Reimplementation based on a327ex's tutorial
- Refresh Mai game development
- Make a complete game without abaddon the project
- Build and release the complete game
- Practice yolo game development
- Practice Lua and Love2D
[x] Chapter 1: Game Loop [x] Chapter 2: Libraries [x] Chapter 3: Room and Areas [x] Chapter 4: Excerises [x] Chapter 5: Game Basics [x] Chapter 6: Player Basics [ ] Chapter 7: Player Stats and Attacks [ ] Chapter 8: Enemies [ ] Chapter 9: Director and Gameplay Loop [ ] Chapter 10: Coding Practices [ ] Chapter 11: Passives [ ] Chapter 12: More Passives [ ] Chapter 13: Skill Trees [ ] Chapter 14: Console [ ] Chapter 15: Final
- camera
- a327ex/input
- luafun instead of Moses
- class instead of rxi/classic
- hump/timer
- windfield
- a327ex
- Love2D author and community
- MaiHD @ 2022 - 2024
- Unlicensed