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File metadata and controls

99 lines (69 loc) · 2.52 KB



Neural Circuit:

  • Command neurons: AVBL, AVBR
  • Motor neurons: DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7
  • Muscles: DL(6,8-24), DR(8-24)


  • Gap-junctions:
    • DB1 - DB2, DB2 - DB3, ..., DB6 - DB7
    • muscle - muscle
  • Delayed gap-junctions:
    • AVB(L/R) - DB(1-7) (no connection between AVBL - DB1)
  • Chemical synapses:
    • DB - muscle

Simulation Setup:

  • duration: 1000 ms
  • dt: 0.05
  • Injected current:
    • Target: AVB(L/R)
    • Current: 15 pA
    • Time: 50 ms <= t < 900 ms


Parameters for the genetic algorithm:

  • Population size: 130
  • Selection size / offspring size: 30
  • Mutation rate: 0.1
  • Termination conditions:
    • Maximal number of evaluations: 2000

Parameters to optimize

  • conductance of the gap-junctions.
  • conductance, sigma, mu, of the delayed gap-junctions.
  • conductance of the chemical-synapses.


  • AVB - DB
    • conductance: [0.00052, 0.06252] nS
    • sigma: [0.1, 0.9] per_mV
    • mu: [-70, 20] mV
  • DB1 - DB2, ..., DB6 - DB7
    • conductance: [0.00002, 0.04252] nS
  • DB - muscle
    • conductance: [0.02, 2] nS
  • muscle - muscle
    • conductance: [0.00002, 0.00050] nS

Targets of the optimization:

  • 'first spike time' of DB motor neurons (spike time is depending on the spike theshold of -20 mV).
    • DB1 at t=115 ms
    • DB2 at t=125 ms
    • DB3 at t=135 ms
    • DB4 at t=145 ms
    • DB5 at t=155 ms
    • DB6 at t=165 ms
    • DB7 at t=175 ms


  • 'DB1/0/GenericNeuronCell/v:first_spike_time': 138.55
  • 'DB2/0/GenericNeuronCell/v:first_spike_time': 143.35
  • 'DB3/0/GenericNeuronCell/v:first_spike_time': 143.7
  • 'DB4/0/GenericNeuronCell/v:first_spike_time': 147.04999999999998
  • 'DB5/0/GenericNeuronCell/v:first_spike_time': 145.95
  • 'DB6/0/GenericNeuronCell/v:first_spike_time': 146.8
  • 'DB7/0/GenericNeuronCell/v:first_spike_time': 144.9

fitness evolution neurons membrane potential heatmap neurons membrane potential traces muscles membrane potential heatmap muscles membrane potential traces

All the parameters for the best individual can be found inside the nml file at CASE1AVB_DB.nml.

To rerun the simulation for the best individual execute pynml LEMS_CASE1AVB_DB.xml.


Due to the huge number of parameters and the corresponding ranges, the optimizer didn't find a good solution for the given number of max evaluations.