VideoScripy is a collection of video processes including video Upscale and video frame Interpolation, it uses Python to generate FFmpeg, Real-ESRGAN and IFRNet command line script and performes serial processing on scanned mp4/mkv videos.
VideoScripyWebUI is a local web user interface developed with Dash, it has the goal of enhancing user experience.
⚠ Currently only compatible with Windows users who have Nvidia cards.
Simplest. Python, Tools are already setup.
Advantage : Beginner-friendly
- Download and extract the Embedded release
- Run the
to launch WebUI
(ffprobe on 64 ~2h long videos)
Reduce the video biteRate in order to gain storage space.
The processed videos will have a bitRate = width * height * quality, which quality=3 is generally the lowest value before appearance of artifacts (bad images, blurry...). In other words, humain wont notice the visual difference between video of quality 3 and 6. -
Reduce the video width and height.
Recover old video from 360p to 4K, enhance video quality.
Begin with a transformation of video to image frames, then upscale each frames, finally reassemble to video.
It has the ability to start from last upscal progress if the "_upscaled_frame" wasn't deleted. -
Increase video frame rate (FPS), smooth video motions.
Begin with a transformation of video to image frames, then interpolate between frames, finally reassemble to video. -
Merge all video, including each of its audio and subtitle by option, into mkv. Then use media player as PotPlayer to switch between video/audio/subtitle.
This project relies on the following software and projects :
Sounds come from :