv or science platform. Then go into env directory.
Modify the .tfvars file for production, intergration or dev.
For example, the budget was previously set to 1000 and now it will be modified to 5000.
- budget_amount = 1000
+ budget_amount = 5000
Perform a pull request to a new branch to edit the project tfvars file.
Commit and push the changes onto the main branch.
Save and check in the file to GitHub. An automated GitHub Action will now run to perform a terraform plan to check syntax and formatting of the change.
Navigate to the Actions to watch that status.Once the GitHub Action worklow runs successfully approve the pull request. The same GitHub Action will now run with terraform apply.