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title gep-number creation-date status authors reviewers
15 Bastion Management and SSH Key Pair Rotation

GEP-15: Bastion Management and SSH Key Pair Rotation

Table of Contents


gardenctl (v1) has the functionality to setup ssh sessions to the targeted shoot cluster (nodes). To this end, infrastructure resources like VMs, public IPs, firewall rules, etc., have to be created. gardenctl will clean up the resources after termination of the ssh session (or rather, when the operator is done with her work). However, there were issues in the past where these infrastructure resources were not properly cleaned up afterwards, e.g., due to some error (no retries, either). Hence, the proposal is to have a dedicated controller (for each infrastructure) that manages the infrastructure resources and their cleanup. The current gardenctl also reused the ssh node credentials for the bastion host. While that's possible, it would be safer to rather use personal or generated ssh key pairs to access the bastion host. The static shoot-specific ssh key pair should be rotated regularly, e.g., once in the maintenance time window. This also means that we cannot create the node VMs anymore with infrastructure public keys as these cannot be revoked or rotated (e.g. in AWS) without terminating the VM itself.

Changes to the Bastion resource should only be allowed for controllers on seeds that are responsible for it. This cannot be restricted when using custom resources. The proposal, as outlined below, suggests to implement the necessary changes in the gardener core components and to adapt the SeedAuthorizer to consider Bastion resources that the Gardener API Server serves.


  • Operators can request and will be granted time-limited ssh access to shoot cluster nodes via bastion hosts.
  • To that end, requestors must present their public ssh key and only this will be installed into sshd on the bastion hosts.
  • The bastion hosts will be firewalled and ingress traffic will be permitted only from the client IP of the requestor. Except for traffic on port 22 to the cluster worker nodes, no egress from the bastion is allowed.
  • The actual node ssh private key (resp. key pair) will be rotated by Gardener and access to the nodes is only possible with this constantly rotated key pair and not with the personal one that is used only for the bastion host.
  • Bastion host and access is granted only for the extent of this operator request (of course multiple ssh sessions are possible, in parallel or repeatedly, but after "the time is up", access is no longer possible).
  • By these means (personal public key and allow-listed client IP) nobody else can use (a.k.a. impersonate) the requestor (not even other operators).
  • Necessary infrastructure resources for ssh access (such as VMs, public IPs, firewall rules, etc.) are automatically created and also terminated after usage, but at the latest after the above mentioned time span is up.


  • Node-specific access
  • Auditability on operating system level (not only auditing the ssh login, but everything that is done on a node and other respective resources, e.g., by using dedicated operating system users)
  • Reuse of temporarily created necessary infrastructure resources by different users


Involved Components

The following is a list of involved components that either need to be newly introduced, or extended if already existing:

  • Gardener API Server (GAPI)
  • gardenlet
    • Deploys Bastion CRD under the API Group to the Seed, see resource example below
    • Similar to BackupBuckets or BackupEntry, the gardenlet watches the Bastion resource in the garden cluster and creates a seed-local Bastion resource, on which the provider specific bastion controller acts upon
  • gardenctlv2 (or any other client)
    • Creates Bastion resource in the garden cluster
    • Establishes an ssh connection to a shoot node, using a bastion host as proxy
    • Heartbeats / keeps alive the Bastion resource during ssh connection
  • Gardener extension provider
  • Gardener Controller Manager (GCM)
    • Bastion heartbeat controller
      • Cleans up Bastion resource on missing heartbeat
      • Is configured with a maxLifetime for the Bastion resource
  • Gardener (RBAC)

SSH Flow

  1. Users should only get the RBAC permission to create / update Bastion resources for a namespace, if they should be allowed to ssh onto the shoot nodes in this namespace. A project member with admin role will have these permissions.
  2. User/gardenctlv2 creates the Bastion resource in the garden cluster (see resource example below).
    • First, gardenctl would figure out the own public IP of the user's machine. Either by calling an external service (gardenctl (v1) uses or by calling a binary that prints the public IP(s) to stdout. The binary should be configurable. The result is set under spec.ingress[].ipBlock.cidr.
    • Creates new ssh key pair. The newly created key pair is used only once for each bastion host, so it has a 1:1 relationship to it. It is cleaned up after it is not used anymore, e.g., if the Bastion resource was deleted.
    • The public ssh key is set under spec.sshPublicKey.
    • The targeted shoot is set under spec.shootRef.
  3. GAPI Admission Plugin for the Bastion resource in the garden cluster.
    • On creation, sets metadata.annotations[""] according to the user that created the resource.
    • When keepalive is set, it will be removed by GAPI from the annotations and status.lastHeartbeatTimestamp will be set with the current timestamp. The status.expirationTimestamp will be calculated by taking the last heartbeat timestamp and adding x minutes (configurable, default 60 Minutes).
    • Validates that only the creator of the bastion (see annotation) can update spec.ingress.
    • Validates that a Bastion can only be created for a Shoot if that Shoot is already assigned to a Seed.
    • Sets spec.seedName and spec.providerType based on the spec.shootRef.
  4. gardenlet
  5. Gardener extension provider / Bastion Controller on Seed:
    • With own Bastion Custom Resource Definition in the seed under the api group
    • Watches Bastion custom resources that are created by the gardenlet in the seed.
    • The controller reads the cloudprovider credentials from the seed-shoot namespace.
    • Deploys infrastructure resources:
      • Bastion VM. Uses user data from spec.userData.
      • Attaches public IP, creates security group, firewall rules, etc.
    • Updates the status of the Bastion resource:
      • With bastion IP under status.ingress.ip or hostname under status.ingress.hostname.
      • Updates the status.lastOperation with the status of the last reconcile operation.
  6. gardenlet
    • Syncs back the status.ingress and status.conditions of the Bastion resource in the seed to the garden cluster in case it changed.
  7. gardenctl
    • Initiates ssh session once status.conditions['BastionReady'] is true of the Bastion resource in the garden cluster.
      • Locates the private ssh key matching spec["sshPublicKey"] which was configured beforehand by the user.
      • Reads the bastion IP (status.ingress.ip) or hostname (status.ingress.hostname).
      • Reads the private key from the ssh key pair for the shoot node.
      • Opens an ssh connection to the bastion and from there to the respective shoot node.
    • Runs heartbeat in parallel as long as the ssh session is open by annotating the Bastion resource with keepalive.
  8. GCM:
    • Once status.expirationTimestamp is reached, the Bastion will be marked for deletion.
  9. gardenlet:
    • Once the Bastion resource in the garden cluster is marked for deletion, it marks the Bastion resource in the seed for deletion.
  10. Gardener extension provider / Bastion Controller on Seed:
    • All created resources will be cleaned up.
    • On succes, removes finalizer on Bastion resource in seed.
  11. gardenlet:
    • Removes finalizer on Bastion resource in garden cluster.

