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147 lines (130 loc) · 9.1 KB


File metadata and controls

147 lines (130 loc) · 9.1 KB

Release Notes


August 10, 2024

  • Added Fixation, a new module for playing back audio from Memory. It specializes in rhythmic, small interval playing
    • Videos featuring Fixation:
    • Documentation here.
  • Memory, when loading a file, now smooths the ending and beginning to ensure there is no sudden "click" when looping from beginning to end (or vice versa).
  • Made the text windows on Fermata, BASICally, and TTY more efficient on the UI thread. This won't affect the measured performance of these modules, but you may see slightly higher FPS numbers when using these modules.
  • Added string variables and arrays to BASICally:
    • A variable name that ends with a "$" (e.g., a$, foo$, mod_name$) can only hold a string (i.e., a series of printable characters) instead of a number.
    • An array whose name ends in a "$" (e.g., bar$[], names$[3]) can only hold an array of strings.
    • These changes are only really useful when using print() to send text messages to other modules. See docs for details.


June 24, 2024

  • Memory gained access to the file system:
    • Memory can now load .WAV files into itself, replacing the entire contents of the Memory and resizing it.
    • Memory can save .WAV files as well.
    • Since file operations can take a widely varying amount of time, Memory sends out a trigger when those operations complete.
    • You can load and save files from the menu, or you can use BASICally to send Tipsy text messages to Memory to tell it to load or save a file.
    • Since surprising things can happen when loading or saving files, instead of silently failing, when you have the LOG output of Memory cabled to a TEXTn input on a TTY module, you can read the log of what happened on the TTY.
    • Videos about these features are here and here.
  • Ruminate now has two new menu options:
    • Fade on Move - affects the behavior when the slider or SET moves the position of the head. If checked (the default), the L&R outputs will be silent until the position stops changing. If not checked, then the playback will continue as it's being moved. See example video.
    • Use Speed as V/Oct - affects how the SPEED is interpreted. When unchecked (the default), the sum of the SPEED input and control is how many samples the playhead moves forward per sample emitted, so 1 is normal speed, .5 is half-speed. When checked, this sum will be interpreted the way that V/Oct is interpreted in most modules. See example video.
  • When the sliders on Ruminate and Embellish are released, they now resume normal operation more quickly.
  • Put a big "T" behind ports only input or output Tispy text messages. Put a less solid "T" on the BASICally OUTn ports, to suggest that they can emit both Tipsy and regular values.


May 6, 2024

  • BASICally no longer creates compilation threads on the audio thread, in hopes of eliminating slower-than-expected responsiveness to changes in the text of the program.
  • In BASICally, made '==' and '!=' less prone to the aggravation of floating-point comparison issues by making 'a == b' effectively "abs(a - b) < epsilon", where epsilon scales with larger a and b. I believe this will make equality checking far more intuitive, which in the VCV Rack/amateur programmer context is paramount.
  • Added the first release of the Memory System, four interrelated modules for audio recording and playback.


January 3, 2024

  • Fixed bug where on startup, WAIT times for some statements would randomly be zero length instead of the length asked for.


September 5, 2023

  • Introducing the idea of sending text by audio cable via the Tipsy protocol.
  • Added new print() and debug() methods to BASICally so it can send text to other modules.
  • Added a new module, TTY, for display of text from BASICally.
  • Added some quantization Presets to BASICally.


May 21, 2023

  • Added support for PgUp and PgDown keys in BASICally and Fermata.
  • Fermata now has six different label-only font sizes, five of them sideways.


May 11, 2023

  • Added a new text and labeling module called Fermata, for annotating and documenting a patch, or for writing a story while listening to one. A more capable version of VCV's Notes.
  • Also improved the BASICally editor (it's the same as the one Fermata uses). You can choose from different fonts, and fixed some bugs in scrolling. Added more presets.


April 10, 2023

  • Additional preset scripts for BASICally.
  • Drifter can now RESET to shapes other than a straight line at zero.
  • Drifter can drift the left and right end points in sync. This prevents sudden changes/transients when driving IN with a saw wave.
  • Fuse now has an UNTRIGGER input and button, which lowers the accumulated count of triggers.


February 12, 2023

  • Bug fixes to compilation.
  • Added new preset.


February 6, 2023

  • Added notion of "ALSO blocks" that run in parallel.
  • Added notion of "WHEN blocks" that are started when a condition is met.
  • Added "CLEAR ALL" command, which sets all variables to zero and empties all arrays.
  • Added "RESET" command, which interrupts all blocks and restarts them from the beginning.
  • Added start() and trigger(INn) functions, to know when the program has just been compiled or a trigger has been received.
  • Added log2(), loge(), and log10() functions.
  • Added time() and time_millis() functions for tracking the execution time more easily.
  • Added some factory Presets illustrating some interesting features of the module.
  • Added two more OUT ports, for a total of six.
  • Added the ability to "unclamp" OUTn ports; they are normally limited to the range -10 <= x <= 10. Useful for debugging scripts.
  • Fixed a few couple UI bugs, including undo/redo crashing Rack at times.
  • Made the screen a couple of lines taller.


January 9, 2023

  • Many UI changes:
    • STYLE knob is smaller, elements moved.
    • Now have nine INx ports instead of six.
    • The minimum width is now one “hole” smaller, and this hides the editing window.
    • Can enter a title for a module (via the menu) that shows up above the IN ports. Handy for stating what role the module plays in the patch.
    • Added menu option to change the status light from green/red to blue/orange.
    • And added new screen color options.
  • Added ‘elseif’. E.g., “IF a == 5 THEN … ELSEIF a == 4 THEN … “
  • Added methods about the environment, sample_rate() and connected().
  • Added methods for random number generation, random() and normal().
  • Added single dimension arrays, and a simple way to set a range of values.


December 19, 2022

Updates to BASICally:

  • Rejiggered UI elements.
  • The first line that confuses BASICally will be highlighted in red. This behavior can be turned off in the menu.
  • Text window scrolls when you get to the top or bottom. Longer programs!
  • Now have six INx ports instead of four.
  • Added scientific note notation: “out1 = c#3” and “if IN5 < bb3 then…” are now legal.
  • Now can have black text on white.
  • Some performance improvement.
  • Added all the Math functions to the menu.


December 12, 2022

Initial release of BASICally.


April 30, 2022

Initial release of Fuse.


April 13, 2022

Initial release of Drifter.