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You are given an array nums​​​ and an integer k​​​​​. The XOR of a segment [left, right] where left <= right is the XOR of all the elements with indices between left and right, inclusive: nums[left] XOR nums[left+1] XOR ... XOR nums[right].

Return the minimum number of elements to change in the array such that the XOR of all segments of size k​​​​​​ is equal to zero.


Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,2,0,3,0], k = 1
Output: 3
Explanation: Modify the array from [1,2,0,3,0] to from [0,0,0,0,0].

Example 2:

Input: nums = [3,4,5,2,1,7,3,4,7], k = 3
Output: 3
Explanation: Modify the array from [3,4,5,2,1,7,3,4,7] to [3,4,7,3,4,7,3,4,7].

Example 3:

Input: nums = [1,2,4,1,2,5,1,2,6], k = 3
Output: 3
Explanation: Modify the array from [1,2,4,1,2,5,1,2,6] to [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3].



  • 1 <= k <= nums.length <= 2000
  • ​​​​​​0 <= nums[i] < 210

Related Topics:
Dynamic Programming


First turn the array A into the XOR results. Let v[i] = A[i] ^ A[i + 1] ^ ... ^ A[i + k - 1]


A = [3,4,5,2,1,7,3,4,7]
v = [2,3,6,4,5,0,0]

To turn v[0] to 0, we have k options.

  • We change A[0] to A[0] ^ v[0], then only v[0] becomes 0.
  • We change A[1] to A[1] ^ v[0], then v[0] becomes 0, v[1] becomes v[1] ^ v[0].
  • We change A[2] to A[2] ^ v[0], then v[0] becomes 0, v[1] becomes v[1] ^ v[0], v[2] becomes v[2] ^ v[0].
  • ...
  • We change A[k - 1] to A[k - 1] ^ v[0], then v[0] becomes 0, v[1] becomes v[1] ^ v[0], ..., v[k - 1] becomes v[k - 1] ^ v[0].

From these k options, we select the optimal one.

Solution 1.

// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O()
// Space: O()
class Solution {
    int minChanges(vector<int>& v, int k) {
        int n = v.size();
        // freq[i][x] = frequency of the number x at position i where i in [0, k - 1]
        vector<vector<int> > freq(k, vector<int>(1024, 0));
        /* dp[i][j] = minimum total number of elements we need to change from index 0 to i so that
           the xor of the subarray from index 0 to i is equal to j */
        vector<vector<int> > dp(k, vector<int>(1024, n + 1));
        // numsAtPosition[i] = set of unique numbers at position i where i in [0, k - 1]
        unordered_set<int> numsAtPosition[k];
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            int position = i % k;
        int bestUptoLast = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // this loop runs k times
            // how many i indices exist in the array
            int cntOfPos = n / k + (((n % k) > i) ? 1 : 0);
            // will track best value at i
            int bestAti = n + 1;
            // find the best way to make the xor sum equal to j from index 0 to i
            for(int j = 0; j < 1024; j++) { // this loop runs 1024 times
                if(i == 0) {
                    dp[i][j] = cntOfPos - freq[i][j];
                else {
                    // iterate over all numbers that occur at index i
                    for(auto x : numsAtPosition[i]) { // this loop runs n/k times
                        dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j], dp[i - 1][j ^ x] + cntOfPos - freq[i][x]);
                    // this will do for all the numbers that don't occur at index i
                    // we are changing all the numbers at index i with an arbitrary number that gives best result
                    dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j], bestUptoLast + cntOfPos);
                bestAti = min(bestAti, dp[i][j]);
            bestUptoLast = bestAti;
        return dp[k - 1][0];