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Build tools:

  • compiler: gcc or clang
  • build automation tools: make + cmake

Required libraries:

(Optional) Tools for running tests and building documentation:

(Optional) Bindings for other languages:

Swig must be installed. Bindigs are generated during make phase.

  • Python bindings require python-dev to be installed.
  • Lua bindings require lua5.2 to be installed.

(Optional) Netopeer2 NETCONF server

Can be installed to enable remote management via NETCONF. Requires libnetconf2 library. Follow the instructions on Netopeer2 site, or have a look at the Dockerfile for Sysrepo & Netopeer2 integration.

Installation of required libraries:

On Debian-like Linux distributions:

  • apt-get install git cmake build-essential bison flex libpcre3-dev libev-dev libavl-dev libprotobuf-c-dev protobuf-c-compiler
  • (optional) apt-get install valgrind swig python-dev lua5.2
  • CMocka and libyang need to be installed from sources

On FreBSD:

  • pkg install cmake git protobuf protobuf-c libev libredblack
  • CMocka and libyang need to be installed from sources

On Mac OS X:

  • brew install cmake protobuf protobuf-c libev
  • CMocka, libyang and libredblack need to be installed from sources

Installation of required libraries from sources


$ git clone git://
$ cd cmocka
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
$ make
# make install


# apt-get install libpcre3-dev
$ git clone
$ cd libyang; mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
# make install

Google Protocol Buffers (not needed if already installed from packages):

# apt-get install autoconf libtool
$ git clone
$ cd protobuf
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

Protobuf-c (not needed if already installed from packages):

$ git clone
$ cd protobuf-c
$ ./ && ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
# make install

libredblack (not needed if libavl/libredbalck already installed from packages):

$ git clone
$ cd libredblack
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

Building sysrepo

  1. Get the source code and prepare the build directory:
$ git clone
$ cd sysrepo
$ mkdir build; cd build

2 a) Configure build for production use (Release build):


2 b) Configure build for testing and development (Debug build):

$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

By default, a debug build results in a prefixed installation. The repository is placed in the build directory, and so are the PID files and other runtime data. To enable a debug build while still using the systemwide installation of sysrepo, pass the -DIS_DEVELOPER_CONFIGURATION=OFF to CMake.

  1. Build:
$ make

4 a) Run unit tests (some of them applicable only to Debug build)

$ ctest

4 b) Install

$ make install
  1. (optional) Build Doxygen documentation:
make doc

Docker and sysrepo

Sysrepo regulary builds docker images, the official image is sysrepo/sysrepo-netopeer2 and it is based on ubuntu 16.04.

There are also dockerfiles for master and devel branches, the supported platforms are:

All of the dockerfiles can be found here platforms

Useful CMake options

Changing build mode:

Sysrepo supports two build modes:

  • Release - generates the library and executables for the production use, without any debug information and with compiler optimization of the code enabled. Default for the master branch.
  • Debug - generates the library and executables with the debug information and disables any compiler optimizations of the code, enables all unit tests. Default for the development branches.

To change the build mode use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable as follows: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Changing install path:

To change the location where the library, headers and any other files are installed (default is /usr/local), use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable as follows: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr ..

Changing repository location:

Sysrepo stores all YANG models and corresponding data files in so-named repository location. By default, the repository location is set to /etc/sysrepo for Release build and tests/data (relatively to the directory from which the cmake command is executed) for Debug build. To change default values, use REPOSITORY_LOC variable as follows: cmake -DREPOSITORY_LOC:PATH=/etc/sysrepo ..

Changing plugins directory location:

All sysrepo plugins should be placed into plugins directory. This defaults to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/sysrepo/plugins/ (e.g. /usr/local/lib/sysrepo/plugins/) and can be changed by PLUGINS_DIR variable as follows: cmake -DPLUGINS_DIR:PATH=/opt/sysrepo/plugins ..

Building with / without examples:

By default, some example programs are built with sysrepo and several example YANG modules are installed into sysrepo repository, along with some meaningless data. If you wish to not build and install them, use BUILD_EXAMPLES varibale as follows: cmake -DBUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=FALSE ..

Adjusting timeouts:

There are several timeouts that can be configured via CMake variables:

CMake variable Default value Description
REQUEST_TIMEOUT 3 sec Timeout (in seconds) for standard Sysrepo API requests. Set to 0 to disable request timeouts.
COMMIT_VERIFY_TIMEOUT 10 sec Timeout (in seconds) that a commit request can wait for answer from commit verifiers and change notification subscribers.
OPER_DATA_PROVIDE_TIMEOUT 2 sec Timeout (in seconds) that a request can wait for operational data from data providers.
NOTIF_AGE_TIMEOUT 60 min Timeout (in minutes) after which stored notifications will be aged out and erased from notification store.
NOTIF_TIME_WINDOW 10 min Time window (in minutes) for notifications to be grouped into one data file (larger window produces larger data files).

