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naive dns client library in zig

help me decide if this api is good: #10

what does it do

  • serialization and deserialization of dns packets as per rfc1035
  • supports a subset of rdata (i do not have any plans to support 100% of DNS, but SRV/MX/TXT/A/AAAA are there, which most likely will be enough for your use cases)
  • has helpers for reading /etc/resolv.conf (not that much, really)

what does it not do

  • no edns0
  • support all resolv.conf options
  • can deserialize pointer labels, but does not serialize into pointers
  • follow CNAME records, this provides only the basic serialization/deserializtion

how do

  • zig 0.12.0:
  • have a /etc/resolv.conf
  • tested on linux, should work on bsd i think
git clone ...
cd zigdig

zig build test
zig build install --prefix ~/.local/

and then

zigdig a

or, for the host(1) equivalent


using the library

getAddressList-style api

const dns = @import("dns");

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer {
        _ = gpa.deinit();
    var allocator = gpa.alloator();

    var addresses = try dns.helpers.getAddressList("", allocator);
    defer addresses.deinit();

    for (addresses.addrs) |address| {
        std.debug.print("we live in a society {}\n", .{address});

full api

const dns = @import("dns");

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer {
        _ = gpa.deinit();
    var allocator = gpa.alloator();

    var name_buffer: [128][]const u8 = undefined;
    const name = try dns.Name.fromString("", &name_buffer);

    var questions = [_]dns.Question{
            .name = name,
            .typ = .A,
            .class = .IN,

    var packet = dns.Packet{
        .header = .{
            .id = dns.helpers.randomHeaderId(),
            .is_response = false,
            .wanted_recursion = true,
            .question_length = 1,
        .questions = &questions,
        .answers = &[_]dns.Resource{},
        .nameservers = &[_]dns.Resource{},
        .additionals = &[_]dns.Resource{},

    // use helper function to connect to a resolver in the systems'
    // resolv.conf

    const conn = try dns.helpers.connectToSystemResolver();
    defer conn.close();

    try conn.sendPacket(packet);

    // you can also do this to support any Writer
    // const written_bytes = try packet.writeTo(some_fun_writer_goes_here);

    const reply = try conn.receivePacket(allocator, 4096);
    defer reply.deinit();

    // you can also do this to support any Reader
    // const packet = try dns.Packet.readFrom(some_fun_reader, allocator);
    // defer packet.deinit();

    const reply_packet = reply.packet;"reply: {}", .{reply_packet});

    try std.testing.expectEqual(,;
    try std.testing.expect(reply_packet.header.is_response);

    // ASSERTS that there's one A resource in the answer!!! you should verify
    // reply_packet.header.opcode to see if there's any errors

    const resource = reply_packet.answers[0];
    var resource_data = try dns.ResourceData.fromOpaque(
    defer resource_data.deinit(allocator);

    // you now have an to use to your hearts content
    const ziglang_address = resource_data.A;

it is recommended to look at zigdig's source on src/main.zig to understand how things tick using the library, but it boils down to three things:

  • packet generation and serialization
  • sending/receiving (via a small shim on top of std.os.socket)
  • packet deserialization