Please prepare dataset in the following format.
For easier use, we suggest to use the datasets we have pre-processed in Hugging Face OMG-Seg dataset and OMG-LLaVA.
The default setting as mmdetection.
├── coco
│ ├── annotations
│ │ ├── panoptic_{train,val}2017.json
│ │ ├── instance_{train,val}2017.json
│ ├── train2017
│ ├── val2017
│ ├── panoptic_{train,val}2017/ # png annotations
Please use the scripts in ext/cityscapes_scripts/ to generate COCO-style cityscape panoptic segmentation format.
python ext/cityscapes_scripts/ --dataset-folder ./data/cityscapes --output-folder ./data/cityscapes
├── cityscapes
│ ├── annotations
│ │ ├── cityscapes_panoptic_train_trainId.json # panoptic json file
│ │ ├── cityscapes_panoptic_val_trainId.json
│ │ ├── cityscapes_panoptic_train_trainId # panoptic png file
│ │ ├── cityscapes_panoptic_val_trainId # panoptic png file
│ ├── leftImg8bit # training images
│ ├── gtFine # origin gt files
│ │ ├──
│ │
Use the scripts tools/dataset_convert/ to convert origin json to COCO-style.
python tools/dataset_convert/ -i ./data/youtubevis2019 --version 2019
python tools/dataset_convert/ -i ./data/youtubevis2021 --version 2021
The final results are shown here:
├── youtubevis2019
│ ├── annotations
│ │ ├── youtube_vis_2019_train.json
│ │ ├── youtube_vis_2019_valid.json
│ ├── train
│ │ ├──JPEGImages
│ │ │ ├──video folders
│ ├── valid
│ │ ├──JPEGImages
│ │ │ ├──video folders
├── youtubevis2021
│ ├── annotations
│ │ ├── youtube_vis_2021_train.json
│ │ ├── youtube_vis_2021_valid.json
│ ├── train
│ │ ├──JPEGImages
│ │ │ ├──video folders
│ ├── valid
│ │ ├──JPEGImages
│ │ │ ├──video folders
Download the origin dataset from the official repo.
Following official repo, we use resized videos for training and evaluation (The short size of the input is set to 720).
├── VIPSeg
│ ├── imgs
│ │ ├── 1241_qYvEuwrSiXc
│ ├──*.jpg
│ ├── panomasks
│ │ ├── 1241_qYvEuwrSiXc
│ ├──*.png
│ ├── panomasksRGB
The default setting as mmdet, note that please use our pre-processed ADE annotations.
├── ade
│ ├── ADEChallengeData2016
│ │ ├── images/
│ │ ├── annotations/
│ │ ├── ade20k_panoptic_train/
│ │ ├── ade20k_panoptic_val/
│ │ ├── ade20k_panoptic_train.json
│ │ ├── ade20k_panoptic_val.json
Please download DAVIS datasets as default.
Finally, link the download the dataset into the data folder as
├── ext
├── figs
├── seg
├── omg_llava
├── tools
├── data
│ ├──coco
│ ├──ade
│ ├──cityscapes
│ ├──VIPSeg
│ ├──youtube_vis_2019
│ ├──youtube_vis_2021
│ ├──DAVIS
Please download OMG-LLaVA dataset from HuggingFace webpage.
├── data
│ ├──glamm_data
│ ├──llava_data
│ ├──mdpv_point
│ ├──ref_seg
│ ├──region_caption
│ ├──semantic_seg