First off, thanks for contributing to this project. It's people like you -- your time and effort in reporting bugs, suggesting features, or submitting pull requests -- that make this project and so many others like it in the Emacs world a joy to work with. Stay awesome!
Magithub's vision is to become the bridge between the git
VCS and
GitHub social network. Not only do I want to replicate the standard
functionality you would expect from a GitHub client, but I want to
closely integrate Magit's workflows with GitHub's featureset to
develop and optimize the broader experience of using git
with other
Magit itself may include such support in the future, though probably to a less-specialized extent. At present, Magithub is focusing on GitHub (although the lessons learned here could be applied to a Magitlab, for instance).
Ugh, nasty bugs! Every software project has them (except TeX, vπ), and many of them are found only by users like you. As you write your issue, please follow the instructions the issue template provides. A stack trace helps tremendously!
Sometimes there are intermittent bugs that cannot be reproduced easily. Anyone who develops software can tell you that it is very difficult to debug an issue that you cannot see. For this reason, the 'unconfirmed' label indicates an issue that hasn't been reproduced by a maintainer and the 'waiting' label indicates an issue is waiting for some response from the folks who are actually experiencing it. Any issue that has had the 'waiting' label for more than two weeks can be closed as 'not reproducible'. If you are still having the issue after that time, please do re-open the issue! I don't mean to say that bugs are features, but I don't want to give a false first impression of bugginess.
Feature requests are always welcome! Pull requests even more so. :wink: Know however that this is a project I do in my free time; sometimes life gets in the way of doing this development -- or even reviewing development from a pull request. Don't let that deter you :smile: It will be reviewed.
Additions of more unit tests are always appreciated -- as well as improvements to the overall unit test approach. The only thing I would like to continue to avoid is making real API requests (since this makes pull requests difficult), so please mock the response for any such test you write. Reach out on Gitter if you need a hand.