Resource Example

Bastion resource in the garden cluster

kind: Bastion
  generateName: cli-
  name: cli-abcdef
  namespace: garden-myproject
  annotations: foo # immutable, set by the GAPI Admission Plugin
    # keepalive # this annotation is removed by the GAPI and the status.lastHeartbeatTimestamp and status.expirationTimestamp will be updated accordingly
  shootRef: # namespace cannot be set / it's the same as .metadata.namespace
    name: my-cluster # immutable

  # the following fields are set by the GAPI
  seedName: aws-eu2
  providerType: aws

  sshPublicKey: c3NoLXJzYSAuLi4K # immutable, public `ssh` key of the user

  ingress: # can only be updated by the creator of the bastion
  - ipBlock:
      cidr: # public IP of the user. CIDR is a string representing the IP Block. Valid examples are "" or "2001:db9::/64"

  observedGeneration: 1

  # the following fields are managed by the controller in the seed and synced by gardenlet
  ingress: # IP or hostname of the bastion
    # hostname:

  - type: BastionReady # when the `status` is true of condition type `BastionReady`, the client can initiate the `ssh` connection
    status: 'True'
    lastTransitionTime: "2021-03-19T11:59:00Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2021-03-19T11:59:00Z"
    reason: BastionReady
    message: Bastion for the cluster is ready.

  # the following fields are only set by the GAPI
  lastHeartbeatTimestamp: "2021-03-19T11:58:00Z" # will be set when setting the annotation keepalive
  expirationTimestamp: "2021-03-19T12:58:00Z" # extended on each keepalive

Bastion custom resource in the seed cluster

kind: Bastion
  name: cli-abcdef
  namespace: shoot--myproject--mycluster
  userData: |- # this is normally base64-encoded, but decoded for the example. Contains spec.sshPublicKey from Bastion resource in garden cluster
    # create user
    # add ssh public key to authorized_keys
    # ...

  - ipBlock:

  type: aws # from extensionsv1alpha1.DefaultSpec

  observedGeneration: 1
    # hostname:
  - type: BastionReady
    status: 'True'
    lastTransitionTime: "2021-03-19T11:59:00Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2021-03-19T11:59:00Z"
    reason: BastionReady
    message: Bastion for the cluster is ready.

SSH Key Pair Rotation

Currently, the ssh key pair for the shoot nodes are created once during shoot cluster creation. These key pairs should be rotated on a regular basis.

Rotation Proposal

  • gardeneruser original user data component:
    • The gardeneruser create script should be changed into a reconcile script, and renamed accordingly. It needs to be adapted so that the authorized_keys file will be updated / overwritten with the current and old ssh public key from the cloud-config user data.
  • Rotation trigger:
    • Once in the maintenance time window
    • On demand, by annotating the shoot with rotate-ssh-keypair
  • On rotation trigger:
    • gardenlet
      • Prerequisite of ssh key pair rotation: all nodes of all the worker pools have successfully applied the desired version of their cloud-config user data.
      • Creates or updates the secret ssh-keypair.old with the content of ssh-keypair in the seed-shoot namespace. The old private key can be used by clients as fallback, in case the new ssh public key is not yet applied on the node.
      • Generates new ssh-keypair secret.
      • The OperatingSystemConfig needs to be re-generated and deployed with the new and old ssh public key.
    • As usual (for more details, see Contract: OperatingSystemConfig Resource):
      • Once the cloud-config-<X> secret in the kube-system namespace of the shoot cluster is updated, it will be picked up by the downloader script (checks every 30s for updates).
      • The downloader runs the "execution" script from the cloud-config-<X> secret.
      • The "execution" script includes also the original user data script, which it writes to PATH_CLOUDCONFIG, compares it against the previous cloud config and runs the script in case it has changed.
      • Running the original user data script will also run the gardeneruser component, where the authorized_keys file will be updated.
      • After the most recent cloud-config user data was applied, the "execution" script annotates the node with checksum/cloud-config-data: <cloud-config-checksum> to indicate the success.


Each operating system has its own default user (e.g. core, admin, ec2-user, etc). These users get their SSH keys during VM creation (however, there is a different handling on Google Cloud Platform, as stated below). These keys currently do not get rotated respectively are not removed from the authorized_keys file. This means that the initial ssh key will still be valid for the default operating system user.

On Google Cloud Platform, the VMs do not have any static users (i.e. no gardener user) and there is an agent on the nodes that syncs the users with their SSH keypairs from the GCP IAM service.