Enabling NACM

By default Netconf Access Control Model is disabled and only system access right are checked. To enable NACM use cmake -DENABLE_NACM:BOOL=ON ... Another useful option is cmake -DNACM_RECOVERY_UID:INTEGER=0 .. where you can specify the system UID of the user that will act as the recovery session which is a session that can perform any operation disregarding the data in NACM.

Cross-compiling notes

Sysrepo's build produces binaries which are going to be used later in the build process, most notably the sysrepoctl and sysrepocfg. That presents an obstacle when cross-compiling, i.e., when the host system's architecture differs from the target.

One way of solving this problem is building sysrepo twice. The first build is for the host architecture, but it is configured to use a REPOSITORY_LOC pointing to /etc/sysrepo in target's rootfs. The second build then targets the actual target architecture as usual, but this time it's configured with CALL_SYSREPOCTL_BIN=path/to/host/sysrepoctl and CALL_SYSREPOCFG_BIN=..., respectively. This approach is reasonably straightforward with build environment such as Buildroot.

If your platform/system prefers to use another approach, it is also possible to disable execution of these tools by setting CALL_TARGET_BINS_DIRECTLY=OFF. In that case, sysrepo produces an shell script in the build directory. YANG files that are needed are copied to INDIRECT_YANG_INSTALL_DIR. Note that sysrepod will fail to start until you install these yang files on your target system.

Using sysrepo

By installation, three main parts of sysrepo are installed on the system: sysrepoctl tool, sysrepo library and sysrepo daemon.

Using sysrepoctl & sysrepocfg tools

sysrepoctl is a tool for the management of YANG modules installed in sysrepo. It can be used for installing of new YANG modules to sysrepo, uninstalling existing ones, listing current state of installed modules, enabling / disabling of YANG features within the module or changing access permissions.

sysrepocfg can be used for importing data from / to sysrepo, as well as for editing startup or running configuration of specified module in preferred text editor.

Detailed usage of the tools can be displayed by executing sysrepoctl -h or sysrepocfg -h. Here are some examples of the usage:

Install a new module by specifying YANG file, ownership and access permissions:

sysrepoctl --install --yang=/home/user/ietf-interfaces.yang --owner=admin:admin --permissions=644

Change the ownership and permissions of an existing YANG module:

sysrepoctl --change --module=ietf-interfaces --owner=admin:admin --permissions=644

Enable a feature within a YANG module:

sysrepoctl --feature-enable=if-mib --module=ietf-interfaces

Export (dump) startup datastore data of a YANG module into a file in XML format:

sysrepocfg --export=dump_file.xml --format=xml --datastore=startup ietf-interfaces

Import startup datastore data of a YANG module from a file in XML format:

sysrepocfg --import=dump_file.xml --format=xml ietf-interfaces

Using sysrepo library in your application

Sysrepo library is an interface between sysrepo datastore and northbound and southbound applications. To use it, you need to link libsysrepo to your application and include sysrepo public header file in the source that needs to use it:

#include <sysrepo.h>
sr_conn_ctx_t *conn = NULL;
sr_connect("application_name", SR_CONN_DEFAULT, &conn);

See examples directory for more usage examples.

Starting sysrepo daemon

Sysrepo deamon provides the functionality of the datastore on the system and should normally be automatically started by system startup. However, auto-start is not configured by cmake install operation and you need to configure it yourself, accroding to the guidelines of your system.

Sysrepo deamon can be started by executing of the following command:


The daemon accepts several arguments aimed for debugging. You can display them by executing sysrepod -h:

$ sysrepod -h
sysrepod - sysrepo daemon, version 0.1.12

  sysrepod [-h] [-d] [-v <level>]

  -h            Prints this usage help.
  -d            Debug mode - daemon will run in the foreground and print logs to stderr instead of syslog.
  -v <level>    Sets verbosity level of logging:
                    0 = all logging turned off
                    1 = log only error messages
                    2 = (default) log error and warning messages
                    3 = log error, warning and informational messages
                    4 = log everything, including development debug messages

Starting sysrepo plugin daemon

Sysrepo plugin daemon loads all plugins (shared libraries) located in the plugins directory. It works similarly to the main sysrepo damon described above (and also accepts the same arguments) and can be started by executing of the following command:


Subscribing to running datastore

As described in the documentation section named Datastores & Sessions, to enable a configuration subtree in the running datastore, some application needs to subscribe for the changes in the subtree in sysrepo datastore. If no application has subscribed for specified subtree, it would have no data in the running datastore and all attempts to modify the subtree in the running datastore will result into an error.

For testing purposes, you can use application_example or application_changes_example from the examples subdirectory. These applications subscribe for chnges in the module specified as the argument and print the new configuration after it has changed:

examples/application_example ietf-interfaces